Voices From The Cosmos

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Voices From The Cosmos Page 29

by C B Scott Jones

  Q: How long has your race been interacting with Humans?

  D: For many thousands of years.

  Q: Were the Duvel responsible for helping Humans develop and grow as a sentient species?

  D: We did and continue to do so. It was not a one-time thing that we interacted, we continue to interact.

  Q: Can the Duvel help Humans if the entities are asked? How can Humans ask for help? If they can help us, in what way can we ask for this help?

  D: We do help Humans if they need help but we use our judgment when Humans ask for our help. We do not help everybody and we do not help with everything. There is a judgment made. You will find many of us in the helping professions, in volunteering, and in humanitarian efforts. We often use our own judgment as to when to help Humans.

  Q: What use do the Duvel make of Earth resources? Do they need these for survival?

  D: We use Earth’s resources, the same as Humans do. We own houses, run businesses, work for other people, drive cars, have children, the same as Humans. But we are a completely different race living alongside Humans.

  Q: This surprises me.

  Q: Are the Duvel positively or negatively oriented towards Humans?

  D: We are very positively oriented towards Humans and would do everything we can to help Humans. We have always been positively oriented towards Humans, from the very beginning.

  Q: When was the beginning?

  D: We have no conscious memory of it but we have glimmerings of a time when we were there at the beginning for Humans. We have no clear recollection of it.

  Q: Why are Grays interacting with us on a conscious level and not others?

  D: The Grays have their own agenda and their own purpose and we do not interfere. The Grays have been around almost as long as we have but came slightly after us. We stay away from the Grays and they leave us alone.

  Q: Are there other entities in the Universe? Why, how, and who?

  D: There are many entities in the universe and you have been interacting with them.

  Q: How do you know this?

  D: Because we know.

  Q: That makes me a little nervous.

  D: There is no need to be, we know most of what is going on. We know for example that your colleague has a worrying pain around his middle, but it is nothing to be worried about.

  Q: Do the Duvel have the ability to look into the future?

  D: We do not have the ability to predict except on historical information. We use logic as well as emotion and are able to see many things that Humans do not see. Some Humans just operate on logic, others operate just on emotion and they create problems for themselves. We have a balance of logic and emotion. Humans need to become more balanced between logic and emotion and that way they could predict for themselves.

  Q: If asked would the Duvel, look at our future?

  D: No, that would not be necessary for Humans as they go ahead with their future direction anyway, regardless if they know the outcome.

  Q: Are the Duvel helping, hindering or ignoring us?

  D: We are here to help on any level that Humans may need us but we do use our own guidance to decide where and when we will help. We do not always do what Humans ask and we often do things that Humans ask us not to do. We are our own people.

  Q: To the Duvel have knowledge of the Confederation: is the Confederation just of our Galaxy or of the Universe?

  D: Even though we are not part of the Confederation, we know of them. There are many Confederations throughout the universe. They mostly all have the same rules which are unchanging. We keep to our own rules, which are very similar to the Confederations. We rule ourselves and do not need the Confederation to rule us.

  Q: Are the Duvel a Galactic or Universal entity?

  D: The Duvel are considered universal, in that we are everywhere. We use our judgment where we need to be and avoid some places where we do not need to be. There are some places where we have completely removed ourselves.

  Q: Would you ever completely remove yourselves from Earth?

  D: This question has arisen many times during our stay and there have been times when we have almost left but some have stayed and continued. It is possible that under adverse conditions most of us could leave but always a small number would be left behind.

  Q: Regarding the Rules of the Confederation – are these also applicable to non-members, such as the need to respect and cooperate with other races?

  D: All the rules of the Confederation apply to all, regardless of whether they are members of the Confederation or not. We are not members but we still go by the rules. There are some, such as Humans, who do not go by the rules of the Confederation. Part of our goal is to help Humans go by the rules. They would be happier and more productive.

  Q: Do the Duvel have a sense of who people are? Do they have autonomy or are they on a mission for others, or for another group?

  D: We do have a sense of who people are, we have lived with Humans for many thousands of years. We do have autonomy and are not on a mission for others. We only answer to ourselves. We do not answer to any other group.

  Q: What questions should Humans ask of the Exobiology entities?

  D: Humans should be asking questions such as: How can we use all aspects of our selves: not just our logic, or our emotion, or our sense of self; and how can Humans become more balanced? There is a wide void between what Humans consider scientific, emotional, spiritual, or evidence. They are all the same thing!

  D: Humans have not come to that understanding yet and create great divides between these ways of being. When Humans can realize that all of these ways of knowing are the same way of knowing, then Humans will have advanced. That is what Humans should be asking. How can Humans come to this point of understanding?

  Q: What should the Exobiology entities be asking of us or want to ask of us?

  D: We do not need to ask anything of Humans because we already know. We have ways of knowing that Humans have not been using for many thousands of years.

  Q: Is one of the ways through telepathy?

