Voices From The Cosmos

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Voices From The Cosmos Page 26

by C B Scott Jones

  Q: That is true. In our area we have a commercial airport with planes arriving and leaving at around one-per-minute, there is an air base and at least three private airports. These airports surround the city which lies in a deep valley. I understand that plans to rebuild the airports have been suggested, out in more open areas, but people have resisted this. It would not be convenient or financially sound for people to build these airports away from the big cities.

  N: Humans have become lazy and irritable with anything that makes them exert an effort. Humans are physical beings and have to think in physical terms. So, the value of something close by is weighted out to the quality of the air. It would take a special group of Humans to become nomads, to move where optimal conditions would create the most favorable living for Humans. Humans would be able to settle for perhaps two or three generations, then would move on when a consensus indicated that living conditions were not amenable to an excellent way of life. It would take many such groups to create a continuation of existence for Humans once conditions became non-livable in disaster areas. There are plenty of such places on the Earth.

  Q: This way of living would be resisted by many people, not only Americans but from other countries. There would be disagreements about traditions and heritage, about usurping others’ lands, about land rights and titles. However, I can see how this would work with groups moving away from disaster prone areas such as the Gulf Coast, from flooded coastal areas, from Earthquake prone areas of California and the path of volcanoes. This might be an idea that would be attractive to youth, to a new breed of adventurers and travelers who seek adventure and excitement.

  N: There is nothing exciting and adventurous about deciding to live in an area that is safe from disaster. Youth would not be advantageous to do this because of their lack of qualifications and experience. This would have to be undertaken on a scale of a whole town moving to a new location. There would be difficulties but none that could not be overcome. This would save human lives: it would be the correct way to go.

  Q: It seems to me that the early American settlers were nomads of this type. Do you advocate modern Americans doing treks like the settlers? It seems like reinventing the wheel. I don’t think that becoming neo-nomads would create any better living conditions than we have now, although it would take people out of the way of danger.

  N: There is no comparison with the suggested nomad concept and the settlers. The old settlers had no support, such as water and light. Modern nomads would have everything available. And amenities would travel with them. They would be more likely to work with natural amenities such as air, wind, sun, and water.

  Q: What about ideas to market environmentally sound business ideas? Would that go a ways to providing answers to some of our current environmental problems? Some of our greatest innovators, such as Dean Kamen, have invented items like gyroscopic scooters and wheelchairs, and simple water filters for developing countries. Yet, none of these inventions seems to have been incorporated into modern American life or abroad. These ideas were lauded as “breakthroughs” when they became known. Now, nobody seems to know much about them. Would the same happen again?

  N: Yes, if the human race is not ready for an idea then it will not be accepted. The inventor becomes disillusioned and goes away. Or the ideas are swallowed up into larger ideas by bigger inventors. But that should not stop Humans from creating new things. Humans are creative and imaginative and will always be inventing. But all the inventions will have only a very, very small effect in the bigger picture of global warming. Global warming is a very large effect and the small efforts that Humans make will have very little impact. Global warming may be slowed but not stopped. It is a natural process, a cyclic process and, once, started, cannot be stopped.

  Q: Thank you for the dialog.

  14: The Exobiology Project:

  Dialog With The Orbs

  “Humans create many solutions but it is not always the most

  efficient solution that is used to mend a problem.”

  —The Orbs

  Another race that was thought to be amenable to a dialogue was the Orbs. They were found, during their interview, to be able to carry information. This project accesses an available Orb in order to dialogue on the general concerns below, as well as some additional questions specifically for the Orb. These questions concern where the Orbs receive their information, who would we be able to talk to directly, and questions regarding the races from the Pleiades, Sirius and Andromeda, and other races that have interacted with Humans. It would be fascinating to include these and other races, mentioned earlier, in future writing. Lastly, some philosophical questions regarding the evolution of Humans have been asked of the Orbs.

  These are the same questions that were asked of the Nordic. A dialogue is requested with the Orbs on how to combine experience and wisdom, technology with empathy, for direction and insight into the coming events.

  Q: Welcome Orb and thank you for agreeing to dialogue with us.

  O: The concerns outlined are many and complex. Each one has its own path and each one has its own outcome yet interplay with each other.

  Q: The Orb uses multiple words for each concept but I am using the one word that best describes what is being conveyed.

  O: The warming of the Earth is predictable and planned (?) many millenniums ago. The Earth is a living organism and has cycles of ebb and flow, cooling and heating and other cycles within its shell. The Earth was in a state of equilibrium before Humans. Humans have upset the equilibrium. The Earth was not meant for Humans to occupy. Humans have upset the balance of the Earth and upset its equilibrium. Humans will continue to upset the equilibrium. Humans cannot cry about this effect, they have caused it but they cannot correct it. They have hastened effects which were to take many hundreds of years to achieve. There was a balance to the Earth and this balance can no longer work. It will always be upset and not work as planned.

