DRACO'S WRATH: Elemental's MC (book 11)

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DRACO'S WRATH: Elemental's MC (book 11) Page 12

by Alexi Ferreira

  “Who’s going?” Wulf asks, and I know he’s already planning the trip in his head.

  “You, me, Bion, Cassius, Brandr, and Caelius. I am also taking Katrina with us.” I feel her stroke my arm, and I know she’s pleased that I’m sharing this with her. I have always been someone who keeps my feelings to myself. Sharing this with Katrina has shown me that she has opened me to so much more that I was closed to and didn’t even realize. You would think that living for centuries, I would know everything about myself. Well, I didn’t know that I could love someone like I love her.

  “Maybe we should take another woman with us. She can keep Katrina company, and if Elrik is suspicious, bringing women will defuse that suspicion.” What he says is true, and I will let the men know that if their women want to accompany us, they can.

  “Admit it, you’re just using us for cover,” Katrina quips, smiling at Wulf. I know she’s trying to lighten the situation, and I love her for it. Wulf is as devastated as me, and even though he’s now smiling at Katrina, I know that inside, his blood is boiling in anger and disappointment.

  “Actually, I’m thinking that it’s the perfect idea to keep Draco and the others busy and give me some peace. You know, when you women aren’t around, they can whine.” At Wulf’s uncharacteristic teasing, I raise my brow in question.

  “Did you just try to make a joke, Brother?” I tease, as we all know that Wulf hasn’t got much of a sense of humour. Then I grunt as Katrina elbows me in the stomach.

  “He just didn’t want me to know that he can whine,” she answers, which has me grinning at her trying to please Wulf. I look at Wulf and nearly burst out laughing, as I can see that he’s feeling uncomfortable at this whole bantering.

  Wulf sees my amusement and scowls. “What?” he growls. “Jasmine says I must lighten up. I’m too serious.” I can’t help myself and chuckle at imagining Wulf cracking jokes.

  “Well, I think you did wonderfully. Don’t listen to him,” she says as she elbows me again, but this time, I’m prepared. “But I don’t think that Jasmine was meaning that you need to joke. I think that she meant you must just relax and see life in a lighter way.”

  Wulf contemplates Katrina’s words, and I know that he’s going to mule it over in his head to see the merit of her view. When I look at him and think back a few years before he met Jasmine, Wulf would never even contemplate changing anything about himself just because someone said it. Now I see him trying to change himself for the love of a woman.

  The worst is that I know I will do the same thing if any day Katrina says that I should change something because it affects her in any way. As mates, I know that we are completely compatible with each other, but if there is anything I can do to please my woman, I will do it. Wulf nods in response and then looks at me.

  “Will you let Tor know that we are coming, or are we just going to surprise them?” Wulf asks. I was contemplating not telling anyone and just pitching up, but thinking better of it, I want to make sure that everyone is at the Cape Town compound, so I’m going to let Tor know that we’re coming and that I want everyone there, but I will tell him not to say anything to another soul.

  “I will tell Tor,” I state.

  “I’ll go let Gunner know to prepare our bikes for tomorrow. Are you riding your own or will you be riding with Draco?” I want to insist that she ride with me, as it’s a long ride and I would rather have her close in case something happens, but I know that she won’t be very pleased if I do that. She bends her head back and to the side as she looks up at me, and I can see her questioning eyes.

  “I think I’ll ride with you on this one,” she says. I tighten my arms around her body, letting her know that her decision pleases me. Looking at Wulf, I nod, letting him know that she’ll be with me. Wulf turns to leave, but I stop him, telling him to hold up so we can walk back with him. Helping Katrina up, I stand and then take her hand to walk back.

  “Is Jasmine coming with us?” Katrina asks, and I see Wulf tense. For him, it’s still difficult to have Jasmine outside our walls. If he could, he would lock her up to keep her safe.

  “Depends how long we’ll be away because of Orion. Jasmine has never been away from him overnight,” he says.

