Survival (Sorrowfeld Academy Book 1)

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Survival (Sorrowfeld Academy Book 1) Page 19

by Bob Dattolo

  “Legally? He can do it. It’s…challenges are dangerous things. More so when they’re to the death. Do you…do you have a will written out?”

  “No…no. I don’t have anyone to leave anything to. My roommate will go through everything to see if there’s anything she wants. The rest…I guess Paige and Riley can see if there’s anything they want after that. I don’t have much anyway. Clothes, mostly. That’s about it.”

  “Is that…are those…are those your final wishes? Colin won’t get the stuff in your room. Just…your power.”

  “Yeah. They can go through everything. Parece first. Maybe…maybe it won’t go to waste. If there’s anything left after them, then I guess see if there’s anyone else that needs anything?”

  He patted my back, “I can do that.”

  Voices became apparent before we turned the corner. There’s one sports field here, although I don’t think anyone here really plays much that way. Frisbee football seemed to be the only thing mentioned in the paperwork. I’m not sure that’s actually organized, though. Or why it’s that and not something else. Heck, this is Montana, how much of the year can you do something sports-like outside that doesn’t involve snowshoes?

  Don’t get me wrong, it could be a ton. I just don’t know either way. As much as I could have lived here my entire life, the fact that I ended up in Florida makes me think that’s not the case.

  People saw me, and the talking got louder as I tripped a little, slowing down. I had to focus and channel those fears from when everything happened after my inducement ceremony to get some new tears to start. That’s harder than actually hitting myself with water was.

  A ripple of laughter passed through the group, with Colin seeing me and laughing the loudest from across the circle. Wes hit his arm, “Fucking make her pay for being an uppity bitch.”

  Fist bump between them. “I’m gonna get her good. Look at those tits.”

  My steps slowed even more, until Shane hit me from behind, shoving me forward, “Get going, stricken. Time to die.” He laughed as he headed past me, crossing the circle towards Colin. “Get this, she didn’t even know what the rules are! She had to ask him on the way here!”

  More laughter. Louder laughter.

  Headmaster Anderson had his hand on my back, continuing to push me forward as I fought more. I tried for a heroic pose, then my shoulders collapsed, and I crossed my trembling arms again.

  Kaylee was right near the edge of the circle as I reached it, “I’m so sorry, Maddie!”

  “Than…thanks, Kaylee. Thank you for being nice to me. Just…don’t do anything. Nothing. Okay?”

  She nodded quickly, “Okay. I…I’ll miss you.”

  I didn’t get a chance to answer before I was in the circle, surrounded by nearly 100 percent jeers and comments. It’s crazy to me that people were making fun of me for being able to see my nipples through my shirt. First off? If I’m gonna die, do you think I give a shit about that? Second off? What the hell? Like half of the people here are dragons, and they wouldn’t care in the slightest about that.

  Whatever. People’s priorities are messed up.

  The headmaster stopped pushing me about a third of the way across the space, then continued walking. Colin got more congratulations from his buddies, then headed out to join him. For me, my feet slowly moved me in a circle as I drifted little by little towards where they’re meeting up. I wouldn’t be eager to be closer, not in their eyes, so I have to make it look like an accident.

  Something flared from the headmaster, getting the group to go silent. Even the teachers.

  Huh, there are teachers here too. Sick bastards.

  “Everyone! We’re gathered here today for a legal challenge between Maddie Stricken and Colin Curry.” Laughter from the group in a circle around me. “The challenge has been deemed legal. It is to the death or satisfaction of the winner.” He looked at me, “That means that the loser doesn’t need to die as long as the winner is satisfied.”

  Colin laughed, “Cum filled and dead!”

  “Umm…I’m…gonna…bare hands…” My crossed arms came down and I tried to make a muscle, letting the shakes show before crossing my arms again.


  “God, you’re so fucking pathetic! I can’t believe you even bothered coming here!” Samantha’s input from the side. Nice of her to chime in.

