Second Best (Volkov Bratva Book 1)

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Second Best (Volkov Bratva Book 1) Page 23

by Sam Crescent

  I had no problems exploring my wife’s desires.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  To answer, I pressed a single finger against her asshole. Her tight ring of muscles was stubborn, keeping me out. “You know what I’m doing. Relax. You know how it goes.”

  Aurora glanced over her shoulder. “How?”

  “I can read too.”

  Her eyes went wide. “You’ve read my books?”

  “No. I got curious. I’m a little disappointed in you, Aurora. You knew you could come to me. There was nothing for you to hide.” I kept on teasing her anus, stroking her. Sliding my other hand between her thighs, I touched her clit, and this made her moan.

  “Now, you get to play out whatever you fantasized about.” With two fingers either side of her clit, I rubbed her and stroked. I pressed the finger at her anus, teasing her tight hole. Distracting her.

  She began to rock against my hand, and this time as I pushed against her anus, I didn’t let up. I made her take a single finger.

  Aurora gasped, but she didn’t tell me to stop.

  My cock was so hard, and all I wanted to do was fuck her hard, but first, I wanted to prepare her, to spread her open.

  When she was close to orgasm, I stopped fingering her pussy. Spreading her left ass cheek, I began to push in a second finger, opening her up. She gasped.

  “Does it hurt?” I asked.

  “No. It … it’s weird.” She panted out the word.

  I’d applied plenty of lube to her anus. Letting go of her ass cheek, I pushed some more, working it into her anus as I got both of my fingers inside her. Holding her ass cheek, I spread her open, and she thrust back against my fingers. The action was so slight, but I felt it. My sexy wife wanted this. She wasn’t saying no.

  I stretched her ass out until she drove back on the fingers, begging for me to make her come. I wasn’t ready to give in just yet.

  With my third finger, I slid it between the two and began to open her up even more. A whimper escaped her, and I paused, allowing her to get used to the feel of the three.

  “Please,” she said.

  “Do you want my cock?” I asked.


  I didn’t give her my dick straight away. My cock was already slick with pre-cum, and I worked my fingers into her ass, getting her accustomed to it. She was mindless on the pleasure. Her ass was a beacon, calling to me to take it.

  I’d been a gentleman up until now, by my patience would only last so long. I removed my fingers, grabbed the lube, soaked my cock, and then I had the tip at her tight entrance which had closed up after my fingers left it.

  She’d open for me.

  I was rock-hard.

  Aurora tensed up, and I ordered her to play with her pussy. This time, as I sank inch by tight glorious inch into her ass, she could bring herself to orgasm. The moment she had more of my cock in her ass, I grabbed her ass cheeks, spreading them wide so I could watch as she took it all.

  The sight alone was enough to make me spunk, but I gained control. I sank to the hilt, my balls slapping against her cunt. Her moans filled the air. I counted to ten before I began to rock. Going in and out, slow easy strokes.

  “How does it feel?”

  A moan. “Amazing, I think.”

  I smiled.

  Each stroke on her clit had her ass tightening around me. My balls were so heavy. I wanted to come, but I took my time, allowing her to get accustomed to my dick in her ass. This wasn’t easy.

  She was fucking glorious. Tight, hot, virginal, giving. Aurora was everything.


  That one word was all I needed.

  I began to harden my strokes, going a little harder, driving inside her, fucking her, taking her.

  I heard Aurora come, and I felt it around my cock as her asshole became even tighter. My orgasm was so close, and as I filled her ass, it spilled from the tip, filling her asshole. I didn’t pull out even after the pleasure faded. I stayed deep inside her. Collapsing over her, but not giving her all of my weight, I kissed her neck.

  “Have I ever told you how amazing you are?” I asked.

  “No.” She giggled. “I can’t believe we just did that.” She pushed her hair from her face. “I loved doing that.”

  “All you’ve got to do is ask.”

  “Sure, because asking for you to give me … anal is a random conversation piece.”

