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Bred by the MC VP (Breeding Season Book 6)

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  The things he’d said to her, the way he’d treated her. There was no doubt in his mind. Sable wasn’t a club whore. The brothers went to her room, passed out, and when they woke up in the morning, she was always gone to make sure they didn’t reach for her.

  Sable had saved herself and he wasn’t going to be an asshole and try to wonder why, he knew why.


  She’d saved herself for him because for some strange reason, Sable had feelings for him. He didn’t deserve them.

  “Oh, fuck me,” Sweetheart said. “Seriously. She’s working here? This place is better for her than the club? I knew I should have given her up the moment I spat her out. Cheating slut!”

  He clenched his hands into fists as he listened to Sable’s mother rant.

  This was a really bad idea. Whatever was about to go down, it was going to hurt Sable. She had to be one good actress to get through this.

  She has to be. She’s convinced an entire club of being free pussy all this time she’s saving herself for you.

  Dog never really considered himself a possessive man. Loyal, sure, but when it came to club women, he wasn’t. There was usually always someone to ride his dick, and women he’d seen were happy to go where they were wanted. He never judged them for it and had known they would pass him up for a bigger dick within the club. He’d gotten used to it.

  Sable had saved herself for him.

  No other dick had been inside her.

  She was fucking pure. All his, and he wanted a taste. No doubt in his mind what he wanted. He didn’t want some piece-of-shit cop taking what rightfully belonged to him.

  “Don’t start. I’m hungry,” Forge said. “Anyone can go ahead and leave. I’m not going to force you to stay.”

  Sable’s job was working at the local diner. Forge had done it purposefully. It would help show their plan in action by treating her like shit, but also when the plan was finished, Forge could bring her back into the fold.

  It was complete and total horseshit.

  Dog hated the plan, but he also didn’t climb back on his bike.

  He entered the diner, aware of the sudden silence their presence always created.

  They found a couple of free booths toward the back. A couple scurried away like scared little rats as they took a seat. Nothing new. He was used to it.

  As he sat down, his gaze was drawn to her. She was a couple of tables away. Her hair pulled back into a ponytail. The uniform she wore hugged those sexy curves but it was modest. An ugly gray thing.

  She didn’t look toward them but he saw how tense she was. She dealt with the order she’d just taken and he saw her have to compose herself before grabbing the coffee pot and filling people’s orders.

  He knew what was to come, as did she. This was going to hurt her.

  Forge would have known beforehand what her section was so they could sit here.

  She stalled, waited, and finally, when it was clearly too rude to not come and approach them, she stepped toward the group.

  They all froze.

  “Slut!” Honey hissed the word.

  Sable tensed up. Pen poised toward the notepad. She lifted her head. The fire in her eyes clear to see.

  That’s right. Don’t fall. Don’t show your fear or your pain.

  “What can I get you?” she asked.

  “I don’t want you to take my food order,” Sweetheart said. “I don’t want traitor to rub off on my food.”

  Sable stared at her mother. Teeth clenching. “Then you’re going to have to move.” She glanced around. “You’re in my section. You don’t want me to serve you, fine. Move.”

  Damn, she was turning him on, standing up to her mother.

  Sweetheart got to her feet and stepped toward her daughter. Dog tensed but Forge kicked him beneath the table, keeping him in check. He didn’t like this, not one bit, and it pissed him off. Still, he stayed put. The other customers were watching and he hated Sable going through this. She didn’t back down though, even as Sweetheart took her stance, arms folded.

  “I don’t know what has gotten into you. Clearly, I’ve done something wrong. I taught you better manners. I taught you loyalty.”

  Sable laughed. “You taught me loyalty? What you taught me, Mother, is to spread my legs for any man who dares look in my direction.” She looked at the whole club. “Look around you, I could have fucked my father, for all I know. You don’t even know which one is my dad. Don’t try to pretend you’ve taught me anything. You haven’t. I shouldn’t be surprised, though, that you’d throw your daughter away. All you ever cared about was the next dick to ride instead of what I was actually doing.”