  “Why don’t you bring him with? They could come in a car, couldn’t they?” I know that will never happen, as our children are more fragile than human children, and we protect them by keeping them away from anything that might make them ill until they are strong enough. I see Wulf glance at me and then at Katrina.

  “Orion will be staying here,” he states, and doesn’t elaborate. I can sense Katrina’s curiosity, but she doesn’t say anything. “Bion is questioning Ben. He’s trying to understand what else they might have figured out about our connection with our women.”

  “I think that guy is a real idiot,” Katrina states angrily.

  “That’s a nice way of putting it,” Wulf mutters. “The asshole experiments on women for his own pleasure and his own selfish ideas.”

  “We need to know if there are any more of his experiments walking around that we need to dispose of. Once this has been sorted, we just have the Keres to deal with, but they are under control now.” With the women’s healing, we will soon have most of the Keres turned, and the ones who aren’t because their mate died we will deal with.

  Peace is close. I can nearly envision it and dream that our children will be able to live in a time that they don’t have to worry about turning.


  Riding with Draco was exciting. I tortured him for some of the way as I stroked his abdomen, knowing that I was exciting him, but he got me back when we stopped for fuel, having his way with me when I was about to leave the ladies’ bathroom. When I turned and saw him leaning against the bathroom main door, I knew I was in a whole lot of trouble, but it was so worth it.

  We are now just riding into the Cape Town compound, and the closer we get, the tenser I feel Draco get. I know that this is difficult for him, and I wish he didn’t have to go through this. The more time I spend with this man, the more in awe I am of him. He has the biggest heart when it comes to the people he cares about. He also gets hurt deeply by those people, but he hides it so well like he hides all his other emotions.

  I was so pleased that he chose to speak to me, to open up to me. I have always believed that a true connection between a man and a woman is when you can be completely open with each other. Share your deepest fears and dreams and not worry about any recriminations. Share your hurts and your accomplishments and know that the other person is there for you no matter what. That is what a true connection is, and I believe Draco and I have that.

  I will try to be the woman he needs, the woman who fulfils all his expectations and dreams, because I know he will do the same for me. I can’t remember my life before Draco. It feels like it was a dream, like it was someone else, because since meeting him, I have changed emotionally, physically, and mentally. I now am happy most of the time when before I wasn’t. I now have a purpose in life when before, I felt lost.

  Draco stops the bike, bringing me back to the present. I look around and realise that we must be outside the Cape Town chapter. On one side, men are training, and various women stand around watching. I can tell they are Jezebels. Jasmine and Gabriela told me all about them and how the men had them at the compound, too, before they decided it created too much of a problem for the mated men.

  I climb off the bike and wait for Draco as he pulls off his helmet and places it on the handlebars of his bike before turning to take mine. The men who were training stop and call out a greeting to us. The women luckily stand back, because I don’t know how I would react if any woman had to try and touch Draco. I know that I was upset with Draco about the way he reacted to Sam, but now if I think of a woman touching Draco, I believe I could be violent.

  “What’s wrong?” I see Draco’s scowl as he looks at me and then around us as if looking for a threat. I place my hand on his chest, bringing his eyes back to

  “Nothing, everything is fine,” I say, trying to appease him, but I can see that he still maintains his protective stance. Placing his hand behind my back, he turns to greet the men who have now approached all of us.

  The men have been talking for a few minutes when Tor walks towards us. I can see his weary look, but there is a smile on his face. “You finally made it,” he says as he stops before us. “I was wondering if I needed to send out a search party, but I remembered how slow your bikes are.”

  “You wish your bike was half as fast as mine,” Draco quips, “but just your weight slows the machine down to donkey speed.”

  Tor’s eyes widen, and then he raises his arms and flexes his muscles. “I’ll have you know all this is pure muscle. You’re just envious that you’re not as toned as me.” I laugh at the ridiculousness of their teasing, as Draco is just as buff as Tor. “You think so, don’t you, darling?” I feel Draco’s hand tense on my back.

