The Mesmerist's Victim

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The Mesmerist's Victim Page 21

by Alexandre Dumas



  The marshal found his royal master in the little parlor, whither a fewcourtiers had followed him, preferring to lose their meal than have hisglances fall on somebody else.

  But Louis had other matters to do than look at these lords. Thepaltriness of these parasites would have made him smile at another time:but they awakened no emotion on this occasion in the railing monarch,who would spare no infirmity in his best friend--granting that he hadany friends.

  He went to the window and saw the coach of Dubarry driven away at greatspeed.

  "The countess must be in a rage to go off without saying good-bye tome," he said aloud.

  Richelieu, who had been waiting for his cue to enter, glided in at thisspeech.

  "Furious, Sire?" he repeated; "because your Majesty had a little sportthis evening? that would be bad on her ladyship's part."

  "Duke, deuce a bit did I find sport," said the King: "on the other hand,I am fagged, and want repose. Music enervates me: I should have donebetter to go over to Luciennes for supper and wine: yes, plenty ofdrink, for though the wine there is wretched, it sends one to sleep.Still I can have a doze here."

  "Your Majesty is a hundred times right."

  "Besides, the countess will find more fun without me. Am I so verylively a companion? though she asserts I am, I don't believe a word ofit."

  "Your Majesty is a hundred times wrong, now."

  "No, no, duke; really! I count my days now and I fall into brownstudies."

  "Sire, the lady feels that she will never meet a jollier companion andthat is what makes her mad."

  "Dash me if I know how you manage it, duke; you lure all the fair sexafter you, as if you were still twenty. At that age, man may pick andchoose: but at mine--women lead us by the nose."

  The marshal laughed.

  "My lord, if the countess is finding diversion elsewhere, the morereason for us to find ours where we can."

  "I do not say that she is finding but that she will seek it."

  "I beg to say that such a thing was never known."

  "Duke," said the King, rising from the seat he had taken, "I should liketo know by a sure hand whether the countess has gone home."

  "I have my man Rafte, but it seems to me that the countess has gonesure enough. Where but straight home do you imagine she would go?"

  "Who can tell--jealousy has driven her mad."

  "Sire, would it not rather be your Majesty who has given her cause forit--any other assumption would be humiliating to all of us."

  "I, make her jealous," said the King with a forced laugh; "in fact,duke, are you speaking in earnest?"

  Richelieu did not believe what he said: he was close to the truth inthinking that the King wanted to know whether Lady Dubarry had gone homein order to be sure that she would not drop in at the Trianon.

  "I will send Rafte to learn," he said: "what is your Majesty going to dobefore supper?"

  "We shall sup at once. Is the guest without?"

  "Overflowing with gratitude."

  "And the daughter?"

  "He has not mentioned her yet."

  "If Lady Dubarry were jealous and was to come back---- "

  "Oh, Sire, that would show such bad taste, and I do not believe the ladyis capable of such enormity."

  "My lord, she is fit for anything at such times, particularly when hatesupplements her spite. She execrates Taverney, as well as your grace."

  "Your Majesty might include a third person still more execrated--Mdlle.Andrea."

  "That is natural enough," granted the King; "so it ought to be preparedthat no uproar could be made to-night. Here is the steward--hush! giveyour orders to Rafte, and bring the person into the supper room."

  In five minutes, Richelieu rejoined the King, accompanied by Taverney,to whom the host wished good evening most pleasantly.

  The baron was sharp and he knew how to reply to crowned and coronetedheads so that they would see he was one of themselves and be on easyterms with them.

  They sat at table and began to feast.

  Louis XV. was not a good King, but he was a first-rate boon companion;when he liked, he was fine company for those who like jolly eaters,hearty drinkers and merry talkers. He ate well and drew the conversationround to Music. Richelieu caught the ball on the fly.

  "Sire," said he, "if Music brings men into harmony, as our ballet-mastersays and your Majesty seems to think, I wonder if it works the same withthe softer sex?"

  "Oh, duke, do not drag them into the chat," said the King. "From thesiege of Troy to our days, women have always exerted the contrary effectto music. You above all have good reasons not to bring them on theboard. With one, and not the least dangerous, you are at daggers-drawn."

  "The countess, Sire? is it any fault of mine?"

  "It is."

  "I hope your Majesty will kindly explain---- "

  "I can briefly; and will with pleasure," returned the host jestingly:"public rumor says that she offered you the portfolio of someministerial office and you refused it, which won you the people'sfavor."

  Richelieu of course only too clearly saw that he was impaled in thedilemma. The King knew better than anybody that he had not been offeredany place in any cabinet. But it was necessary to keep Taverney in theidea that it had been done. Hence the duke had to answer the joke soskillfully as to avoid the reproach the baron was getting ready for him.

  "Sire," said he, "let us not argue about the effects so much as thecause. My refusal of a portfolio is a secret of state which your Majestyis the last to divulge at a merry board; but the cause of my rejecting,it is another matter."

  "Ho, ho, so the cause is not a state secret, eh?" said the Kingchuckling.

  "No, Sire, particularly none for your Majesty: who is at present, for mylord baron and myself, the most amiable host man mortal ever had; I haveno secrets from my master. I yield up my whole mind to him for I do notwish it to be said that the King of France has a servant who does nottell him the truth."

