Max (Ryan family Book 2)

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Max (Ryan family Book 2) Page 13

by Ana Balen

  Every muscle in her body turned to stone, her back bowed off the bed, her eyes closed slowly, and she moaned and whimpered through her orgasm. Watching her experience, it, feeling her pussy convulse around my dick took me there. I’m not sure if I lost consciousness, but when I got my senses back, I was lying on top of languid Skylar, and she was stroking my hair. I pushed up on my forearm and smiled.

  “I’m going to kill you,” she mused.

  I threw my head back and roared with laughter, but then it turned to a growl when she clenched, drawing the last drop of cum from me. I looked back down, brushed my knuckles down the side of her face and gave her a promise.

  “You can have my dick anytime you want, Bean.”

  “Good,” she said, pushed up her torso, and scratched my back. “I’m planning on putting it to good use.”

  I tilted my head and kissed her, it was wet, it was long, and it was hot. This meant as I asked Skylar, who was on her way to the bathroom to clean up, what she wanted to do that day, she looked over her shoulder and, with a serious face said, “Stay in bed.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  It was dark. I couldn't see a thing; all I could do was feel. I already started to float.

  "Max, honey?" I half moaned, half-whispered.

  "Right here, baby."

  And he was.

  He was right there.

  His mouth at my neck wringing heat and excitement from me, his hand between my legs weaving beauty.

  "Oh, God," I muttered when he added his thumb and swirled.

  "Yeah," he mumbled.

  "Beautiful," I panted.

  "Yeah," he agreed.

  It was never like this.

  Never this free.

  Never this exciting and calming at the same time.

  Never this hot.

  Never… until Max.

  "I need you," I pleaded. I was nearing the piqué, and I didn’t want to fall without him.

  "Not yet," he denied.

  "Please," I begged.

  "In a minute," he didn't budge.

  "Max, honey, now!" I stressed.

  He must have heard it in my voice. The pure desperation to have him. To feel him inside me. In a swift move, he gave me what I needed. Instantly, my body bowed, my mouth opened, and a low moan came out. I was still enjoying the orgasm he gave me when his hips bucked, he thrust two times before he started to glide. He wrapped his arms around me, and my skin absorbed the guttural sound that came out of him.

  "Every fucking time," he muttered in amazement.

  "Every time what?" I panted.

  "Every time I think it can't get more perfect than it is. That you can't get more perfect than you are," he got up on his forearms and looked down at me through the dark. "And every time, you prove me wrong."

  My limbs convulsed around him, and he cursed before he went back to giving me beauty.


  "Oh my, " Valeria breathed.

  It was afternoon. Late afternoon. Beside the middle of the night nookie, we had sex three more times. After the third time, I pushed him away and said he needed to feed, or I would expire from exhaustion. He did. And after, when I mentioned Valeria, he brought me my phone and gave me space.

  After the first word left my mouth, Valeria demanded, “Tell me now, mi Bambina, who is he.”

  I didn’t know how she knew there was a man in my life, the one who loved me, the one who encouraged me to be me and the one who kept me on my toes, making every day an exciting one, she said in her wise tone.

  “Whenever there’s a light tone in a woman’s voice, there’s always a man who made it so. And I’m beyond happy, my darling girl that you finally have one who gives that to you.”

  It was a little bit weird, hearing those words come out of my ex-fiancé’s mouth, but Valeria was Valeria. She was more mine than Nico’s, so I didn’t think about it too much. I opened my eyes, and thanks to Max realized that family was not formed in blood. Family was whoever you choose it to be… and I choose Valeria. And Melanie. Max, I didn’t choose so much as he deemed so, but I was more than happy for that. I kept going and told her everything, which got the oh my response from my Valeria. We chatted a little bit more and decided we were going to have a barbeque so she could lay eyes and assess Max in person. After we hung up, I once again called Kiki and once again didn’t get any answer. I was fed, I got my dose of Vitamin D for the day, and I was craving Max, so I went in search of him. I found him in front of the house, building my porch. Between sex, during the recuperation time, he quietly asked me if he could see the designs, I wanted my home to look like. I shortly wondered how he knew those even existed, but I remembered Melanie met him, she was the one who told him. I did, and after he silently studied them for some time, I became nervous.

  “It was just an idea when I didn’t have anything. You don’t need to do this for me. I want our home to be something we both want.”

  I reached to take the folder away but he held it out of reach.

  “Is this manageable for the kitchen?” he asked, his eyes drinking in the picture of a grey wooded, double island kitchen that had a healthy dose of stainless steel in the design.

  “Yes,” I said uncertainly. “Do you like it?”

