The Velvet Caress

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The Velvet Caress Page 25

by C. P. Mandara

  Jennifer looked at me coyly, as if deciding whether to say something or not. I was not going to like this, unless I was much mistaken. 'If in any doubt don't say it,' I muttered darkly.

  'I wasn't talking about your sex, phone-style or otherwise. I was talking about all the sex I'd have to have with random men in your absence in order to stop myself from committing suicide at the thought of you being behind bars for the better part of a decade or two. That kind of terrible sex.'

  I was gobsmacked for at least a minute or two. The air around me turned frosty shades of blue and green as I wished I could haul her over my lap and spank her so hard she'd need to beg over and over again for my forgiveness.

  In lieu of being able to move I said through gritted teeth, 'You have now earned yourself a nice even number of one thousand spanks. Never mention the word 'sex' with any other man ever again if you want to live through the ordeal. When I'm finished with you, mark my words there will be tears.'

  My wife burst into hysterical laughter. 'Not if you want to remain on the right side of your mother-in-law you won't.'

  Rather sourly I watched Jennifer laugh so hard that she actually cried.

  I needed to sort this mother-in-law problem out fast. My life was going to hell otherwise.

  Chapter Thirty-One - Mark

  After having spent an entire two weeks in hospital, I was finally signed off and able to go home again. My wife took an inordinate amount of pleasure in wheeling my wheelchair out to the limo (company policy, apparently) and had pretty much done her best to irritate the hell out of me as soon as she knew I was on the mend. I had borne most of the teasing with good humour and grace, but only because I knew the day would come when I would get my own back. That day was now approaching.

  As soon as we were in the car and the driver was happily manoeuvring his way through London, I turned to Jennifer and smiled. She looked magnificent in a dark navy suit, accompanied by a silk scarf in a brilliant shade of scarlet. I wanted to eat her - whole - and no seasoning would be required.

  Turning towards her, almost amazed at our good fortune considering both of us should be dead, I said, 'Looking forward to being at my mercy?' I might as well get it out there. The status quo was about to change for the better and she might as well brace herself in advance.

  She didn't quake in her boots, which would have been the appropriate response, but instead looked at me with a heated gaze. Her voice dropped two octaves as she said, 'I've been looking forward to being at your mercy, Sir, for a very long time. Two weeks is an extraordinarily long time without sex and vibrators are just not the same.' She pouted at me.

  I shook my head, absolutely horrified. 'Wait a minute. While I've been suffering and at death's door you've been having orgasms in your free time?' My face bore a thunderous expression.

  'Obviously. What else was I going to do to while away the hours?' Whilst her expression was innocent, or as innocent as it could be whilst talking about vibrators and orgasms, I began to wonder whether this woman was pulling my chain. Anyone would think she wanted to be taken to task, the rate her misdemeanours were racking up.

  'We need to go over the rules.' I sighed. Punishing her for a rule she knew nothing about wasn't my style, although it was tempting. If my wife wanted to become my submissive, as she had previously indicated, we had a long way to go. Shifting awkwardly in the back seat of the car I turned slowly in order to face her. The splint my leg wore made movement difficult and ungainly. It was going to be a problem for some of the things I had planned, but not an insurmountable one. Where there's a will…

  'We have rules?' Jennifer blinked up at me, and there was the twinkle in her eye. Dammit. I knew she was playing with me.

  'I have rules. You just need to follow them, and rule number one is that you are not allowed to orgasm at any time without my express permission.' There. That'd take the smile off her face.

  'Or what?' She winked at me. The woman had the audacity to wink at me. Seriously. Where was I going wrong? I'd had an office full of obedient submissives not less than a month ago, and now look where I was.

  'Or there will be consequences,' I managed to reply calmly.

  'I'm not sure you're much of a threat at the moment,' she remarked cheekily.

  Although she had a point I'd already got my argument ready to counter that one.

  'Do you want my help locating daddy dearest and putting him in his place, or would you like a divorce? It'll be great fun moving in with your mother, that's for sure.' She scowled, and I knew I had her.

