The Velvet Caress

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The Velvet Caress Page 6

by C. P. Mandara

  When my face nearly bumped into the wooden frame I stood up quickly and, placing my head in the widest semi-circle, with my wrists situated in the smaller ones, I waited for her to lock the top of the stocks in place. Crazy thoughts were running through my head. What the hell was I letting myself in for? Was I going to lose my shit? Did I actually care if I did?

  'Having second thoughts?' Sophia murmured, as her latex-covered hand stroked a slow line along the back of my neck.

  'No,' I lied, as the latex fingers continued a meandering path down my back. They stopped briefly as soon as they reached my buttocks, but only to grip each glute and squeeze cruelly. I refused to utter a sound. Coming around to face me, she grasped the top of the stocks and slowly lowered them down onto my neck and wrists, smiling at me as she did so.

  'Any last words?' she whispered devilishly, as she fastened the cast iron latch securely.

  There weren't.

  'Oh how I've missed that proud and infuriatingly regal demeanour. It won't last long around me, my darling. You know that, don't you?' A swift slap was delivered to my backside, just in case I was in any doubt.

  When she came to stand in front of me a red finger perched on my bottom lip, pressed hard, and dragged itself down my chin. I guess I could be thankful there weren't any mirrors in here. She took her time releasing it, but then continued her downwards exploration of my body. I had an idea of where she was headed.

  Counting the seconds quietly in my head until she reached her goal, it took her a good minute before her fingers finally trailed down to my cock. I sprang up smartly to her touch, of course. There was only so much of my body I could control, and she knew this as well as I did.

  'Are you sure about the no sex rule, darling? Should I give you one last chance to reconsider?' Her fingers wrapped around my length and squeezed tightly. Time stood still for a couple of seconds and the air in my throat froze, but somehow I managed to answer her by shaking my head fiercely. I didn't care what she did to me; I was not having sex with her. This was all about atonement, not pleasure. It would be wrong. It was not why I was here.

  'Suit yourself.' She began stroking me up and down, with nothing more than light, teasing touches. I tried to think of something else, anything else other than sex, but it was a nigh impossible task. Where was the vicious pain Sophia always managed to deliver? Now that I actually wanted it, was she perversely going to withhold it? It appeared so. It was probably time I rocked the boat a little.

  'Can you go a bit faster, darling? You need to tighten your grip a little too.' I added a smile for good measure.

  'And here was me thinking you were going to play by the rules. I knew it was too good to be true.'

  Striding off to her toy box she bent over to open it, giving me full view of her ass covered in black latex. My cock wanted to bust free of my body. Down boy, down. She rummaged in there for a moment or two, which gave me plenty of time to try and guess what she would pull out. A paddle, a flogger, a whip or a tawse? My eyes kept themselves glued to her sinful body, but when she finally found what she was looking for it was not at all what I was expecting.

  The woman came back carrying a chastity device. I wanted to throw a fit but it was hardly going to have much of an impact, restrained as I was.

  'You're taking my no sex vow very seriously then,' I remarked casually.

  'Very,' she purred. 'We wouldn't want you losing all that money because you couldn't control yourself, now would we?' She knew damn well I didn't give a fuck about the money. The bet was there for her benefit, not mine.

  'I had no idea you were so considerate.' There was more to this than met the eye. I was sure I'd figure it out soon enough.

  'I'm not.' Dangling the cage in front of my nose for a moment, she let me get a good look at the thing. Like most standard chastity devices it featured a clear plastic cage for my cock and an adjustable ring to go around my balls. It didn't take a genius to notice that this particular device had wires dangling from it, and when I looked a little closer I saw that silicone e-stim attachments had been added inside the cage. It looked like I was going to be in for a fun session. She was going to torment me mercilessly.

  'Now, let's see if we can squeeze you into this thing.' Squeeze, as it happened, wasn't the word she was looking for. 'Cram' was better. Even though Sophia used a generous amount of lubricant, she almost broke several blood vessels as I was forced into the tiny cage. It was a good job the thing featured a padlock, because the pressure I was exerting upon its design would probably have managed to crack concrete.