  This time, I chuckled. “I know from what I read in those dirty books this is not all that you want, is it?”

  She laughed. “You’re right. I can’t believe you read my books. Don’t you have anything more interesting to do with your time?”

  “Lots.” But all I’d wanted was to know more about my wife, what made her tick. “And now as per your books, I think it’s only fair that I clean you.”

  She groaned, and I laughed as I pulled out of her but lifted her in my arms, carrying her through to the bedroom.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I watched Slavik across the dining room table. Today was my birthday, and after spending the week waking up to his kisses and making love, he hadn’t been there. Already dressed and ready for work. I stood before him in my night shirt and shorts, which I pulled on in a hurry.

  “Morning,” I said, sipping at my tea. Coffee still made me feel sick

  He looked up from his cell phone. “Hey, baby, good morning.”

  I smiled. I loved it when he used sweet words like that. “Busy morning?”

  “Yeah, I’ve got to head into the office early.”


  Still no mention.

  I wasn’t about to tell him it was my birthday and see the horrible realization that he’d forgotten. This was kind of like any other breakfast back at home. No one cared. They all went about their own business.

  Pressing my lips together, I took another sip of my tea. I refused to be sad on this day. I’d spent a lot of birthdays alone. Today would be another one in a long list.

  Thinking about the day and how we’d been the past week, I turned toward my husband and watched him. He clicked away at his cell phone, and I put my tea down. I walked toward him and leaned against the table.

  “Slavik, there is something I always wanted to try.” My hands shook as nerves took over.

  He put his phone down and looked up. “There is?”

  I nodded. “Do you trust me?”


  His response surprised me. At first, I hesitated, shocked by his word, then I did no more than sink to my knees in front of his chair. There was enough space for me to fit. Putting my hands on his knees, I slid them up until I got to his zipper.

  His hands were on the outside of his legs, and he made no move to help me as I worked the zip down.

  “Tell me what you want,” he said.

  My heart raced. Heat pooled between my thighs. Nerves hit me hard. “I want to … suck your cock.”

  Did that sound corny? Porn star-ish? I had no idea, but this was what I’d been thinking about each time he went down on me. I loved his mouth on my pussy. The pleasure of his tongue as it danced across my clit. For a while now, I’d been thinking about reciprocating the offer, only, nothing had come up.

  “You want to suck my cock?”

  “Yes.” Insecurity rushed through me as I sat back. “Unless you don’t want me to.” I’d assumed he would. Rejection was a hard thing to swallow, but it was my birthday, just another thing to add to my bad memories.

  Slavik opened his belt, then his button, before taking out his cock. He wasn’t completely hard, but as he worked from the tip down to the root and back again, I looked into his eyes. “Babe, I’ve got no problems with you wanting to suck on my cock. Why today? Is it a special occasion?”

  I kept the smile on my lips even as his words cut me to the core. Rather than voice my feelings, I wrapped my fingers around his length. “You’re going to have to tell me what to do.” Every time I brought up my lack of e
xperience, it seemed to drive him crazy, and I enjoyed it.

  “First, you’re going to want to lick it. Use your tongue, taste me.”

  I moved forward, shuffling on my knees. With Slavik holding his cock up for me, I licked from the root down to the tip. The taste and feel of him were so strange. Hard as he was getting, so the more he held himself, and soft at the same time. A hint of salt hit my tongue as I flicked across the little slit in the top of his cock.

  Gliding down the opposite side, I licked his cock.

  “Now, put your lips on the tip, and slowly sink your mouth on my dick.”

  With my gaze on him, I wrapped my lips around the head. He was even harder now, and I tucked my hair behind my ear, taking his cock into my mouth, feeling him go down until he hit the back of my throat. I stopped and quickly eased back, coming off his length.

  “Keep doing it.” He held himself still, and I worked his cock with my mouth, sucking him to the back of my throat.