  The headmaster raised his hands again, getting somewhat silence from the group, “No outside weapons. No outside assistance in the way of weapons or magic. Call out advice all you want. No crossing the line with intention to assist either side. For those of you planning on pushing someone over? The assumption will be that you were intending to interfere by pushing someone, so don’t do it and think you’ll be getting someone else in trouble for it.” Shocked looks from some folks. That makes me wonder if they had plans like that. “Again, the fight is to the death. The fight is over when one of you dies or the winner decides otherwise.” He looked to me again, “Once more? That means he can do what he wants to you while you’re still alive.”

  Got it. If I’m definitely gonna lose, fuck myself up too much and die quicker. Keep that sucker in mind if this goes the wrong direction.

  “The challenge won’t start until I step out of the circle. It doesn’t end until, like I said? Death or the winner decides. Even if it takes a month.” Another pointed look at me.

  “Any last words?”

  Colin’s thick chest muscles swelled, “I’m gonna enjoy your bastardized powers, stricken. Just not before you beg me to stop fucking you.”

  The headmaster looked to me, “Maddie?”

  “I…uhh…” piss stained my gym shorts and trickled to the ground. Every dragon smelled it. Everyone saw it soon enough. That got the laughter to go through the roof like you couldn’t believe.

  Kaylee let out a pained sound at seeing it. The headmaster’s eyes fell, and he shook his head as he walked towards the edge of the circle. I’m shocked that Colin doesn’t have any magic building yet for something.

  The headmaster stepped out, calling out, “The challenge has started!”

  My feet tangled as I tried to rush forward, sending me to my knees. The hard ground tore the skin, and I cried out as I pushed my way up to Colin wiping at his eyes. Then I moved in again. His huge fists came up, then never swung at me as I waded in, slapping at his chest and arms as I screamed.

  Shocked laughter from everyone.

  His huge hand came out and pushed me by the head, shoving me away, “Are you fucking serious right now?”

  I came in again, doing it more. He started blocking some, but I kept it up, starting to pant maybe 45 seconds into it. “Die! Die!” Near-hysterical screams from me as I continued to slap at him.

  Then he walloped me across the face with an open-handed slap, sending me tumbling away as he laughed even harder. “This is…I’m not sure why I bothered to come here for this!”

  “Do it, fucking kill her!” Ryan called from the side.

  Levi stomped, “Fuck her, already! I want some back for what that fucker did to my parents!”

  Colin’s shirt came off, and his thick water-mage muscles looked even worse uncovered. Or better, for him.

  I shoved my way up again, holding my face with one hand where he hit me, and moving in to start slapping with my free hand. The tears came on harder as I played up being distraught.

  He took me down with another slap.

  I got back up and started in again. Hits slowing.

  Another hit. Get back up. More slaps.

  Another hit. Back up once again.

  Then he kicked forward, hitting me in the stomach and sending me across the ground. Kaylee called my name, but I ignored her as I pushed my way up, dry heaving as I did.

  “My God… This is just so…fucking…what a pathetic fucking…” he started for me as I made it to my feet, finding my clothes torn from hitting the ground. My shirt is worse, but my shorts are pretty bad.

  No matter, I started back in, l
imping heavily as I held my stomach, cried, and heaved. His smile was huge as I reached him. I managed to slap him three times before he shoved my arm aside and tore my t-shirt off, exposing me to everyone, much to their enjoyment. He smiled wide at seeing my boobs, “Time for more!” Then he shoved my swing wide again and lifted me by the throat with one hand and tore my shorts off with the other hand. My shoes went before I managed to squirm my way free.

  I swear, no one wondered why I wasn’t wearing underwear? Or socks? I had been in gym. Same with a bra.

  Now the calls and yells are coming fast and furious as he stalks me. My focus starts to get split a few different ways, so I missed a hit coming in that sends me tumbling across the ground. I get up again, though, listing more to one side.

  Crap, which leg was I limping on? You know what? Screw it, I don’t think anyone will remember.

  More focus as I keep the glow from my hair as much as possible.

  Two more hits from him as I work everything hard, getting in maybe a dozen more slaps in the mix.

