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Aethernea Page 40

by Cloe D Frost

  Elaru paid closer attention to Kiel’s expression, his eyes flashing cold light, his aura exuding all kinds of cold feelings. “I can’t go by myself. I need your help picking a ring.”

  Kiel looked her straight in the eyes. His beautiful icy orbs made her forget her previous annoyance. “Is this really the time to be ring shopping? Can’t you wait to do it after the exams?”

  Elaru shook her head. “It can’t wait. The sooner we buy it, the better.”

  Kiel’s gaze only got more and more icy, frowning slightly. “Why do you need it? And why do you want my help?”

  Elaru sighed in exasperation. When she lifted her head back up to meet his gaze, her eyes were emotionless. “Remember that enchantment I have been spellcrafting?”

  Realization flashed in Kiel’s eyes. So that’s the reason! She needs a magic artifact to place her enchantment on. And she decided that a jewelry piece would be the most fitting.

  Kiel let out a breath of relief he didn’t know he was holding. So it wasn’t any of the disturbing reasons his pessimistic mind managed to come up with. Of course, he shouldn’t judge Elaru with common sense. She probably had no idea that couples usually come here to shop for engagement rings.

  She just wanted to buy a jewelry piece to place her enchantment upon. A ring would be the smallest and easiest to carry. It made perfect sense that she wanted to buy a ring.

  He pinched the bridge of his nose again, the iciness in his eyes slowly dissipating. “Alright. Go buy it. I’ll wait for you.”

  Elaru stared at him annoyed. For several seconds neither one spoke. “Darn it, Kiel. I said I need your help. Why are you treating a jewelry shop like a death zone?”

  Do you want me to spell it out for you?? Everyone would think we are a couple! Who knows what strange rumors would start going around! “Why do you need my help? I don’t care what ring you pick. It’s your business. It has nothing to do with me.”

  Elaru’s eyebrow twitched. “Remember that conversation we had a few days ago? I told you I would get you a magical artifact that you will use to fool everyone into thinking it is a mana purifying artifact.”

  They needed to hide the fact that they are soulbound from everyone. And if an argel such as himself could use both augmentation and transmutation magic, it would be a dead giveaway. Unless he had a mana purifying artifact that could be used to explain his ability to use pure mana. Or rather, an artifact that everyone would think was a mana purifying artifact – a dummy, a decoy.

  Kiel’s pupils widened, but before he could say anything, Elaru looked him straight in the eye, her gaze piercing to the deepest part of his heart. “I brought you here so you can pick a ring you like that I will use as a model to create a magical artifact.”

  Kiel’s heart skipped a beat. Suddenly, countless images of the last 3 days flashed in his mind:

  “What is simpler to get, a dummy artifact or an arcane contract forbidding you to use transmutation and arcane magic? The artifact is much simpler and cheaper to obtain.”

  “How long will it take you to obtain such an artifact?” “A few days. I can get it before the Ashar entrance exams start.”

  “What are you doing?” “Spellcrafting.”

  “How good are you?” “I’ve never met anyone better at it than me.”

  “What kind of spell are you crafting? Is it for the exams?” “It’s a secret. But yes, it will be quite helpful for the exams.”

  Kiel’s heart beat erratically. Could it be…that instead of preparing for the exam…she spent this entire time making him that artifact?

  All so he would be allowed to use transmutation magic on the exams? All so it would be easier for him to score higher on the exam?

  “Why?” Kiel breathed out in a weak voice. “Why didn’t you go buy an unidentified artifact from the auction house?”

  Elaru sighed gently. “Did you think any artifact would work? There are several very important requirements for it that can’t be met unless it is a custom made artifact.”

  Kiel wanted to ask “What requirements?” but when his hoarse voice came out of his throat, the words spoken were different. “Why didn’t you hire an enchanter to make it for you?”

