Voices From The Cosmos

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Voices From The Cosmos Page 38

by C B Scott Jones

  *Puthoff, H.E., & Targ, R. (1976). A perceptual channel for information transfer over kilometer distances.: Historical perspective and recent research. Proceedings of the IEEE, 64, 329-354

  The Abduction Dilemma

  C. B. Scott Jones

  This appendix will be the most important discussion in the book for many readers who follow the field of extraterrestrial contact. Some of the pioneer researchers in this field focused on reports of personal contact with ETs that involved individuals being taken aboard ET craft, subjected to a variety of medical-like procedures and returned to where they were taken. These memories were most frequently recovered in hypnotic regression sessions. If you have reached this point in the book after reading the entire book, you know that these events were discussed in many of the ET interviews and dialogues. The personal encounters were miss-labeled by researchers as abductions, and that label has stuck. The legal definition of abduction is:

  The act of restraining another through the use or threat of Deadly Force or through fraudulent persuasion. The requisite restraint generally requires that the abductor intend to prevent the liberation of the abductee.

  A “taking and returning” event is certainly more accurate than abduction, but that old label will probably remain forever. But the taking and returning was just the process. What happened aboard the ET craft to each person, and why, is what is important.

  First of all, the Small Grays deserve to be given a pass. They are just doing their job, and have been doing it for eons. After World War II a small number of German and Japanese Generals and Admirals were indicted and convicted of crimes. If the Allies had lost the war they would have received the same treatment. The point is that no privates or seamen were put on trial. Before we spend any time looking for a high ranking cosmic general or admiral to charge with a crime, let’s remember why the medical-like procedures took place aboard the ET craft. The procedures were part of a program to create the Indigo Hybrid from Human, Gray and Nordic genetic material. This program has been going on for thousands of years and the Indigo Hybrids are travelers throughout the universe. The humans who were taken and returned have contributed to a program authorized by someone or some group with a high pay grade.

  We suggest that some thoughtful recalibration is needed when we consider the cosmic cost/benefits of what happens aboard ET crafts when human are taken, sampled and returned. Most certainly the recalled memories of the medical-like procedures can be stressful, and by most earth legal systems there is a violation because permission was not asked nor permission consciously given.

  Without diminishing the importance of the personal violations involved, there is a much more important issue to surface. The “abduction dilemma” has provided a false foundation for a claim that the ETs present a threat to Earth.

  Taxpayers watch your pocketbooks! The Corporate State will spring this canard with equally bogus evidence to support a false flag event. It could look spooky, but it will be homegrown.

  E. T. Humor With Meaning

  Out in space two alien life forms are talking.

  The first alien says, “The dominant life forms on the earth planet have developed satellite-based weapons.”

  The second alien, who looks exactly like the first, asks, “Are they an emerging intelligence?”

  The first alien says. “I don’t think so. They have aimed at themselves.”

  Post Script

  The Nature of Disclosure

  and How It Will Happen

  In the previous 200 plus pages the subject of disclosure of the reality of Earth and Extraterrestrial contact had been a major theme. The subject of disclosure is one of the most active and controversial issues in the global exopolitics community. Evidence supporting the reality of contact is a spectrum of views, opinions, expert testimony, speculation (some reasonable, some not so), and some carefully created to confuse and mislead. The core material of this book, the interviews with more than a dozen unique ET races, and dialogue with them is evidence that should be seriously considered. The authors put it in a category of weighted evidence that disclosure has already taken place, and the reader may recall that the dialogue we had with the on-Earth Anunnaki began to focus on what we can do together in service of Earth and the Cosmic Community. We identified a small number of projects that we believe would be important to both groups. Their responses were guardedly positive. Greater understanding of each other and trust building are essential issues that will precede agreements for joint ventures.

  Frequently in the interviews and dialogue presented in chapter 8, the ETs made the point strongly that they were on Earth long before the human race developed here. The on-Earth Anunnaki announced that they work and walk among us. That would seem to transform the issue of “contact” to one of acknowledging contact. Smith and Jones have held this view for many years, and the following is a scenario that the reader may want to consider if they are interested in reaching a personal opinion about acknowledging contact. While that step is important, the real challenge is thinking about what the global impact will be of confirmed contact.

  There are major and minor players in this game, and qualitative differences in evidence to support acceptance of contact. An important semantic issue is the frequent use of UFO as if it is synonymous with an extraterrestrial craft. As a reminder, UFO means Unidentified Flying Object. As long as it is unidentified and flying, that covers everything from butterflies to awesome creations such as those seen on TV and the silver screen.

