Poseidon's Lady (Poseidon's Warriors MC)

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Poseidon's Lady (Poseidon's Warriors MC) Page 12

by Darlene Tallman

“Mine were good as well, Lilli.” The husky timbre of his voice has my panties growing damp and I find myself moving restlessly as thoughts fly through my head.

  “So, no more waiting,” I whisper. It feels like we’ve been doing that very thing for freaking ever.

  “No more waiting, sweetheart.” I hear the promise in his voice and realize that I’ve got other things I need to take care of besides kicking the club girls’ asses for being bitches.

  “I’ll see you when you get back, Jesse. Stay safe.”

  “We always are, sweetheart. See you soon.” I hang up, wondering what the club business was that they needed to handle, then I figure that if he wants me to know, he’ll tell me. Deciding that I need to lose myself baking something, I head down to the kitchen, only to run into Jayna, one of the club girls.

  “He’s not going to stick with you,” she states, giving me a once-over with a sneer on her face. “A girl like you can’t handle all that Poseidon is so you should just leave now and spare yourself the embarrassment.”

  I will not kill a club girl. I will not kill a club girl. I repeat this continuously until my blood pressure has calmed and retort, “Well, seeing as we’ve been sleeping together for well over a month and I’m still here, what does that tell you?”

  “Yeah, he hasn’t gotten bored yet is all.”

  “Don’t you have rooms to clean or something?” I question. She screeches at the reminder of her ‘job’ she has here and stomps off.

  “He hasn’t been with any of them,” Asa says, scaring the shit out of me. I didn’t see him in the kitchen, but he obviously heard what that bitch said.

  “Um, well, honestly, even if he had, that was then and this is now.”

  “You just keep sticking up for yourself and those catty bitches will eventually leave you alone. Of course, you could always beat the shit out of them if you want that to happen sooner rather than later.”

  I start laughing at his words. He may be a prospect, but he’s got the whole badass thing going on, with inked up arms that are massive, the requisite ‘biker’ outfit of fitted T-shirt, molded on jeans, heavy black boots, and his cut. “I’m about to make cookies, any preferences?” I ask, deciding to change the subject.

  He gets a faraway look in his eyes before he replies, “My mom used to make the best snickerdoodle cookies when I was a kid. Haven’t had them in years, though.”

  Nodding, I walk over to where my cookbooks now lay on a shelf that Jesse had one of the other prospects build. Somehow, he managed to get all of my shit moved in from my apartment and settle my lease while I was learning the ropes at my new jobs. I suspect he utilized the prospects for the heavy stuff, but then again, knowing him like I do and how protective he is over me, he probably did it himself. “I think I have a recipe for those.”

  “I can help,” he says, going to the pantry and pulling out flour and sugar. I giggle at how quickly he’s moving, as if that’ll have cookies coming out any faster.

  “I appreciate it because I’ll need a taste tester, right?” I find the recipe and start gathering the rest of the supplies. Once everything is together, I get the oven preheated. “Okay, let’s get this show on the road.”

  Thirty minutes later, the kitchen smells like cinnamon and the prospect has a look on his face that has me asking, “Well? Are they as good as you remember?”

  “As much as I don’t want to tarnish my mom’s memory, these are better than hers ever were and I fucking loved them when I was a kid. You gonna make them again?” The hopeful look on his face has me nodding.

  “Absolutely. I like to bake and cook, so I’m sure that I’ll be in y’alls space so often you’ll want to kick me out.”

  “You’re the first lady, you can do whatever the fuck you want,” he replies.

  “Well, I promise not to get in the way,” I say as I finish cleaning up the mess. I’m one of those who cleans as they go so all that was left were the baking sheets that the cookies were on.

  “Trust me, if you cook half as good as you bake, we’d probably give you a job.”

  I start laughing. I went from having a degree with no job, to having what I told Jesse is an ‘umbrella job’ since I do virtually the same thing at all of the businesses, and now the prospect is saying I can come in and cook with them. “I’ll keep that in mind.” I gather some of the cookies on a plate and cover them up so I can put them in our room for Jesse. I’ve noticed he likes his sweets and want to make sure he gets some of them because the way Asa is chowing down on them, I don’t think there’ll be many left by the time the guys return.