  'You're going to be begging me to take it off in less than ten minutes, unless I'm much mistaken.' Satisfied that I was now tightly secured in my new plastic prison, she gave my straining cock a tap with her crop. I gritted my teeth and clenched my ass as tightly as I could.

  'You'll just have to learn to live with disappointment, darling,' I rasped. My breathing might have been a bit unsteady, but I was still in control here. Fuck. Who was I kidding?

  She must have read my mind, because she snorted in laughter. 'We'll see about that.' Walking around my naked body several times she surveyed me very carefully. Perhaps she wanted to know if I still found her desirable, even after all these years. It wouldn't take long for her to answer that question. I don't know what it is about chastity devices, but as soon as you're made to wear one all you can think about is sex. Knowing you can't touch yourself, or that anyone else can touch you, is a horribly arousing thing. As soon as you know you can't have something you want it all the more. The device is a constant reminder of all that you can't have, too. My cock was pressing up against the plastic cage in protest, pulsating in abject misery. Let me out, let me out, let me out, it begged. I ignored it to the best of my ability, but it was hard with Sophia's long, lithe legs parading around me in bright red latex stockings.

  Finally stopping in front of my face, she rubbed her gloved hands across her chin as if deep in thought. 'Hmm. How shall we warm you up, darling? It's been so long I've almost forgotten what you like.' That was accompanied by more pacing in those thigh-high boots, and my cock fought a futile bid for freedom.

  'You never managed to remember what I liked,' I said sweetly. 'You generally remembered the things I loathed, though.' These were the kind of battles we always fought. Back and forth this would go, much like a game of grand slam tennis. I didn't anticipate being the victor in this round, but I wasn't giving up just yet.

  'Ah, yes. Those things. Care to remind me of them, darling?'

  'Oh gosh, I suddenly seem to have a mild case of amnesia. Fancy that,' I said, and the sarcasm dripped off my tongue. Besides, I knew she hadn't forgotten, but now she had me exactly where she wanted me she was going to play. In her place I'd have done exactly the same thing.

  Suddenly she gripped my chin fiercely and shook my head back and forth a couple of times. My eyes felt like marbles for a few seconds as they bounced around, but finally I managed to refocus them and admire the dark look of displeasure that was trying to bore its way down my throat.

  'Maybe I should just gag you now. I could stopper that nasty mouth with a big black ball and watch you dribble like a baby, darling.' It was no idle threat. She'd done it before on many occasions, but I didn't think she'd do it today. Sophia would want to hear my moans and screams, and she'd also want to hear me begging for sex. Time would tell.

  'Sounds like fun. Let's do it,' I remarked. I have always enjoyed provoking my Mistress, mostly to the detriment of my flesh, and even now the thought of pain was almost as arousing as it was abhorrent. Perhaps I had missed this life?

  'Don't tempt me. Her whip cracked in the air, and I just held back the wince as it landed across my ass. Things were beginning to heat up in the room. 'So, as you seem to desire a taste of pain, I feel inclined to deny it.'

  'Are you going to cover me in kisses instead? In that case, can we dispense with the pillory? It's not particular comfy and I know you have a nice king-size bed in that Japanese-themed bedroom of yours
. I bet there's a giant fluffy duvet just waiting for me.' The verbal sparring was almost fun, but I had reservations about her plans for me. If she didn't intend to let me suffer through pain, what did she have in store for me?

  'That was years ago darling. It's more of a Tibetan hideaway now, all colourful prints and thick Asian carpets, with lots of carved wood and soft furnishings. Needless to say, you won't be visiting me there. You had your chance.'

  She sounded wistful for a moment, but I think we both knew I had made the right decision. Had I stayed with her we'd have both made each other miserable and she knew that as well as I.

  'So what are you going to do with me? Dress me up in frilly knickers and put me in six inch heels?' It wasn't something she had ever tried with me, and she wouldn't do it now if she wanted our session to last longer than a few cursory minutes.