  After a few seconds, he released his length and I took hold of him. He wrapped his fingers in my hair and began to guide me over his length, making me take more of him. Even as I gagged, he held my head in place and started to thrust up into my mouth.

  I moaned.

  With each thrust, the taste of him got stronger in my mouth.

  “Fuck. Yes. Fuck. That feels so fucking good.” In and out he pumped, and I couldn’t resist looking at him.

  His gaze was on me.

  “You’re going to have to stop or you’re going to get a mouthful of cum.”

  I kept my lips on his cock, and as he came, I was shocked by the jerk of his release as it filled my mouth. On instinct, I swallowed him down, relishing the taste of him as he hit the back of my throat.

  His tight grip on my hair pulled me off his length, and I sat back, wiping at my wet lips to dry them.

  Slavik had closed his eyes as he came. Finally, he opened his eyes, and I smiled at him. He stroked my face, and no words were needed.

  The moment was interrupted by the shrill of his cell phone. I stayed on the floor, kneeling as he answered.

  I saw the sudden change in him.

  “On my way.” He got to his feet.

  I shuffled out of my spot and followed him. “What is it? What’s the matter?” Worry filled me.

  “It’s Ivan. His home was attacked last night. He’s in the hospital. They don’t know if he’s going to make it.”

  “Oh, no.”

  “I’ve got to head out there,” Slavik said.

  “Let me come with you.”

  “No! You’re staying here. Don’t argue with me. I can’t take care of you and do my job. Just stay here.”

  He stormed out of the penthouse suite, and I stood alone.

  No one was around. I wrapped my arms around my waist.

  The door opened, and in walked one of my bodyguards. He averted his gaze, and I glanced down to see I was still dressed in my pajamas.

  I left the corridor, going to the bedroom. The bed was made as I’d done it after I got up. A force of habit. Sitting on the edge, I stare at the door. My birthday. Yay.

  Tears filled my eyes, and the taste of Slavik was bitter on my tongue. Getting to my feet, I rushed into the bathroom. I grabbed the nearest toothbrush, dolloped on a good amount of paste, and got to work on my teeth, trying to wipe the memory from my mind. With my gaze on my reflection, I couldn’t help but look at my stomach.

  I finished brushing my teeth and lifted my shirt, turning to the side. I had to be going crazy.

  There was a bump. Not a huge noticeable one, but I saw it. The bump was there.

  Slavik had distracted me from finding out the truth. I needed to know if I was going to be a mom, or what any of this meant.

  Dropping my hands, I changed into a pair of jeans and a large shirt. I slipped on a pair of pumps and left the bedroom.

  “I need you to take me to a pharmacy,” I said to the guard. I couldn’t remember his name, I thought it was David or something. After everything that happened with Sergei, I didn’t get close to the men who guarded me. It was safer for me to just be who I was, away from it all.

  He pulled out his cell phone.

  “There is no reason to call my husband. He doesn’t need to know his wife requires lady products.”

  The man … paled.

  What was it with men and lady products? It was as natural as breastfeeding.

  “You’re going to drive me to the pharmacy. I can go in and be out in a flash. No big deal.” I forced a smile to my lips.

  “Mr. Ivanov needs to know.”

  “I know, and you can tell him after, okay? He is busy at the moment, as I’m sure you’re aware. Do you want to be known as the guard who interrupted my husband’s journey with details of his wife’s purchases at a pharmacy?”

  I talked really fast, trying to get my point across.

  This could backfire.

  I wanted to find out if I was pregnant before I even let Slavik know I was. If I wasn’t, no big deal. If the stick read yes, then my life was about to change.

  The guard hesitated, and my patience ran thin.

  “Okay.” The guard went to grab my arm, but I stepped forward, rushing out of the apartment. My hands shook as we waited for the elevator.

  At the ground parking, he held my door open for me, and I slid inside.

  Once outside in the open air, I took a deep breath, trying not to think about what all of this could mean.

  The first pharmacy we came to was still closed. The second one had a line outside, and at the third, my nerves were frayed.