  “You sure we’re not going to get any blowback on your woman or the club?” Trident asks. We had church again when I got the news from Detective Ames about the ongoing investigation. Seems that until he goes to court, that fucker is on house arrest. The lab is backed up so until they get the results on the stuff they found in that prick’s apartment, we’re in a holding pattern. He did mention something I found interesting; it seems that Kassidy ordered rat poison that had thallium in it from some place overseas; the box it came in was in a closet and it still had the shipping invoice inside. Obviously, the two of them weren’t as smart as they thought since they left some pretty damning evidence in his apartment.

  I figure that since the bastard is ‘hanging out at his place,’ we should pay him a visit and let him know what happens when he fucks with someone. Granted, she wasn’t my old lady then, but she is now, and I’ll be damned if some motherfucker is gonna get away with hurting her.

  “Nope. We’re not pussies, we may not be one-percenters, but we can handle our shit. Plus, he needs to know what happens when someone fucks with one of ours. Do you have the stuff?” He nods, pulling out a needle and a vial of insulin. Anson Matthews is about to experience hell on earth and we’re the ringleaders. “Okay, remember what we decided. It’ll look like a home invasion gone wrong. So we need to tear shit up in his house, beat the shit out of him, then inject him with the insulin that Trident brought with him. It’s virtually untraceable and it’s my hope that he either dies or becomes so incapacitated that he spends the rest of his life waiting for others to change his ass.”

  “Let’s do this then,” Brooks commands. Because we want to go in undetected, we opt to take several cages instead of our bikes. Specks has already done his thing and when we arrive, we’re able to get into the pussy’s apartment without anyone seeing us.

  “Who are you? What do you want? Wait, you were with Lilli at that restaurant,” Anson shouts as we surround him.

  “You mean my old lady?” I retort. “The one you tried to kill? She’s with me now, motherfucker.”

  The brothers are already trashing the apartment, and I hear the sounds of breaking glass and things hitting the floor. “What the hell are you doing?” Anson screams, watching the destruction my brothers are creating.

  “Teaching you a lesson,” I reply, nodding to Brooks and Loki. They advance on him and with Loki holding his arms, Brooks starts pummeling him. “That’s for cheating on my old lady,” I state when one punch breaks his nose, causing blood to spew forth. I hear the distinct sound of breaking ribs and say, “That’s for trying to kill her.”

  “She’s a worthless cunt,” he spits out, along with one of his teeth.

  “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure,” Brooks advises, taking out his knee.

  “Fuck!” Anson bellows as tears of pain roll down his face. “She’s not worth it, just leave and I won’t say anything.”

  “Oh, you won’t say anything to anyone regardless,” Trident says, walking over with the needle. He motions for Loki to hold the fucker still and I watch as he injects the insulin in the webbing between his fingers. The hole is so miniscule that it won’t be detected. When I see Anson’s eyes roll up just before he goes limp, I look at Trident. “I may or may not have added a few things to the mix,” he advises.

  “Brother,” I growl out. “It’s supposed to be undetectable.”

/>   “Got it covered, man,” he supplies, pulling a few prescription bottles out. Surprisingly, they have that fucker’s name and information on them. He takes them into the kitchen and puts them on the counter, after pulling several pills out of each one and pocketing them. “Any toxicology shit that’s run will show these,” he states, pointing at the bottles. “And if he took a few more than the dosage states? Well, he was obviously depressed by the current set of circumstances.” He chuckles and the sound makes my hair stand up on end.

  “You’re one evil motherfucker, brother,” I reply.

  “No one hurts one of ours and lives to tell the tale,” he retorts, kicking at the man who is now passed out on the floor. “I think we’re done here.”

  I whistle and everyone comes back into the living room. My eyebrows raise when I see that Atlas and Reef have their arms full of shit. “What the fuck, brothers?”

  Atlas looks at his arms then replies, “It’s a home invasion, figured we should grab some shit to make it look real.”

  “Yeah, that makes sense. Anything good?” Brooks questions.