  She laughed. 'Whilst the idea is tempting, I have other men for that.' I didn't doubt it. She had a man for everything - that had been the problem. I'd been just one cog in a modern day harem, and I hadn't realised it until it was too late.

  'Then what are you going to do with me? As a heads-up, I liked whipped cream and chocolate sauce being slathered around and licked off my body. Oh, and being read the Financial Times would also be fun, in that sexy, bedtime voice of yours.' I winked at her.

  She rolled her eyes. 'I'll just bet you do, darling, but that isn't what you're here for, is it? Shall I tell you why you're here?' The crop began to explore my body. At first it was long, sensuous strokes accompanied by light taps and flicks. She caressed my calves, thighs, the inside of my legs, my back, buttocks, and finally my chest. The taps became firmer, and the odd crack of her whip here and there kept me on my toes.

  'I'd rather you left it as a surprise,' I said dryly.

  'Too bad for you, I don't like surprises.' Were we even talking about the same thing here? I was beginning to doubt it. 'But first, I think we need to warm you up with a little pain, so you can fully appreciate what is to come.'

  And those were the words I had been waiting for. Finally. A little bit of pain was going to take the edge off things, with any luck.

  'Am I going to be allowed to come?' The crop smacked lightly into my balls after I'd made the request, and for a minute I bit my lip as a delicious bite of pain sliced right through me.

  'You'll just have to wait and see, darling.' Her tone of voice did not sound at all promising. 'But you might want to remember that you're here to suffer.' Another slice of the crop, brutally hard, but thankfully across my backside accompanied that remark.

  'Thank you for reminding me, Mistress.' I had no idea whether she'd heard that comment. She was already striding towards the toy box with a purposeful look on her face and I knew I was in for it. Bracing myself for the worst I waited with bated breath, wondering what hell I would shortly be forced to endure.

  Chapter Nine - Mark

  My breathing may have been slightly erratic as I watched her stretch over the toy box yet again. The lid came up, her delightful ass wiggled around as she searched, and I held my breath in anticipation. I already had a rough idea of what she would bring out, and sure enough I wasn't disappointed. In one hand she held an impressive set of anal beads, and in the other a couple of wooden clothes pegs and a paddle. As this was the warm up, things could only get better from here on in. Or should that be worse? I couldn't decide.

  Dragging a small wooden table alongside the pillory, Sophia set down her items with care and then went straight back to the box. Oh goody. It looked like I was in for even more fun than I thought. This time she brought back a jar of something that clanked and clicked as she moved, a rubber flogger, and a cat-o-nine-tails whip, complete with knotted rope ends and small metal beads that would sting like a bastard. I should know.

  'Are you still smiling?' Sophia's hands were back upon my chest and she twisted my left nipple sharply. I'd been expecting it so I didn't make a murmur, but my silence was not appreciated.

  'Answer the question,' she barked. In order to make sure I complied with her demand her gloved finger began stretching my nipple as far away from my body as it would possibly go, and then a little further before she elicited a yell from me.

  'Darling, I'm grinning like a necrophiliac in a graveyard,' I bit out.

  Sophia didn't laugh, but then I hadn't expected her to.

  'You are itching to get your ass tanned tonight, aren't you?' There was no point in denying that statement. I guess I was, although not specifically my ass.

  She didn't waste any more time on words, and for that I could be grateful. Her next move was to fasten one of her vicious wooden clothes pegs on my left nipple, which completely took my breath away, but only for a brief instant. There was no respite, though, for she then repeated all of her unpleasantness on my right.

  'It usually takes me around half an hour to wipe all traces of sarcasm away from that beautiful mouth. Do you think it will be any different today?' she commented, as she picked up the wicked set of anal beads and slowly fingered each bead, which gradually increased in diameter from manageable to damn right impossible.

  'I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise,' I said, trying desperately hard not to look at the things.

  'Fair enough. Now should we use lube, or just ram them up there?' Her voice sounded far too cheerful at the prospect. I knew she was enjoying this, but did she have to make it quite so obvious? Prudently deciding to keep quiet, I waited patiently and wondered what fate had in store for me.

