You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 9

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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 9 Page 6

by Nikhil Parekh

  Both of us were born only to embrace each other; interlock our bodies in the sacrosanct swirl of unending passion; to spawn a freshly optimistic tomorrow; with our very own scarlet blood,

  Both of us were born only to stare at each other; marvelously decipher the infinite labyrinths of seductive enthrallment; that sprouted bloomingly from the inner most arenas of our heart and soul,

  Both of us were born only to kiss each other; perennially intermingle our lips in the handsome fire of an everlasting relationship; profuse devour the sweetness of beautifully resplendent creation,

  Both of us were born only to fantasize of each other; unfathomably perceiving the most exotically enamoring ingredients of blessed creation; transpiring the world

  to coalesce forever; into the religion of priceless humanity,

  Both of us were born only to breathe with each other; majestically exhaling and inhaling ecstatic air together; to humbly proliferate a sea of humanitarian empathy; on every quarter of the globe besieged with tyrannically uncouth commercialism,

  And both of us were born only to love each other; immortally bond the beats of our tirelessly beating hearts in the winds of unshakable passion and enigma; till the last moment we lived; and infinite more births yet to come .


  Every wall of this house stabbed me like a million scorpions; venomously crippling each fountain of my exquisitely bountiful thought,

  Every stair of this house made me stagger like a boundless matchsticks; uncouthly pulverizing me at every step; for ostensibly no fault of mine,

  Every nail of this house pierced me brutally like the corridors of hell; unrelentingly permeating deeper and deeper into my satiny flesh; playing a sadistically gory game with my disastrously wailing nerves,

  Every space of this house devilishly stared at me for times immemorial; savagely lambasting every cranny of my drearily wasting persona; with remorsefully satanic


  Every picture of this house thrashed me unsparingly like a salaciously ghoulish ghost; vindictively scaring even the most infinitesimal wisps of daylight; from every bone

  of my shivering countenance,

  Every web of this house gruesomely diseased me; lethally incarcerating even the most blissful of my energies; in a corpse of forlorn oblivion and nothingness,

  Every window of this house abhorrently spewed shards of vengeful glass into my eyes; profusely staining even the most inconspicuous element of my persona; with unfathomable oceans of savage blood,

  Every mirror of this house reflected a billion witches to me; ghastily inundating my impeccable soul with the; traumatically tyrannized cry of the insidious devil,

  Every dust particle of this house lecherously tainted my visage forever; ominously drowning each speck of benign goodness embedded in my conscience; in the

  sea of coldblooded murder,

  Every droplet of water in this house demonically blinded my eyes; metamorphosed me into a pool of sardonically fulminating acid; the very instant that I consumed even a fraction of it,

  Every dungeon of this house barbarically imprisoned me for countless more births to unveil; murderously slashing my wrists and fingers; of their magnificently spell binding artistry,

  Every tap of this house barked a volley of incoherently mortifying abuse at my righteous flesh; incessantly drifting me towards the world of bawdy raunchiness; a prison of preposterously empty skeletons and parasitic mice,

  Every brick of this house horrendously squelched my innocent toes; viciously raining like a thunderbolt of endless anguish upon my senses; on every step that I trespassed ahead,

  Every watch of this house vengefully threatened me with its deafening sound; as its series of tick-tocks devilishly augmented by the unfurling minute; to acridly blast even the most sensitively immaculate arenas of my eardrums,

  Every curtain of this house perniciously asphyxiated me in the heart of the precariously ungainly midnight; choking even the remotest traces of humility from my

  demeanor; to eventually sleep with the naked crabs,

  Every echo of this house indiscriminately stripped me of all my robust flesh; feasting on my gorily barren skeleton; with its teeth of dolorously debilitating doom,

  Every rail of this house perennially whipped me on my silken backside; tormenting even the most holistic ingredients in my blood; to ultimately surrender to the commands of the lecherously gleaming devil,

  Every thread of this house slit my throat into a countless strands of mangled flesh and bone; even before I could utter my last prayer; whisper the slightest of passionate sound,

  Every currency coin in this house slit me apart into an infinite pieces of worthless shit; making it hard for the commoner to discern; between my grotesque carcass and the meat of the stinking pigs,

  And believe me; this was the same house in which I had lived all my life like a priceless prince innocuously blending my soul with God and the panoramic winds of

  Mother nature; while today the same haunted me worse than my veritable corpse; as it lay empty without my beloved .


