Arrow's Wind (The Healing Touch): The Elemental Realms

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Arrow's Wind (The Healing Touch): The Elemental Realms Page 19

by Gina Manis

  He isn’t them! I have been shouting at myself for the past two days. Arrow would never hurt me; I know that deep down. He left me alone in my crazed state, giving me space, and I fear he isn’t coming back.

  I am angry at myself for driving him away. He cares for me, and I see now how much I care for him, also. All this time together, I have looked at him as a friend. I never thought I could offer him more than that, but now, I do. Somehow, I have to let the past go.

  I know I panicked the last time we became close, but I want to try again. So many emotions hit me too fast the last time, and I lost it. His kiss and touch had felt so sweet and giving. But exposing my body and seeing him touch me set off flashes of my past horrors. I had to get away, and I didn’t even realize it was Arrow I was hitting.

  Each day, I have looked for him, hoping he will return so I can tell him how sorry I am. I want to move forward and try again with him. Deep down, I know Arrow is the one who will claim my heart. In some ways, I have already given it to him.

  Each night he doesn’t return, my heart breaks. The pain of it shows me how much I do care about him. Something I never thought I would never feel for a man, and yet Arrow just blew right into me. I fear he will never return so I can tell him so.

  My breakdown the other day shouldn’t have happened. I hate he saw me like that. So out of control with fear. I shouldn’t have pushed, but he felt so good, I wasn’t thinking. I would look for him if I knew where to begin. I must tell him how much he means to me. That I am falling in love with him.

  That day keeps repeating in my head, how I awakened to his touch. It had been surprising and I thought I wanted to explore it, but… when he exposed my breast and took it in his mouth, it was too much. The thought of sex was too much for me, even with Arrow. Pushing him away at hadn’t worked, and it led to me panicking.

  I drove him away, and now I truly am alone. As the sun shines in my window, I rise and dress, getting ready for another lonely day. I walk out on the porch and am surprised to see my basket of eggs and a bucket of warm milk waiting for me.

  My heart beats faster as I look around, knowing it must be Arrow. I can’t help the relief that he is back. He didn’t abandon me completely! I don’t see him and run to the barn, but he isn’t there.

  “Arrow?” I call out. My heart falls when he doesn’t come forward. Maybe he is out doing something like checking some traps. He usually did so in the mornings when he was here. He will be back soon, and when he is, I will have the best breakfast he has ever eaten waiting on him. I rush back to the house and take in my eggs and milk, getting started.

  There is an excitement inside me at the thought that today, Arrow and I will start over. I will apologize for what happened and will try to do better. I know now that I want a future with Arrow, and it may still take us some time, but I don’t want him to give up on me.

  Our passionate embrace might have ended terribly, but it had started exceptionally well. I will never forget his warm body or his gentle hands. He held me close and I forgot everything but being in his arms. Tasting his lips, I experienced the sweetest treat. The hunger inside me grew as his flavor hinted at even more delights.

  That day opened me up to exploring the avenues of being with a man. Arrow is who I want to be with, and I need to show him that. I do want Arrow’s touch. He will be the one to free me.

  I flip the eggs and stir the gravy before pulling the biscuits from the oven. I ran out of meat yesterday, but if Arrow brings back something, I will cook it up in no time for him. At least I have some tasty jams for him to try this morning. I make some coffee because I know he likes it even though I don’t. I have it almost all on the table when I hear the knock at the door.

  My pulse is racing to know that Arrow is on the other side. I wipe my hands and smooth back my hair back as I move to the door. Before opening it, I take several deep breaths to calm myself and raise the latch to greet him with a friendly smile.

  That smile falls instantly when I see who is standing there, and I take a step back in shock.

  “Jared!” I step back, stunned to see him. Fear grips me; the air stalls around the room as he steps in. Memories of the cycles I had to endure his presence. It became a habit of running into him all over Star Kingdom. His hands always found some way to touch me, and as he became more aggressive, so did my madness.

