Book Read Free

AMP- Aftermath

Page 19

by Brian K. Larson

  The General unfolded his arms and placed them on his hips, “Are you telling me that we didn’t get ‘em all? There are still alien activities going on underground?”

  “Apparently, Sir,” Griffin argued, “But we had no way of knowing. Not until Mister Jones detected the activity.”

  McKenzie glanced between Griffin and Calvin, “Well, you just had to spoil my good mood, didn’t you?”

  The ground quaked violently. The General’s arms flailed as he attempted to maintain balance.

  “What the hell was that?” McKenzie protested.

  “That,” Calvin pointed to the ground around their feet, “Was an Earthquake! It was a short one. Maybe three seconds.”

  “How strong?” Griffin asked.

  “Judging by everyone that had to pick themselves off the ground, including myself,” Calvin said, brushing the street debris from his pants, “it was at least 6.0.”

  The darkening sky became eerily illuminated.

  “Don’t look now,” J said, pointing at the sky over downtown.

  The group looked up at the glowing orb that formed over the downtown sector. The newly forming sphere appeared slightly transparent and encompassed several of the destroyed buildings. Three branches of green lightning bolts flowed from three points below, suspending the sphere above the city.

  “Oh-my-god!” Calvin said, his jaw dropping in disbelief.

  “Arm all weapons!” General McKenzie ordered, “Fire everything we’ve got at that thing!”

  Griffin placed a hand on the General’s shoulder as he stepped behind him, “It won’t do any good at this point, General.”

  “He’s right,” Calvin said, scratching the nape of his neck, “That thing’s just now beginning to form and I’m sure they’ve erected some kind of shielding to protect it.”

  “Nothing we have here on the ground can take that thing down!” Griffin complained.

  “The Saratoga could,” Major Hargrove said, approaching the group.

  “How soon can the Saratoga really take flight, Major?”

  “She’s not space-worthy yet, General,” Hargrove answered. “I came over to report that we can launch at dawn, Sir.”

  “I wasn’t asking for space worthy, Hargrove. Can you get that ship up any sooner, like in the next couple of hours? Because, I don’ think we have much more time than that before it’ll be too strong to take down.”

  “She would have been space-ready in three days. First light is a little optimistic, Sir. I might get it up in twelve.”

  “You’ve got six.”

  Hargrove raised his eyebrows as he saluted his General, “Yes, Sir. I’ll have it ready, Sir.”

  “Good man, this Major is,” General McKenzie pointed with his thumb at Hargrove, “He shows promise, ‘eh, Colonel?”

  Griffin nodded his agreement, “Yes, Sir, much promise,” then he turned to Hargrove and returned his salute, “Dismissed, Major!”

  Hargrove dropped his salute and took off toward the Saratoga.

  “What stage do you make this one at, Calvin?”

  “Well, General, I’ve seen a few of these spheres, but I’ve never seen one translucent, like this one.”

  “Best guess?”

  “Less than thirty-percent? Maybe ten to twenty?”

  That’s a pretty wide guess, Cal.”

  “It’s the best I can do on short notice.”

  “Okay, Calvin,” McKenzie ordered, “Let’s get back to the accelerator and amp you up so we can better understand this, shall we?”

  “I’m in full agreement there, General.”

  General McKenzie led the way for Calvin and Colonel Griffin to Calvin’s work tent.

  “By the way, General?”

  “Yes, Cal?”

  “That was really my best guess, you know, about the sphere.”

  “Save it, Cal, I’m not worried about your lack of guessing prowess.”

  “Thank you, General. You don’t know how that makes me feel,” Calvin teased, “Why, I could just give you a huge kiss.”

  “I told you never to do that to me again!”

  “Okay, okay, I won’t kiss you… how about a man hug?”


  “Wow, tough room.”

  Downtown Seattle

  January 18, 2068 16:30

  Nadine stood at the center of her newly forming sphere. Her hands out, palms down, suspending two floating orbs, “I have done it!”