  'Suck.' It was her finger resting at the entrance to my mouth, rather than the beads, but I suspected they'd come later. Taking the latex covered digit deep into my mouth I swirled my tongue around it, before gently sucking back and forth. She let me continue for a moment or two, before withdrawing her finger and wiping the spittle off her glove by dragging it slowly across my arm.

  'Now you're going to take every single last one of those beads down your throat, darling. Make sure to get them nice and wet because you know exactly where they're going next.'

  So, I'd been dead on the mark. Eyeing the beads warily I looked up at her.

  'You're enjoying this, aren't you?' I remarked sourly.

  'Immensely. Now shut up and do as you're told.'

  It wasn't as if I had a lot of choice in the matter. The beads were nearly forced down my throat. All I could do was try not to gag, as she pressed them forward.

  'That's it. Be a good boy. Swallow them all down.' She patted my head condescendingly, and then said, 'How does it feel to be on the receiving end for a change? Are you enjoying yourself?'

  I think she knew exactly how much I was enjoying myself. My throat felt like a bus was driving down it sideways, and if she wasn't careful I was going to vomit all over that nice black latex corset she wore. At least it was wipe clean.

  'Take it. Take it all, baby.' On the other hand I didn't exactly want her to rush. What came next wasn't going to be any more fun, unless I was much mistaken.

  Sophia left me like that for a minute or so. She liked to regularly remind her subs who was in charge. When my eyes began to stream and my hands began madly clawing at their wooden prison she finally took pity on me and pulled it free. Sucking in air like a drowning man, I began coughing and spluttering as I tried to rid myself of the sharp taste of rubber.

  'Oh dear. We're out of practise, I see,' she said, frowning. As she was now behind me I felt it safe to roll my eyes. 'Are you looking forward to being filled, darling?' The first bead was already being threaded inside me, so I didn't feel it necessary to voice my opinion on the matter. Concentrating on relaxing all of the muscles in my body, which I seemed to be holding a little more rigidly than normal, the first two beads went in without two much protest.

  'Did I mention I'd invited a few guests around this evening?'

  I instantly became a ball of tension once again, and the third bead made me gasp out loud. Fuck. This was not something I had bargained on.

  'How on earth did you round up the coven on such short
notice?' The witches usually required at least a week's warning to attend any engagement and generally much more. I'd given Sophia less than twelve hours' notice. Having an audience should have been a near impossibility, but somehow she'd pulled it off.

  'All I had to do was mention you'd be at their beck and call for the evening. I was amazed at how many of them instantly dropped what they were doing in order to see you.'

  Yeah, I just bet. When the fourth bead went in I growled long and hard.

  'Did you not think to mention that to me before our session started? The last thing I need is company right now. Call them off or I'll safe-word.' I already knew it wouldn't be that easy.

  'You won't.' The fifth and final bead was making my eyes water and I began rattling my hands in the stocks in protest.

  'Give me one good reason why I shouldn't?'

  'Because you won't get a taste of the Cat you've been eyeing up on my table and I know that's the only reason you're here.' She sounded very sure of herself, as well she should be. The woman knew me too well. 'They're part of the deal darling, take it or leave it,' she purred.

  I made a mental note to make sure that at some point Sophia would pay for this. For now I'd just have to take it on the chin. Yelling again as the last bead slotted into place, I panted through the pain barrier for a couple of seconds before my eyes managed to refocus. I'd forgotten how much fun this submission lark was.

  'There, there. That wasn't so bad, was it?' She patted me on the head again and I wanted to snap her hand off. Easy for you to say, lady.

  'Now, I'm just going to give you a little warm up with the paddle, and finish you off with the flogger. That should give you a nice rosy glow. Wouldn't want the girls to think I'm losing my touch.' Her hands caressed my backside gracefully with a very light touch, and my throat ran dry at the thought of what was to come. Thankfully I wasn't given much time to contemplate my fate.


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