You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 9

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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 9 Page 4

by Nikhil Parekh

  Am I salaciously unjust in asking the inexhaustibly effervescent ensemble of soil; to grant just a single of its truthfully sacred particle; that would immortalize the egregiously corrupt fabric of my existence with a sky of Omnipresent righteousness ?

  Am I flagrantly unjust in asking the boundlessly untainted meadow; to grant me just a single whisker of its gloriously unequivocal frolic; that would transit my manipulatively decrepit countenance into realms of impeccably princely childhood ?

  Am I heinously unjust in asking the timelessly unflinching battlefield; to grant me just a single iota of its peerlessly invincible patriotism; that would instill in me the fortitude to face the ignominiously diabolical and bad ?

  Am I lividly unjust in asking the fruits of perpetual Mother Nature; to grant me just a single trifle of their burgeoning enthusiasm; that would forever squelch the insect of dastardly laggardness in every despicably evaporating bone of my silhouette ?

  Am I indiscriminately unjust in asking the supremely venerated cow; to grant me just a single cuplet of its miraculously fructifying milk; that would embody in my frenetically extinguishing form; the Herculean tenacity to stand unperturbed even in the most devilishly unsparing of maelstroms?

  Am I venomously unjust in asking the unendingly emollient festoon of air; to

  grant me just a single puff of its quintessentially vital exhilaration; that would transform me from a cadaverously ostracizing mortuary into a breath of victoriously exultating life ?

  Am I invidiously unjust in asking the Omnisciently Almighty Lord; to grant me just a single chance of his paradise of infinite chances; which would provide me an opportunity to disseminate benign goodness till the very end of my time; and thus reverse every of my inadvertently committed sin ?

  And am I unforgivingly unjust in asking the countless billion rhythms of your unassailable heart O! Beloved; to grant me just a single immortal beat; that would coalesce me forever and forever and ever with the religion of unbreakable humanity; that would make me feel forever and ever and ever the most pricelessly gifted organism alive ?


  If you dare to dream of  catapulting to the unfathomable epitome of the mountain barefoot; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of a disastrously stumbling fall,

  If you dare to dream of unflinchingly conquering the most thunderously roaring waves of the tumultuously stormy sea; then be also wholesomely prepared for

  every tangible and intangible likelihood of drowning to the threadbare rock bottom,

  If you dare to dream of eternally radiating the essence of impregnable truth; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of more than a billion lies truculently asphyxiating you,

  If you dare to dream of  indefatigably traversing fathomless kilometers on soil; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of belligerently ballistic thorns; perniciously permeating you at your every stride,

  If you dare to dream of evolving a civilization of undefeatable newness every unfurling minute of your existence; then be also wholesomely prepared for every

  tangible and intangible likelihood of treacherously maligned exhaustion sapping every ingredient of temerity in your brain,

  If you dare to dream of unequivocally uniting the entire planet in the religion of ubiquitously symbiotic humanity; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of indiscriminately massacring fanaticism salaciously impeding you left; right and center,

  If you dare to dream of entirely dedicating every unveiling instant of your life to inexhaustibly writing spell-binding poetry; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of pragmatically explicit reality orphaning you for the remainder of your life,

  If you dare to dream of merrily frolicking in majestic white lightening; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of being scorched to threadbarely inane particles of obsolete dust,

  If you dare to dream of fearlessly living in the mortuary yard all alone and bare-chested; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of sadistically sardonic ghosts imperiling your progress every now and again,

  If you dare to dream of royally marching on the trajectory of the blazingly Golden Sun; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible

  likelihood of being unsparingly burnt to the very last bone of your nimble spine,

  If you dare to dream of incessantly singing like the triumphantly mellifluous nightingale; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible

  likelihood of being viciously attacked by the discordantly croaking owls and frogs,

  If you dare to dream of peerlessly existing an infinite feet beneath hard ground; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of facing the onslaught of horrendously maiming blackness and indescribably ignominious gloom,

  If you dare to dream of singlehandedly brandishing your sword towards victory in the unsurpassably menacing battlefield; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of flagrantly castrated defeat staring right into the

  whites of your eye,

  If you dare to dream of metamorphosing every bit of impoverishedly dying desert into lush green meadows of perennially unparalleled happiness; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of licentiously slippery sand sinking you down towards your grave,

  If you dare to dream of sketching everything on this colossal Universe till the end of your time; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of tears of untamed agony; welling ferociously up the dormitories of your soul,

  If you dare to dream of relentlessly meditating the hymns of everlasting symbiotism every cascading breath of your life; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of libidinous diabolism sporadically perpetuating your mind and soul,

  If you dare to dream of being the most righteously wealthiest organism on this boundless earth; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of dastardly prejudiced corruption crucifying you to the goriest thresholds of hell,

  If you dare to dream of unstoppably marching towards the peaks of invincibly benign success; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of raunchily incarcerating sleep intermittently obfuscating your senses and eyes,

  And if you dare to dream of timelessly falling in pricelessly perpetual love; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of lasciviously sodomizing betrayal; hurling you right back to the very point you had compassionately kissed and started .




