Bring Him Home

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Bring Him Home Page 7

by Goode, Ella

  “I’m all done with everything that you gave me,” I reply. She rolls her eyes at me, making me think I took too long. “I’m sorry. I tried to move fast but everyone here is so darn talkative.” I smile, hoping to perk up her mood.

  “Men can spot easy.” She returns the smile but says it like she’s sad for me. It puts me on edge. I thought some of the men were nice; a few I could see right through and tell they were assholes trying to get in my pants. How come with Drake that didn’t bother me? In fact, I enjoyed it when it came to him more than I should.

  “Like, Drake. I saw him kiss you, and well…” She plucks his name right out of my thoughts. She leans over the mail table, placing her elbows on it. Her face is showing concern. It could also be pity. I’m not sure. “You know he goes through lots of women,” she whispers. “It’s why I never made a move for him. That type of man needs to sow his wild oats.” Her face scrunches like the words are unfamiliar to her mouth. “Sow their wild oats. That’s what you people say, right?”

  “Us people?” What the heck is she talking about? She acts like I’m from another planet. I was starting to feel like it, in all honesty. Some people are nice and friendly, but I felt as if they were talking to me because they found me odd and not because they actually wanted to get to know me.

  “You know, he fucks everything that moves.” Her eyes run over my soft white dress that’s paired with ankle boots. “I bet he’s loving this young innocent thing you have going on. Enjoy it while you can because he never sticks around for long.” She looks me up and down as she says it. I know my outfit isn’t exactly what everyone else around here is wearing, but it was cute and made me feel at home. My heart feels heavy when I think of being at home. Dad and Ma would be out and about right now. It’s pig season and I bet there are hundreds of little pigs running around that are annoying Bacon. I miss that brat pig. She’s probably so salty right now.

  People here are so hard to read. I’m not sure if she’s being nice trying to warn me about Drake, one girl to another, or she’s just a snake. I know one thing for sure, though: she’s so stuck up, she'd drown in a rainstorm.

  I surmised that when she asked if I got my dress at Target and said she didn’t know they made them that short. Even though I knew she was a stuck-up bitch at that point, that didn’t mean everything she said was a lie. Maybe I am just the flavor of the month for Drake but it sure doesn’t seem like it.

  What the heck is wrong with Target? My dress isn’t short either. It falls right above my knee. I wanted to smack her face because Ma and I made this dress together and she looked at it like it was cheap. I know smacking her would get me fired, though, and my parents taught me manners. I won’t give this bitch the satisfaction of getting to me.

  If Ma was here she would lean over and whisper in my ear, ‘Her pants are so tight I can see her religion.’ I fight a smile thinking about it. Dang it, I miss her too. Aren’t I too old to get homesick? I haven’t been gone long enough for it to be this strong.

  “I get what you’re saying,” I respond because she keeps staring at me. She’s clearly waiting for me to give her something.

  “I saw him kissing you and just wanted to warn you.” She pushes off from where she’s leaning. I swallow the small lump that forms in my throat thinking about Drake sowing anything. I didn’t take him for the kind of man that bangs everything with two legs, but I’ve only known him for one day. Colton isn’t like that. He is really my only comparison next to my parents about men. I mean, I’ve heard the ranch hands talk dirty but I don’t know.

  “Maybe your dress is too short because it’s too small for you,” she adds, clearly enjoying giving me another dig. She’s on a roll now. “If you didn’t have all those hips and boobs it wouldn’t make it fall so short.” Her eyes actually flip over to the muffin and hot chocolate I’ve been snacking on. Drake had it brought to me thinking I didn’t eat enough today.

  “Drake doesn’t seem to mind my extra curves.” I give her a big smile before walking over and taking a bite of my muffin. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe he does burn through women. So many he can’t even remember names.” I give her my own side dig back. Two can play that game.