  Sweetheart slapped Sable across the face. It was hard, and Dog’s instinct was to grab the older woman and pull her away.

  He stayed seated.

  This was wrong.

  He knew it.

  The slap was hard enough that he expected to see blood.

  They’d caused a scene and now Forge stood up. “Time for us to leave.” He didn’t explain himself.

  No one said a word.

  One by one, they left. Sable stood, spine straight, glaring at her mother. She didn’t touch her face or show any sign of weakness.

  Fuck, she looked like a queen.

  They all climbed on their bikes. Dog allowed himself one last look into the diner. Sable hadn’t moved. She gave herself a shake and glanced toward them. The moment she caught sight of him, she averted her gaze and turned away.

  Damn it, he had really fucked up when it came to her.

  They rode all the way back to the clubhouse.

  The guys started talking. Sweetheart put a hand to her chest as if she’d just gone through some great tragedy.

  He followed Forge, going into the prez’s office and slamming the door closed.

  “Are you happy?” Dog asked.

  Forge sat down and nodded. “Yeah, I am.”

  He shook his head. “This is wrong.”

  “And why is that?” he asked. “Because you can’t stand to see Sable in pain?”

  “Her mother just hit her, Forge. What do we do when all of this is over, what then? You think it’s going to be easy for her to accept the club with open arms?” he asked.

  “It doesn’t really matter right now. The club will accept her with open arms, whether they like it or not. It’s not up to me to fix family relations. Sweetheart and Honey see what they want to see.”

  “I don’t like this. I don’t like any of this.” He slashed his hand through the air.

  Forge chuckled. “I think you really need to calm down. The plan is working. Or it will work if you give it a chance. Sable’s going to pull this off and when she does, I’ll make sure everyone in the club knows her devotion and loyalty. She will never be just a club whore again. I can guarantee it.”

  Dog knew he shouldn’t say what he was about to, but he couldn’t hold back. “She’s not a club whore. Sable has never fucked a single one of the men. She’s untouched, a virgin. All she ever did was provide a room for the boys. None of them have touched her. They just assume they have.”


  “I can arrest her for assault,” Hank said.

  Sable hated this so much. Forcing a smile to her lips even as her face ached, she shook her head. “There’s really no reason. It’s not like they would care.” She shrugged. “They’re not worth it.”

  When she got home, she’d wash her mouth out with soap. It was the only way she was going to be able to deal with all the lies she had spewing from her mouth. What she couldn’t tell Hank was after her mother’s hit, she’d gone into the bathroom and cried. She’d cried so hard that it had taken her longer than her break to get herself together. She had to ask for a personal afternoon off. She would need to make up her shift, but the pain, it had stayed with her. Seeing some of the men she’d given up her bed for, her mother, her sister, all of them saw her as less than them.

  It really did hurt.

  Tucking her hair behind her ear,
she glanced down the street. They’d just enjoyed dinner together at a cute little Italian place. Hank loved the pasta and she hadn’t complained. Holding her small bag, he walked her home. She’d been able to avoid going in his car or being alone in a small confined space with him.

  He placed a hand at the base of her back and she wanted to scream. She made no move to stop him from touching her.

  “They’re scum, Sable. You’re better than them. Believe me. Luther Grass has plans for the entire MC in this town. They need to leave and I, for one, will do whatever it takes to make sure Grass wins.”

  “I don’t know who this Grass person is.” She rubbed at her temple. “I’m so sorry. I think the slap was really bad.”

  Hank stopped and touched her cheek which had bruised slightly beneath her eye. One thing she would say about her mother, she was pleased that as she’d grown up, she hadn’t made it a habit to punish them with her hand. Wow, the woman had some force on her.

  “You’ve got a headache?”

