Voices From The Cosmos

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by C B Scott Jones

  “In VOICES FROM THE COSMOS, Drs. Scott Jones and Angela Smith provide detailed transcripts of remote viewing/telepathic interviews with members of 18 extraterrestrial (ET) races, including the Large Grays, Nordics, Small Grays, Annunaki and others. These interviews provide answers to some of the perennial ET questions such as: “Who are they? Where are they from? What, if anything, is their agenda? Are they friendly or unfriendly? Do they have an interest and stake in sound human development processes on Earth?” etc.

  Also addressed in the book is the ET link with the Outer Space Security and Development Treaty. This treaty bans all space-based weapons and at their request, Cosmic Cultures are identified as Parties to the treaty. Crafted by Jones, Dr. Carol Rosin, Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, and other colleagues, it is clear the ETs are concerned with keeping space a weapon-free zone. It is a safe assumption that the ETs can easily verify the Treaty is being honored. Their request to be included in the Treaty is a very positive sign that other cooperative ventures are in our future.

  The authors are joined by the ETs in a call for a pre-disclosure dialogue on the anticipated consequences of established contact, and a detailed plan of how this can be accomplished is provided. Academe at all levels must play a leading role.

  The book is a must read for UFOLOGISTS, Exopolitics analysts and all other planetary citizens, both new and experienced with the subject.”

  —Bill Wickersham, Ed.D., Adjunct Professor of Peace Studies, University of Missouri – Columbia

  “As cosmic knowledge, reality and truth unfolds a host of human beliefs and assumptions will be challenged. In over fifty-years of working with ET experiencers, I have concluded that the contact event can result in a number of positive outcomes. I consider this book to be one of those positive outcomes. Drs. Jones and Smith have drawn from a lifetime of contact and moved into a rich, largely unexplored area of research. Direct communication and dialogue with sentient life in the cosmos that is complex, ancient, and apparently waiting for the opportunity to tell their stories. Followers of this field and those who are ready to join this enlightened community will be fascinated by what the little Grays say about what most earth authors call abductions and the purpose of them. These “take and return” operations are to produce a hybrid race of pioneers that explores and settles throughout multiple universes.

  These two authors are uncommon in their contributions that come from both heart and mind. Their combined experience supports critical assessment of the Planetary Plight and the activities of military and government leaders. This is presented with courage, competence and compassion. The huge bonus of this book is the unfiltered voices from the cosmos. Listen to them – they are willing to share.”

  —R. Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Counseling Services, University of Wyoming





  C. B. Scott Jones Ph.D.

  & Angela T. Smith Ph.D.

  “There are as many other races as stars in the sky.”

  —Large Gray

  Headline Books, Inc.

  Terra Alta, WV

  Voices From The Cosmos

  by C. B. Scott Jones Ph.D. and Angela T. Smith Ph.D.

  copyright ©2014 C. B. Scott Jones Ph.D. and Angela T. Smith Ph.D.

  First Electronic Edition 2014

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any other form or for any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage system, without written permission from Headline Books, Inc.

  To order additional copies of this book or for book publishing information, or to contact the authors:

  Headline Books, Inc.

  P.O. Box 52

  Terra Alta, WV 26764



  ISBN 13: 9780938467960

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2014936897



  C. B. Scott Jones & Angela T. Smith

  The subject of this book has been carefully and deliberately ignored by academe in the United States and throughout the world. We will discuss this in one of our chapters and how that situation must be changed. Among the few academics that recognized how important the subject is, none stood taller than John E. Mack M.D., professor at Harvard Medical School. John and Scott met before John knew anything about humans interacting with ETs. Their first connection was over the message that the Cold War sent. The global policies of the US and the USSR were being manipulated to assure continuing war economies with unpredictable military risks. When Scott learned that John was involved with individuals reporting ET contact, a visit to Cambridgewas made and subsequently Scott recommended to Lawrence Rockefeller that John’s work should be financially supported. This resulted in his first book on the subject in 1994, Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens.John was later invited to be a speaker at the May 1995When Cosmic Cultures Meet conference in Washington, D.C. It was not known at the time that he was under vicious attack by the Dean of Harvard Medical School, Daniel C. Tosteson. The committee that Tosteson appointed to confidentially investigate John’s clinical care was not deemed to be disciplinary and therefore John was not protected by the normal university rules of procedure. John was not told of the nature of the complaints against him until eight months after the investigation started. The plan was to intimidate him, to stop his work on a subject fearful to his detractors. When the work of the committee became known, other Harvard faculty became concerned because no charges of professional misconduct or ethical violations were involved. The Rockefeller support of Mack at this time was most important. After fourteen months of this attack, the Dean “reaffirmed Dr. Mack’s academic freedom to study what he wishes and to state his opinions without impediments.” Harvard’s other tenured professors sighed in relief, and the non-tenured professors continued to trudge down the status quo road.

