The Velvet Caress

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The Velvet Caress Page 9

by C. P. Mandara

  'Scarlett, harder. Honestly, you're barely tickling him with that thing.' Sophia's curt tone had Scarlett redoubling her efforts to chastise me, but I wasn't going to start screaming anytime soon. She was an annoyance, nothing more, nothing less. Besides, all I could concentrate on was the damn jar that was being passed around. What was in that thing?

  'So, before we get started with the games, who'd like to give my pet over there a little trim?' A pair of nail scissors were brandished in the air, and I closed my eyes. It seemed I was going to get the full works this evening. Sophia was going to go all out on me today. Great.

  'Me, me, me.' There was another chorus of happy, delighted squeaks as ten pairs of hands began waving about frantically. I shuddered. It's only hair. It will grow back, I reasoned with myself.

  'Vivian, you're good with a pair of scissors, why don't you give it a go?' A vivacious redhead sporting bright purple lipstick held her hand out eagerly for the item in question.

  'I'm not sure whether I'll be any good with these,' she said. 'Scalpels and clamps are more my thing, but I'm more than willing to give it a go.' Vivian, dressed from head to toe in a tight black Lycra cat suit, swaggered over to me, smiling broadly.

  'Maybe we'll be able to incorporate some of your finer talents later in the evening, Dr Broadhurst. Although I'm not sure he has the stamina to withstand your kind of torment.'

  'None of them do,' said Vivian. 'But that's what makes it so much fun.'

  Vivian wasted no time on her mission to humiliate me, and began snipping away in earnest. Thankfully I couldn't witness the damage because my head was at a rather awkward angle in the stocks. If my wife did, by some miracle, come around in the next few days, I was going to have some explaining to do. Either that or I'd have to develop an aversion to sex for a couple of weeks at least.

  Vivian was none too gentle in her task. I think she might have pulled out as many handfuls as she managed to cut. There was a reason the woman was nicknamed The Butcher of Bagdad and I never wanted to go anywhere near her whilst under a general anaesthetic. Whilst she might have had a reasonable reputation under the NHS, her 'exploratory' extra-curricular work was much feared by any submissive male worth his salt. She never managed to hold on to a slave for more than a year. I had no idea what she did to them, and to be quite honest I was more than happy to be left in the dark. It wouldn't have surprised me if she'd removed a testicle or two.

  'We should have waxed him.' This was from Scarlett, and I was beginning to really dislike the woman. Sophia knew how to pick them.

  'You'd be wasting your time. Nothing gets through that thick skin bar a good sturdy whip.' Nicola winked at Scarlett and they all giggled. For a moment I felt like I was back in school. Thankfully, it was only a moment. Come on ladies. Let's get this show on the road.

  'Finished!' Vivian held her hand aloft with the scissors as though a major milestone had been accomplished, and there was a brief round of applause. God only knew how she celebrated her surgical victories, but hopefully they were considerably more impressive.

  'Well done,' said Sophia, and I wasn't sure if I could detect a slight note of irony in her voice or not. Maybe I was overthinking it. Shit. Of course I was. There wasn't much else I could do, except panic.

  'It's probably time we let him out of those stocks and oil him up, ready for round two. What do you say, ladies?'

  Everyone was in agreement to that question except me, but no one cared what I thought. Before I knew what was happening Scarlett was sashaying over once again, waving the key around in her hand.

  'Do you want to be untied, pet?' She patted my head condescendingly. I managed to hold back my grimace of annoyance and continued to ignore her. Maybe she'd whip me again and that would take care of another ten minutes or so, before they let me loose amongst the crazy people.

  'He's really asking for it, isn't he?' I had no idea who said that and I wasn't paying attention. I had one eye trained on Scarlett and the other was trying to pinpoint Sophia's whereabouts. That woman had better not leave the building. I'd rather be fed to lions than left alone with this lot.

  Sophia began walking towards me. I breathed a sigh of relief. 'And he's really going to get it. We just need a little attitude adjuster. For now just get him out of there. We can all help get him in some more manageable restraints, can't we girls?'