  “Yeah,” she said with a groan. “I’m so sorry. I think I’m going to have to cut this evening short. It’s a shame. I had a lovely time.”

  Her evening had been spent listening to Hank talk about how he got on the police force, what role he played, and him expanding on his list of achievements. How much better he was than anyone else in the world.

  It was … exhausting.

  This man thought he was better than all of the guys back at the MC, and yet, he was so self-centered. He didn’t even understand the meaning of the word loyalty. Still, she played along. It wasn’t like she had to say very much. Hank filled any kind of uncomfortable silence. He really loved the sound of his own voice and there was no way she was going to interrupt him.

  They walked back to her home. She stared up at the house. Any other time, she’d have loved a place like this. Could even imagine herself enjoying it with Dog, but this was all part of a plan. Not real.

  Hank took her hand within his. “Let me take you out again tomorrow?”

  “I’d like that.”

  “Good.” He leaned in close and kissed her cheek. “You’re a really special woman, Sable. Really sweet. You did right leaving them.”

  “Thank you.” She wanted to scream at him, but she turned her back, aware of how close he still stood. “I had a wonderful evening. Thank you for being so understanding.” She blew him a kiss and closed the door. She collapsed against the wood and covered her face.

  “He’s falling for you.”

  She let out a little scream as she looked up to see Forge sitting on the stairs. Glancing back at the door then at the prez, she opened her mouth and closed it. “What if—? He could have seen you.”

  “He didn’t. I’m not near the door and you didn’t open it too wide.” He stood up.

  “What about your bike? We’re doing this for me to get close and if he even senses I’m playing him, it will all be for nothing.”

  Forge stared at her. “Are you a virgin?”

  “Wait, what?”

  “I don’t want any elaborate lies or bullshit. Answer me. Are you a virgin?”

  “You’ve been talking to Dog.” She nibbled on her lip, feeling her cheeks heat.

  Forge moved away from the stairs and stood right in front of her. “Are you a virgin? Yes or no. Or was it a lie you told Dog to make him crazy?”

  She shook her head. “I’m a virgin.”

  “Tell me right now. Do you want to stop this?” he asked. “I asked you to do this as Hank showed you interest and I thought you were experienced. Given the guys’ comments about you over the years, I assumed. That was my mistake.”

  “I … no, we’ve started now. Hank believes this story. I can do this.”

  “Can you do this without fucking him?” Forge asked. “I don’t want your first time to be with someone you can’t stand.”

  “I honestly don’t know. I don’t want him but I’ll do what is needed for the club.” She rubbed at her temple.

  “I’m sorry about that,” he said, pointing at her cheek.

  “It’s nothing.”

  “Your mom will regret that when she knows the truth.”

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  “I’m going to go now. Lock your door.” Forge turned on his heel but rather than go out the front door, she heard the kitchen one close. After quickly flicking the lock into place at the front, she rushed toward the back and did the same.

  As far as conversations went, it had to be the strangest one she’d ever had with her prez. She hadn’t been lying to Hank. Her head was ready to explode.

  After opening the fridge, she poured herself some milk and made her way upstairs. She put the cold milk by her nightstand, went into the bathroom, stripped off the clothes, stepped beneath the shower, and allowed the night to just fade away. She wanted every trace of Hank off her body.

  Once she felt clean enough, she stepped out, quickly pulled on a shirt, and was entering her bedroom, drying her hair, when she caught sight of Dog sitting on the edge of her bed. He wasn’t wearing his leather cut, nor his boots. In fact, he wore nothing but boxer briefs as he looked at her.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  “Why didn’t you tell Forge you wanted out? It was really that simple.”

  “I started this. The club needs this. We can’t keep talking about the same old thing. I can do this.”

  “You think Hank’s going to hold out for a taste of you?”

  “Yes.” Hank hadn’t made an inappropriate move yet. She wasn’t going to even give him a hint it would be acceptable. “You shouldn’t be here. Where are your clothes?”