  I saw her face this morning when Drake looked like he’d never seen the woman before in his life, only to find out she’s been here for years. Looks like she pays way more attention to him than he’s ever paid to her. “Besides, I’m just using him for orgasms and I heard he’s loaded.” I roll my eyes. “He talks about it all the time.” I fake annoyance.

  The woman stands there shocked, with her mouth hanging open. I jerk my head to the left when a burst of laughter rings out into the mailroom to see Charlotte standing there holding her stomach. I fight my own laugh.

  “Delilah, I need you for a moment if you don’t mind,” she gets out after she’s done laughing. I nod, not asking Sherile if that’s okay. I think she is kind of my boss but forget her. Drake said he owned the building and I’m guessing he’s the reason Charlotte is down here to begin with.

  “Ignore her,” Charlotte tells me as she shakes her head, hitting the button on the elevator. “The women around here have been trying to land Drake for years.” The doors open. We both step on together. “I’m pretty sure they have even made rumors about him and me.” She scrunches her nose like that’s gross.

  “He’s not hard to look at.” I laugh. “What’s with the face?” I mean, I’m glad she’s not into him. That would make things awkward but she’d be crazy if she doesn't think that man is hot. I get why the women want him. What I don't understand is why be a mega bitch to someone else because you didn't get him? I’ve never understood how you could pine away for a man who didn't want you. I think I’d be so turned off if Drake couldn't remember my name. I would leave his ass in the dust if he was that rude. I could also just slap him again if he didn’t remember but that didn’t really work the first time.

  “He is handsome. I guess he’s just been so good to me that he kind of feels like a brother to me at this point.” She hits the button for the top floor. “Besides, our families kind of know each other and well, we both have a mutual dislike for our own families so it’s a bond we share.” She says it with a laugh. I’m not sure that’s funny but I keep that to myself. It’s sad. It’s hard to wrap my mind around not loving your family even when you want to hate them.

  “I get it. Colton lives next door and he’s one of my best friends. He’s kind of like a brother to me too.” I understand what it is like to be close to a man but only share a platonic relationship with him. I was never sexually attracted to Colton. I have never been sexually attracted to any man before Drake.

  “Colton.” She shakes her head, making her blond hair sway. “That man is persistent. You sure he doesn't have a thing for you?” She raises one of her perfect eyebrows at me.

  “How do you know Colton?” I ask my own question, surprised she knows who I’m talking about.

  “He’s been trying to get a hold of you. Your calls are coming into my desk. Drake had them forwarded there.”

  “Oh.” It makes sense now why my Ma hasn't been blowing up the new phone I got this morning. It was to replace the one that Drake shattered. “Can you send them back to my phone?”

  “Suure,” she says like she’s really not sure. “New mailroom,” she adds quickly. “You have a new mailroom.”

  “I do?” The doors to the top floor open. I see Drake standing there but when he sees me he darts back into his office. He’s giant and unmissable so I’m not sure who he thinks he’s fooling but I’ll give him that one ‘cause it’s kinda cute.

  “What is he doing?” I peek over to Charlotte. She closes her eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath.

  “Making my life hard. Come on.” I follow her off the elevator and down a hallway. She pushes open the door to what looks like it might have been an office at one time. Now there is mail piled on the desk in the center of it. “New mailroom,” she tells me.

  “Oh, okay?” I walk ov
er to the desk, looking down at the mail, which is all addressed to Drake. “Are you pulling my leg?” I ask her.

  She lets out a long sigh. “I’m just trying to do my job. Maybe if you’re up here he’ll work.” She motions toward Drake’s office, making it clear why I have a new mailroom.



  “Is she pissed?” Charlotte barely gets a foot into my office and I’m on her for information about Delilah. I think I’m going crazy. That has to be it. I am slowly losing my shit over a woman I barely know. Maybe that’s the problem. I have this need to know everything about her. She is now on this floor but I want her next to me. In my lap would be preferable but I’d settle for next to me.