  “Surprised to see me?” His lingering gaze and drooling smile tell me what he has come for. Memories of being trapped in the dark stall transition to now being trapped in my home. “I know it took me a little time to find you since you ran away from Star Kingdom but I’m here now.”

  “W… Why?” It is so hard to breathe as I back up and he advances on me. The wall hits my back as he leans over like I am prey he is about to sink his teeth into. Twice my size and a Fire element, there is little hope I have any chance against him. I have been here before, but I am not a child anymore. I know I must fight.

  “Your boyfriend did a number on me, but he is getting what is due.” What has he done to Arrow? “Now, it is your turn.”

  I lunge for the stove, going for the knife, but he is quicker and grabs me by the arm, pulling me hard against him. I fight wildly, trying to get away. My shirt rips down the front. He grabs my wrists and pushes me into the wall again. He glares down my body as he brings my hands above my head.

  “Jared, please!” I plead with him as one of his hands skim down my arm.

  “Do you know how often I lay in bed and think of you tied to it?” He laughs as he reaches for the buttons on my pants. I get a hand free and strike at his face. Suddenly he lets my other hand go. I strike him again, but he grabs me by the throat and slams my head into the wall. I beat at his arm as he squeezes, cutting off my air.

  “Be a good girl and take your clothes off.” Words from my past echo in my ears. Did Jared just say that or was it a memory? I try to push him away, but he lifts me off my feet by my throat and slams me into the wall again, jarring my whole body. His hand touches my breast, groping me roughly. He raises me higher as his mouth joins his hand.

  I look up and see the picture on the wall above me and grab it, swinging down on his head. The glass shatters, and he steps back, letting me crumple to the floor, gasping for breath. I don’t waste a second but lunge for the door to escape.

  He grabs my arm, swinging me around, and smacks me across the face. I hit the table, and the food goes flying off and into the floor. Before I can get up, Jared is there pressing into me from behind.

  “Oh, yes, baby. I knew you would make it a challenge this time.” He turns me back sharply and picks me up, slamming me on the table. “You’re into it now. Show me how hard you want it.”

  I scream, feeling his hands pulling at my clothes and reach for the pot still on the table, throwing it at him. Hot coffee splatters out, and he roars as it lands on his flesh and mine.

  I roll off the table and leap for the door again, but he trips me with his foot and kneels over me. I struggle against him as he twists me over. “That hurt, bitch.”

  He slaps me twice across the face, and I feel the darkness wanting to take me. I am limp when he lifts me, and sends me flying in the air to land on my bed. I shake my head, trying to clear the dizziness.

  “I can see you want to take this to the dark side. I like that.” He’s a blur as he comes closer. I feel him pulling at my pants, and he has them over my hips before I remember the knife under my pillow. Taking its handle, I aim to stab him in the stomach, but he is quicker this time, grabbing my wrist as it slices his side. My hand is slammed against the rail and I cry out from the sharp pain and drop the knife.

  “I will give you that one, my little slut. If I am to draw your blood, you can have some of mine.” He locks my hands above my head as his other runs it down my neck and pinches at one of my breasts. “This looks like a good place to start.”

  Jared lowers his head and I bring my knee up and slam it into his groin. He falls on top of me, letting
go of my hands, reaching for himself. I pull his hair, raising his head from me, and hit him as hard as I can in the face. He falls to the side, but the bed isn’t large, and he goes over the edge, taking me with him. I scramble off, but he grabs my foot as I struggle. I reach for the side of the small bookshelf and pull as hard as I can. It falls forward, and he shouts as the books fall out first and then the shelf hits him.

  I slide my legs out from under it, kicking loose and running for the door, pulling my pants up and button them as I go. I think to take the bow and case of arrows, but as I hear Jared roar and throw the shelf across the room, I swipe the throwing knives instead on the table.

  I leap from the porch and head for the woods, knowing he is right behind me.