  Great. Though to be honest, I hadn't expected anything less. They'd be pretty stupid to leave me unfettered at the moment. I wasn't in the best mood to be toyed around with.

  'Let's get the spreader bar first. We'd better make sure he doesn't run away. That would spoil all our fun this evening, wouldn't it girls?' There was a chorus of agreement.

  'And don't forget the handcuffs. Men look absolutely adorable in handcuffs. I keep my slave in them all the time.' I had no idea who was speaking now, but she was blonde, slim, and extremely attractive. Whilst normally that might have had some effect on me, in the current company she was holding she might as well have grown horns. After this evening I was never agreeing to anything that might involve my submission ever again.

  'Right, let's get to it, ladies.' Sophia ran her finger along my lip. I growled and she smacked my nose. 'Just remember that you asked for this. Do as you're told, pet, else you'll go home without those whip marks you've been yearning for.' Walking behind me, she re-examined her earlier work by digging her fingers into my reddened flesh, although that had little effect on me. But when she grabbed my balls in her red gloves and started fondling them, that was a different story. My legs began trembling in response and she laughed delightedly.

  'Hurry girls. I think he's a little excited at the prospect of playing with us.'

  I absolutely was not, but there was little point in denying the fact and I sighed ruefully.

  Meanwhile there was some rummaging around in the toy box as the required fetters were gathered and brought back to Sophia for inspection.

  'Yes. Those will do beautifully. Well done for choosing one with a short chain, Addison. That should hobble the bastard pretty efficiently.

  Before I knew what was happening one cold silver cuff encased my left ankle and my right shortly followed. I knew, without looking, that the nine-inch spreader bar had been attached between them. Oh well. I hadn't been planning on running any marathons in the near future.

  The padlock holding my neck and wrists was then swiftly opened and the wooden yolk of the stocks was pulled back. Before I had a chance to draw in a breath my arms were forcibly yanked in front of my body by four women and fastened into solid steel cuffs. The weight of them nearly made me stagger. It seemed they were taking no chances with me. Good for them.

  'What say we have a little inspection of this creature, ladies? Would you like that?' Sophia pressed my shoulders forcibly towards the floor and I knelt for her. The hook of her heel then grasped my neck and pressed. There was no arguing with that as my hands and feet were in chains. I just managed to stop my forehead from smacking into the floor, but it was a close run thing.

  'Can we make him lick the floor?' Vivian's throaty purr echoed around the room, and I was beginning to dislike her. The last thing I needed right now was to slather myself in germs.

  'You heard her, pet. Start licking. We want to see those tiles beneath you sparklingly clean.' If I had any misgivings about completing my allotted task, they were soon rectified as Sophia's spike heel worked its way up the crack of my ass, applying reasonable pressure as it worked its way upwards. I had no doubt what she'd do if I disobeyed her order, and having been subjected to something similar before, I did not care for a replay. There was only so much pain I wanted to be in tomorrow.

  Closing my eyes I thrust out my tongue and began to lather the already exceptionally clean tile beneath me with my saliva, hoping to hell I didn't manage to contract salmonella, or something similar.

  'You told me he was a lion, Sophia. Seems more of a pussycat to me.'

  'Minty, you just have to know how to handle him. Whilst he's not a pushover
by anyone's standards, he has his buttons and I know how to press them.' Sophia sounded very sure of herself, as well she should be. She had me by the balls and she knew it.

  My head was then painfully yanked upwards by my hair as my Mistress carefully inspected my work. Managing to keep my face neutral, I would dearly have loved to pull out all of her hair.

  'Not bad, slave. Move on to the next one.' There were soft snickers all around me as they watched my tongue at work.

  'Ladies, ladies. Get your hands on him. Make him feel loved. Let's put that poor, pathetic piece of manhood under a little strain, shall we?' That was all the encouragement needed to have fingertips, nails, hands and toes prodding every available inch of my body. The witches were not gentle with me, but that would have been the last thing I needed, so it was a blessing in disguise. As my tongue lapped at the rough and uneven floor beneath me my cock strained to attention, even though it could receive none.