  When John came to the May 1995 conference he was exhausted but gave a reasonable presentation. While the proceedings of the conference were being edited prior to being published, John called Scott and asked if he could replace the talk he gave in Washington, D.C.with one he had subsequently given after he had regained his normal drive and energy. This was agreed to and a paper full of insights was published that showed John’s personal transformation. This was abundantly shown in his next and last book, Passport to the Cosmos: Human Transformation and Alien Encounters.

  John has given us some pithy quotes addressing his discoveries. Two of our favorites are: “The alien abduction phenomenon appears to be kind of spiritual outreach program from the cosmos for the spiritually impaired,” You will remember that one when you read later in this book what the interviewed ETs say about abductions. And finally, “UFOs are outreach to the consciousness-impaired.” John was comfortable with the reality that consciousness was non-local, and wondrously shared throughout the cosmos.

  For all good reasons we dedicate this book to John E. Mack who somewhere we are sure is delighted that the envelope of understanding is still being expanded, and to academics such as Bill Wickersham at the University of Missouri who, still in harness, has survived much and with true grit points a bright light to the future.


  C. B. Scott Jones

  This book is about communicating: verbal and non-verbal communications. There will be nothing new presented about the physical and mental “mechanics” of communication, but some details may be new to many even though they are ancient in practice and clearly important to survival. Long before the beginning of written communications and the advent
of technologically supported communication, indigenous cultures were communicating well beyond the limits of sight and sound. The evidence of this is robust in that some remaining indigenous cultures still practice this art and credit the learning to their ancestors.

  We open with this snippet of information because the majority of what is ahead for the reader was obtained by communicating in this ancient way. Current labels for this form of communication include telepathy for the exchange of thoughts and ideas, remote viewing for exchange of graphic material and events; and the very efficient modality of loaning your voice for someone communicating from a distance. This, of course, is known as channeling. Both authors have used these human technologies in their personal and professional lives. It has served them well. These skills are resident in every conscious being and Smith has taught many to become remote viewers. However, it is as much as remembering as learning anew.

  The importance of the information garnered by these techniques is a decision for each reader to make. We ask you to answer that for multiple levels. The first answer we ask you to seek is personal. What does this information mean to YOU? The second level is what does this information mean for the world, our planet, and all life on it?

  It should not surprise you that the authors’ focus and concerns are about what these communications, this information means to Earth and all life supported by our beautiful blue orb. That concern and hope will surface throughout the pages ahead.

  Chapter One


  C. B. Scott Jones

  Hip deep into the Information Age, there is no shortage of ways to move information around the world, and even into deep space. The prime mover of this information is business. The success of global marketing strategies is dependent upon effective global communications. Rivaling business investment in communications is the world’s military investment in communication infrastructure.

  The plethora of personal communication devices is staggering. Equally so are the number of hours spend texting to “keep in touch.”The World Wide Web has become a depository of stale and irrelevant information. It is a “digital dump” that appears to live forever because there is no flushing mechanism.

  But not everything can be found on the World Wide Web. Critical attention is given to protect investment and proprietary business secrets. Every country is seriously concerned about keeping its own secrets and finding out the secrets of others. This is an ancient game.

  And there is a very interesting category of information that has been of high interest to a few, and of extreme importance to a much smaller group to keep out of all forms of communications. With confidence we can say that those who do not want any discussion about this subject are the masters of global finances. For them it is a simple issue. A global dialogue about this subject will directly threaten their power and profit.

  For the few who are very much in favor of a global dialogue about this subject, the issue is also simple but not with an agenda of gaining power and profit. The agenda is to show the world’s population that there is a non-violent way to change the status quo that egregiously favors the few to a new situation that brings full relief to a planet in peril and a population enduring great hardships. This is not a fantasy. It will be a test of the power of truth, of the knowledge that we are not alone, and have never been alone!

  In following chapters the flower of this book will be in full bloom when you read the transcripts of communications with a spectrum of cosmic cultures. The most recent estimates of the number of planets in our galaxy that are in what astronomers call the “Goldilocks Zone,” a region just right for life as we know it, is about 20 billion. What you will read in our modest sample on this issue suggests another number. We find the metaphor they use to answer that question to be a gentle wakeup call: “How many grains of sand are there?” Obviously, the assumption that the “Goldilocks Zone” is relevant to life in the Cosmos deserves more thought.

  Food for that thought is ahead when you hear from, for example, the Orbs who are present throughout the Universe and appear as balls of light. By the natural laws of the Universe they are sentient, have a mission, and enjoy communicating with Humans. As they will tell you, and this is confirmed by other Cosmic Cultures, communicating is their mission. They are not shy and are easily photographed. The reason for this jump ahead information about one friendly and useful cosmic entity is to shift the subject to challenges encountered when talking about the unknown, and what we have tried to do to add to the subject list new things that are timely and important to talk about. That effort is a bumpy road, and Fyodor Dostoyevsky nailed it years ago when he observed that change is “what people fear the most.”