  Standing from the recent tumble, I shudder when I realize his hair is lit up, “I talked to Coach about the spell she was using. I can’t do what she did, but I have something close. I hope you like it!”

  His spell comes at me, but I stumble to the side, making it miss me. He didn’t send it at me, only forward. Which can be dodged.

  He killed the spell before it could hit someone behind me, then came in and hit me down hard. My cheek feels broken when I shove my way up, blood dripping from my mouth. I didn’t lose my thread of magic, so I keep at it as I get up.

  Just in time for his spell to hit me. It’s a pain spell. He looks so proud of it, yet…it’s not even up to how my cheek feels right now.

  He deserves a scream.

  His eyes light up as I deliver for him, and his hair goes dark as he lets the spell ravage me. That starts showboating to the group as I stagger towards him. He’s facing me again just as I reach him and slap him twice more. That gets a closed fist coming in and up, hitting me right under the ribs and literally lifting me up and sending me flying.

  Breathing hurts as I struggle up, forgetting to scream for the spell as I feel a broken rib. That makes my cheek feel pretty good in comparison.

  He looks happy as a pig in shit as I make it to my feet. I’m not sure when he did it, but he’s naked now and sporting a huge hard-on. Huh, not a needle-dick, that’s for sure. How he’s okay with people seeing him like this is beyond me. Would you want to be seen in a huge circle raping someone you’re about to kill? I’m not sure what kind of mind it would take to be okay with that.

  He holds still, arms wide, as I quick-stagger to him and weakly hit at his chest as he laughed. Another hit to the side of the head drops me, and his arms go up as he moves in a circle for the crowd. As he comes back towards me, his hands go down and he’s fondling himself, making himself harder. Then he starts another circle.

  At which point my spell is ready.


  Laughter from the crowd as I shove my way up, but no one warns him as I jump on his back, legs wrapped around his arms, trapping them by his side. Spells go off in quick succession as I scream, “Die, Die, no one rapes me!” slapping at his head again and again. The laughter goes through the roof as he freezes, shocked at my attack, then he bellows in pain as a tiny ball of light appears directly in front of his eyes, blocked by a shadow spell so that no one else could see it. Every bit of energy went into the ball of light that just shocked his brain. Then it’s gone as I continue hitting, then grab him by the head and squeeze, still screaming. My other spells adjust at my command as he tries to break his arms free from my legs, but that isn’t enough as my fingers drive into his eyes as another spell trips him, taking us down forwards. Power begins ramping into me before we hit the ground, and it’s a miracle I can remember to scream for him to die. Then we hit, and his face is driven into the ground. Hard. Only to have me grab him by the back of the head and continue beating him against the ground again and again, knowing that his face is turning to mush from the hits.

  Also knowing that he was dead just before we hit the ground.

  All the while, I continued crying and begging him to die until exhaustion took me, and I crawled away to huddle in a ball in the silent circle.

  Every eye is straining to see if he’ll get up. The dragons can smell the blood and brains, so they know that’s not happening. The others? They don’t know yet unless they saw the damage to his face. Then they’d have a clue.

  Cheers for him to get up and finish it start up, only to have Samantha cut them off, “He’s fucking dead in there. It’s over.”

  My arm shakes as I push myself up and stare at his body, trying for a look of disbelief. That starts an epic crawl back to him, where I struggle to push him over. Revealing his face.

  Headmaster Anderson steps over the line, “We…we have a winner!”

  Shock. Horror. Disbelief. Very, very few laughs.

  No one helps me stand. No one helps me as I make my way through the crowd, leaving everyone behind on my barely-walking-speed march of victory. They make a gap for me to clear the crowd, leaving me surrounded by shocked comments and people calling me lucky and a variety of names best not repeated in polite company.

  No one walks me back to the dorms, where I slip inside and escape to the bathroom to stare at myself in the mirror for long, long minutes. I can’t hear anyone and can’t sense any spells listening in, so I nod at the girl in the mirror. “We fucking did it. Thank you, other-me. I’m not sure I would have been able to do that without you.” No response, which I wasn’t anticipating anyway. A smell hits me, and I look at my somewhat dirty fingers before licking them. I can smell his blood and eye-goo on them, and I can’t even begin to care that there’s dirt there too.