  Q: I have many questions about the planning of these cycles. Can you answer these for me?

  O: No. Not at this time.

  O: Humans have their own agendas and plans and they do not consider the Earth or its cycles. Humans do not value or understand their own cycles. When Humans first came to the Earth they lived and passed at respectful periods, sometimes in small numbers and sometimes in large numbers. Now Humans do not pass as they should, as they have cycled in the past, and this has upset the equilibrium of the Earth. There are several messages that are needed to be conveyed to Humans.

  O: That Humans need to respect the equilibrium of the Earth.

  O: They need to learn and understand their own cycles and live and pass accordingly.

  O: They must know that they cannot reverse the Earth to its old rhythms and cycles: that this must continue as it has been changed.

  O: Humans must learn to live with the changes and adapt their living accordingly.

  O: Humans must learn not to meddle in something that has been in effect for longer than Humans have been on the Earth.

  O: Humans are greedy and use more of the Earth’s resources than they need and do not consider other races.

  O: Humans are closed to communication with the other races and do not know what the other races want from Humans although we have been trying to tell you.

  O: Humans do not even consider other Humans and their needs.

  O: Humans try to change everything and then, when things are in a mess, they cry and try to mend what has been broken. With their limited understanding, Humans think that they can mend anything but there are some things beyond mending and things which must be adapted for. Humans need to understand that living with the Earth’s rhythms and cycles is the best way. The cycles of night and day have been altered, the seasons have been altered, even time has been altered by Humans. When basic cycles are changed then the circumstances also need to change and Humans have to adapt to these changes and changed cycles.

  O: Humans do not seem to understand that everything revolves around the cycles an
d rhythms of the Earth itself: that these cycles were put in place for a reason and for a purpose. Meddling with them only causes disaster. Humans have meddled for the past two hundred Human years (which we can estimate) and this has undone millenniums of cycles and rhythms. Now Humans are wondering why the Earth is changing and why

  O: Humans are being subjected to disasters and future disasters that are predicted. Humans are not able to connect the many factors that have caused these effects. Humans sort out one problem while, at the same time, they are causing new ones to happen. Humans do not seem to understand that repairing one problem is not the answer; they are just causing new problems. It is very distressing to the other races to see this.

  O: The only answer (information) that we have is that Humans stop altogether trying to mend other problems while they are waiting for one problem to be solved. This way they will not confound the problems. Humans create many solutions but it is not always the most efficient solution that is used to mend a problem. Often the solution to mend a problem is used because it entails great financing and people profit, or it creates revenge on another people, or it causes prestige for the person suggesting the solution. If Humans could just use the most efficient solutions regardless of money, revenge or prestige, the problems would get mended. The questions that you have asked at the beginning of this dialogue are meaningless in the bigger view, the longer view, which extends back past Humans and will extend way past Humans in the distant future. That is all that we have to say at this time.

  Q: Thanks you. That sounded more like a diatribe than a dialogue but I will pass on the information.

  Questions for the Orbs.

  Q: Where do the Orbs receive their information, from where and from whom?

  The information for this session came from the Orbs, who collected the information from the Elementals, who collected the information from the Void.

  Q: Is the Void the same as what remote viewers call the Matrix? (The Matrix in this context is defined by remote viewers as “Something within which something else originates or takes form or develops. A place or point of origin or growth.”)

  O: It is similar but much more extensive. It does not just include Human information but information for everything, everywhere.

  Q: Where might we go directly to dialogue on these issues?

  O: The information for any subject can be contained in the same way. However Humans may not be ready to hear, understand, and receive everything that is in the Void. The Void contains much information that the Human mind is unable to understand. Humans pride themselves on their understanding but they have a limited understanding. Humans are growing in understanding but have regressed much in the past several hundred years.

  Q: Regarding the races from the Pleiades, from Sirius, and Andromeda, would these races talk directly to us? Are they members of the Confederation?

  O: Yes, these races belong to the Confederation but do not always have information that concerns Earth and Humans. There is much interaction between many different species but it does not always concern Humans. Humans would not understand much of it, as they do not understand the other races. As Humans evolve and come to learn more about the other races then more can be understood about these other races. Yes, they can talk directly to Humans and Humans can talk directly to them, through thought, but not everything they say about Humans is complimentary.

  Q: Which other races are here on Earth and interacting with Humans?

  O: You have talked with many of them. We have been taking messages back and forth about this and how more Humans are now interacting through thought with the races. We cannot tell you more about other races at this time as we would have to leave and come back with this information at another time.

  Q: Did the Nordics create the Grays? Are the Grays from Zeta Reticulli?

