Voices From The Cosmos

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Voices From The Cosmos Page 9

by C B Scott Jones

  Part 2

  In addition the following philosophical questions were addressed to each of the ET races.

  Q: They obviously find our human civilization to possess valuable galactic characteristics, some of which they probably lost eons ago, or they wouldn’t be interbreeding with us. They certainly possess the ability to destroy our human civilization, but have not, why?

  Large Gray: Inbreeding not possible. Hybrids only possible. Emotions, hormones, functioning.

  Q: Is that what you find interesting about us?

  Large Gray: Yes. Hybrids not considered inbreeding. No need to destroy. Too interesting.

  Q: Does that mean that no race will destroy Earth and humans?

  Large Gray: Yes.

  Q: What about the idea that some races lost valuable galactic characteristics that we might possess?

  Large Gray: Humans are limited.

  Q: Is this intergalactic ethics - being held to certain behavior by other ET civilizations? Or is it just that their self-interest benefits more by using us for their own needs rather than simply destroying us (a similar model of how things operate on Earth)?

  Large Gray: Not part of the Confederation, Repeating. Act alone. No need to destroy.

  Q: Do certain races have a code of ethics?

  Large Gray: No need, act alone or cooperate.

  Q: Given the billions of likely planets in our galaxy alone, there couldn’t be anything very unique and special about Earth. Although the need to mine some of the debris circling Saturn is puzzling - - the implications of which implies a gigantic civilization that is widespread in our galaxy with a vast need for ongoing raw material supply. I would very much appreciate your insights on what all this implies about the nature of intergalactic inhabitation, the inhabitants in a portion or all of our galaxy. Are they dominant or is there a cacophony of conflicting vested interests in our galaxy like here on Earth?

  Large Gray: Earth is special and interesting. Intelligence is widespread. All of galaxy is inhabited. Humans are limited

  Q: I take this phrase to mean that your answer would be beyond our intelligence?

  Large Gray: Yes. Most act alone or cooperate. Not like Earth.

  Q: What are the intentions of each race? What is each race’s ongoing purpose and when will this be completed?

  Large Gray: Ongoing. No final intention. Act alone or cooperate. No difference. Races different. Act alone or cooperate. No difference. No end completion. Ongoing.

  Q: Will there be a scenario like a “shock wave” from a distant part of the galaxy that will wipe out Earth? Will it hit the Earth and its oceans?

  Large Gray: Minimal. Ongoing. Will impact but not major. Always ongoing.

  Q: What are the meanings of the “disaster scenes” that are shown to abductees?

  Large Gray: Learning. How to cope. Emotions.

  Q: Do you have emotions?

  Large Gray: Yes. Limited.

  Q: What does the future of the Earth look like, say in 2012? What types of scenarios, based on fact, will Earth experience?

  Large Gray: Future not available.

  Q: Does that mean you cannot see future events or that you are unwilling to share with us?)

  Large Gray: Both.

  Q: That is conflicting.

  Large Gray: Yes. Humans are limited. You have the knowledge.

  Q: Are there specific races that are influencing our leaders and the process of civilization? Does any one race or a combination control our civilizations? If so why is this permitted?

  Large Gray: No race controls Earth. Visiting and interacting.

  Q: We consider abductions and implants as controlling.

  Large Gray: Abductions and implants fortunate.

  Q: Do some leaders have implants and are abducted?

  Large Gray: Yes. Fortunate. Permitted.

  Q: Do individuals give permission or is this an implied permission?

  Large Gray: All fortunate is permitted.

  Q: Would other civilizations be able to counter possible Earth changes? Are the Orbs more positive to humans?

  Large Gray: Earth changes minor and ongoing. No need to counter. Orbs energy and information, no emotions. No positive or negative. Just energy and information.

  Q: Do we ascribe emotions to the Orbs, positive and negative?

  Large Gray: Yes.

  Q: Regarding other controlling civilizations, what can we do as humans to enter this chain of command?

  Large Gray: Act alone or join. No chain of command. Most work alone.

  Q: Is the chain of command idea solely an Earth one?

  Large Gray: Yes.

  Q: What about the Nordics, Large Grays, Small Grays and other races appearing to have a chain of command?

  Large Gray: Work alone or join together.

  Q: Does that mean that some of them work together, cooperate, and others work alone on specific interests?

  Large Gray: Yes.

  Q: Most religions of the world accept life after Earthly death. 96% of humans accept this as fact. What is the alien concept and is there an equivalent life after death for them?

  Large Gray: Humans are limited.

  Q: No, I would like to hear what you know about this!

  Large Gray: NR

  Q: What mutual benefits are in place between different civilizations?

  Large Gray: Join or act alone. Join, work together. Strengthen purpose and outcome.

  Q: Could I eventually put together a chart of who works together and who works alone?

  Large Gray: Yes.

  Q: Basically, as a start, which of the Small Grays, Large Grays and Nordics works together and which work alone?

  Large Gray: Large and Small Grays together. Nordics (Whites) alone.

  Q: But Whites are seen with both types of Grays on craft?

  Large Gray: Yes, visiting, alone, working.