  The language of my lips was uninhibited happiness; compassionately nibbling every element of rhapsodic goodness; that euphorically swam in the panoramic atmosphere,

  The language of my eyes was unceasing empathy; a perennially untainted desire to amalgamate my impoverished being; with every conceivable fraternity of living society,

  The language of my chin was endless mischief; eternally frolicking with countless nubile maidens on the pristine sea shores; enlightening even the most inane iota of morbid gloom in the atmosphere,

  The language of my cheeks was tantalizingly embarrassed euphoria; erupting

  into a fathomless gallery of nimble goose-bumps; as when the ebulliently fantastic winds of unadulterated autumn gushed in upon the freshly embellished bride,

  The language of my shoulders was altruistic philanthropism; tirelessly hoisting my fellow comrades in inclement distress; towards the paradise of their very own choice,

  The language of my fingers was untamed artistry; insatiably evolving a glorious civilization of panoramic beauty; out of inconspicuously threadba
re wilderness,

  The language of my armpits was emolliently hard earned perspiration; the feeling of unsurpassably mollifying contentment of having relentlessly strived forward to blissfully conserve my diminutive existence,

  The language of my feet was timelessly inexhaustible adventure; tirelessly philandering upon even the most evanescent cranny of god’s wonderfully enchanting creation,

  The language of my stomach was inevitably symbiotic hunger; marvelously replenishing the egregiously tyrannized intestines inside; with the bounteously scrumptious fruits of eternal mother nature,

  The language of my brain was fathomlessly never-ending fantasy; with not the

  slightest bit of jejunely treacherous monotony daring to perpetuate it for times immemorial,

  The language of my bones was unflinchingly blazing patriotism; expending the

  last ounce of energy trapped within them to the service of their limitlessly

  sacrosanct motherland,

  The language of my shadow was satiny sensuousness; tantalizing even the most

  parasitically alien into an unending whirlpool of astoundingly invincible ecstasy,

  The language of my palms was unavoidably unraveling destiny; transcending above every aspect of my incessant struggle for propitiously mesmerizing existence,

  The language of my eyelashes was mischievously flirtatious winking; rejoicing the unassailably divine moments of newborn infanthood; even when I had nurtured into perilous greyness of complete manhood,

  The language of my blood was pricelessly impregnable humanity; celestially

  coalescing with every construable element of living kind; for an infinite more

  births yet of mine,

  The language of my throat was synergistic melody; tranquilly inundating every lugubriously nonchalant particle of the atmosphere; with the undefeatable chorus of uninhibitedly united brotherhood,

  The language of my persona was amazing procreation; endeavoring my very best

  in continuing god’s chapter of venerated evolution; till the absolutely irrevocable

  end of my breath,

  The language of my conscience was irrefutably unshakable truth; perpetually

  traversing on the path of egalitarian silken righteousness; even as holocausts of hell viciously stabbed the soil of earth,

  The language of my nostrils was quintessentially life-yielding breath; compassionately embracing every living organism in whirlpools of vivaciously beautiful desire,

  And the language of my heart was immortally Omnipotent love; forever and ever and ever bonding with the beats of my unconquerable beloved; till centuries unprecedented even after my this birth and the destined corpse of my death .


  Just because you weren’t able to unassailably transcend beyond the epitome of the brilliantly flaming Sun; in your very first go,

  Doesn’t stop you from atleast euphorically feasting in the mystically frolicking beam of light; outside your terrestrially bucolic bedroom window .

  Just because you weren’t able to handsomely sail on the trajectory of the rhapsodically turbulent sea’s; in your very first go,

  Doesn’t stop you from atleast mischievously splashing in the resplendently shimmering oasis; outside your terrestrially holistic bedroom window .