  O: No, the Nordics did not create the Grays and the Grays are not from Zeta Reticulli. The Grays are their own race and are everywhere. The race from Zeta Reticulli is a different race and does not leave its place.

  Q: Was there a treaty between the Grays and the government i.e. Eisenhower?

  O: NR – No Response.

  Q: Please go and find this information for me.

  O: Yes there was a treaty which was broken many times. It did not end in recent years, there was no stated ending time but the treaty was broken by Grays and Humans many times. There were many causes. Humans used technology that they said they would not use. Grays collected Humans that they said they would not collect. The treaty was broken again and again. The treaty was put in place but was not understood by either side, or not understood fully so there were mistakes and some of the mistakes were intentional. The treaty is in place, it has not ended but it is not really working.

  Q: Have alien races altered the structure of Humans at any time in history?

  O: NR.

  Q: Please go and find the information.

  O: Many different races, over the history of Humans have altered the structure of Humans, especially the Grays as they created hybrids and seeded them back to the Earth. This was done again and again. Some of the races altered Humans and left Earth and never returned.

  Q: Are the races watching and waiting for us for when we are able to join the Confederation?

  O: NR.

  Q: Please go and find the information.

  O: The Confederation is unsure of when Humans will be ready as a race to join the Confederation. There are times when the Confederation is happy with Humans and contemplates Humans joining but there are always Humans breaking even the most basic of Confederation rules and the Human race will not be joining the Confederation in the near future.

  Q: Are the climate changes that we are seeing inevitable and what will happen next?

  O: Please refer to what we have already written earlier. These cycles and changes are permanent and cannot be remedied. Humans will have to adapt to the changes.

  Q: Is all of this change necessary to produce the next evolution of Humans, to take Humans to the next level?

  O: Humans are not evolving to any next level. They are at the same level or have regressed to lower levels. Some individuals appear to evolve but they are repressed by Earth’s societies unless they produce activities that create wealth, revenge, or prestige for others. The Earth changes will not take Humans to any next level of evolution.

  Q: Orbs, thank you for your information.

  Follow-Up with the Orbs

  “The Hybrids are sent out all over the Universe and we do not track them. Your hybrid descendants could be somewhere out in the Universe”

  —The Orb

  We thank the Orbs for the following information, for their responses, their patience, and cooperation during this follow-up session. We respect and honor the Orbs. This follow-up session asks the Orbs additional questions, some generated by the previous session, and requests the Orbs to access and relay this information to the researcher.

  (We should remember that the Orbs have a unique way of communicating. They are multi-meaning, which is that for every word that they convey, each word has multiple meanings. As mentioned before, interacting with the Orbs is like interacting with a Thesaurus. Therefore, theclosest meaning to the conveyed word will be written down in italics. If there is any problem with a definition, it will be noted and questioned.)

  Some of the current questions focus on a South American woman, Elizabeth Klarer, from the city of Natal, who has since died. She claimed that she had a love affair with a non-Earth race, who took her to Proxima Centauri, where she stayed for four months, before being returned to Earth. We are interested in her story and if it is true.

  Additional questions are asked regarding: the planets around Proxima Centauri; the Rall; races that might live on Venus; the feeding of Hybrids by the Grays; and other races that might have bases on Mars.

  Q: We are respectfully requesting an available Orb (or Orbs) to travel to the Centauri systems and to other places as necessary, to observe and access information
related to the following questions:

  Q: Is Elizabeth Clarer’s story true: that she had a love affair with a non-Earth race and was taken to Proxima Centauri?

  O: Her story was true. She was taken, both by Grays and the race that live on the middle planet of the Centauri A system, the Scholars. The transportation was provided by the Technical race from the larger planet in the A system. The Technical race provides transportation for many races which do not have transportation or the means to manufacture transportation. The Technical race was the race that transported her but the race that brought her to their planet was the Scholar race from the middle planet of the Centauri A system. They have technical knowledge but not sufficient knowledge or resources to build craft.

  O: She was taken by force during a Gray encounter. Sometimes, GraystradeHumans with other races and sometimes they are taken by force by other races from the Grays. This is not frequent but it does happen. There is aninquisitiveness about Humans by the other races. The Technical race was prohibited by the Confederation from taking Humans from Earth but they can trade with other races for Humans.

  O: She was not taken to Proxima Centauri but to the middle planet around the Centauri A system. There she developed a relationship with the representative of the Scholar race and developed aninterdependencywith him. That is, she could not return to Earth without his help, so she developed arelationship with him. Humans have a term, which we have learned, called the Stockholm Syndrome, where a victim falls in love with their captor and looks to them to provide their safety and survival. This was so with this woman and the Scholar although he treated her well. The Scholar race was interested in her for her intelligence and for her knowledge of Earth as she was well traveled.


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