  “Grabbed the cash we found and some jewelry. Figured that we could give the cash to your woman to spend since that fucker screwed her life up,” Reef states.

  “Then let’s roll,” I advise. We manage to leave the same way we came, undetected, and head back to the clubhouse. Time to shower off this day and see about connecting with my woman.

  Walking into the clubhouse, I smell cinnamon and grin. The prospect had replied earlier when I checked to see how Lilli was doing that she was baking up a storm. He also mentioned that one of the club girls was giving my old lady shit. I need to shut that fucking nonsense down because I’ve never touched any of the current women, preferring to find my release away from the club. Most of the women who come to party are patch whores; they’re looking for an old man and if they hold a position, even better. I do a walkthrough; I know the prospects are good, but it’s my job as president to make sure all is safe and secure. When I reach Specks’ office, I knock, knowing he’s in there watching his monitors. At his bellow, I walk in and stop.

  “What in the hell are you doing?” I ask, looking at the screens.

  “I caught a call on the scanner with that fucker’s address, so I patched into the cameras in the area. Seems that the cunt went to visit him and when he didn’t answer, she used a key and found him lying on the floor, unresponsive. They’ve taken him to the hospital and from what I’ve gathered, he’s in a coma and if he comes out of it, he won’t be messing with your old lady anymore.”

  “Let’s keep an eye on that situation regardless. No surprises for my woman unless they’re the fun kind. What’s that one?” I question, pointing to another monitor.

  “Oh that? Well, I’m fucking up that cunt’s life as we speak. Hard to hold a job when you’re on a sex offender registry, isn’t it?” Even with that, I know that if the results from the lab return like we know they will, she’ll be looking at jail time. The only job she’ll be able to get is in the prison laundry.

  “You’re devious as fuck, but I like it. Remind me never to piss you off, brother,” I state. I’m amazed that he’s taken care of the other issue in Lilli’s life.

  “Just doing what comes natural, brother. No one fucks with one of ours.”

  “You’ve got that right. Alright, turning in.”

  “Your old lady can bake, Poseidon. Those cookies were awesome.” Great, the fuckers apparently ate them all. Disappointed, I nod and leave his cave to head up to my suite. When I walk inside, I catch a faint hint of cinnamon and grin as I see the plate piled high with cookies, along with a note.

  Figured if I left these downstairs, you wouldn’t get any so I made sure you’d have some to satisfy that sweet tooth of yours. XOXO Lilli

  And... I’m hard as fuck again. Outside of my mother and my brothers in the club, no one has ever thought of me like she does. All the little things she’s done and brought into my life run through my head and I chuckle. She has no fucking clue how deeply she’s imbedded herself in my life.

  You love her, Winnie’s voice says. Don’t screw it up, Jesse. She’s special.

  Yes, she is, and it’s time I make her wholly mine. Decision made; I head in to take a shower to wash off the stench that I still feel clinging to me from that fucktard she used to be engaged to.


  I wake up enveloped in Jesse’s heat. His hands are softly roaming my body and I grin, thanking God that the wounds are all healed. They itched like crazy while they healed and when I complained, Trident found me another cream to keep me from scratching so I wouldn’t scar. “You awake?” his raspy voice asks.

  “Mmhmm,” I reply, turning my body toward him so we’re face-to-face. “Did you see I brought you cookies?”

  “Yeah, sweetheart. When Specks told me they were good, I knew those fuckers probably ate them all and was disappointed that I missed out until I got here and saw my plate.”

  “Wasn’t going to let you miss out, handsome. You’re the president, after all.”

  “You’re wholly free now, pretty girl. No more fucktard or bitch will mess with you,” he says, pulling me closer. I decided to wear a silky nightgown to bed and I can feel the friction of his chest hair against my breasts. The delicious sensation causes a shiver to course through my body. “You cold?” he whispers, running his hands down my back.

  “Not really, no. In fact, I’m getting kind of hot,” I reply. I can feel my face heating up and am glad it’s dark in here so he can’t see.

  “Me too, sweetheart,” he murmurs, as one of his hands comes up to cup my face. I don’t know what it is about that action, but it makes me feel cherished.