  D: Yes, that is one way but there is also a sharing of feeling between people, of sharing electrical fields, of sharing light fields and sharing energetic fields. Humans do not yet know these things. Humans are just beginning to re-understand these ways of knowing.

  Q: Are there Exobiology entities that are detrimental to Human interests? Are there entities that we should not interact with?

  D: You have already encountered some of them and it is wise to stay away, not that they would physically harm you but their presence would prevent you from interacting with other races.

  D: There are races that would never come into the presence of some of the more dangerous entities. If the dangerous entities were welcomed in, Humans would never get the opportunity to encounter some other interesting races.

  Q: Do the Duvel have a concept of God – of a Universal source?

  D: We do have a concept of one god but it is not the “old man in the sky” concept of Humans. We laugh when we hear and see this. For example, Human’s copying of the “old man in the sky” by the installation of a Pope on Earth. He is just a Human and could never come as god. Our concept of god is shown by groups of people, the energy that they develop and use, rather than one Human who is set apart as a leader or spiritual guide.

  Q: Do the Duvel need two genders to reproduce like we do? Do they manipulate DNA to reproduce and how?

  D: We do have DNA and we do produce in the same way as Humans. Our DNA is very similar to Humans except for a few differences. To a cursory look, our DNA would be identical to a test as Humans. We know much more sophisticated ways of testing the DNA and other inherent markers that Humans presently know.

  Q: Is Earth toxic to the Duvel i.e. such as ultraviolet is toxic to Grays?

  D: Earth is no more toxic to the Duvel than it is for Humans. Like Humans we cannot tolerate excesses of ultraviolet or other toxic light or chemicals that the Earth produces. We are not like other races;
we can tolerate all the things that Humans can tolerate. We do have more energy than Humans; we are more driven and accomplish more.

  Q: How do the Duvel sustain themselves, with nutrient baths etc? All entities have the need to survive. Humans need food, water, air, sunshine to exist. Do the Duvel need these same things or something different? Do they need warmth, shelter, etc. to survive?

  D: We eat the same food, we live in the same houses, and live the same lifestyles as Humans. We do try to eat “clean” foods or natural foods more often than Humans, and we stay conscious of what our bodies are telling us.

  Q: Are the Duvel surprised by the way that our species is socially organized? How does this differ from their social organization? It is hard for us to conceive of a species that is not centrally controlled. We conceive of centralized control as a means to prevent destruction within and between people. Is this process in place in the Duvel world?

  D: As a race the Duvel are not centrally organized but living with Humans we have to live and abide by Humans rules. There is a Human need for control and management that we do not have. We have developed a personal ethic which means that we do not need to control and manage ourselves as a group. Centralized organization has never been a concept of Duvel life. We manage ourselves individually.

  Q: Is there anything, within the next 25 Earth years (rotations around our Sun) that Humans should be concerned about?

  D: The same as the last 25 years!

  Q: Do the Duvel manifest a sense of creativity? Do the Duvel manufacture anything? Do the Duvel have writing, music, or art?

  D: The Duvel are extremely creative and are singers, dancers, musicians, artists, and writers but you will not find the Duvel in any of the creative professions. We integrate our talents and creativity into our daily lives. That is the way of the individual Duvel.

  Q: Do the Duvel get sick or have illnesses? Do they have any internal or external threats? Do they die? How do they deal with death?

  D: The Duvel rarely get sick and generally die of age like Humans. The Duvel do not have many internal or external threats. We avoid activities that Humans need to feel that they are alive such as sky diving, roller coasters, or fast cars. We already know that we are alive! We do not need any of those activities to justify our existence.

  Q: Are the Duvel surprised that Humans can reach out and communicate with them and how often does this happen? When does this happen and from where? Is this contact carried out telepathically?

  D: No, it is no surprise as we communicate with Humans in this way all the time. Frequently, though, it is one-sided. They communicate with us and we do not respond or we communicate with them and they do not respond. From time to time we correspond both ways. It is not usual for a two-sided communication. Very few Humans know how to communicate this way.

  Q: Native American people, such as the Hopi and other races, have described how their ancestors had a connection to races from Sirius and the Pleiades. They claim that these races were their ancestors and that they are still interacting. There is some folklore that these beings were escaping from Sirius and the Pleiades. How did they come to Earth and are they still able to communicate?

  D: It is true that the native people’s had communication with visitors to the Earth but most of these races no longer visit or interact with Humans. The races that communicated with these early peoples were not their ancestors but they were their teachers.

  Q: What potential does Earth have for the Duvel?

  D: The Earth has great potential for the Duvel as this is our home too and we will do what we can to protect our home. I understand that you also have a dialogue for us and we will tell you our thoughts there.

  Q: You sound as if you share thoughts with all the other Duvel or do you share between groups?

  D: We share between groups but the groups also share information between themselves so, soon, all Duvel know information that one knows. We have no goal except to survive and assist Humans.