  Major Players: Countries with technical capabilities to detect and discern flying objects; countries and corporations with space satellites with a variety of sensing capabilities; countries with nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants; the United States for the previous reasons and for unknown reasons the ETs have selected for special attention; select U.S. corporations chosen to engineer craft based upon ET assistance.

  Important Players: Private citizens in Italy, and in a number of South American countries, and increasingly in additional countries where unheralded private contact is taking place, and global citizens who have received ET information and acted upon it in a positive way without necessarily recognizing its source; and Indigenous Cultures.

  Quality of evidence: Formal announcement by a Head of State. While this is unlikely to happen, confirmation of other high quality information likely will. An obviously deliberate demonstration by ET sources. This is most unlikely to happen. A statement from a recognized professional with a position that gives that person a need to know about what is revealed. This is the first high quality level of evidence that has happened and important to anticipate in the future. The one prime example of this took place over twenty years ago in 1993 when Ben Rich, former Head of the Lockheed Skunk Works in an Alumni Speech at UCLA said: “We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an Act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity...Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do.” Whether the Rich statement was authorized is unknown, but this brilliant and respected engineer was certainly in a position to know what he claimed.

  The Disclosure Squeeze. A key question is who is the gate-keeper on disclosure? ET sources tell us that Earth is not ready for revelation of formal proof of ET/Earth contact, and that such action should be preceded by a rich dialogue on the likely political, economic, religious, and other consequences of disclosure. This book is a modest and sincere effort to promote such a dialogue.

  As unsettling as it is, we have concluded some time ago that the gate keepers of this issue are the financial forces that have garnered tremendous power and profit from well-known businesses and technologies, some of which may have an extraterrestrial link, but most do not. Because one of the most significant cash-cows in this line up are carbon-based energy sources, it would be unprofitable to acknowledge to any degree the possibility of energy technologies that could totally and more than effectively replace them.

  We will
spare the reader the utopian paragraph that details the glories of “free” non-polluting energy that could rapidly be made available to every global village, and what that would mean to the global political and economic web (it would crash). In place of that paragraph we will just repeat what the ETs have told us for years, the world is not ready for disclosure because the reality shockwave would change the orbits of everything that keeps us together.

  However, and this is a huge “however,” nature always has the last “at bat.” The simple reality is that nature rules. Another important reality is that the top one-percent money-makers and holders didn’t get there on luck alone. They are very successful, very smart dreamers and schemers, and know very well about ET technologies.

  The disclosure squeeze is on the top one-percent. The reader many have a variety of labels for them, but they are not suicidal, and are survivors. They will open the disclosure gate, reinvent a global energy web that cannot now be described, but will provide solutions to health, food and water issues. The one thing that technology will not directly address is world population. The spotlight will be on world religious leaders and what they learn from disclosure that can address that issue.

  When will this fully start? That decision is up to the financiers that have used their knowledge and resources to gain and maintain their power. They will make their complex moves when forced to by conditions of Nature they cannot control.

  The beginning roll out very likely has been underway for some time, and the game plan is to confirm disclosure rather than to announce disclosure. The psychological difference is important. It is being confirmed by controlled leaking of the reality that the U.S. has a space travel capability that Hollywood has found to be so profitable to market. That puts us in the league (albeit the minor league) with the ETs, and of course we were “given” this capability by the ETs. That identifies the ETs for what they really are, concerned and cooperative. That takes the “threat spin” of disclosure off the table, saves the tax payer money and gives the U.S. Air Force missions they really can be proud of: shepherds of a weapon-free space, and pathfinders of deep space travel.

  A very recent report sponsored by NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center sends a warning flare that would be highly hazardous to ignore. This research project is based upon a cross-disciplinary ‘Human And Nature Dynamical (HANDY) model. The conclusion is that global industrial civilization could collapse in coming decades due to unsustainable resource exploitation and increasing unequal wealth distribution. Based upon historical record, while the Roman Empire, the advanced Han, Mauryan and Gupta (India) Empires and others, were advanced, sophisticated, complex, and creative civilizations, they became fragile, impermanent and vulnerable because of the interrelated factors of population, climate, water, agriculture and energy. This research speaks directly to modern elites who have an option that elites of previously civilization which failed, either did not have or failed to recognize. Energy is the key to all business and survival. When you make a fundamental change in energy cost and availability, new doors will quickly open for innovation in all sectors of life. If the current financial elite will allow a reasonable distribution of the fruits flowing from a new global energy bonanza, a transformed Earth civilization becomes possible.

  We end with a personal request for a member of a most elite U.S. community, only four are alive. President Bill Clinton: You have clearly identified your strong personal interest in extraterrestrial phenomena. We have a proposition of considerable importance. One ET group has assisted us in drafting the Outer Space Security and Development Treaty. This Treaty will ban all space-based weapons. Our principal task now is to present it to Heads of States to get the treaty signed into international and space law. In exchange for your assistance in meeting with global Heads of States, we will share information with you about ET activity that you would not have learned in any official classified briefing. If you are interested, please give us a call.

