Voices From The Cosmos

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Voices From The Cosmos Page 16

by C B Scott Jones

  Small Gray: We consider ourselves autonomous and not under great rules. We also live in cooperation with other races.

  Hooded Reptilian: We consider ourselves autonomous. We have information and we can move the craft. That is all we need to have.

  Indigo Hybrid: The history of these races is complex. There is too much for Humans to fully know and understand. Humans are not autonomous either. No race can stand by itself. One day all the history will be understood.

  Q: This has been an awesome experience bringing you all together. Thank you!

  7: The Exobiology Project:

  Talking With The Orbs

  “Talking to an Orb is like talking to a Thesaurus.”

  We know quite a bit about the Orbs from the other races that have been interviewed. An invitation was extended to the Orbs to participate in this project and an Earth-bound Orb, calling itself Orb1, responded. Orb1 was invited to comment on these findings. Specific questions were also asked of Orb1, including questions that were unanswered by the other races. This session then directly interviewed an Earth-bound Orb with particular questions. Specifically, how can we facilitate communications with them, are there some activities that they enjoy, what abilities can they help us develop, and what different types of Orbs are there and what are there functions? Are the Orbs always the same or different Orbs, are they carrying messages. and are they independent or where do they come from?

  What we know about the Orbs from the Other Races.

  Large Gray

  Large Gray: “Orbs are energy and information. Orbs carry information. They are also pure information. They can be deciphered through mental intellect. They can respond to requests. There are many Orbs and they are: probes, scouts and they play. They are attracted by sound. Encode sound within structure as manifested by the rings and colors within the Orbs. Everything has a frequency. Orbs absorb frequencies. Become information. Carry information. The Large Grays are able to send Orbs that are limited probes. Orbs are energy and information, no emotions. No positive or negative. Just energy and information. Humans ascribe emotions, both good and bad to the Orbs.”

  Orb1 Responds to the Large Grays

  Orb1: The Large Gray is correct in many aspects of this dialogue. We carry both energy and information that is encoded into our structure. We consider ourselvesspiritualand we do not act on our own volition. We act as messengers andservants

  Q: This is the closest word I could find to what they mean. They appear to be altruistic. The words initalics are my perception of their meaning. Talking to an Orb is like talking to a Thesaurus.

  Q: Some words that the Orbs relay are “noisy” and have many meanings, so I have written the closest word initalics.

  Orb1: Most races can interpret the information that we carry. There are very few Humans that can interpret the information.

  Q: Have you come at my request?

  Orb1: Yes.

  Q: Thank you.

  Orb1: The Large Gray is correct in stating our functions: we are probes as we can encode information at the destination and take it back to our starting point. We can play, if we are requested to, but we do not play autonomously. Yes, we are attracted by sound, specifically low frequencies. We have emotions but these are only expressed according to the sender and the receiver of the information. For example, if an Orb is called and asked to play, the Orb will do so, until it is called away or sent to another destination.

  Q: When Humans pray or want to send positive thoughts, blessings and other thought messages to another, do you carry them?

  Orb1: Yes. But there are othermicro-elementals that also do this work. Orbs can also carry negative thoughts, as can the smaller entities.

  Q: Are the faces seen on photographs of Orbs, the faces of those who sent them?

  Orb1: Many times but the faces can also be of the person who is to receive the information. Sometimes, we get delayed on a journey by another person calling us. So, the face on the Orb is not the face of the one sending but the one ultimately receiving the information. We wish this did not happen. Please only call the ones closest to you! Not the ones that are on a journey! This can be done with themind.


  Nordic: “Orbs are energy and information. This is well known among the Grays and the Whites. They do not have personalities or purpose, as is thought by Humans. They can transform into Human shapes or Gray shapes but they are not Humans or Grays. They act as scouts, probes, carriers of information across distances. The Orbs can be called. The Nordics call them to give them information that can be transported across distances. Think of them as workers, rather than individuals”.

  “Once their purpose has been carried out, they usually dissipate into the atmosphere. The faces seen in some Orbs are a form of recognition to the receiver of the information. They are the faces of the individuals who form the spheres and they are for identification only. The Orbs are not personalities themselves.”

  “Yes, there are many different types of Orbs. Humans can also imprint an Orb with information but cannot yet perceive Orbs all the time with their eyes, only with technology. Nor can they decode the information that is carried by the Orbs. Orbs are no more positive to Humans than to any other species. Humans are able to summon Orbs and to interact with Orbs from other sources but have little understanding of their function or purpose. Orbs simply carry information and energy and are not autonomous.”

  Orb1 Responds to the Nordic

  Orb1: This isnonsense! We cannot change into other shapes, as the Nordics can. They have aninflated sense of themselves. They can change shape and assume that all other races can do this. They are the ones changing into other shapes. Not us. They are correct that we carry information. Yes, we carry information for the Nordics, who like to call themselvesWhites.They arepompous! Yes, we have personalities but these aresubsumedso that we canserve. Some Humans can see us as small lights and we are often seen onmedia. We are autonomous but choose to bemessengers.Nordics are members of the Confederation, as we are, but the Nordics have aninflated sense of self.