  There was no greater slave of your piquantly mesmerizing eyes; than my impoverished eyeballs; unrelentingly seeking your poignantly charismatic and

  compassionate stares,

  There was no greater slave of your voluptuously seductive lips; than the contours of my fervently anticipating face; ardently desiring to witness you blossom into an unfathomable festoon of everlasting smiles; all day and morbid night,

  There was no greater slave of your ravishingly silken hair; than the eclectically cogitating periphery of my scalp; incorrigibly wanting to possess your sensuously

  magical swish; for times and decades immemorial,

  There was no greater slave of your ingratiatingly titillating footsteps; than my every growing bohemian footprints; intractably waiting to be perpetually blessed by your majestically spell binding countenance,

  There was no greater slave of your stupendously magnificent voice; than my overwhelmingly parched mouth; intransigently slavering till realms beyond the

  eternal heavens; for your exotically marvelous melody,

  There was no greater slave of your beautifully pristine fingers; than my insatiably penurious palms; irrevocably yearning to clasp them royal softness forever; and for infinite more births yet to come,

  There was no greater slave of your tantalizingly enamoring belly; than my tumultuously starved stomach; irretrievably desiring to be brushed by your ravishingly enthralling fire; in the heart of the resplendent night,

  There was no greater slave of your impeccably irrefutable honesty; than my manipulatively besieged conscience; unequivocally waiting for your ideals of

  philanthropic humanity; to invincibly enshroud it from all sides,

  There was no greater slave of your regally aristocratic neck; than my swelteringly dying throat; profoundly waiting to be turbulently smooched by the same; even as hell rained viciously from the fathomless sky,

  There was no greater slave of your immaculately rhapsodic ears; than my uncontrollably trembling teeth; relentlessly longing to harmoniously nibble

  your lobes; under the waterfalls of untamed excitement,

  There was no greater slave of your poignantly scarlet blood; than my despairingly bereaved veins; incessantly wanting to upreme with your principles of mankind; your ideals of simplistically symbiotic existence,

  There was no greater slave of your marvelously golden sweat; than my hungrily groping armpits; indefatigably anticipating your fountain of fragrant perseverance;

  to bless its languid contours,

  There was no greater slave of your vibrantly ebullient shadow; than my frantically trembling silhouette; timelessly waiting to wholesomely blend with your entrenchment of divinely sparkling righteousness,

  There was no greater slave of your boisterously charming vibrancy; than my desolately wandering soul; incorrigibly yearning to profus
ely assimilate its impregnable fortitude; to unflinchingly confront even the most horrendous of impediment that came my way,

  There was no greater slave of your profoundly mesmerizing blushing; than my turbulently bubbling cheeks; unsurpassably longing to be kissed for marathon fortnights on the trot; with the twinkling moon romantically dipping upon the kingly evening,

  There was no greater slave of your astoundingly exhilarating versatility; than my restlessly drifting waves of excitement; unstoppably wishing to be passionately embedded by your priceless dexterity; on every path that I tread,

  There was no greater slave of your unconquerably ecstatic magnetism; than my monotonously drubbing survival; endlessly longing for your integrally glorious shades of your uninhibited amiability,

  There was no greater slave of your vivaciously vivid breath; than my hopelessly orphaned nostrils; tirelessly wanting to be unassailably encapsulated by its Omnipotent aura; to unitedly metamorphose the complexion of this disdainfully dithering planet,

  And there was no greater slave of your immortally Omnipresent love; than my uxoriously throbbing heart; perennially yearning to bond with your formidable

  reservoir of humanitarian relationship; perennially longing to unite as a single spirit with your humbly benign countenance .


  The roots unrelentingly wanted to impress the fertile cocoons of chocolate brown soil; by embedding themselves to astronomical limits; and as deep as possible,

  The flowers profusely wanted to impress the tranquilly splendid atmosphere; by disseminating their marvelously majestic scent; to even the most fathomless quarters of this colossal Universe,

  The squirrels profoundly wanted to impress the boisterously swirling tree trunks; by vivaciously gallivanting through their sensuous labyrinth of roots and tendrils; as the Sun blazed full throttle in the firmament of fathomless sky,

  The crocodiles relentlessly wanted to impress the wildly swampy marshes; by menacingly slithering in them under the sinister winds of midnight; fervently

  waiting with a glint of diabolism in their eyes; to pulverize innocuous prey into an infinite pieces,

  The dew drops ardently wanted to impress the frolicking grass blades; by compassionately caressing their lush green stalks; fantasizing and romancing on

  their bodies for times immemorial,

  The clouds endlessly wanted to impress parched granules of scorchingly sweltering soil; by indefatigably culminating into an exquisite festoon of unstoppable rain; pelting the most fructifying blessings of the creator; in bountiful abundance,

  The mice incorrigibly wanted to impress the hungrily prowling cat; by obediently scratching its irascibly unruly and fidgety skin; while it snored till beyond the realms; of scintillating paradise,

  The fish intransigently wanted to impress the ravishingly undulating oceans; by jubilantly leaping up in astoundingly mesmerizing tandem with the tantalizing froth; rhetorically weaving its way ahead as the stars shone enchantingly in the

  resplendent sky,

  The termites mightily wanted to impress the lackadaisically withering bones; by biting

  uninhibitedly through their deathly carcass; smacking their lips thereafter after the stupendously relishing meal,

  The Sun perpetually wanted to impress the boundless entrenchment of mystical sky; by fulminating into a poignant fireball of blistering shine at the first crack of dawn; majestically enlightening all horrendously bereaved in vicinity; with the unsurpassable aristocracy in its golden rays,