  “Do not change a thing,” he turned his head, his eyes burning in mine. “You’re a fucking genius, Bean. I didn’t know a house could look like that.”

  “A home,” I corrected him.

  “A home,” he agreed.

  We talked about it, going over each drawing, and when I mentioned a porch, he instantly said he would build me one as soon as possible. I guess that meant right away.

  “Do you need a break?” I asked, leaning at the open doorway.

  He was hot, he was sweaty, and the instant he saw me, his smile turned predatory. I knew his answer was yes. I squealed and ran to the bedroom. I didn’t make it. He caught me on the stairs. Our clothes were in a pile at the top one. And he had me screaming in ecstasy on the floor in a hallway.

  I was gliding down his cock. It was a miracle but he let me on top. After that first time, he was always in control. His knees were bent, and his hands were at the top of my legs, his thumb working my clit.

  "Babe," he urged me to go faster, harder.

  "Not yet," I leaned forward and put my hands above his head for leverage.

  Slowly, up I went. How was it possible that I still tingled with every move? How was it possible that even when I had him when he was in me, I still craved him?

  "Bean," Max warned, his palms gliding up to my hips.

  "Just a little bit longer," I breathed.

  I couldn't hold my head up anymore, and with my next down glide, I sat up, threw my head back, closed my eyes, and took Max to the hilt. The feel was glorious each and every time.

  The feeling was so full I thought I would burst. But the best part was, it had nothing to do with his hard cock pulsing inside me. And everything with this man loving me.

  "Skylar," he was losing patience, his hands squeezed in warning, but he still let me take my fill.

  I stopped gliding and ground down. Looking down, I got his hooded eyes. Mine were unfocused probably, but his? His had desire and love warring in them. And it was all for me.

  I smiled a half-smile and used his line against him.

  "You want something, baby? All you have to do is ask for it."

  He did.

  “Get all the time you need, Bean,” Max leaned down to me where I was lounging in bed and kissed me. “Brody will wait.”

  I smiled.

  He left the room. I didn’t want to leave our bubble, but it was time to go to the office and take that part of my life back in my hands. When we discussed it, Max insisted he came with me. I reminded him that even though he was retired, he still had stuff to do. He wasn’t happy. So he found a way to keep an eye on me, even while we were apart. He called Brody to take me to the office and then come back and take me home when I was ready. I protested, but a
pparently, his former team was fascinated by the idea of Max having a woman in his life, so Brody jumped to the chance. With nothing to do about it, I got out of bed to get ready and face the day.

  I wish I didn’t.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I was so tired I couldn’t see straight. For the last three days, we didn’t leave the bedroom.

  We couldn’t get enough of each other. Fuck, but I was a moron for playing games. If I knew what was behind her shy and demure behavior, I would fuck her in my car in front of that church. I smiled and shook my head at my own stupidity while reaching for my phone that was ringing.

  "Nico Barone was found dead an hour ago," Chace said urgently in his ear. "He was positioned kneeling in front of the Home Sweet Home office."


  "Max, brother," I wasn't sure, but Chace sounded like he was going to hurl.

  "That means-" the burn in my gut was getting up to my esophagus.

  "They're after, Sky," he said, what I didn't have the strength to say.

  "Fuck!" I exploded.

  "Where is she?"

  "She went to the office. Chace," the guilt drowned me. "She asked me if it was okay to go and I said it was"

  “Fuck!” Chace exploded. “When was that?”

  “Three hours ago,” Dread filled the pit of my stomach.

  “There was no sign of her there. Maybe she took a detour and went somewhere else?”

  “No,” my voice was high. “Brody would call if she did. And he said he escorted her to the door and checked the premises.”

  He was also totally under her spell. For half an hour, he listed the reasons why Skylar was beyond perfect and that she agreed to see his place and draw up her vision of it.

  "We'll find her, Max," Chace promised.

  I didn’t say anything. I ended the call and engaged my phone to call in reinforcements.

  "Max-" I didn't let Stone finish his greeting.

  "Nico Barone was offed today. Two bullets to the back of the head." I spoke hurriedly. I had to go out and scan the streets until I found her. "He was presented in front of Skylar's office."

  "Fucking hell," Stone "I'm half an hour out. I just need to get Addie to the apartment."

  "Stone, I choked.

  Don't even think about it," he barked." We'll find her. And we'll bring her home.


  An image of her smiling up at me from our bed this morning flashed in my head.

  My throat convulsed.

  "Yeah, home," I muttered and ended the call.

  I had to go and find my woman.