  I feel his breath on my face then the touch of his lips against mine. It’s a soft kiss, and as he explores my mouth with his, I sigh, allowing his tongue to gain access. He deepens the kiss, tilting my head slightly, and I melt into him, my arms going around his neck so I can run my hands through his hair. Unlike some of the others, he keeps his short. Losing myself to his kiss, I press closer and feel his erection pressing against my stomach. When he rolls us slightly so I’m on my back and he’s partially covering me, I allow my hands to run up and down his shoulders, feeling the solid muscles beneath my fingers.

  He pulls back slightly and says, “I want to go slow but I don’t think that’ll be possible, not now that I’ve finally got you where I want you.”

  “Doesn’t matter, Jesse. As long as we don’t stop,” I counter. Suddenly feeling like I have too many articles of clothing covering my body, I pull back slightly to remove my nightgown.

  “Let me,” he says. I hear the drop in his voice and realize that I’m affecting him just as much as he is me. His rough calloused hands skim my legs until he gathers the hem of my gown and slowly pulls it up and over my head. “God, you’re fucking perfect,” he murmurs. I don’t know how he can say that since the room is nearly pitch black, but I won’t deny that his words have my nipples pebbling even more than they were. I can feel the slickness between my legs and worry that it’ll gross him out. I’ve never been this turned on before and all he’s done is kiss me and take my nightgown off. “Get out of your head, pretty girl. I’ve seen you, remember? You’re perfection to me and nothing you can say will change my mind. You could gain two hundred pounds and I’d still want you.”

  I start to giggle because the thought of me gaining that much weight at my height is ludicrous. “I’d look like a weeble,” I state.

  “Well, weeble wobbles but they don’t fall down, right? At least, you’ll never fall as long as I’m around to catch you,” he replies. Before I can respond, he captures my lips again, only this time, the kiss goes straight to incendiary and I find myself moaning as I press closer. Where I’m soft, he’s hard. Where I’ve got curves, he’s got solid muscles. The feel of his chest hair against my sensitive nipples has me writhing against him. As the kiss continues, I lose myself to his touch.


sp; Never have I ever had someone so fucking responsive. Even with no light in here, I know she’s flushed and I can feel her desire against my thighs. I know her ex was a fuckface and from her reaction, I’m guessing that sex wasn’t all that great. I pull away and pepper kisses along her jaw down to her neck, her moans spurring me on. I plump one breast with my hand as I lower my head and take a nipple in my mouth. As I suck and nip on it, her moans spur me on and after giving one side attention, I switch to the other. “God, Jesse,” she hisses out between clenched teeth.

  Raising my head, I ask, “You okay, pretty girl?”

  “Yeah, I just...it’s never...never been like this.” I grin even though she can’t see me; I knew that stupid motherfucker didn’t take care of her but that’s in her past. I continue playing with her breasts; they’re the perfect size and fit my hands and my mouth so well it’s as if they were made with me in mind. I can feel how wet she is and decide I need a taste, so I start moving down, dropping kisses and nips along the way.

  “Spread your legs, sweetheart,” I command. Once she complies, I use my shoulders to move them farther apart and get my first glimpse of my woman when she’s excited. With no warning, I swipe my tongue from bottom to top, pulling her distended clit between my lips to suck. The shiver that wracks her body has me grinning, even as I repeat the motion. She’s like manna to a starving man and I can’t believe she’s mine for the rest of our lives.

  “Jesse,” she moans out when I insert my index finger into her tight, warm heat. Based on her reactions, I’m guessing this isn’t something she’s had done to her before or if it was, it wasn’t all that good. She shrieks when the tip of my finger strokes over her G-spot and I feel her grow wetter. I add another finger and begin pumping them in and out, occasionally sliding across her G-spot.

  When I feel her pussy tighten around my digits, I whisper against her clit, “Come on my tongue and fingers, pretty girl.” She moans, long and low, as her back arches and her pussy clamps down. I can feel her clit pulsing against my lips as I continue my ministrations, allowing her to ride out her orgasm to completion. She starts to pull away and I drop one last kiss on her mound before I remove my fingers and make my way up her body until we’re again face-to-face, my dick against her opening.


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