  “Do you think trustworthy enchanters who can spellcraft and mystify a spell in several days of time grow on trees? Never mind trustworthy, do you have any idea how rare it is to find an enchanter who can mystify spells?”

  Kiel’s mouth went dry.

  Mystification was a process of rewriting and modifying a spell pattern in such a way to make it difficult to recognize. It includes a lot of techniques of changing the structure of the spell, introducing noise and useless spell fragments into the spell pattern. It was similar to encryption – it made the end result hard to understand.

  Only spellcrafters of the highest order understood the theory of magic to such a degree they could manipulate it in such an intricate way to completely change the spell appearance while still retaining its effects.

  Mystification made the spell longer and more difficult to weave while not adding any additional effects to it. Sometimes it even caused destructive interference inside the spell, decreasing its effects. And yet, this seemingly useless, counterproductive ability was an incredibly sought after skill.

  Often when clients ordered custom made artifacts, they would want them made in such a way so only they themselves would know the function of the artifact. Especially if it was a battle related artifact. Which person would want their enemy to know the exact effect of their magical artifact?

  Mystification was also used to make spells harder to break. After all, if a mage can’t tell what spell they were looking at, how would they know how to break it?

  Since Kiel needed people to think his artifact was a mana purifying artifact, naturally, the spell on the artifact needed to be mystified so that no one would be able to tell that it was actually a dummy.

  Kiel stumbled a step back. Could it be…? At that time…?

  He remembered the spell she was spellcrafting. A day later the spell looked nothing like the spell she was spellcrafting the day before. He had thought it to be a different spell…but could it be that she actually mystified the old spell, making it look different?

  Kiel stepped another step back, he suddenly felt a bit dizzy. “Mystification? Is there anything you can’t do?” Didn’t he already ask her this question before?

  He expected her to gloat about it but instead of the expected smirk, she smiled bitterly. A flash of sadness passed through the depths of her eyes. “There are many things I can’t do. In fact, I have several serious disabilities. I just know how to hide them well…”

  Kiel suddenly felt uncomfortable, something inside of him seemed to twist painfully. He had never seen such an expression on Elaru before. She was always in a good mood, never letting him see anger or pain. Not showing a single glimpse of the secrets hidden deep down inside of her.

  He wanted to say something to lift the awkward air. But before he could do so, Elaru seemed to flip a switch, her mood did an 180-degree turn. All traces of the previous mood vanished replaced with her usual smiling expression. “I told you. I have never met someone who can spellcraft better than me. Naturally, I wouldn’t hold myself in such high regard if I couldn’t even mystify my spells properly.”

  Kiel stared at her smiling face for a while but couldn’t distinguish anything new from it. The more she smiled, the more he felt like Elaru Wayvin hid the entire world behind that smile. She knew him well, but he didn’t know her at all.

  “Why do you want to go to Muni? The way I see it, if you are as incredible when it comes to spellcrafting as you claim, your knowledge of magic is already deeper than most Muni professors. What could Muni possibly teach you?”

  With such deep knowledge of magic, there weren’t many magic-based professions she couldn’t do. Spellcrafters were usually also enchanters, artificers, array masters or engineers.

  Don’t tell me she actually wants to change professions to become s
omething totally different like an animal handler or alchemist?

  Elaru twirled around, showing him her back. She looked back to the ring shop in front of them. “The more you know about something, the more you understand just how little you actually know.” She murmured, more talking to herself than Kiel.

  She then turned her head to the side, locking eyes with his. “If I wanted to expand my knowledge…where else could I go? Muni is the holy land of magic. If the knowledge can’t be found there, then it can’t be found anywhere else in the lands under the Shield.”

  * * *

  Author Note:

  To wonderful people who are supporting Aethernea on Patreon: Thank you so much!

  This episode is dedicated to Alexander Aguilar . Thank you so much for your support! You. Are. Awesome. <3

  I’ve also added you to special credits section that can be seen in the sidebar at You will also have your name in all printed editions of Aethernea in the future. :)

  Coming up in the next episode:

  Hearing that, Kiel felt as if a cold bucket of water splashed over his head. He almost spit out blood from anger.