  “Not a chance. Have you seen Draco naked?” I say, and laugh as Tor makes a disgusted face.

  “No, and I hope I never do,” he says dramatically. “Just the thought of having to see this lug prancing around can make anyone wish to be blind.”

  “Well, I’m very pleased you think like that. I don’t mind at all being the only one to see perfection.” At my words, Draco grins and slaps Tor’s bicep with the back of his hand as he guides me around Tor and towards the inside of the compound.

  “She defends you like a lioness. You were blessed, Brother,” Tor states as he walks with us, which is quite touching. “So, are you going to tell me what this visit is about?” I hear the seriousness in his voice.

  “Let’s go into your meeting room,” Draco states.

  “Should I get the men there?”

  “No, just us for now.”

  Tor swears, knowing it will be something he won’t like. “I knew I wasn’t going to like this fucking visit,” he mutters as we walk into a room with a huge table and chairs. Tor closes the door behind us as Draco pulls out a chair and guides me to it. He then turns and looks at Tor, who is standing by the closed door with his arms crossed.

  “We captured Katya and a scientist called Ben when we breached the underground,” Draco says, and Tor frowns in confusion. “They told us who started and is running the project in the agency against the Elementals and the Keres, and who was responsible for the capture of all the women with gifts whom they have experimented on and tortured.” Draco turns his back to Tor and walks towards the front of the room and then stops.

  “Well, are you going to spill it or just stand there trying to look fucking pretty,” Tor mutters.

  Draco turns and then walks back and towards Tor. “I didn’t believe it, and I wish it was a lie, but Aria read their minds and Scarlett saw the truth of it, so I can’t doubt the truth. We have a traitor among us, Tor.”

  Tor’s face stiffens in anger; his eyes slit as he looks at Draco. “You’re telling me that everything we have been through is because of a fucker who is one of us? That’s fucking crazy, Draco,” he states, but I can see the uncertainty and hurt in his eyes. Draco places his hand on Tor’s shoulder, and I know that he’s giving him comfort, knowing how this news will hurt him.

  “I’m afraid it’s true, and it’s one of your men.” At that, Tor turns and punches the wall behind him. I can see his body vibrating with anger.

  “Who is the motherfucker?” he asks, his voice raspy with anger. “All my men have been with me for centuries. You know that, don’t you? I will not believe that one of them betrayed me.” The hurt in his voice is so sad that I have tears in my eyes, and my throat is clogged with emotion.

  “I don’t want it to be true either. That’s why I don’t want you to go out there with guns blazing. We need to get him and question him to make sure we don’t make a mistake. Even though I have more than enough evidence to bury him, I want to be one hundred percent certain.”

  “Fuck, Draco, fuck, fuck,” Tor says as he lowers his head and takes in deep breaths. From being around the men at the compound, I know that is the way they calm themselves down. After a minute, he looks up, and I see that he’s still angry but there is a purpose on his face that wasn’t there before.

  “Who?” he asks.

  “Elrik,” Draco says, and I see Tor’s shock, and then betrayal is written all over his face. I can’t hold it in any longer and let the tears run down my face at the pain these two men and the others will all go through because of this one man’s betrayal.

  “Elrik? Come on, Draco,” Tor says as he shakes his head, not believing it. “I trust Elrik completely. There is no way he would do this.”

  “I hope you’re right, Tor, and that’s why we need to get to the bottom of this.” Draco turns and moves towards me. When he sees my tears, he frowns and then quickly squats before me, rubbing the tears away. “It’s okay, vixen, don’t cry.”

  I want to be strong for him and for all the others, but I can feel their pain, the pain of betrayal. He pulls out the chair behind him and sits, pulling me from my chair and into his lap. He surrounds me with his warmth and caring as his arms fold around me, holding me close.

  “Is he here?” Draco asks.