  Q: Are the Duvel interested in our technology?

  D: We are only interested in Human technology in that it assists Humans to grow and develop and not kill themselves as a group. Otherwise we have no interest in technology.

  Q: Is there any further information about the other races outlined in the first paragraph that will soon be interviewed? Who can we talk to? Are there dangerous entities?

  D: We have covered this before. You are on a good path to talking to entities that are currently, or who have in the past, communicated and interacted with Humans.

  Q: Thank you. Following is a dialogue opportunity for the Duvel. The focus of the dialogue concerns some issues relating to Humans and Earth, which are outlined in the Preamble to the Dialogue (also asked of the other races).

  Dialogue with the Duvel

  D: We, the Duvel, are not the people to be asking about remedying the Earth’s problems. It is about time Human’s stood up and took responsibility for their own problems without asking other races to provide insight and assistance in their problems. Our view of the problems outlined above is as follows:

  D: These are basically cyclic in nature and will proceed with or without Human intervention and will proceed how they will;

  D: Humans have caused an extension of these problems and they know how they caused the problems to become more severe, so all they need do is reverse what they have been doing; and

  D: Humans, over the millennia have proven to be resourceful, creative, resilient, adaptive, capable and inventive. Whatever will be thrown at them, Humans will survive. And along with them will be the Duvel and many other races. Don’t act so helpless!

  Q: Thank you. If the Duvel exist elsewhere in the universe, may I do a site visit?

  D: Yes.

  Q: I must ask this. Are you Humans masquerading as the Duvel?

  D: No.

  Site Visit

  The site that was visited as another location of the Duval was very, very green, even the water and the sky were green. Around the trunks of what would be trees and the stems of plants were bands of shiny, stone-like studs, like marcasite. The bands reflected back the green light. There were multiple paths weaving to and fro between the greenery, with a white, shiny substrate beneath. I looked up and realized that the green sky was in fact a roof overhead. The whole surface was covered with a green algae and the water was filled with the same green algae. I could not find a door or window to see through so I bilocated outside.

  Here was the extreme opposite of what was inside the covered enclosure. The outside was burned black, stone with the same white paths. There was no green, no water, no plant life, and no algae. I did not see any life outside of the enclosure. The sky was a pale blue/Gray but no clouds, no birds, and no life.

  I bilocated back inside the enclosure, to look for the Duvel. I saw the Duvel, as quiet shapes standing aside behind the foliage. They stood quietly, as if allowing me to see them but not to interact with them. They were shut off from me telepathically. They had clothing but it was neither Earthlike nor alien, just close coverings. They stood and waited, then disappeared into the background. They appeared as the Duvel described themselves; tall, thin, olive-toned, intelligent-looking, dark, straight hair, narrow rather than round eyes, long thin fingers, and decidedly Human looking. They had no facial movements while I looked at them and they did not talk to each other. I thanked them and returned here.

  Q: I thank and respect the Duvel for answering my questions and for allowing me to visit one of their locations.

  17: The Exobiology Project:

  Talking With The Sirians

  (including site visit)

  “We think of ourselves as a very old race, we are the

  old masters of the universe.”

  —The Sirians

  A third phase was then added, that of visiting the actual home worlds of several new races while maintaining our first two phases of questioning and dialogue. Several new races, which might be interviewed, are potential races from the Orion syst
em, and the Nurobean race. Some additional questions are what do they do to survive and what do they do for pleasure? This project was going to focus on the Nurobian (or Nurobean) race but no response was perceived from this group. They are either non-living or non-communicative. Instead, the race of beings from the Sirius system was contacted for this session.

  Q: How do the Sirians describe themselves? How do they travel and interact across the galaxy. How often do they travel and interact?

  S: We think of ourselves as a very old race, we are the old masters of the universe. That is how we perceive ourselves. We are not old-looking, in the Earth sense, as we do not age quickly, but look quite new to the other races. We have been in the cosmos a very long time.

  Q: Were you around when the early Earth Humans were beginning?

  S: Yes, and we interacted with them as a father would. We gave guidance and reassurance, we taught your fathers about light and heat and energy.

  Q: Did you teach them how to use fire?

  S: No, we just gave them the ideas of light and heat and energy and they worked it out themselves. We did not give them any actual abilities or skills; we just gave them the ideas.

  S: We travel all of the time but have not visited Earth for a long time. We have other, more interesting places to go. We may come back to visit Earth if there is enough interest among the fathers. We travel with craft that we design and build. We can travel very great distances.

  Q: You do not travel Out-of-the Body like the Nordics?

  S: No, we do not have that ability. We are very conventional and stay with things that work for us. We used to think that everything had to keep advancing but there comes a time when everything is as it should be and we are happy with that way things are, then we stop trying to make new things. We consider ourselves a satisfied race as we do not have to continually strive to make new things, go to different places doing different things; we only do what makes us happy.


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