  Elaru paid no attention to the merchant, still staring at the ring as if entranced. Kiel looked back at her strangely. Is there something special about this ring?

  “What do you mean?” Kiel’s eyes flashed dangerously. “Don’t tell me you intend to steal it?” Kiel’s face darkened.

  Kiel finally opened his mouth, his face still blank, he slowly spoke out. “Can’t we just go to a normal restaurant?”

  Episode 46 – Engagement Ring Shop

  Episode 46 – Engagement Ring Shop


  After the exams, Elaru picks Kiel up and takes him to a high-class shop selling rings. Kiel finds out that over these several days, Elaru had been spellcrafting an enchantment that will be placed on the ring of his choice. She has also mystified the enchantment so no one would be able to tell that his magical artifact is a fake mana purifying artifact.

  * * *

  She then turned her head to the side, locking eyes with his. “If I wanted to expand my knowledge…where else could I go? Muni is the holy land of magic. If the knowledge can’t be found there, then it can’t be found anywhere else in the lands under the Shield.”

  She has a point. Muni wasn’t only a teaching institution. It was also a research institution with more staff than students which produced new breakthroughs in the field of magic study every year.

  There was much more to Muni than just classes. All professors were masters in their respective fields of study. Being mentored by one would allow you to learn knowledge that you can’t learn anywhere else.

  Muni also had the finest library of magic related books in all the lands of Halnea.

  If you wanted to learn magic, no matter how advanced, where else would you go besides Muni?

  Kiel had successfully managed to change the subject from her efforts to make him a magical artifact, to her purpose in coming to Muni. However, even though the conversation steered away, his mind and heart were still hopelessly stuck on her seemingly selfless efforts in helping him out.

  He clenched his fists hard, trying to hide the turmoil he felt inside. He didn’t know what he should be feeling right now. He didn’t even know what he was currently feeling.

  He only knew that whatever these emotions were, they weren’t pleasant. There was a tightness in his chest and a bitter taste in his mouth.

  Elaru used this opportunity to wrap her hands around his. The warmth spreading out from her body pressed against his arm made the unpleasant feeling subside a bit.

  Currently, the thought of shrugging her arms off didn’t even occur to him. She pulled on his arm gently, letting her soothing warm aura envelop him.

  Under her urging, relaxed by her aura, he stepped forward.

  Completely lost in his own thoughts, he had forgotten his previous complaints about entering the ring shop. Only when the merchant asked how he could help, did Kiel snap out of his thoughts.

  Dazed, he looked down at the table filled with shiny silver rings; his mind unable to concentrate on the matter at hand.

  In the background, he heard the voice of the merchant. “Are the young lord and lady looking for engagement rings?”

  He couldn’t see Elaru’s face but from her words he could tell she was smiling. “We haven’t made any definite decisions yet. We would like to see your wares first.”

  The merchant winked at her knowingly. “Why of course!”

  Hearing that, Kiel felt as if a cold bucket of water splashed over his head. He almost spit out blood from anger. This is why!! This is exactly why I didn’t want to go here!! Why couldn’t you have explained it properly?? Why do you insist on speaking in such an ambiguous manner!? It’s as if you want to be misunderstood!

  The merchant started bringing out different types of engagement rings and explaining their materials.

  “See anything you like?” Elaru’s voice reverberated inside his head. As if she could tell exactly what he was feeling she added. “Quicker you find the right ring, the quicker we can leave.”

  That statement jolted Kiel out of his daze and his gaze focused on the rings. He scrutinized them one by one, quickly pointing towards several rings. “Could I see this one, that one and the one over here.”

  The merchant looked at him strangely. “Young lord, those aren’t engagement rings?” Kiel’s cold gaze made the merchant jolt, quickly correcting himself. “But of course, creating a matching ring to the ring of your choice is a simple matter! Don’t worry about it young lord. Just pick whatever your heart desires and we will do our best to accommodate.”