  Q: They appear to be working in cooperation with the Grays?

  Large Gray: No. Visiting, alone, working.

  Q: What will help the human race survive? Is the human race expendable? Are we in danger of decimation some time in the future?

  Large Gray: No. Humans limited but ongoing. Will survive. Not expendable. Valuable. Life. Ebbs and flows of life. Natural and expected.

  Q: Would there be a sharing of resources with different species in the future. This could affect the Earth financially. Would our leadership agree to share resources? How best can we manage our natural resources without destroying ourselves?

  Large Gray: Sharing in place. No need for leadership to agree. Sharing not in conflict with management of resources. Humans are limited and will cause conflict anytime.

  Q: Are some races hindering or helping us? Do they have a respect for intelligent life?

  Large Gray: All respect life. All respect Human life. No hindering or helping. Respect and sharing. Humans act alone, no need for cooperation to help or hinder sharing.

  Q: That is difficult to understand.

  Large Gray: Humans alone but sharing with others.

  Part 3

  1) Social Structure:

  Large Gray: We are united. We are alone. We are not of the Confederation.

  Q: I need more than that? How does your society differ from, say, that of one that is in the Confederation?

  Large Gray: We are arranged in ninths. Top nine and down. There are always nine.

  Q: You said before that there was no hierarchy.

  Large Gray: We are sets of same born in ninths.

  Q: Are you born in the same manner as humans?

  Large Gray: No. We are taken as immature and grown. We have special needs.

  Q: So, if you have no hierarchy, are you a democracy, with every one thinking for itself?

  Large Gray: Yes, but linked together always in thought.

  Q: So, by interviewing you, I am also interviewing all other Large Grays?

  Large Gray: Yes, they all share.

  Q: That is an awesome thought!

  Q: How do yo
u instigate change, is there a vote?

  Large Gray: There is little change. We all decide.

  Q: Who made the decision not to join the Confederation?

  Large Gray: We were not ready. We were not invited.

  Q: Are you physically scattered across the galaxy or mainly all in one place?

  Large Gray: Mostly in one place, many scattered across the galaxy.

  2) Social Change:

  Large Gray: We have always been. Before human history. No place in changing human history

  Q: Some say that alien races designed us? Is that so?

  Large Gray: No. Natural beginning.

  Q: How is history recorded in your race?

  Large Gray: History remembered by all.

  Q: Do you have writing, books, or documents?

  Large Gray: No, all is remembered by all.

  Q: Historically, what are some major events in which your race has interacted?

  Large Gray: NR

  3) Social Inequality:

  Large Gray: Repeated. Confederate together, others alone.

  Q: Are there traits that your race shares with the human race?

  Large Gray: Yes, cooperation, trust, shared thought.

  Q: In what ways are you different from us?

  Large Gray: Independent yet unified as whole. All share thoughts. Able to travel.

  Part 4

  The following was taken from the TSS Director, an online effort to document general bodies of information, established by sociologist Dan Brook. The interview structures, originally designed for human cultures, also became part of the assessment of each alien culture. This introduction will not be repeated in subsequent interviews.

  What are people thinking and doing there?

  Large Gray: All share thinking and doing. All know all. Thinking and doing the same. Nothing one does, others do not know.

  Q: So there is no individuality?

  Large Gray: All individuals.

  Q: There is a difference in definition of individual. Humans think and act without everyone else knowing what they are thinking or doing, most of the time.

  Large Gray: NR

  Q: What kinds of people are there?

  Large Gray: All one. No kinds of people except different races.

  Q: How are you like the Small Grays?

  Large Gray: Same. Thinking and doing shared. Some thinking and doing not shared. Cooperation. Working together.

  Q: How are you and the Small Grays unalike?

  Large Gray: Different travel. Some not sharing. Small Grays fortunate.

  Q: Does that mean that they have implants?

  Large Gray: Yes.

  Q: Who is included and who is excluded?

  Large Gray: None excluded, all included.

  Q: What rules and norms govern behavior there?

  Large Gray: No rules or norms, all included, all shared. No behavior.

  Q: Here we include behaviors such as eating, sleeping, social customs. Do you have rules that govern those behaviors?

  Large Gray: All share.

  Q: How are roles assigned and tasks divided?

  Large Gray: No. All share and none is divided.

  Q: For example, you are answering my questions, so you are acting alone in an assigned task, you are divided in this task?

  Large Gray: No. All answering, none acting alone, none divided.

  Q: Who says so?

  Large Gray: All say so. There is no division and none apart from the all.

  Q: How are people socialized?

  Large Gray: No, we are all one.

  Q: For example, here children are taught the rules of society at an early age. Do you have the same rules?

  Large Gray: No, the nutrients we share teach rules. Shared thoughts teach rules.

  Q: Whose interests do these social arrangements serve?

  Large Gray: The all serves the all. All interests are served.

  Q: Who benefits and who loses?

  Large Gray: All benefit, none lose.

  Q: What powerful people, processes, institutions, and structures influence these arrangements?

  Large Gray: All are the same. None different.

  Q: In what ways are things changing there and in what ways are they staying the same?