  “Arrow!” I shout for help in case he is near. I hear Jared behind me, a short distance back. I don’t know these mountains yet as Arrow hasn’t taken me far from the house, so I just run.

  “You can’t escape me, slut,” Jared shouts, and I can tell he is getting closer. I try to run faster, knowing what he plans to do once he catches me. He is going to hurt me as those men did. Maybe even more. I can’t relive that again; I won’t.

  I stumble and fall, scrambling to get up and keep going. Jared is right behind me, and I start to panic as I know he will have me soon.

  Sure enough, he grabs at my shirt from behind and slings me to the ground, tearing my shirt fully off me. I go rolling, and before I even stop, he is on me. I feel the sharp pain across my face as he strikes me again. He is ripping at my pants and I cry as I struggle. Memories of being pinned down by the others flash in my eyes. The world darkens like I am in the stall again. Three other faces I see once more.

  I fight, and with every bit of strength, I have to push them off me. I let the pants go as I try to pull myself out from under their weight. I see them all flashing before me, four faces now I would do anything to forget but can’t. My nightmare is coming for me again. I kick out and am free for just a moment before they push me down on my stomach.

  My arms are pinned behind my back. I feel the burn of my underwear as it is ripped from my body. I scream as I feel their hands touch my backside.

  “You can scream all you want, slut. Your precious Arrow will not save you this time.” Jared says, and I can focus on just one of them now. “My friends are taking care of him but don’t worry. I plan on making him watch us all take you before I kill him.”

  “No,” I cry, trying to pull my arms free but can’t. I kick at his back with my heels, but it does little good. I feel the front of my body grinding against the hard ground, scraping against rocks and sticks. None of it is as painful as I know what is to come.

  “He well deserves the punishment after what he did to me. I have a mind to strap him to the bed and take you on top of him. Would you like that, slut?”

  He pushes my legs apart with his knee as he raises, and I hear him fumbling with his belt as he pulls his member out of his pants. He travels the leather of his belt gently over…then snaps it down on my backside. I scream again in pain. “Oh, yeah, that will leave a mark. I like a nice red ass.”

  He hits me again before he drops the belt beside me. “Turn over, slut. I want to look in that pretty face as I fuck you.”

  He lets go of my hands as he flips me. I kick at him, trying to get away as he comes between my legs. He grabs me by the throat, and I try to pry it away. My hand lands on a rock, and before I realize it, I grip it and bring it up, slamming it into his temple.

  It fazes him, and I scramble up and take off running. I see the edge of the mountain in front of me and run for it. Jared is after me again. I have to escape my nightmares.

  If he catches me again, there will be no escape, I know it. I don’t stop but keep running to the cliff, knowing what this means. I will give it to no longer feel the pain.

  “Stop!” Jared yells behind me, and I feel his fingers wreck against my back. I can’t stop. I won’t.

  As I come to the edge, I leap off into the air, “Arrow!”

  I fall in the air and close my eyes, knowing death will take me soon, “I’m sorry, Arrow.”

  Chapter Thirty


  I hear Jenna scream and know she is close. The cliffs are just over the next rise and I don’t know how, but I am flying faster than I ever have even with my wing hurt. The tree line is just below me, blocking much of my view of the area. It is about to clear, just a little more and they come into view. My heart leaps into my chest at seeing Jenna, running from Jared, naked. My heart stops as I watch her as she keeps running right towards the edge and leaps over.

  “Arrow!” She shouts my name and I dive over the cliff after her, the ground coming up fast as I stretch my arms out for her. My arms come around her waist and I jerk her towards me as I struggle to angle my wings before it is to late. We soar right above the land as I fight through the pain in my wing to bring us higher. As I find my flow through the air, I bring Jenna to me and cradle her in my arms.

  Jenna opens her eyes and looks at me. The blood and marks on her face terrify me for what they show she has had to face. I have no idea what cruelty she has been through but it looks brutal as I hold her naked body in my arms.