  She raised and lowered her hands over the floating orbs, green lightening issued from the orbs and into the floor of the sphere’s command center.

  “Xat-Anah will be pleased that I have saved the sphere ship!”

  Her smile grew even wider as she watched a screen form before her, displaying the image of her master.

  “Speak of the Devil, as Humans would say,” Nadine continued to smirk, “If it isn’t ol’ Xat-Anah. How are you, my master?”

  “Ahh, the Nadine model. I see you have done well for yourself on Earth. Wonderful to have you back in the flock, so to speak.”

  “Yes, my chip was reactivated as Vanguard, thanks to Doctor Childress. He is to be thanked for bringing me back.”

  “I see. So, where is Doctor Childress? I should thank him personally.”

  “Well, he’s a little indisposed, your Highness.”

  “Indisposed? Don’t you mean, killed?”

  “Why, Xat, I’m shocked that you think I would do such an evil act.”

  “Well? Then where is he?”

  “He’s inside the machine. He volunteered his body for the advancement of our sphere ship.”

  “I’m sure he volunteered.”

  “Well, alright,” Nadine smirked, “He needed some encouragement, but if it wasn’t for his generous donation to the cause, the sphere ship would have been lost.”

  “Lost, Nadine, really? The humans aren’t strong enough to take down a sphere ship.”

  “The humans used the corrosive water in a futile attempt to destroy the sphere before we were launch ready.”

  “Regardless of our treachery. And by the way, you are such a marvelous cu…”

  “… I beg your pardon, Xat,” Nadine said, cutting Xat-Anah off, “here is no need for name calling… no matter how much it’s deserved.”

  “So, I digress.”

  “You were saying something about regardless of my resourcefulness?”

  “Yes, well, regardless of whatever means you used, I would have done the same thing. It would seem you are an asset to my team, after all.”

  “Thank you, Xat. Your complement means so very much to me.”

  “Yes, I can see now that you are functioning far beyond operational parameters.”

  “Wow, two complements, from your Highness,” Nadine chuckled. “Careful, now, I might start expecting this more often. So, tell me, ol’ Xat, ol’ buddy, when is your arrival time?”

  “We are expected to arrive in orbit in a little shy of eighteen hours.

  “Very well, Xat-Anah, my superior leader.”

  “Do you have Jenny? Where is the child?”

  “I do not have Jenny. The child has not been born as far as I know.”

  “Are you certain the Transcendent has not arrived? It is imperative that we have the child’s blood!”

  “I understand, your Highness, but we met with high resistance from the humans. They’re tougher than we give them credit for. I should know, I walked among them for a time. I learned a great deal. We’ll find her, Xat-Anah, but I needed to save the sphere. That became the priority over capturing Jenny. That child holds great power, your Highness. She is not to be underestimated. Plus, we were running low on resources. That’s why Doctor Childress donated himself.”

  “Very well. We will find her when I arrive. It would appear that we have more resources than you do. We did use up a substantial amount of our own.”

  “Oh?” Nadine quizzed.

  “Yes, alright, you should know this. Colonel Tucker Petersen and his little band of mercena
ries escaped. In our efforts to retain the crew of Salvage-5, we expelled over fifty percent of our matter in doing so.”

  “Does that mean, the Colonel still poses a threat, Xat?”

  “Unfortunately, it would seem so. They are pursuing us, although, we lost track of their ship several hours ago. Be prepared for his arrival. Do not underestimate the humans again!”

  “Oh, you can trust me on that, one, ol’ Xat.”

  “I trust the sphere will be regenerated enough to accept the gate device?”

  “Yes, your Highness, the sphere will be over sixty percent transferred, by then.”

  “That’s good, Nadine,” Xat-Anah narrowed his slanted almond-shaped eyes closer to the camera lens, “Because anything under sixty percent and you will cause the Sons of Horus great disappointment in having to wait any longer than they have to. They already have to wait for us to find the child.”

  “I understand, your Highness, I’ll be ready for you, trust me! I’ll see you in eighteen hours, then,” Nadine smirked as the comm link terminated, “Oh yeah, I’ll be ready for you, alright!”