  "Pray, let us have the whole truth," said the monarch, while Taverneysmoothed his face in imitation of the King's for fear the duke would gotoo far.

  "Sire, in the kingdom are two powers that should be obeyed; your will,to begin with, and next that of the friends whom you deign to choose asintimates. The first power is irresistible and none try to elude it. Thesecond is more sacred as it imposes duties of the heart on whomsoeverserves you. This is called your trust: a minister ought to love while heobeys the favorite of your Majesty."

  "Duke," said the King, laughing: "That is a fine maxim which I like tohear coming from your mouth. But I defy you to shout it out on themarket-place."

  "Oh, I am well aware that it would make the philosophers fly to arms,"replied the old politician; "but I do not believe their cries or theirarms much daunt your Majesty or me. The main point is that the twopreponderating wills of the realm should be satisfied. Well, I shallspeak out courageously to your Majesty, though I incur my disgrace oreven my death--I cannot subscribe to the will of Lady Dubarry."

  Louis was silent.

  "But then," went on the duke, "is that ever to be the only other will?the contrary idea struck me the other day, when I looked around thecourt and saw the beavy of radiantly beauteous noble girls; were I theruler of France, the choice would not be difficult to make."

  Louis turned to the second guest, who, feeling that he was being broughtinto the arena, was palpitating with hope and fear while trying toinspire the marshal, like a boy blows on the sail of his toy-boat in atub of water.

  "Is this your way of thinking, baron?" he asked.

  "Sire," responded the baron with a swelling heart, "it seems to me thatthe duke is saying capital things."

  "You agree with him about the handsome girls?"

  "Why, my lord, it is plain that the court is adorned with the fairestblossoms of the country."

  "Do you exhort me then to make a choice among the court beauties?"

should say I am altogether of the marshal's advice if I knew it wasyour Majesty's opinion."

  During a pause the monarch looked complaisantly on the last speaker.

  "Gentlemen," he said, "I should snap at your advice were I thirty; but Iam a little too old now to be credulous about my inspiring a flame."

  "Oh, Sire," said Richelieu, "I did think up to the time being that yourMajesty was the most polite gentleman in the realm; but I see withprofound grief that I was wrong; for I am old as Mathusaleh, for I wasborn in '94. Just think of it, I am sixteen years older than yourMajesty."

  This was adroit flattery. Louis always admired the lusty old age of thisman who had outlived so many promising youngsters in his service; forwith such an example he might hope to reach the same age.

  "Granted: but I suppose you do not still fancy you can be loved for yourown sake?"

  "If I thought that aloud, I should be in disgrace with two ladies whotold me the contrary this very morning."

  "Ha, ha! but we shall see, my lords! Nothing like youthful society torejuvenate a man."

  "Yea, my lord, and noble blood is a salutary infusion, to say nothing ofthe gain to the mind."

  "Still, I can remember that my grandfather, when he was getting on inyears, never courted with the same dash as earlier."

  "Pish, Sire," said Richelieu. "You know my respect for the King whotwice put me in the Bastile; but that ought not to stay me from sayingthat there is no room for a comparison between the old age of Louis XIV.and Louis XV. at his prime."

  The King was in the meet state this evening to receive this praise,which fell on him like the spray from the Fountain of Youth, or Althota'smagic elixir.

  Thinking the opening had come, Richelieu gave Taverney the hint byknocking his knee against his.

  "Sire," said the baron, "will your Majesty allow me to present my thanksfor the magnificent present made my daughter?"

  "Nothing to thank me for, my lord. Mdlle. de Taverney pleased me withher decent and honorable bearing. I only wish my daughters had come fromthe convent as creditably. Certainly, Mdlle. Andrea--I think I have thename---- "

  "Yes, Sire," cried the noble, delighted at the King having hisdaughter's name so pat.

  "A pretty name! Certainly, she would have been the first on my list, andnot solely from the alphabetical order: but it is not to be thoughtof--all my time is monopolized. But, baron, take this as settled: theyoung lady shall have all my protection. I fear she is not richlydowered?"

  "Alas, no, Sire!"

  "Then, I shall arrange about her marriage."

  Taverney saluted very lowly.

  "Rest on that score: but nothing presses, for she is quite young."

  "Yes, and shrinks from marriage."

  "Look at that, now!" exclaimed Louis, rubbing his hands and glancing atRichelieu. "In any case, apply to me if you are bothered in any way.Marshal," called the King, rising. "Did the little creature like thejewel?" he asked him.

  "Pardon my speaking in an undertone," said the duke, "but I do not wantthe father to hear. I want to say that though the creature shrinks frommarriage, it does not follow that she shrinks from Majesty."

  This was uttered with a freedom which pleased the King by its excess.The marshal trotted away to join Taverney, who had drawn aside to berespectful, and the pair quitted the gallery and went through thegardens.

  It was here that Gilbert, in ambush, heard the old diplomatist say tohis friend:

  "All things taken into account and pondered over, it must be stated,though it may come hard, that you ought to send your daughter back intothe convent, for I wager the King is enamored of her."

  These words turned Gilbert more white than the snowflakes falling on hisshoulder and brow.


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