  Just because you weren’t able to triumphantly catapult to the most unfathomable apogee of Everest; in your very first go,

  Doesn’t stop you from atleast merrily philandering on the ebulliently rain-soaked meadow; outside your terrestrially simplistic bedroom window .

  Just because you weren’t able to inimitably memorize every ounce of sacred literature on this fathomless planet; in your very first go,

  Doesn’t stop you from atleast deciphering the randomly motley elements of benign goodness; outside your terrestrially altruistic bedroom window .

  Just because you weren’t able to majestically over-topple even the most ethereal iota of evil from the trajectory of this boundlessly burgeoning planet; in your very first go,

  Doesn’t stop you from atleast unsparingly pulverizing each salaciously blood-sucking parasite; outside your terrestrially diminutive bedroom window .

  Just because you weren’t able to unconquerably disseminate the essence of perennially blessing truth to the farthest corner of the Universe; in your very first go,

  Doesn’t stop you from atleast perpetuating the heaven of unflinching righteousness into every dastardly beleaguered soul; outside your terrestrially mercurial bedroom window .

  Just because you weren’t able to aristocratically liberate the entire emolliently effulgent earth from the clutches of diabolical slavery; in your very first go,

  Doesn’t stop you from atleast wonderfully ameliorating the haplessly tyrannized and gruesomely crying; outside your terrestrially inconspicuous bedroom window .

  Just because you weren’t able to unshakably coalesce the tirelessly proliferating earth in the religion of humanity; in your very first go,

  Doesn’t stop you from atleast compassionately embracing every fraternity of religion alike; outside your terrestrially insignificant bedroom window .

  Just because you weren’t able to inexhaustibly run faster than the speed of electric white lightening; in your very first go,

  Doesn’t stop you from atleast selflessly transporting every single destitute orphan to the destination of its choice; outside your terrestrially evanescent bedroom window .

  Just because you weren’t able to perpetually embed your footsteps on the paradise of unlimited happiness; in your very first go,

  Doesn’t stop you from atleast igniting an uninhibitedly wholehearted smile on the faces of all those unfortunately emaciating; outside your terrestrially tiny bedroom window .

  Just because you weren’t able to undauntedly surpass the richest on this endlessly augmenting Universe; in your very first go,

  Doesn’t stop you from atleast symbiotically assimilating the priceless treasures of mother nature; outside your terrestrially clandestine bedroom window .

  Just because you weren’t able to be an astoundingly unparalleled exemplary in every conceivable facet of life; in your very first go,

  Doesn’t stop you from atleast diffusing the uniqueness of your blessed creation to every venomously extinguishing; outside your terrestrially cloistered bedroom window .

  Just because you weren’t able to royally chew indomitable rocks of steel; in your very first go,

  Doesn’t stop you from atleast mollifying the unsurpassably famished intestines of your stomach with the fruits of divine nature; outside your terrestrially obfuscated bedroom window .

  Just because you weren’t able to pass charismatically unscathed through the most unfathomably blistering of fires; in your very first go,

  Doesn’t stop you from atleast blissfully uplifting despairingly terrorized civilization; outside your terrestrially subjugated bedroom window .

  Just because you weren’t able to sight the unbelievably everlasting wonders of this limitless Universe; in your very first go,

  Doesn’t stop you from atleast convivially enlightening all those despondently blind; outside your terrestrially sandwiched window .

  Just because you weren’t able to magnetically spell bound the indefatigably blossoming planet with the power of your voice; in your very first go,

  Doesn’t stop you from atleast timelessly singing for all those inevitably nearing their corpse; outside your terrestrially robotic bedroom window .

  Just because you weren’t able to become the most invincibly towering entity on this mystically sacrosanct earth; in your very first go,

  Doesn’t stop you from atleast benevolently protecting the rights of all those hedonistically divested; outside your terrestrially slavering bedroom window .

  Just because you weren’t able to peerlessly write the destiny of this unlimitedly redolent globe; in your very first go,

  Doesn’t stop you from atleast sagaciously educati
ng all those treacherously illiterate; outside your terrestrially cornered bedroom window .

  Just because you weren’t able to unrestrictedly lead an infinite more lives; in your very first go,

  Doesn’t stop you from atleast exhaling a single unabashedly humanitarian breath; outside your terrestrially fugitive bedroom window .

  And just because you weren’t able to impregnably acquire every speck of love on this fragrantly jubilant Universe; in your very first go,

  Doesn’t stop you from atleast immortally bonding the beats of your heart with a single truthfully vibrant girl; outside your terrestrially small bedroom window


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