  “Arrow.” She cries as she wraps her arms around my neck tightly. I can feel her body shaking in my arms and know how frightened she is. She just jumped to her death, not knowing I would be there to catch her. The horror she must have felt to have done such a thing.

  “Jenna, I’m sorry.” I cry while holding her close to me. “I’m sorry I didn’t protect you.”

  She says nothing, continuing to cry in my neck. I am scared to death that she was raped. The pain of her having survived this once only to have to go through it again? No wonder she jumped.

  My anger builds toward Jared, who is still out there, but I can’t deal with him yet. Not with Jenna like this. I have to get her some place safe, and the only place I can think of close by is Kate’s.

  I fly us there as fast as I can, and all the while she cries and holds onto me. I land in their front yard and call to Katy as Charles and Simon come around the house.

  “Gods, Arrow!” Charles exclaims as he sees Jenna naked in my arms. I pull my wings in so I can go into the house, heading straight for it. “What the hell?”

  “Stay back. The both of you.” I tell them. “Jenna doesn’t like to be around men.”

  Katy comes out then and gasps as she sees me carrying Jenna to her.

  “Katy, I need your help. Jenna has been attacked. I think she has been raped.” I say, taking Jenna in the house, and Katy follows.

  “Oh, no. By whom?” She is in shock herself at hearing this but still moves to open a bedroom door, and I lay Jenna down in it as she covers her up.

  “Someone we know from Star Kingdom,” I tell her. “He followed us with his friends.”

  I look down at Jenna as she crawls up into a ball in the blanket, but she is not chanting as she has before. All she does now is lie there, and that scares me even more.

  Katy touches her head and sees the bruises that have already formed on her face. “She is in shock.”

  “Take care of her, Katy,” I tell her, backing to the door. “I will be back soon.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “To kill the bastard before he can get off this mountain,” I say, turning away and leaving her to it.

  Charles and Simon are both outside, waiting for me on the porch as I come out.

  “What happened, Arrow?” Simon is the one to ask.

  “There was a man in Star Kingdom that attacked Jenna before we left. I beat the shit out of him, but he is the reason why we came here. I didn’t think he got a good look at me, but I guess he did. He followed us with two of his friends. I have killed them, but Jared is still out there. I need some weapons. I am going after him.”

  “We will go with you,” Charles says, and I can see the anger in his face at what has happened. He doesn’t know Jenna
but raping a woman is not something any of us take kindly to. “She is a sweet girl and didn’t deserve this.”

  “Head for my house, but I am not waiting,” I tell him as I take the sword Simon offers me.

  “I will stay here, just in case someone comes around. We don’t live too far from your home, and I don’t want to leave the women alone.” I nod, agreeing with him. If Jared makes it this way, I don’t want the women alone, either.

  “The woods to the east of my place are on fire. We will need to deal with that soon. If you can get word to father, maybe he can round up some homesteaders so we can make a wall so it won’t spread.”

  “Daniel is coming up today to do some fishing with us and spend a few days. He should be here soon, and I will send him.” Daniel is their younger brother but lives in the village now. Our families know each other’s well, and I trust him.

  “Simon, don’t go near Jenna,” I warn him again. “I don’t know if she was raped, but she has been in the past. Keep your distance and let Katy take care of her.”

  “Of course,” he nods, and I step back and bring my wings out. I take off, intending to find the bastard and kill him before he can make tracks off this mountain. He will not see another day.

  I fly high in the sky, and to the east, I see the woods on fire. South is down the mountain, and I am sure Jared is making tracks in that direction. The smell of the fire is heavy in the air, and I can’t sniff him out. Instead, I depend on my sight, looking for anything moving.

  He was by the cliffs when last I saw him, and I move towards them; he would be in that area. For half an hour, I search, but there is no sign of him. I land closer to the end of the cliffs several leagues down. He will head in this direction; he should come into this area soon.


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