  Sophia really was very clever in that aspect, I thought. You always wanted that which you could not have. By taking away any possibility of my being able to have sex this evening, I craved it with a longing that was visceral and primitive. The woman might have thought she'd won this round, but I had news for her. She'd have to try harder - much harder before she cracked the shell that encased my body. Humiliation, pain, and arousal were all trivial things compared to what I had endured lately, and I could handle a whole lot more. The witches might have their fun with me, but there was no way they'd have the last laugh.

  Chapter Twelve - Leyland

  Lugging my holdall all the way down two flights of stairs gave me reason to be thankful I worked out. Whilst I wasn't out of breath when I set sights on the girl again my heart rate had accelerated a little, though that might have been due to excitement at the thought of stripping my little vixen bare. The obvious bonus was that I probably wouldn't need coffee for days, and that had to be a good thing.

  'How are you feeling, Brian? Looking forward to our session by any chance?'

  Given a brief few moments to stew in her own juices, my little temptress had gone very red in the face and her eyes would have given the Borg queen a run for her money. It was official - the woman was mad. This was excellent news. It just made the game that much more entertaining.

  'My name is Marianna,' she spat. Score one for me. I knew she wouldn't like being called Brian for long.

  'I think I prefer Brian,' I said, wondering if her face could get any redder. It was worth a try.

  'You don't need to do this.' As soon as I came within touching distance of her body the anger immediately fled and fear replaced it. The woman seemed to swing between the two so rapidly I could barely keep up.

  'Of course I don't,' I replied. 'I don't have to do anything - but I want to do this. You don't intend on speaking too early, do you? I'm in for a nice long session and have booked the appropriate amount of time off work in readiness. I'd hate for you to spill the beans in the next ten minutes and ruin all my carefully made plans.' I was serious. I wanted a good sixteen-hour session, with plenty of swear words and screaming thrown in. Anything else and I would feel cheated.

  Her mouth hung open, clearly shocked at my words. I had no idea why. She knew what she'd signed up for with Mark Matthews, surely? Maybe she was lying. Maybe she hadn't had sex with him, and if she hadn't, she wouldn't have seen his numerous playhouses, filled with all manner of devious torments. Maybe, but unlikely. Curiouser and curiouser, I thought.

  'You're just as crazy as he is,' she whispered. Her hand moved instinctively to cover her open mouth, but jolted heavily against the cuff holding it and she let it drop slowly in defeat.

  'I take umbrage to that,' I said, my eyes furrowing. 'I am far crazier than Matthews.' I was, too.

  'I didn't mean Matthews.' Her eyes cast downwards as if suddenly aware she had revealed too much. Oh my. What a mistake to make. Now I was really intrigued.

  'Spill the beans, darling. Who am I just as crazy as?'

  Her lips clamped shut, almost as if she was reminding herself that she mustn't say a word. Hmm. I had ways to deal with that.

  Retrieving an extremely sharp Stanley knife from my holdall, I slowly brought the blade to life in front of her eyes by pushing the small rectangular trigger forward.

  'Sure you don't want to talk, precious?' I waggled the blade back and forth in front of her eyes, so it caught the light. It was the little touches that mattered.

  Narrowing my eyes I waited for her to blurt something out, but she was obviously made of sterner stuff than most of Mark's bimbos. Her green eyes had gone from bright emerald to stormy seawater as they stared mutinously at me, and it appeared I was going to have to try harder to extract my information. That suited me just fine. The first thing I needed to do was get her naked. Women always felt far more vulnerable when they had no clothes on, and that was as good a place as any to start.