  Large Gray: All stays the same.

  Q: When, how, and why do people resist?

  Large Gray: None resist. All are one. None is different.

  Q: Is this process or system relatively sustainable?

  Large Gray: Yes.

  Q: It all sounds boring according to Earth interactions.

  Large Gray: All is as it is.

  Assessment of the Large Gray

  While this interview may have appeared stilted and, even, boring at times, it shows the mindset and mind-view of the Large Gray. The Large Gray didn’t answer certain questions: this might have been because they did not know the answer, did not want to answer, or were prevented from answering for some reason. For example, the question about life after death was not answered. It is possible that there is no life after death for the Grays. Also the Gray could not come up with any estimates of when the Earth could join the Confederation. Also the commonly used phrase “Humans are limited” is often given when the Gray does not want to answer a question or feels that Humans will not understand the answer. This indicates a race that either considers itself superior or does not have the answers.

  It is possible that there is some division of knowledge and not all knowledge is shared by the Grays. For example the Large Gray could not state which historical events the Grays had been involved in. It gave the excuse that answers were “too complicated” as “Humans are limited.” It could not, or would not, give the physics of their travel!

  A quick analysis of the Gray’s interactions ( I am not a linguist) indicated a scarcity of language and vocabulary, very little creativity, and a “high-handed”, even flippant manner of speech. It is interesting that the Grays view abductions and implants as positive and “fortunate,” despite my questions about autonomy and control. Also the continued use of “Humans are limited” was annoying and arrogant.

  There was no face-to-face interaction with the Large Gray but there was definitely mutual awareness and focused interaction. As this was not a face-to-face interaction, personal space could not be assessed but the Large Gray did take verbal turns in the interview showing awareness of personal space. The Large Gray was able to give us some glimpses of its culture, however stereotypical.

  In this brief encounter with the Large Gray, it seems that there is very little culture in their system. Earth culture and societies are varied, colorful, and vibrant compared with the life of the Large Gray. It is very tempting to judge alien cultures by our own Earth standards. We are so diverse and yet retain global norms, such as commerce, privacy rights, freedom of speech, humor, etc. None of these appear to be present in the Large Gray society. Perhaps that is why we are, as a species, so interesting to them.

  Many researchers have discovered a correlation between symbols found in crop circles, UFO sightings, and symbols remembered by abductees to symbols such as rune glyphs and other ancient markings. A study of these symbols could tell us more about different alien cultures. This has been a fascinating first session. I have learned a great deal from it and hope that the Large Grays have also learned more about our Earth society.

  This interview with the Large Gray opened up the interview process to other groups. The next two races to be interviewed were the Nordics and Small Gray.

  2: The Exobiology Project:

  Talking With The Nordics

  Part 1

  Q: How do they cooperate? Is there a Confederation that is acting together?

  NORDICS: We are part of the Confederation; in fact, we were part of the early group. We are distributed throughout the galaxy and very abundant in your Earth region.

  Q: Did a group of us see a couple of Nordics over the Millennium New Year’s Day at the Stratosphere?

ICS: Yes but we prefer to be called the Whites. You saw two of our group.


  Q: How was it that I only saw the female Nordic coming down the escalator and not the male?

  NORDICS: We have abilities and physics that are, as yet, unavailable to Humans although you are near. We cooperate with all races, including the Small and Large Grays. They are not part of the Confederation and will probably never be.

  Q: There has been documentation that you have been seen on craft with Grays? What has been your role?

  NORDICS: Please refer to them as Grays, not grays, they are a distinct species. We refer to Humans, not humans. We work with them for our own purposes. They collect Humans; we take advantage of this collection for our own purposes.

  Q: We call the collections, abductions. What is your purpose in working with Humans?

  NORDICS: The Grays are interested in physical aspects of Humans; we are interested in the intellect and personality. We are not concerned with how Humans are collected. They are available for us. So we do our work with them.

  Q: Does your work with Humans benefit us?

  NORDICS: It neither benefits nor harms Humans. It is important to us.

  Q: How is it important to the Nordics?

  NORDICS: Humans will one day join the Confederation, we need to be aware of how they think, feel, react.

  Q: Do the Grays sometimes offer some of your scenarios, for example, the Doomsday scenarios?

  NORDICS: Yes. We act in cooperation with the Grays.

  Q: Is there more to the Orbs and others and can they manifest responses? Are there different types of Orbs?

  NORDICS: Orbs are energy and information. This is well known among the Grays and the Nordics. They do not have personalities or purpose, as is thought by Humans. They can transform into Human shapes or Gray shapes but they are not Humans or Grays. They act as scouts, probes, carriers of information across distances.

  Q: Can the Orbs be called?

  NORDICS: Yes, we call them to give them information that can be transported across distances. Think of them as workers, rather than individuals. Once their purpose has been carried out, they usually dissipate into the atmosphere.

  Q: Some of them appear to have faces?

  NORDICS: The faces are a form of recognition to the receiver of the information. They are the faces of the individuals who form the spheres and they are for identification only. The Orbs are not personalities themselves. Yes, there are many different types of Orbs.


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