  Not that that lasts all that long. I have a shower to get to, which envelopes me in scalding hot water as I focus on myself. I’m not sure I’ve ever been this dirty before. The water going down the drain looks horrific. Sooo freaking bad. Still, though, now I can get clean.

  My jaw is filled with lances of fire from my cheek. My ribs and chest are killing me. My hair lights up as I grab at my magic and begin to focus. I somehow did this once before. Can I do it again?

  A half hour later, I take a deep breath without pain and smile to myself in the cubicle as I start to dry off. I feel good. So good.

  The smell of piss invades my nose as I head back to my room after putting on deodorant. My torn gym clothes are on my desk. Parece is in her comfy chair, watching me as I towel my hair dry once more and then hang the towel on the hook. She looks me up and down as I grab my clothes and throw them in the trash, then nods as I pull on more clothes.

  She’s still nodding when I’m done. “You killed him.”

  “I did.”

  She pursed her lips for a moment, “You beat his head in against the ground.”

  “I did. You gotta use what you can, right?”

  She snorted, “You never should have been able to knock him down, but you did.” Nothing to answer there. That gets me a slow clap from her, “Bravo. Very good. I’m not sure if anyone else saw it or put two and two together, but that was so well done.”

  Hmm, “Thank you?”

  “No, I mean it. You played him. The entire time. All day today. Everything you did. Everything you said.” No answer again when she stopped talking. “It’s…scarily impressive, I’ll say. You talked him out of using magic. You convinced him that you were gonna beat him to death with your hands and questioned him about that and basically forced him to do the same. He used magic once, but even that? I don’t think anyone noticed that it barely hurt you.”

  “I’m not sure about that, it hurt.”

  Another snort, “Maddie? I’m a dragon. I’m not sure if you know what that means, but I have more animalistic instincts than a human or a mage does. You played that perfectly. Sure, you were limping on either leg when you’d forget which one was supposed to be hurt.
You screamed to make him think his spell was really hurting you. You pissed yourself.” She outright laughed, “That was so fucking funny. I wasn’t expecting that. When I saw it, I thought, fuck, okay, everything she did and I thought she did was a front. She was making herself look good. Instead, you fucking fought with everything in you to look bad. Pissing yourself? None of the mages would be able to easily picture doing that on purpose. I nearly missed it, but I caught you ripping your shirt before getting up that one time. Pushing your shorts mostly off. Fuck, you left your bra off. You left your underwear off. You left your socks off! Don’t think I missed those, because I didn’t.” She nodded to the side, where I left them to go in the laundry earlier. Time to put them in now, much to her delight. “Then I come back here, and you’re not hurt any longer. He fucked up your cheek earlier. It was dented. Bleeding. Now it’s fine. Your knees were bleeding from where you tripped and another time that he knocked you down. Healed. I know for a fact he fucked up your ribs with that punch. Out of everything I saw out there, that was probably the most real thing that you did. Sure as fuck not the slap fight. Sure as fuck not the desperate screams for him to die. Not the panicked banging of his head against the ground, when the last time you were hitting him, you were barely making a slap sound against his chest.” She sighed, “That was freaking amazing.”

  “You can’t prove any of that.”

  She shrugged, “I have no one to prove it to. And no reason to do it. You know about the academy. I told you about it earlier. What I know and others don’t will more than likely benefit me in the long run. If you’re too powerful for me to take on, then maybe I get a bye because I held your secret. Maybe someone else that’s more of a threat tangles with you and goes down for it. It can go so many directions, it honestly can.”

  “Where does that leave us, then?”

  “Honestly? Pretty much right where we were before. Not allies. Not enemies. You do you. I’ll do me. I won’t make any promises about not going for you, but I don’t have any plans for it. I want to graduate and get the fuck out of here. I want to at least make it through this year, then see if leaving with 50 percent is worth it or not. As it is? It’s a shame his power was wasted out there.”


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