  He parked the car and as he made to get out, I put a hand on his shoulder. “Keep an eye on me from the car. I promise I’m just going in to buy lady products. I don’t need an entourage.”

  “Mrs. Ivanov.”

  “I will tell my husband lies if you don’t do this,” I said. I never threatened anyone in my life. After what my sister did, I always tried to be a nice charge. Today was not the day. It was my birthday. I was all alone. My husband had taken off. I was at the end of my patience.

  Without another word, I climbed out and entered the pharmacy. I went immediately to the pregnancy tests then to the lady products, picking the brand I liked and the style.

  At the counter, I paid with what change I had and offered the man behind the counter a smile.

  “I hope congratulations are in order,” he said.

  I smiled. “Me too.”

  He winked at me, and I took my bag, exiting the pharmacy to get back into the car. The driver ignored me. I’d angered him. Guilt rushed through me, but I didn’t apologize. He took me straight to the apartment. Back inside, I ignored him and went to the bathroom.

  With still shaking hands, I read the instructions on the back of the box. Sickness coiled in my gut. It was just peeing on a stick.

  Minutes later, hands washed, I stared at the stick, watching as it changed, and my life as I knew it would follow suit.

  I was pregnant. Slavik had done what the boss had ordered.

  My son or daughter would inherit this legacy, would one day stand in Slavik’s place. Actually, no, just my son. If I had a boy.

  Collapsing to the floor, I put both of my hands to my stomach.

  Slavik and I were only just getting along, finding a life with each other. Was it all a trick for this baby?

  Closing my eyes, I leaned my head against the wall.

  My birthday. I should have known it wasn’t going to be a good day.

  When the bedroom door slammed open, I jolted to my feet, throwing the test into the trash bin as the guard who now hated me pushed the bathroom door open. He held a phone.

  He didn’t say a word as I took it.

  Holding the phone, I put it to my ear. “Hello,” I said.

  “Aurora, it’s me.”

  It was Slavik.

  I breathed a sigh of relief. “How are you? How is Ivan?”

  “Ivan Volkov is dead.”

  Those very words r
ang in my ear. I dropped the phone.

  What did this mean?

  Fear rushed through my body.

  Someone had tried and succeeded in taking out the Volkov Bratva leader. This had ramifications.

  Tears filled my eyes. My hands went to my stomach. I dropped the cell phone in the process, trying to understand what I’d just heard. None of it made any sense.

  The guard picked up the cell phone, but I didn’t hear what he said to Slavik. Nothing mattered to me right now. How had we gone from the happiness of what seemed like a few hours ago to the chaos of now?

  Sinking to my knees, I put my hands against my head. The dull throbbing made me feel sick.

  I was pregnant.

  My husband’s boss had just been killed.

  My baby stood no chance of coming into a happy home.

  I had to tell Slavik we were going to have a baby.


  Slavik never came home.

  The day passed, turning into a second, then a third. He didn’t call. No messages came through from his guards. They changed. One man coming, another leaving. For a week, this happened.

  My birthday had to have been the worst on record.

  I stood at the kitchen counter, a hand on my stomach. I found myself doing this more often than I should.

  Wondering. Trying to figure out about the future.

  My family hadn’t called. My parents sent no condolences to me, no birthday wishes either.

  With a drink of water in hand, I walked toward the window and stared out across the city. I hated this window. The view. The heights.

  People walked around without a single care in the world. There was no pain waiting for them. They could have children and be happy to raise them in this world. They heard about the terror and violence on the news, but it rarely reached them at their front door.

  “Hey, little one. I … I will protect you and love you. I promise.” I whispered the words so the guard didn’t hear.

  They had amazing hearing.

  The silence from Slavik made me feel sick. Ivan Volkov was dead. I had no doubt Slavik would take over, lead the other brigadiers through this time. What my husband inherited, I shuddered to think. If I allowed myself even a moment to consider what was at stake, I questioned my position at his side.


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