  'Fine. We'll play it your way for now, but don't push your luck.'

  We were always going to play it my way, but she'd figure that out soon enough.

  When we pulled up at Fountaine Bleu it was not a moment too soon. I'd been itching to get my hands on my wife for the last two weeks, and my patience these last few days wasn't what it had been.

  While the driver opened the car door for me Jennifer retrieved my crutches and passed them towards me. This might have been a very considerate gesture on her part, but I hated displaying weakness of any kind and hobbling about was going to get on my nerves. On the plus side, I had ways of working that frustration out of me now.

  'Why are we back here? I thought you might have wanted to go back to your apartment? Don't you need to be able to keep up with…?'

  'People will be able to hear your screams back in the apartment,' I said, grinning wolfishly at her. 'Besides, I'm having the security updated after the recent break in. As to work, I have a computer and a cell phone, and there isn't much that Cynthia can't handle given half a chance.'

  'Oh,' she said quietly.

  'Oh indeed,' I reiterated. 'Which gives me lots and lots of previously never used vacation time in order to do whatever I like with you.' Funnily enough I'd never wanted to take a vacation before, but in the near future I figured I was going to be catching up on lost time.

  'Head on up to the Velvet Room, darling. There's an outfit for you there. Put it on and wait for me.' My voice was a low, seductive purr, as I ran my hand over her backside urging her up the stairs.

  She faltered for a moment. I could see her swallow, and her face was drawn into a tight line. Although I probably should have let her suffer, after what had happened I didn't have the heart to do so.

  'Relax, darling. The monster has gone.' I gave her ass a friendly squeeze. 'I still expect you to pay for your previous crimes, of course, but it won't be the same as before. Now go and do as you're told.'

  Her legs were a little slow in obeying my command, but I understood her nervousness. A lot had happened here in the space of a few days, when I had been consumed with hatred and revenge. Now was the time to put that right. We needed to start again.

  Giving her a while to get ready, I couldn't help but wonder what she would think of the latest outfit I had given her. It probably wasn't quite what she was expecting. Having had far too much time to think and reflect whilst banged up in a hospital bed, I decided to do things differently this time around. Life had given me a second chance, and I didn't intend to blow it this time. We would take things slow and easy. Scrap that. We would take some things slow and easy, other things hard and fast. It was the only way to roll.

  Pressing the call button for the lift I found myself very grateful that I'd had one installed. Traipsing up a flight of steps with a set of crutches and a cast would have been disastrous, and my manhood already felt under threat from my extremely spirited and unreasonably independent wife. Keeping her under control was going to take up a vast amount of my time, but I suspected there'd be plenty of fun and games along the way.

  Taking a slow and awkward stroll along the corridor, it wasn't long before Jennifer's room came into view. The velvet room. The one I'd created especially to torment her with. Now she would be pampered and cossetted, and probably frequently but lovingly disciplined here. I didn't think I was ready to move her into my room yet. We needed time to get to know each other, time we should have had before we married

  Pausing at the door to knock, I waited for a reply. When there was no immediate answer I frowned. Twisting the handle I slowly pushed it open and wondered if my delightful wife was going to throw anything at me. I hoped not. It had taken a lot of time and effort to pick this particular outfit out, and I'd been almost convinced she'd like it. If I'd got it all wrong it was going to be a bad omen for the rest of the day, at least.

  When the door in front of me parted enough to reveal what was hidden inside it felt as though someone had sucked all the air out of the room. My eyes bulged as though someone had punched me in the stomach, and my cock instantly sprang into life. The vision before me was utterly stunning.

  'You look…' For once in my life I was at a loss for words. I stood there with my jaw wide open and my tongue hanging out. Well, that's what it felt like, anyway.

  'Edible? Divine? Fuckable? Delicious?' Jennifer directed the full power of her cerulean eyes my way, and being the mere mortal that I was I dissolved into a puddle on the floor.