  I do know some about her. I’ve heard her father talk about her from the minute I met the man. At one time I was jealous of how much he cared about his daughter. My father was an asshole and only ever cared about what I could get him or do for him. Delilah’s father just simply loves his child and now I understand why. My girl is more than easy to love. She is so full of life and happiness it is bursting to get out of her. I want to take her away from here. I want her away from this big city that swallows everything up. I want to take her home. I know where that is now. A place I want to call home too.

  I don’t want the rough world rubbing off on her. I don’t want her to see all the ugliness like the prick who stole her luggage. I want to shield her from the assholes on the twenty-second floor who stared at her ass longer than they should have. She doesn’t need that shit and the urge to pick her up and take her back home is pulling hard on me.

  I want a taste of her life but I know she’s hell bent on staying here. I hate to think of this life taking away some of her innocence. As pissed as I was about her giving out her location to someone she thought found her bag and was being kind in returning it, an underlying part of me relishes the good she sees in people.

  “I’m not sure she gets pissed, to be honest,” Charlotte says as she walks over to my desk. “Well, maybe a little but it doesn’t last long. She’s sweet.” She sits down in the chair in front of my desk. Charlotte is good at reading people. It’s something I noticed about her quickly. It goes beyond being a product of someone who grew up in the city. She might not know it, but when she mumbles under her breath about someone, I listen. She is always spot on.

  “She wants her calls sent to her phone.” Charlotte looks at me over the glasses perched on her nose. I meant to have them rerouted back to her, but I need to talk to her dad first. I don’t want him hearing from his daughter that I’ve been all over her. I don’t think she’d tell him but I also know she won’t lie. If she’s outright asked something she’ll tell him and that needs to come from me. He’s a man I respect more than any other man I’ve known before. I pray he won’t hate me over it. I’ll make him see this isn’t a game to me. I want long-term with his daughter. It is my life’s mission to keep her safe and happy. Also sexually pleased but I don’t need to mention all of that to him. I am going to keep that little pussy happy or die trying.

  “Give me a little. I need to call her father.” I sigh, glancing at the clock. If he was trying to get in touch with her he would have called me if he wasn’t getting through. “Has he been calling?”

  “Nope. Just some man named Colton.” Charlotte rolls her eyes but I sit up straighter. I recognize the name from when Delilah mentioned it. I hadn’t realized at that time that I’d heard his name before when I had first met Wyatt to go over his proposal. He had mentioned how Colton had his hands in the proposal. That he was responsible for helping put everything together. At first the way Wyatt talked about him I’d thought it was his son, only to find out he was the boy who lives next door. His land will be the land we’ll be using for phase two of our project.

  Five years ago. That means he isn’t a boy anymore and he is calling my woman. Why? My jaw tightens, thinking maybe this is who Wyatt always planned for Delilah to end up with. That isn’t going to ever happen. Over my dead body would be the only way.

  Before I can pick up the phone to call Wyatt, there’s a small knock on my door and it’s pushed open. Delilah steps into my office with a pile of mail in her hand.

  “I’ll leave you to it,” Charlotte says, knowing I want to be left alone with Delilah.

  She walks over to my desk, her tits bouncing with every step she takes. My eyes watch her every move. A second before she gets to my desk she suddenly drops all of the envelopes on the floor.

  “Oops,” she says dramatically as she turns and bends all the way over so that her skirt rises enough to see her bare pussy under that dress. I inhale a sharp breath, knowing what she’s doing. She’s innocent but not that innocent. The question is when the fuck did she take her underwear off?

  She picks the envelopes up at the pace of a sloth. I don’t know if this pisses me off more or makes me wish there was more mail so it would take her longer. My cock is hard as a rock watching her. She finally turns and places the envelopes on my desk. I push my chair back. She comes around and sits on top of my desk gingerly, as if she didn’t just flash her pussy at me moments ago.

  “What are you doing, Delilah?” I lean back in my chair, spreading my legs. Letting her see what she’s done to me. My cock fights to break free of my slacks. “Is there something else you need?” I ask. She scoots farther back on my desk and spreads her legs wide so that I can see her bare pussy.