  “I saw him earlier. He must be around somewhere,” Tor states. “Draco, I don’t believe this information. I know Elrik would never do something like this. I mean, look what he has gone through, and we have always been there for him. He would not betray us; he would not betray me.”

  “I really hope so, Tor, because the last thing I want to believe is that one of us can do this.” Tor pulls his fingers through his hair in frustration as he starts pacing. “I had Celmund check and recheck that there is no other with the same name. I questioned Aria and Scarlett to make sure that what they sensed is true. We questioned Katya and Ben again and again to make sure that they would always have the same answer. Unfortunately, it was always the same.”

  “I’m going to go get him,” Tor mutters.

  “Tor, remember there might still be a possibility that he’s innocent. Don’t jump the gun.” Tor doesn’t reply as he walks out the door to go look for Elrik. “Are you okay?” Draco asks as he strokes my hair.

  “Yes, it’s just so sad that he had all of this. You guys are like family, and he threw that all away. There has to be a reason.” Draco is about to answer, when he tenses, and I know that Tor and Elrik must be coming back. The door opens, and Tor walks in with Elrik right behind him. I don’t know Elrik, but I can tell that he’s on the defensive as soon as he enters.

  “Draco, what brings you to this side of the world?” he asks jovially.

  “Hi, Elrik, take a seat,” Draco states as he once again helps me into my chair and then stands. I notice he’s standing between Elrik and me the whole time that Elrik moves. “You might have guessed what this is about,” Draco says, and I see Elrik shrug.

  “Maybe,” he says, but he doesn’t elaborate.

  “We captured Katya and a scientist from the agencies underground.” Again, Elrik doesn’t comment but simply nods. “They had some interesting information, information that I must be honest, I still can’t believe, and I’m hoping that it’s false.” Just then, there is a knock on the door, and I see Tor tense as he opens the door and stands in the way. “It’s okay, Tor. Let Cassius and Scarlett through,” Draco says without turning towards the door. I realize that he must have asked Cassius to bring Scarlett when questioning Elrik, as she will be able to tell if he’s lying or telling the truth.

  When Scarlett sees me, she immediately walks to sit next to me. Cassius stands behind her. “Is what they said true?” Draco asks, and Elrik’s eyebrows raise.

  “It depends on what they said, doesn’t it?” Elrik answers.

  “Don’t fucking play games,” Tor says angrily, and I can see that he’s on the edge of violence. As Draco mentioned, this whole betrayal thing really gets to him. I see that even though I know Draco must be just as upset as Tor, he’s not showing any outward emotion. />
  “They said that the person leading this project within the agency is none other than you,” Draco states.

  “Interesting,” Elrik says, but he doesn’t show any outward emotions, which is difficult to say if it is him or not. “Do you believe that?”

  “Fuck, Elrik, I’m really hoping not, and everything in me says you wouldn’t do something like that, but everything points to it being you,” Draco answers.

  “It’s true.” At Elrik’s answer, Tor swears, and then he’s across the room, but Draco is quicker and has his arm around Tor’s neck. Cassius has also gone to help and is holding him back. While the two are trying to calm him down, I realize Elrik is just sitting, looking on with a grin on his face as if this whole situation amuses him.

  “Calm the fuck down or I’ll fucking knock you out,” Draco mutters, which has Tor growling in anger, but he finally starts to quieten. His muscles are still bulging with the adrenaline coursing through his veins.

  “It’s true,” Scarlett says. Elrik looks over at her and winks.

  “Why, you son of a bitch? Why would you betray all of us?” Tor asks in anger. Draco still has his arm around his neck, and Cassius is holding his arms back.

  “How did I betray you? As far as I know, most of you have found your mates and the Keres are getting help to change back,” Elrik says. “I saw an opportunity and I took it. If I had discussed it with any of you, it wouldn’t have been accepted, so think what you will, but I did it for the better good of all of us.”

  “True,” Scarlett says.

  “Are you fucking crazy, you motherfucker?” Tor roars.


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