  “On the floor. If you could take your eyes off me for one minute, you’d see where they are.”

  She quickly looked into his eyes and laughed. “You’re doing this on purpose. Why?”

  “Simple, I like it when your eyes are on me.”

  “I don’t get you, Dog. One minute you can’t stand me being near you. Now you’re telling me you want me. You’ve got to stop doing this.”

  “Doing what?” He moved toward her and the wall stopped her escape.

  The way he looked at her, how did it make her ache for him? It made no sense. Licking her lips, she watched him.

  “Do you have any idea what you do to me?” he asked. “Since you dropped that bombshell, I can’t get you out of my mind. It’s not fair.” He touched her chin, tilted her head back, and all she wanted was for him to kiss her.

  “Why are you so different?” she asked.

  “Tell me, Sable. If I’d been the man in your bed, would you have been able to push me to one side? Would you have left me alone?” He stroked a finger down her neck, resting on her pulse for a split second before traveling lower. “Or would you give me this body? Would you let me have a taste where no other man had ever been?”

  She stared at him, her mouth dry.

  “Do you really want me to answer that?” she asked.

  “With how tight your nipples are, I think I already know the answer.”

  She cried out as he pinched her nipple, but then his lips covered her through the fabric.

  All sense left her. This wasn’t fair. She wanted to hate him, not give in to him.

  She had two choices, push him away, or grip his head and beg for more.

  Chapter Five

  Dog wasn’t taking any chances. He wanted his mark on Sable before this bullshit plan went any further. He needed to stake his claim.

  “When you thought I was a whore, you treated me like garbage,” she said.

  It felt like a knife to the heart. He knew he’d fucked up. Big time.

  “I wasn’t trying to be an asshole. Baby, I fell for you years ago, you’ve got to believe that, but being VP, I knew we could never be together. You know how the club works. It was better to keep my distance. If I allowed myself to fall for you, it wouldn’t end well for either of us.”

  “And now?”

  “Things are different,” he said.<
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  She licked her lips and he followed the movement of her tongue. His dick thickening in his boxers. “Tell me why?”

  “Because I want you to be mine. I don’t care who knows it.”

  “I’m not club pussy,” she said.

  He narrowed his eyes, raking his hand in her hair. “Not for pussy. I want you to be my old lady.”

  She let out a shaky breath. “You don’t mean that.”

  He tightened his grip in her hair, making her wince. Dog ran his lips down the good side of her face. “I don’t need to lie, do I?” Then he whispered in her ear,” If I wanted that cherry, you’d give it to me.”

  Dog curled the fingers of his free hand around the edge of her shirt and began to pull it up, the backs of his fingers gently grazing her stomach. He turned her head, bringing his lips close to hers. He breathed her in. One kiss became two, then three. She was completely receptive, finally kissing him with hunger, moaning into his mouth. He devoured her, pressing his body against hers. He’d been holding back for too long. All that pent-up passion was impossible to keep bottled up any longer.

  “Please, Dog.”

  “Yeah, I like the sound of you begging me.”

  He tugged the shirt above her stomach, seeing the scars put there by Hound. At least he’d had the pleasure of torturing the fucking traitor before Forge ended his life. Dog let the material fall back down into place. She had been on her way to bed, but he still wasn’t expecting her to be completely naked underneath. He growled deep in his chest.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Dog hadn’t realized he’d zoned out, his mind going to those months he’d taken care of Sable. It was when he’d fallen in love. No turning back.

  He shook his head dismissively. “What have you heard about me around the club?” He hated that she’d know all the stories of bitches he’d fucked over the years. None of them mattered.

  “That you have a big dick.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Does that scare you?”

  “I’m not afraid.”

  He smirked. She was so damn cute. He never realized what a turn on her innocence would be. “I’m not here for that.”

  Sable frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “I want to be the man to give you pleasure. I want you to remember what I can give you.”


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