  Standing back for a moment to gauge where my knife should be placed first, I carefully assessed the woman in front of me. She was a mess - a beautiful mess - but a mess, nonetheless. Her face was drowning in mascara, and the tracks of her tears had run it down her face in unattractive black lines. It appeared she hadn't counted on getting caught. Any lipstick she had worn had long since rubbed off, and she had dark circles and bags under her eyes; the result of very little sleep, I suspected. Doing the dirty on Matthews had kept her awake at night then, which was to be expected. I'd have certainly been looking over my shoulder, had it been me. Then there were plucks and stains all over the long yellow and white cotton shirt she wore, which was no doubt the result of a tussle as they brought her in. If she had a brain in her head she wouldn't have wanted to come willingly, and thankfully that appeared to be the case. Her skin-tight black leggings at first sight appeared to be made of leather, but a second closer look revealed that they were merely a copy and wouldn't give my knife too much trouble. Unless I was much mistaken they were PVC, or something very similar. It all looked promising so far. I decided to start with the shirt, move on to the leggings, and leave myself a little time to appraise her choice of underwear. Like I said, I wasn't one to rush things.

  Bringing my knife up to the hollow of her neck, I let it rest on the top button of her blouse for a second. With one plunge forward my knife could easily sever a very prominent artery and she could be hanging there dead in seconds. Although that wasn't my style, she didn't have to know that.

  'Any last requests?'

  'Yes. Make it quick.' The emerald green eyes were back and they were ready to do battle. Impressive. She should be cowering and almost hanging from the restraints by now. Perhaps I wasn't being scary enough.

  'Unfortunately for you I don't do anything quickly,' I said, as my warm breath gently fanned her cheek. She recoiled, just as I'd thought she would, though interestingly she didn't back down.

  'Well if you're going to start chopping body parts off at least give me something to bite on first.' She gnashed her teeth together a couple of times in case I was in any doubt to her meaning.

  I have to say, I blinked a few times at that. I wasn't sure if I was stunned or horrified. Was she joking or did she really expect to die here? Mark was an animal, don't get me wrong, but he wasn't completely unhinged. Yet. There was still time.

  My knife slowly sliced through the first button, and then another, before I had managed to gather my reply. I then promptly lost it as a wispy vision of lace came into view. Fuck. It was exquisite. Whilst nearly all of my tastes were expensive, I was a particular fan of women's underwear and I could spot designer Italian lingerie from half a mile away. Intricate looping patterns of delicious, pristine white lace danced in my eyes. My head spun. Eventually I managed to wrench my head away from her tits, but the effect they had on me was quite startling.

  'Let's not get ahead of ourselves,' I finally managed to reply. 'We've only just been introduced.'

  'Actually, we haven't. I have no idea who you are.' Her voice was remarkably calm for someone who had a knife point
ed directly at her. I placed a little more pressure upon the blade and then let it slide through the remaining six buttons, just to remind her who was in the position of power. I then sheathed the blade and threw it on top of my holdall.

  'All you need to know is that I'm Mark Matthews' bitch for today, and I work for him.' She opened her mouth to reply, but I'd grabbed hold of the two sides of her open cotton shirt and tugged them wide. My eyes feasted on a whole lot of lace, but this time I was ready for it.

  'Not bad,' I mumbled. It was actually pretty fucking fantastic, but I wasn't about to tell her that. My hand slid inside her ridiculously pretty bra and my thumb caressed her nipple. It sprang instantly to life. Expecting her to give a shudder of revulsion at my treatment I was surprised when she gasped out loud. She immediately tried to muffle the sound by clamping her jaw shut, but by that time it was too late.

  'Am I turning you on, precious? Surely not?' Gently kneading and squeezing her left tit I rolled the little nub in my fingertips and watched her squirm. This was too much fun.

  'You're wasting your time. I can't tell you anything. If you want to kill me you might as well get it over with.' Her voice had a hint of breathlessness in it and the sound was music to my ears.

  'You'll tell me everything. The trouble is, once you start you won't shut up.' My left hand joined my right, leaving her bra hanging as a pretty necklace as I went to work. Pressing up against her I let my warm breath tickle her nipples and watched them strain for attention. She had an amazing body. I had a feeling I could happily gaze upon it for hours. It wasn't something I had ever wanted to do with a woman before, and I felt decidedly strange at the realisation.

  'I'll tell you nothing. If I tell you anything I'm dead, so I figure you might as well do your worst.' She sniffed upon the end of the sentence which kind of ruined it somewhat, but it was a defiant little stance and I had to admire her for it.


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