  Small Grays

  Small Grays: “There are different types of Orbs. Some have intelligence. Some are able to act independently. The Orbs that the Whites (Nordics) work with do not have autonomy but go where they are sent. Orbs are not aggressive. They do not carry weapons. They are able to materialize and dematerialize. They do carry information and energy and are useful. Could we learn to harness the Orbs? That is a Human concept. Orbs are intelligent. They will come or go when asked. They will carry information. Most Orbs do not have personality that is positive or negative. Positive and negative are Earth judgments.”

  Orb1 Responds to the Small Grays

  Orb1: Yes, we have intelligence. It isnonsensethat we are sent by the Nordics because we do not have intelligence or autonomy. We have both. They are right that the Orbs cannot be harnessed ordetained.We do have personalities but these aresubsumed. We recognize each other Orb’s personalities and intelligence. They are right that we do not carry weapons and are not aggressive but we can choose not to come and choose not to deliver information, or even to deliver the wrong information when we decide. There have been accidents when a Human has walked into us and we have knocked them over.

  Hooded Reptilian

  Hooded Reptilian: “We do not discuss the Orbs. Others have Orbs, we do not. We have never had Orbs. We will never have Orbs. We will never talk about the Orbs. We do not discuss Orbs. We do not own or discuss Orbs.” When asked, are Orbs a separate species, they replied, “No. They are a nuisance.”

  Orb1 Responds to the Hooded Reptilian

  Q: Here I perceived something like the Earth-based saying: “Don’t talk to us about the Reptilians!” It was perceived in a tolerant yet sarcastic manner. There seems no “love lost” between the Orbs and the Reptilians.

  Q: Do you carry information for the Reptilians?

  Orb1: Yes but underduress.

  They do not like to talk about each other or to each other. />
  Q: What caused this difference in opinion and dislike?

  Orb1: NR – No Response.

  Indigo Hybrid

  Indigo Hybrid: “The orbs are problematic. They were a race at one time but became subservient to other races and became messengers and servants. Not exactly slaves but they are altruistic and subsume their own interests for the interests of others.”

  Q: The other races say that the Orbs carry energy and information. Is that so?

  Indigo Hybrid: “Yes.”

  Q: Are some Orbs independent?

  Indigo Hybrid: “They are all independent but subservient to other races.”

  Q: Could Humans call them and ask them to carry information or for help?

  Indigo Hybrid: “Yes, but that would be adding to their subservient role.”

  Q: Is this role something that they have chosen?

  Indigo Hybrid: “Yes.”

  Q: Is there a way that Humans could interact with Orbs in a way that would enable them to be more independent, yet cooperating with Humans?

  Indigo Hybrid: “Yes, by stating to other races that Humans are cooperating with the orbs.”

  Q: Are the Orbs part of the Confederation?

  Indigo Hybrid: “Yes.”

  Q: That surprises me.

  Indigo Hybrid: “Yes, they are members.”

  Q: You refer to the orbs, rather than the Orbs. I learned from the Nordics that those races that belong to the Confederation had their names capitalized, i.e. Nordics, Whites.

  Indigo Hybrid: “It is the choice of the race. We respect the orbs decision and do not call them Orbs.”

  Q: Would calling them Orbs, give them more respect?

  Indigo Hybrid: “They do not want it. We have talked about the orbs before. They are poor things that have been used. Leave them alone.”

  Orb1 Responds to the Indigo Hybrid

  Q: There also appeared to be some problem with obtaining information from the Orb regarding the Hybrid. The only information was that this particular Hybrid had some dealings with the Hooded Reptilian and wassuspect.

  Orb1: The Hybrids do not understand us. They have little to do with us. They hear about us from the Grays, Nordics and Reptilians and do not understand us. They have pity for us but do not understand us. We are part of the Confederation, we have autonomy, we have intelligence, and we have personality. Do not pity us.

  Q: I don’t pity you. I respect you and your race.

  Talking to Orb1 – Direct Questions

  Q: How can we facilitate communications with them?

  Orb1: We can interact in many ways, through thought, by changing thedensityof items so that they appear or disappear. Mostly, we interact, with Humans, through thought. Other races havemachines that can download the information that we carry.

  Q: Are there some activities that they enjoy?

  Orb1: We enjoy traveling to distant places. We do not need craft, like the other races. We are totallyamorphous and can travel whenever and wherever we want. We like this freedom. We go where others need to us to go, we go where we are called, and we enjoy this.

  Q: Do you enjoy dancing with Humans?

  Orb1: Yes, but it often calls us away from other destinations. You must call local Orbs to dance: they will become your Orbs.

  Q: Will they relocate?

  Orb1: Yes.

  Q: Will they carry information?

  Orb1: Yes, but others will not know how toperceive the information.

  Q: What abilities can they help us develop?

  Orb1: We cannot help with this. Humans have varying degrees of information and understanding but theirprejudices hinder them developing and understanding more about their gifts.

  Q: What different types of Orbs are there and what are their functions?

  Orb1: Orbs are one race but have many differences. Our destinations define our differences. We carry messages, information, and energy. We take these from one location to another.