  “Special delivery,” she says with a devilish look in her eyes. Maybe she isn’t as mad as I thought she might be about the new mailroom.

  I don’t even bother to respond with words. I push my chair forward and my mouth dives for that hot pussy. She gasps, surprised by my quick movements. Her little gasps quickly turn to moans as her fingers dig into my hair.

  I groan against her. The taste of her pussy is better than I ever could have imagined. The small taste I got from my fingers was nothing compared to getting it straight from the source. I lick and suck, wanting every drop from her that I can get. I start to reach for the buckle of my pants, needing to jack myself off while I devour her.

  “Drake.” She moans my name and all thoughts about my own dick are gone. All I want is to make her come. Hearing that breathy moan pour from her lips as I give her pleasure that no one else ever could or will.

  “I’m going to come,” she breathes out. I dig my fingers into her lush thighs as her body starts to shake. She screams my name as I make her come, sucking and licking until she begs me to stop, her curvy little body unable to handle any more.

  I grab her hips, pulling her off my desk onto my lap. She rests her head on my shoulder as she enjoys the rest of her orgasm. I run my hands all over her, making sure her dress is back in place. I want more of her but this isn’t the place. I know if I pull my cock out I won’t be able to stop myself from taking that sweet cherry that I know is still inside her warm cunt.

  “I think I like being on this floor.” She grins before kissing my neck and sitting up.

  “Stop by my office anytime you’d like with that special delivery. I’ll make sure you come nice and hard every time.” She giggles at my offer. I wasn’t joking but fuck do I love that sound.

  “I should be mad at you but—” She gives a shrug. “You need me up here.” She wiggles on my cock again, making me groan.

  “You’ll be the death of me,” I grit out, my cock wanting her so badly it aches. Later, I remind myself. First I need to call her father and let him know she is mine. I need her to understand exactly what is happening between us.

  She hops off my lap. I grab for her but she dodges me. She’s still smiling, which makes me smile. I love seeing her so happy and lighthearted.

  “Panties.” I point at her.

  “I’ll put them back on.” She looks around her feet. I follow her line of sight. “When I find them,” she adds, making me growl. I start to stand but she laughs hard before winking at me and half running from my office. I know she’s messing with me but God, does this feel good. She f
eels good. I can’t remember the last time I felt this happy or smiled this much. I can’t lose this.

  I pick up the phone and hit Wyatt’s name out of my list of contacts. He picks up on the second ring.

  “Drake. How’s my girl doing?”

  “That’s actually what I’m calling to talk to you about, Wyatt. I’m just going to get straight to the point. I know that’s how you like it.”



  “Put Boss Man back in a good mood?” Charlotte asks, smiling at me as I slip from Drake’s office. My body’s still buzzing from the orgasm he gave me. I can’t help but smile to myself about what happened. I’d let Charlotte’s words settle over me after she left me in my new mailroom alone. That Drake needed me close to get anything done. That should have been annoying but I found it cute the more I thought about it. Not that I think anyone would ever call that brute cute, but he is to me.

  I am reminded of my parents when Drake does little things to try and keep me close. My dad always wants Ma near him, and no one can calm my him the way she can. They drive me nuts about some things, but I admire their marriage and know when I get married I want it to be like theirs. I want a man to love me that deeply and pay attention to every breath I take, like Dad does with Ma.

  “I think I got him all worked out.” I give her a wink that makes her throw her head back and laugh.

  At least I think I did. I know he is still hard and probably aching to get off himself, but I enjoy this game we are playing. I love the smiles I keep getting from his face, which is often carved from stone. He’s spent too much time scowling over the years. I love that I can wipe that scowl off his face, even if it is just for a few minutes.

  “You’re good for him,” she adds, plucking the thoughts from my own head. I’ve been thinking that too. But I am also realizing he is good for me. I’m starting to think I came to the city to find him. To be honest, he is the only thing that is holding me here. Things here aren’t as I thought they’d be. I miss home but Drake is here.


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