  Plan C and its Antecedences

  The first really significant effort to try to start a dialogue about Earth/Extraterrestrial relationships developed when Mr. Lawrence Rockefeller asked me to develop a strategy to engage the Clinton administration to request a review of the policy they inherited from previous administrations concerning saying anything about UFOs and ETs. The objective was to encourage President Clinton to change the policy that appeared to be one of secrecy, denial and disinformation. Historically, although it was never referred to by that name, this was Plan A: a direct approach to the White House through the President’s Science Advisor, Dr. John Gibbons.

  Shortly after 07:30 on April 14, 1993, in the first meeting in the Executive Office Building west of the White House, Gibbon’s opening statement was that he knew nothing about the subject.

  This was an astonishing comment and known to be less than the truth for two reasons. The first was that I had known Gibbons for six years when I was Special Assistant to Senator Claiborne Pell and Gibbons was the director of the Office of Technology Assessment, a Congressional Think Tank. Senator Pell was one of six Senators on the advisory group of the OTA and I prepared Pell for all OTA meetings. I developed a close relationship with OTA staff members and learned from them that when Gibbons was with the Congressional Research Service (CRS) at the Library of Congress, he supervised Marcia Smith who was Director Science and Technology Division of the CRS. In that capacity Smith had produced both unclassified and classified reports on UFO phenomena and extraterrestrial intelligence.

  The second reason was more current and relevant. Gibbons had sufficient time and direct access to the CIA to receive a briefing on the subject. However, the CIA failed to deliver it in time for the meeting, and Gibbons was in an embarrassing position. Mr. Rockefeller responded to Gibbons with what can be labeled as a spontaneous Plan B when he told Gibbons that he had considered taking out a full- page ad in all of the nation’s largest newspapers urging citizens to write and phone the White House requesting the President to tell the truth about UFOs. Gibbons was stunned and quickly responded that this would not be necessary, that he was ready to work with us, and he asked what Mr. Rockefeller wanted.

  We had anticipated being asked this question, and a short shopping list that included the famous Roswell incident was in hand. While Roswell was not the first on the list, Rockefeller turned to me and simply said “Roswell”. He had decided to go for the gold and in a euphoric blunder I agreed with him. Before I could comment, Gibbons recovered and said the Secretary of the Air Force was a personal friend and he was confident that she would direct a thorough search for all documents about Roswell and make them available to the public.

  The resulting “Final Report on Roswell” was a sad effort to explain how some highly classified projects of that era could have been misinterpreted as an otherworldly event. The forward to the report proudly stated that the Secretary of the Air Force had waved all security restrictions related to the Roswell incident. The lesson we learned was that the gatekeepers of knowledge about the significance of Earth/ET contact will never allow the relatively insignificant Roswell event to be used as a crowbar to leverage the truth.

  In retrospect, there was one idea on our short list of requests for the White House to do that could have made a difference. Pr
esident Clinton and his Chief of Staff, John Podesta, were both publicly known to be personally interested in the subject of extraterrestrial life. The plan was to have Podesta in one of his public speeches make a comment that he found the subject to be most interesting and intellectually challenging. This would be staged before a scheduled Clinton press conference. A friendly reporter would be primed to ask the President if he agreed with what his Chief of Staff had said. He would respond that he completely agreed and hoped that some university would take up the challenge to do a White Paper on what we know about the subject and to look into the future when there is no doubt about contact, and what that will mean to the world. That would have provided a modest level of political cover that we subsequently learned was absolutely necessary to get the academic community into the game.

  The formal Plan C has gone through several evolutions and is global in scope. In summary it involved inviting major universities around the world to research and write a White Paper that assessed the challenges and opportunities that formal disclosure of Earth/Extraterrestrial contact would present to their country and culture. It was to be a view of an accepted future without need to argue if or when that future would occur. Early in discussing this concept with academic friends at U.S. universities the point was repeatedly made that some evidence of the potential reality of such a future would be necessary before anyone would agree that the effort was worthwhile to undertake. Some used the lack of success of the SETI program to detect any electronic signal from a putative ET source as a reason not to worry too much about contact. This was effectively countered by the suggestion that when a qualifying signal was received it would not likely contain any information about who sent it and what it meant. At that point there would be a scramble to consider a future that Plan C anticipated. A few remembered the sarcastic comment from Senator Richard Bryan (R-NV) when the NASA SETI program was defunded, “This hopefully will be the end of Martian hunting season at the taxpayer’s expense.” SETI has survived by virtue of private funding and they do have a protocol for informing certain groups if they receive a signal believed to come from extraterrestrial sources.


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