  Q: If you are an Earth-based Orb, do you only carry information around the Earth?

  Orb1: That is amistake. We are all the same race. We can all gooff-Earthand none of us isconfined to the Earth.

  Q: One of the things that I perceive about the Orbs is that many words that you use have multiple meaning, like a Thesaurus. I have given the nearest equivalent in this report. Is this correct?

  Orb1: Our language contains manyinterpretations. We work with many races and therefore have manyinterpretationsof eachword/meaning.

  Q: While still respecting your race, it is like interacting with a Thesaurus.

  Orb1: True.

  Q: How do they cooperate?

  Orb1: Wecooperatewith all races but more with some than others.Cooperateimplies an equality. We are equal with some and not equal with others. We carry information for everyone but do notcooperatewith everyone.

  Q: Is there a Confederation that is acting together? Are the Orbs part of the Confederation?

  Orb1: All Orbs are part of the Confederation. We have been part of the Confederation for all time. We have always been.

  Q: A thought has crossed my mind to ask? If you have always been, and interact with all races, were you once part of these races?

  Orb1: Yes. It is similar toreincarnation. As other races fade away we become part of the Orb race.

  Q: I have asked the other races about “Life after Death” and they have been unable to answer this question.

  Orb1: There is no death. Life continues but in different forms.

  Q: So were you once a Gray or a Nordic?

  Orb1: It is not that simple. The energies mixed and we are formed.

  Q: Is there more to the Orbs observed by others, and can they manifest responses?

  Orb1: There is nothing more to the Orbs that others have observed except that they have been interrupted in their journey. There are Orbs available to be called and which will interact with them, useperipheral vision.

  Q: Some say that they can put out their hands and feel the energy of the Orbs. Is this so?

  Orb1: Yes, but the Orbs they are interacting with are then disturbed and have to return to thesourceto regain their information. You can do what you want with the Orbs that you call from thelayers.

  Questions asked of the Forum of Races

  Q: The alien races appear to operate on a consensus basis. That is, the races act as one mind, conferring before responding or acting. Is this a stumbling block in communication between alien races and Human? Does this affect alien races/Human relations? Humans act more independently, usually act alone, does this difference matter?

  Orb1: Orbs do not act as onemindand are like Humans in this. But when conveying information for another race, the Orbs are able to act like that race and share information with many other races. Communicating as onemind or as individual minds is not important to communication.

  Q: How many different Confederations are there beyond our galaxy? How many different races are there beyond our galaxy? Are they highly intelligent? Do they operate on pure intelligence, rather than having a physical body? The size of the universe is beyond our Human knowing? What can you tell us about the rest of the universe, other galaxies, other races, and other Confederations? How do they communicate? Would we be able to communicate with them? The races, so far interviewed, appear to respect Human intelligence. Do the other races also respect Human intelligence? How would other races differentiate between Humans and other animals on Earth?

  Orb1: All races respect Human intelligence, even the Hooded Reptilian, or they would not communicate with you. The Human race is able to communicate with all of them. The Human race can communicate both with the mind and withthe voice. All races are able todifferentiatebetween Humans and other animals on Earth. There is too much information to share in this onecommunication.

  Q: Will you communicate these answers in another session, which would have been devoted to an off-planet Orb?

  Orb1: Yes.

  Q: All abductees appear to be subject to “video” presenta
tions that present cataclysmic scenes. How are the different races able to project these scenes? Humans have the ability to predict future events either through psi means or through statistics. The races, interviewed so far, do not seem to be able to predict beyond a short time period. Are there races that are able to predict beyond the near-term, and can predict events up to 50-100 years into the future? The Nordics appear to have some predictive abilities. Can the Nordics predict up to 50-100 years into the future? If so, to what extent is the Earth at risk over the next 50 years? Is the Earth, itself at risk, or just Humans? Do the Orbs have predictive abilities?

  Orb1: Only in the information that we can carry. Humans are the most predictive as they can reason, plan, remember, and think independently. They have the ability toset aside extraneousinformation and look at future events. Orbs can tell you information that they are carrying, they can be sent to access information about future events and their consequences but cannot predict events of their ownvolition.

  Q: The events written about at the Skinwalker Ranch, UT showed that many races, while frightening and threatening Humans, appeared to attack animals. It is obvious that Humans are being watched by different races? How many are watching us? There was evidence of shape-shifting at the ranch. Which races are able to shape-shift? Was the Big Foot creature seen at the ranch an individual species or a race that was shape-shifting? What use are the harvested blood/organs to those harvesting them? Are there other species that are harvesting these animal parts?

  Orb1: The Orbs carry information; we do not harvest parts orshape-shift. The Nordics are the only ones visiting Earth on a regular basis that canshape-shift. The animalremainsare used by the Grays. There is areciprocal arrangement between the Grays and the Nordics.

  Q: Most alien races, interviewed so far, have abilities to travel outside of the Earth, either in craft or, as in the Nordics, bi-locating themselves to body copies at their destination. Will Humans ever have these abilities? What other abilities are dormant in Humans that we could further develop? What abilities, that we currently have, are we not using?


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