  Downtown Seattle

  January 18, 2068 16:45

  “Well, I’ll be damned!” Calvin exclaimed as he pointed to his earpiece, “I’m getting a message, General.”

  “Who from?”

  “You ain’t never gonna believe this.”

  “What is it, Calvin!?” the General’s voice rose as he lost patience.

  “They’re asking for J, General.”

  “Will you just tell me, already?”

  “It’s Nadine, General. She is requesting to only talk to J.”

  “Why is Nadine trying to talk to us?” McKenzie protested.

  J accepted the headset from Calvin, “I don’t know either, General, but I think I’m about to find out.”

  “Just don’t keep us in the dark, now!”

  “Don’t worry, General, I’ll keep you updated, really-really.”

  “Yeah, I’m gonna give ya’ a really-really large lump if you don’t!”

  J donned the headset and cleared his throat before answering, “This is J. Go ahead, Nadine.”

  J’s ear rang Nadine’s voice, “J, I asked for you because you asked if you could trust me.”

  “Go on…”

  “What’s she sayin’?” McKenzie protested, his hands waving to gain J’s attention.

  “J, you got to know me. I released you and Kurtis from the Core.”

  “And your point,” J asked, holding his hand up to halt the General.

  “I know we have a lot of bad water under the bridge. But I have to ask you to trust me once more. Can I, J?”

  “You can ask.”

  “J, I asked specifically for you. I thought that since we’ve been through a lot of stuff, that I could come to you. I know I’ve not given you any reason to believe me. But, J, I have to ask you from the bottom of my cloned heart, you gotta believe me.”

  “Will you tell me what’s going on, J?”

  “Hold one, Nadine,” J said before removing his headset, “She’s asking for me to trust her on something. I don’t know what, just yet.”

  J returned his earpiece, “Okay, go ahead, Nadine. What are you bringing to the table that I can use to convince the powers that be, over here?”

  “I have been in contact with Xat-Anah.”

  “Okay, I’m listening.”

  “Xat and the Sons of Horus are going to be arriving in less than eighteen hours.”

  “And you’re telling me this, because?”

  “What? What is she telling you, J?”

  J rose his hand once more, “I’m waiting, Nadine.”

  “Because, I am setting a trap for ol’ Xat, ol’ buddy, ol’ pal.”

  “A trap?” J exclaimed.

  “Trap? What trap? Should we take that sphere out or not?”

  “No, General. Not just yet. Can you explain it to me, Nadine?”

  “It’s simple, J, I already told you I want to live! Xat is only going to use me and then, once again, discard me when he’s finished.”

  “I can understand how you feel, Nadine.”

  “The Sons of Horus are no joke, J. That’s why I’m going to need your cooperation.”

  “I don’t know if I should laugh at you for tryin’ or cry because part of me feels you’re right.”

  “C’mon, J. Let me explain it to the General. Maybe with your help, he’ll decide to do what’s right.”

  “General, she’s asking for our help in trapping Xat-Anah. He returns with what’s called the Sons of Horus.”

  “I don’t know, J, that’s a pretty tall order after what we’ve seen the Vanguard do.”

  “The General wants to know how we can trust that you’re not Vanguard?”

  “If I’m Vanguard, then I wouldn’t be able to tell you that Colonel Petersen is alive and well and so are the rest of his crew of Salvage-5.”

  “Tucker? He’s alive?” J exclaimed.

  “Colonel Petersen is alive?” the General exclaimed.

  “And he’s been pursuing Xat’s ship. I think we’re going to see the Calvary appear soon, J.”

  “General, she says she’s got proof that Tucker made it. They’ve been pursuing Xat. She says he’s going to be joining the fight sooner than later.”

  “Well, you can tell Nadine,” General McKenzie replied with hesitation, “That we’ll hold off for the time being. But she better not be pulling my chain, J! You understand me? I’m trusting her because you seem to be vouching for her.”