  Kiel inwardly cursed. He let his coldness seep out instead of keeping up his friendly façade.

  “What kind of rings are you looking for? Enchanted rings? Diamond rings? Gold, silver, platinum?” The merchant asked.

  Kiel frowned. It was a good question. What price range could Elaru afford? He glanced at her just in time to see her smile at the merchant. “It doesn’t matter. As long as it is to our liking.”

  Kiel got the urge to pick the most expensive ring just to get back at her. But after the initial impulse, he discarded the thought. He intended to pay her back the price. He didn’t want to owe her anything. Picking something expensive would only make it harder to return the favor.

  He inspected different rings until a peculiar one caught his eye. It had no jewels and was made out of two different types of materials. The outer part of the ring looked to be made out of white gold. Intricate patterns like wines spread over the elegant ring. In-between the embossed patterns could be seen a shiny black material.

  It was simple yet very beautiful. He turned it around, his face darkening when he saw the price tag.

  How can something without any jewels be so expensive?

  Elaru paid attention to his facial expressions, and just when he was about to put the ring back, she took it into her hand instead. She carefully inspected the ring, staring at it as if she wanted to devour it.

  Seeing her interest, the merchant quickly started advocating the ring. “A very elegant choice suiting the peerless grace of young lord and lady. It is as if this black diamond ring was made to be worn by you.”

  Kiel looked at the merchant speechlessly. You sure know how to flatter…

  So this black metal is actually a precious rock? No wonder it is so expensive.

  Elaru paid no attention to the merchant, still staring at the ring as if entranced.

  Kiel looked back at her strangely. Is there something special about this ring? Don’t tell me she can actually afford this?

  Suddenly Elaru came out of her strange mood and smiled brilliantly.

  Kiel was just about to stop her and remind her that it is too expensive when she placed the ring back on the stand and exclaimed. “Thank you for your service. I have to admit your wares are quite high class. We’ll definitely be back in the future.” She winked at the stun
ned merchant who seemed to be too entranced by her bright smile to realize what was happening.

  Elaru pulled on Kiel’s arm leading him out of the shop. Before the merchant could come back to his senses, the two of them had already left the shop.

  Kiel stared at her dumbfounded. Isn’t this where you are supposed to say “Don’t worry about the price! If you like this one, then I’ll get you this one.”?

  Bah…why do I feel like a female in this relationship? He shook his head and transmitted his displeasure.“Wait…why are we leaving? I still haven’t picked a ring yet.”

  Elaru smiled mysteriously. “Didn’t you just pick that black diamond one?”

  Kiel frowned. “No. That one was too expensive.”

  Elaru chuckled musically. “Everything in this shop is too expensive.”

  Kiel’s eyebrow started twitching. Then why did you even bring me here?!? Are you making fun of me?!

  Elaru glanced at his frosty expression, but her smile didn’t lessen in any way. “I brought you here to pick a ring. But I never said I’d buy you the ring.”

  “What do you mean?” Kiel’s eyes flashed dangerously. “Don’t tell me you intend to steal it?” Kiel’s face darkened.

  Elaru’s eyes widened in surprise. “What do you take me as? A common thief?”

  For a moment, Kiel almost felt guilty for thinking that…before she added: “Stealing from this place is too arduous of a task. Don’t get me wrong. If I wanted to steal the ring, those few buffoons couldn’t stop me. Stealing it isn’t difficult. Keeping it is the difficult part.”

  Kiel patiently waited for her to explain. She paused for a while, giving him a meaningful look. “Jewelers mix mana crystal dust inside the alloys which uniquely identify the rings. Removing the dust would be a very arduous task that couldn’t be accomplished without melting down the ring. Even if I transmuted the ring into another shape, the owners would still be able to recognize that it is theirs.


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