  Ten minutes after that, I got another call. The team was ready to roll out. The only problem was, they didn't have a location


  I had trouble opening my eyes. They felt like they did when I was too tired and didn't take off my makeup before going to bed. The first thing I saw was light. The blinding light that made spikes of pain stab my brain.

  "God," I moaned and tried to pull up my hand to rub at the sore spot to relieve some of it.

  The metal sound echoed when I did, and my arm would go as I wanted it to. Squinting, I looked at the source. My wrists were bound to a metal chair with handcuffs.

  "What the hell?" I muttered.

  How did this happen?

  Where was this?

  The last thing I remember was Max driving me to the office, and five minutes after he left, I got a call I was desperate to get. I went out, took a step on the street and everything went black. I tried to shake my hands, but it was useless, the only thing that happened was more metal echoing.

  "No, no, no, no, no," I chanted trashing in the chair, convinced it would help, and the handcuffs would release me.

  Please, God, please don't let it be Nico. I don't know why I prayed for that. I was in a bad situation, but that was my only thought. With every word, no, my heart rate spiked up, and adrenaline rushed through my body, making my vision clear. Looking up, I saw I was in my empty warehouse. I cleared it, deciding I would sell it once police released the building.

  I didn't want to have anything that was associated with Nico and those poor girls. For A moment, I wondered how they were. In all that happened, I didn't get a chance to go and see them. I searched for anything that would help me get out of there, but I did a good job.

  Nothing was in sight.

  "No, no, no, no," I repeated my chant, positive that it was indeed Nico who got me.

  I was cold. My whole body hurt, and I could hear steps behind me.

  "It's nice of you to wake up," I gasped finally.

  I knew that voice. I loved that person, and when my eyes confirmed what I already knew, I only had one question.



  “Talk,” I said urgently.

  “She got a call this morning right after Brody left her. We got CCTV and man,” Chace shook his head in disbelief. “She walked out, and the moment she did, got clocked on the head. The person that did it knew where the cameras were and had his back turned the whole time. We pulled her phone records.” Chace tried to give me some papers, but I shook my head. I didn’t have the patience to look it over. “It was a burner phone. But it got me thinking. If Nico wasn’t the top man, and whoever was pulling his strings had to have a strong influence to get her to walk away. Can you think of anyone who could be that person? And where would they take her?”

  He was antsy, ready to go and tear Denver apart to find Skylar and bring her home. The guilt that was still present for the years he spent undercover and did nothing to help Skylar, a force that pushed him even more. One was sparing to my mind. But where would she take her? When realization dawned, I cursed myself for not thinking about it sooner.

  I started running to my car, yelling over my shoulder, “To the place where it all began over.”


  Her slap sent my head sideways. She used her nails this time, and blood trickled down my cheek.

  "Look at you," she snarled. "I still don't get what he has seen in you."

  I decided not to seek it. Speaking was what sent Kiki I to rage, and she started hitting me and scratching my face.

  "How could you do this to me?" she asked, her fingers were pointing at her chest. And they were shaking because she was so out of it... "How could you do this to us?"

  “What are you talking about?” I forgot about my vow not to say anything; I couldn't follow what she was saying.

  She carried on as if I didn’t say anything.

  “How could you just walk out of that church like it was nothing? Like we didn’t wait for you to show up and get hitched? Like you didn’t embarrass us?”

  Sweet Marry.

  I was aware we drifted apart over the years. I also knew we wanted different things in life.

  But I never knew how much she immersed herself in filth.

  “You were supposed to marry Nico. You were supposed to sign the business over to him. And once we had everything in place, the legit part of the operation up and running smoothly without you poking your nose in every few days to see what you have in that warehouse, he was supposed to divorce you. And we could finally be together.”

  “What?” I whispered.

  Tears dropped from my wide eyes. I could barely feel the sting that cuts on my face.

  “Who do you think led him to you? Who do you think was behind all of this?”

  “It was you?” I refused to believe what I was hearing.

  Some part of me hoped this was all a bad dream, and I would wake up safe in Max’s arms. In our bed.

  “I had help.”


  “Me,” the cold voice I knew so well was heard.

  The voice that aimed venom my way with each spoken word. Irene Barone.

  Nico’s mother. I followed her as she walked over, kissed Kiki on the side of her head, and then stood in front of me, looking down at my bound wrists.

  "Don't you have anything to say, Skylar?” she as
ked in a sweet tone, tilting her head.

  I tried coming up with something to say, but I was so shocked my brain stopped working.

  "Stop that, you look like a fish opening and closing your mouth like that, "Irene snapped. "Well, I'm sure you have many questions, so I'll educate you."

  She stood before me, her hands clasped in front of her, her face wearing a plastic smile.


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