  'All of those and more,' I whispered. Jennifer smiled a slow and seductive smile from where she stood, her leg propped up on the silver-backed, velvet-lined chair. The dress she wore was sensational. Made of iridescent red organza, it left little to the imagination and hugged every single one of her curves effortlessly. There was a completely transparent cut-out to each side of the dress, which outlined the curve of her buttocks and the sleek shape of her legs perfectly. It tied in a halter-neck style, which would do for a collar until I had the chance to buy her one, featuring a single diamond clasp at her nape. She looked like a fucking goddess. There was no other word for it.

  'There were no panties provided with this dress,' Jennifer remarked, the merest twitch of her lips informing me that she was amused by my antics.

  'Nor will there ever be,' I said firmly. 'If I had my way you'd never wear clothes again, but I'm beginning to discover that a little compromise here and there isn't entirely bad for me.' Actually, the dress screamed 'fuck me' far greater than any naked body ever had, and that was saying something.

  'So I'm going to parade around in nearly naked dresses every day?' The twitch had developed into a full blow smile, and she brushed her fingers through her now blonde locks, mussing them up until she looked almost feral. Oh God. How was I ever going to be able to concentrate with my wife in the house?

  'If I so choose, yes.' I meant it, too.

  'Do I get to wear slacks and jeans for good behaviour? I'm not sure this would be a great look in the grocery aisle.' She bit her lip, trying to stop herself from grinning and failing miserably.

  'You do not need to do the grocery shopping darling, but if I ever let you outside unaccompanied you will be wearing a sack, and possibly a full burka, too. And I'm pretty sure you will never go swimming in public again. In fact, scrap all of that. I'm going to chain you to the bed twenty-four-seven. There is no reason for me to worry about all of this.'

  'We need to work on your idea of compromising. Remember that I have a mother with connections. If I'm unhappy, she will be unhappy.'

  'Hmmm. About that,' I remarked casually, 'how is she going to be unhappy if you don't talk to her? Your mobile phone was disposed of not five minutes ago as it happens. It had a nasty accident with the trash compacter. Even if you've managed to memorise her number the home phone has a code that you are not going to be privy to, darling.' Unfortunately this did not seem to quell her good humour in the slightest.

  'You are not going to get rid of my mother that easily, but suit yourself. Now was there a point to this dress, or should I just continue posing prettily?'

  'Patience is a virtue, darling. Firstly, I want to confirm that you wished to be trained up as my submissive. If you don't want to do the kinky sex thing this is your last chance to get out of it. I'm going to be rather put out if you don't, but I'll find a way to live with it somehow.'

  She laughed, a full-blow belly laugh that nearly brought tears to her eyes. When she could finally speak again she said, 'You'd be unbearable to live with. We might as well get a divorce now if that's the case.'

  'And are we getting a divorce?' I found I was very anxious to hear her reply. She let me wait for it, of course. Walking towards me she put two hands around my neck and nuzzled into me. It was the nicest feeling, and I decided we'd need to do a lot more of it.

  'I'm prepared to give it a whirl, provided you are a reasonable master.'

  'Define reasonable,' I said, my eyes narrowing.

  'We'll figure it out as we go along.'

  And that was all the indication I needed that we were ready to begin.

  Chapter Thirty-Two - Mark

  'It's called a spreader bar,' I said, as I fastened the last cast iron shackle around her ankles. The solid black bar positioned between her legs was a metre wide and it would do for now.

  'I know. I've been in one before. You put me in one, shortly after we first met.' Jennifer gave me 'the look'. I returned it. It was hard to tell whether I'd been giving out more of them lately, or whether she had. Anyway, we'd address disrespectful looks along with a whole mountain load of other things shortly.

  'It's not hard to guess why it's called that, either.' She wiggled her ankles around experimentally and found that there wasn't much give inside the metal fur-lined cuffs.

  'Do you mind being spread open wide for me?' I sneaked a hand inside her barely there dress and slowly slid it up her thigh. She slapped it away just after I'd passed her knee. I'd need to take care of that too.