  The prince perennially wanted to impress the royally grandiloquent and exotically embellished castle; by irrefutably emanating the tunes of irrefutable righteousness from his bedazzling throne; dispensing justice to the poor and unassailably rich; from the realms of his chamber; alike,

  The mirror unbelievably wanted to impress its discerningly staring beholder; by always portraying his most stringently candid reflection; depicting to him his most explicitly precise measure; of robust weight and towering height,

  The gun irretrievably wanted to impress the diabolically satanic devil; by uncouthly permeating through innocent flesh; barbarically ripping apart life forever from the chest; at the tiniest insinuation of releasing the trigger,

  The birds timelessly wanted to impress the exuberantly magnificent atmosphere; by handsomely soaring through the winds of happiness; gregariously embracing the air

  in the spell binding carpet of its flight,

  The cow bountifully wanted to impress the empty pail; by inundating its pathetically barren periphery with gallons of rejuvenating milk; imparting it with the most sacrosanct elixir to holistically lead life,

  The Moon invincibly wanted to impress the sultry blackness of the ghastly night; with its unassailably priceless beams of serene light; uniting one and all alike; in the unconquerable aura of equanimity,

  The soldiers impregnably wanted to impress the beleaguered rudiments of their imprisoned motherland; by triumphantly blazing into the rainbow of victory everytime they fought; eternally freeing the soil with the sacred blood of their valiant martyrdom,

  The breath incessantly wanted to impress the heavenly bifurcating nostril; by inhaling and exhaling out a countless times each day and as the faintest traces of light submerged with the gruesome night; providing the most tenacious resilience to the gloomy corpses of death,

  And my heart passionately wanted to impress the beats of its immortal beloved; with the most beautifully seductive rays of sharing; caring; with the most supreme endowment from the heavens; called LOVE; LOVE AND GODLY LOVE .

  22. CAPS 


  When I wore a cap of profusely lambasted eggs; all that my brain could ever envisage; was pathetically strangulated and disgustingly sullen boredom,

  When I wore a cap of ravishingly seductive lotus; all that my brain could ever conceive; was exotically voluptuous fragrance; sensuously flirting in the aisles of untamed desire; for times immemorial,

  When I wore a cap of gorily squelched thorns; all that my brain could ever perceive; was brutally acrimonious disaster; with my entire countenance perennially enshrouded by vindictive cloudbursts of vengeful war,

  When I wore a cap of disdainfully pulverized butter; all that my brain could ever contemplate; was miserably horrendous grease; my entire visage trembling in a pool of lividly despicable frustration,

  When I wore a cap of profoundly scintillating pearls; all that my brain could ever imagine; was dancing in the corridors of everlasting prosperity; with aristocratically nubile maidens of my choice,

  When I wore a cap of ravishingly rudimentary mud; all that my brain could ever visualize; was patriotically surging ahead to blissfully free my savagely

  incarcerated and sacrosanct motherland,

  When I wore a cap of beautifully mesmerizing silk; all that my brain could ever comprehend; was a timelessly sensuous entrenchment of enchanting fairies; the

  angels of seductive romance forever casting a spell binding spell,

  When I wore a cap of daintily rhetoric nightingale feather; all that my brain could ever cogitate; was a stupendously enthralling gorge of celestially placating sounds; divinely blessing each of my tumultuously frazzled senses,

  When I wore a cap of unfathomably eternal dewdrops; all that my brain could ever ponder; was a wonderfully majestic civilization of impregnably united harmony; a

  blending of all goodness into the religion of mankind,

  When I wore a cap of disgustingly decaying mushrooms; all that my brain could ever ruminate; was mercurial fractions of ungainly obsolescence; the lackadaisically morbid stones strewn laggardly on the dusty ground,

  When I wore a cap of boisterously buzzing and rampant honey bees; all that my brain could ever wonder; was holistically vibrant sweetness; the astounding kaleidoscope of vivacious colors in marvelous life,

  When I wore a cap of hi-tech and overwhelmingly contemporary computer microchips; all that my brain could ever fantasize; was aliens descending
in torrential frenzy from fathomless carpets of space; to extraordinary metamorphose the complexion of this; ludicrously dull planet,

  When I wore a cap of poignantly tangy lemons; all that my brain could ever dream; was intrepidly swimming through the heart of the ecstatically choppy sea; thunderously feasting every bedraggled pore of my anguished skin; with the flamboyant shimmer of the midday Sun,

  When I wore a cap of mystically slithering snakes; all that my brain could ever think; was lethally venomous danger indefatigably encircling my penurious life; an inscrutable grandeur that sent a chill to even the last bone down my naked spine,

  When I wore a cap of sordidly ominous charcoal; all that my brain could ever hypothesize; was abominably faltering dirt; a dungeon of despondently treacherous

  blackness; drifting me towards the aisles of gruesome nothingness,

  When I wore  a cap of irrefutably unassailable and priceless truth; all that my brain could ever romanticize; was unconquerably glittering triumph; an unsurpassable urge to ardently exist with infinite more innocuous of mind; for centuries immemorial,


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