  “Everything she is saying makes sense, General. If she were Vanguard, her programming wouldn’t allow her to reveal that Tucker is alive.”

  “Well, I guess time will tell, won’t it?”

  “Yes, it really-really will…” turning his attention to Nadine, “Okay, you’ll have our cooperation… Limited cooperation.”

  “Thank you, J, you won’t be sorry!”

  “I hope not, Nadine, ‘cause if you wrong me this time, I’ll ensure you and every one of your clone bodies are terminated!”

  “Thank you for hear me out, J.”

  The radio returned static as J set the earpiece on Calvin’s work table, “Guess time will tell, General, time will tell.”


  Derelict Space Craft

  En Route to Earth

  Xat-Anah looked on at the tearing stars, “We’ll be arriving at Earth in twelve short hours.

  “Very good, my supreme leader,” Governor McCormick said over the Core’s comm link, “I am looking forward to having a real body.”

  “We have to ensure there are enough resources left fist. The Gateway must be integrated first.”

  “I understand, your Excellency.”

  “So, I just finished speaking with Nadine a little while ago. Can you tell me if what she tells me is truthful?”

  “That would depend on what she has said to you, your Excellently.”

  “She tells me she was required to use Doctor Childress’s substance for saving the sphere and that the sphere will be ready for the gate device.”

  “It would seem that Nadine is your new star, if she saved the sphere.”

  “Apparently, those pesky earthlings flooded the downtown sector. By preparing the sphere for an early launch she has, indeed, saved this sphere ship.”

  “Well, I can tell you that I did lose contact with the good doctor, so that much about her story is true.”

  “Yes, well, we need to remain diligent and only trust Nadine to a small degree.”

  I can monitor her activities without her knowledge now that she’s part of the sphere complex”

  “Wonderful, Governor. I would like you to reach out to Nadine and let her know your presence. Perhaps just knowing you’re around will keep her on the up and up, ‘eh?”

  “A wise decision, your Excellency.”

  “Very good, Governor. I will let you know when we have reached Earth’s orbit.”

  “Very good, your Excellency. I shall
be looking forward to speaking to you again in twelve hours or less. Of course, should I discover Nadine is not being as truthful as we hope, I shall inform you at once.”

  “Thank you, Governor.”

  Xat-Anah’s image faded over Governor McCormick’s display screen, “Shmuck! We’ll just see how grateful you really are, your Excellency…”

  Port Angels Field – Government Armory

  January 18, 2068 22:30

  Beverly sat at Jenny’s side. A table was set up with blankets and pillows Trudy found in one of the supply rooms. Bennie held Jenny’s hand as she labored in childbirth.

  “She’s been in active labor for six hours already,” Trudy nodded, as she stood at her feet.

  Reaching into the birth canal, Trudy used her fingers to measure her readiness, “She’s only three centimeters dilated. I’m afraid she has a long way to go.”

  Jenny laid on the table as comfortable as she could feel, her stomach continued to undulate as the baby inside turned to the birthing position, “I don’t know, guys,” she weakly said, sweat beaded on her forehead and her clothes were soaked and stained with her courage to go on, “Eva is ready to be born now!”

  Beverly patted a cool washcloth across her forehead, “You’re not! If she forces herself any sooner, it’ll kill you!”

  Bennie looked up at Beverly, “I can’t stand watching her suffer. Isn’t there something we can do? I mean, we’ve got this room wired for amp charging. Our last session is already fading.”

  Trudy’s eyebrows rose as she removed her hand, “She’s now four. The growth enzyme within Eva is moving this along.”

  “But that’s still another six centimeters to go,” Beverly nodded.

  “Her contractions have been five minutes apart for a couple of hours now,” Trudy added. “When they are every couple of minutes. We can’t risk giving Jenny an amp charge. It could have reverse effects.”

  “Ohhh, I feel another one comin’ on, guys,” Jenny lifted off the table toward her lifted knees, “Oh god! It’s a bad one… OHHH! AHHHHH!”

  Her eyes squeezed tight as she bore the contraction.


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