  A Sequel toVoices from the Cosmos...

  Faces of the Cosmos

  C. B. Scott Jones & Angela T. Smith

  Scott has written inVoices from the Cosmos “There is a huge problem with anthropomorphizing the ET races, when they are very different from us. However, until we have a Universal Decoder Ring, or meet them face-to-face, this is the best we can do.” Two popular assumptions about the ET races are that they are either very like us or very unlike us! Perhaps the reality is somewhere in the middle.

  What would it be like to meet someone from an ET race? Perhaps one who had been here on Earth for some time and had been interacting with Humans, undetected and concealed in plain sight? Without trivializing or rejecting the face-to-face experiences of people who have been taken and returned by the Grays, there are countless anecdotes of Humans meeting and interacting with ET races, right here on Earth. The current political climate of labeling these meetings as symptoms of mental illness, misinterpreted normal events, or outright fraud, causes them to be kept hidden, rationalized, and even denied.

  There is a Biblical quote (Hebrews 13:2) “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” Just who are these angels? How often do we meet individuals in modern life, who might be very different from us but living among us as humans?

  In the Exobiology Interviews we met Earth-resident ET races such as the Nordics, Hybrids, Annunaki, Duvel, and others. They say they were “here before us and will be here after us”: indicating that they have been on Earth for a very long time. It is quite possible that we have all encountered them in daily life without even realizing!

  Why are they here? They say they are here to learn and understand Humans. Some are only here for short periods, some are born and die here, and others quickly come and go. They say they are not here to invade us, or heal us, or resolve our myriad problems but they can assist if asked. They add that they welcome communication and will physically visit with Humans, if asked.

  History is full of stories of Human/ET contact: these anecdotal accounts will be described and examined inFaces of the Cosmos, as well as many modern encounters. The main focus of the book will be a description of current attempts, from 2000 onwards, by the authors and others to directly communicate and interact with On-Earth ETs: a complex and unusual task. Naturally, to protect the authors and the ETs, not all details of the encounters will be shared: the ETs have put in place elaborate protections and safety precautions to shield their identities. What is exciting is that we will eventually be able to acknowledge and meet our cosmic neighbors on our own turf. There will be opportunities to interact, plan, and venture with our neighbors in a new future for Humankind!


  C. B. Scott Jones, Ph.D., is an octogenarian in full karmic payback mode. Thirty-years in the military, half in combat arms and half in intelligence, with high marks in both areas, created an aura of mixed hues. His current rehabilitating work in progress has included teaching international relations at three major universities, six years on Capitol Hill (which ledger does that go in?) as Special Assistant to the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and currently in his twenty-sixth year of global peace work. The stint on Capitol Hill was the door opener to reality. Visits to research facilities in both the old Soviet Union and China established that they knew that some UFOs were extraterrestrial in origin, and worried that others came from the U.S. This personal disclosure reframed the strategy and hope for global peace, and you are at the right place to get on that journey. As philosopher Jerry Reed sings: “We’ve got a long way to go and a short time to get there.” For those who wonder if Scott is human or not, additional details are in his website: www.peaceroom.com.


  Dr. Angela Thompson Smith’s primary qualifications were in nursing and social work and she worked as a registered nurse and social worker in the UK. She also served a two-year volunteer term working at a Colombian orphanage in South America. Returning to England, she gai
ned her B.S. in Psychology at the University of Wales, in Cardiff, an M.S. at the Faculty of Medicine of Manchester University, England, and later, in the U.S., her Ph.D. in Psychology at Saybrook University, CA.

  She describes her life as taking place in three parts: the first part dealt with the Physical: working as a nurse, social worker, and medical researcher in the U.K. and the U.S.; the second part of her life focused on the Mind: when she worked at the PEAR Lab at Princeton University and studied psychology at Saybrook Graduate School; and the third part of her life has focused on Spirit: after decades of study and experience Dr. Smith was recently ordained as a shamanic practitioner.

  In the U.S., Dr. Smith has worked as a medical researcher, research coordinator, as a trainer for the University of Nevada, and has worked extensively as a research contractor for individuals, businesses, and organizations around the United States and abroad. She trained as a remote viewer with two of the ex-military remote viewers, and was a founding member and director of the International Remote Viewing Association (IRVA). Dr. Smith has trained hundreds of individuals in remote viewing and other disciplines, as well as being a published author and researcher. Her website can be found at http://www.mindwiseconsulting.com.




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