  Giving her a disapproving glance I said, 'Hold your arms out in front of you.' She shook her head quickly. 'Ah, not too confident now, are we?' I smacked her butt lightly. 'Don't tell me you're worried about the cripple taking advantage of you. You can probably still run faster than I can, even in that get up.'

  'That's a good point,' she whispered.

  Her eyes, which had been focused on the floor up until now, chose that moment to look up at me. It was in those that I finally spotted the fear I suspected had been lurking there all along, carefully hidden and pushed out of view.

  'Are you scared of me?' I hoped she would answer me truthfully.

  There was a pause as she considered the question and a little nervous fidgeting with her hands. She couldn't do much with her legs, but I suspected they'd be fidgeting too, given half a chance.

  'A little.' Her voice was soft and low, a mere whisper of sound, but still incredibly beautiful. It was shocking to admit that I loved nearly everything about the woman.

  I nodded. 'We don't have to do this now. We can wait a while, take some time to get to know each other and come back to it later.' If there was one thing I didn't want to do it was rush her. If I sent her flying out of the front door I knew without doubt that she would never come back.

  'Actually, we do need to do this. Once it's over the fear will go away. Before, you've never given me a choice. You just catapulted me into a scene and began throwing things at me. A surge of adrenaline usually carried me through. This is different. This time I need to see whether I can do this for the rest of my life. Can we make this work? I'm scared of failure. I don't want to lose you. What if I do something wrong? What if I can't cope with what you throw at me?'

  The words came out in a rush, but I understood them perfectly. All the bravado of the last couple of weeks had finally worn thin and she was now bearing a little of herself, showing me that we could talk with a degree of honesty between us.

  'You can't do anything wrong. This relationship is a glittering new present for both of us. We can unwrap it slowly and see if it fits. If it doesn't, we'll talk about that later... but I think we fit. I need you, Mrs Matthews, and if you don't need me, mark my words, you will soon.' I brushed a brief, chaste kiss across her lips. Nothing more than a quick meeting of lips and flesh, but I felt her body tighten. I could sense it. We were more attuned to each other than she knew.

  Picking up a long swathe of velvet ribbon from the chest of drawers in front of me, I gathered it up an
d ran it along her cheek. Then I smoothed the length out and draped it over her shoulder, slowly running the material around her neck.

  'Can you feel that?' I purred. 'That's a touch that is assured and confident, yet soft and gentle. I intend to be many things to you, darling, but most of all I want you to feel safe, loved, and happy. If you don't feel any of those things this won't work. So now you know where I stand. If you're my submissive, I intend to make sure you feel like a goddess. I will worship your body, mind and soul, and all I would like in return is that you try to do your best in all things I ask of you. Are you prepared to give this a try? Do you trust me?'

  Threading the length of ribbon between her legs, I took one end in each hand and slowly moved it back and forth. She groaned sweetly at the kiss of velvet, and raised her head fully to look me in the eye.

  'You don't play fair,' she moaned, as the ribbon worked its way back and forth.

  'I said nothing about playing fair. Life isn't fair. You can take the deal or leave it,' I rasped into her ear, watching as her body bent to each subtle twist of the material. Seeing her eyes darken with desire, I felt my body flood with almost uncontrollable lust. She had the most incredible effect on me, but if there were one thing I would always be in her presence, it would be controlled.

  The ribbon continued its playful journey back and forth until I had her moaning in heat. Then, and only then, did I apply a little more pressure, seeking to torment her sweet spot, the one that would be aching for attention right now.

  'Do you want me?' I whispered. My lips pressed gently against her collarbone and I followed the path along her neck until I reached the hollow of her throat. Her pulse was beating a fairly rapid tune, so I was reasonably certain that the answer was yes.

  'You know I do.' She ground her hips down into the ribbon, but the touch still wasn't enough to satisfy her.

  'Do you trust me?' I placed the ribbon back on the drawers and, working my way under her skirts, let my fingers find her pulsing little nub. They teased her a bit more, squeezing, flicking and rubbing. She nearly sobbed out loud. Relaxing her body into mine, she buried her head in my neck and let her teeth gently tease my neck before she considered her reply.


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