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Feisty Heroines Romance Collection of Shorts

Page 17

by D. F. Jones

  “I doona know who that is, Liege, but I will send word to the castle immediately if I learn anything aboot her,” the blacksmith reassured.

  “Thank you. If you see her, please let her know I expect to see her at the castle at once.” Murtagh paused and wondered if he should tell the blacksmith not to say anything. She ran from him before, but surely, she wouldn’t ignore a summons from the Vampire King. She was obviously an ingrained member of their society and wouldn’t risk his wrath.

  “Are we heading to Fife now, Liege?” Eilig asked as they walked out of the shop.

  “Aye. I must find this female,” Murtagh admitted.

  Eilig cocked his head and looked at Murtagh. He knew the male had to be wondering what was running through his head to cause such behavior. Never before had Murtagh been enamored with a female.

  In fact, he had never so much as asked to see a female twice after being intimate with her. Eilig knew better than most how much the constant parade of high-born females exhausted and frustrated Murtagh.

  “Do you sense she is in danger? Or has no’ made it home?” Eilig asked.

  “Nay. I doona have any of my mamai’s ability to sense danger. I have power of sifting, and that does me little good in this situation.”

  Eilig rubbed his hands together then blew into them for warmth. “I’ll fetch the horses.”

  As soon as they mounted their steeds, Murtagh blurted, “Let’s take them for a run to warm them,” then slapped the reins against the animal.

  The horse lunged and kicked into a gallop. They raced through the forest so fast the trees and shrubs were nothing but a blur. Wolves and other wild animals scurried out of their way as they passed, instinctively sensing a more powerful predator in their midst.

  After about fifty miles, Murtagh slowed his horse, wondering if he should’ve traveled slower to search for any sign of the female. Unfortunately, the surrounding scents were those typically found in the forest, so he continued to Fife.

  The second he and Eilig reached the edge of the city, Murtagh slowed the horse to a trot as he scanned the area for the human seer. Belatedly, he realized he should’ve asked Alistair more questions about how to locate her in a city of many, but then his eyes landed on a small cottage.

  He wasn’t sure why, but he instinctively knew Inghean lived in the small stone structure. He tied his horse to a wooden post near the dwelling then approached the door. Murtagh lifted his hand to knock, but the portal opened before his fist made contact.

  A small human female with long grey hair hunched over a walking stick and looked up at him with rheumy eyes. “I’ve been expecting you, Your Highness. Please, come in.”

  “Expecting me?” he asked.

  “A vision came to me. A creature of the night with eyes of blue, seeking guidance,” she replied, then hobbled off.

  Murtagh looked over his shoulder, and nodded to Eilig. His commander took position near the entrance as Murtagh ducked and entered the modest home. The door shut of its own accord, and the king shivered. The house was cold but not the reason for the chill running down his spine. He wasn’t particularly fond of humans and didn’t like the idea of seeking help from one, even if she did have the gift of vision.

  He glanced around the hut, which consisted of one room. There was a small table with two chairs, and shelves along one wall. They were laden with plates, bowls, and pans for cooking over the open fire in the center of the room. Along the opposite wall was a carpet with a feather-stuffed mattress atop it.

  The sight gave Murtagh a new appreciation for how others lived. This human female didn’t live that differently from most of his subjects.

  His dark-haired beauty probably lived like this, he acknowledged. She was not of his station, but that didn’t matter to the king. Nothing would stop him from locating the female. Her haunting eyes left him no peace. He had to find her.

  “So, tell me. What brings you here, Your Highness?”

  Focusing on Inghean, Murtagh took a seat at the small table across from the seer. “I need to find a female. She has dark hair and hazel eyes.”

  Inghean leveled her opaque eyes on him, and his body shuddered. It felt as if she knew his every thought. “The one you seek is the key to your salvation. You possess that which will lead you to her.”

  His heart stopped for several beats then kicked into high gear. He thought it would pound its way out of his chest. “Is she my Fated Mate?” he inquired, but his tone was more of a demand.

  That would make so much sense, he reasoned. His immediate attraction and desire for her, along with the impulsive kiss, fit everything his father had described to him regarding mates. The compulsions were consuming.

  “I see a child. Your firstborn will change the face of the Tehrex Realm,” Inghean continued, without actually answering his question directly.

  “Can you tell me where to find her? I fear she’s in danger, and I need to ensure her safety.” Murtagh felt Eilig’s presence outside the door and knew the male heard every word spoken between them. He prayed his friend could translate the seer’s riddled words because she was making no sense to him.

  “You will find her where death meets new purpose. She hides from what she feels. You cannot wear your armor when you approach. It instills distance that she may not be able to traverse.”

  “Precisely, where is she? Do you know her name?”

  “Would you like some tea?” Inghean asked as her vacant expression cleared and focused on Murtagh.

  The urge to shake the answers from the human was nearly impossible to ignore, but Murtagh was accustomed to maintaining a façade. Rising to his feet, he pulled some gold from his pocket and placed it on the table.

  “I am pressed for time, but thank you for your assistance. You have been extremely helpful.”

  “One more thing, Your Highness,” she replied and stood from her seated position. She hobbled over, and looked up at Murtagh. Her eerie gaze met his then she muttered, “Beware, for an evil like you’ve never faced is approaching. You must put aside your prejudices, and protect that which seems unworthy.”

  “What does that mean?” he asked as confusion wracked his mind. The seer shrugged as if she didn’t understand his question then proceeded to make tea.

  Realizing she wasn’t going to answer, Murtagh shook his head and turned to leave. Eilig was smiling the second he emerged from the small home. “At least I now know why you’re so eager to find the female, Liege.”

  “Aye,” he replied with a wide grin, forgetting the seer’s last words. “She’s my Fated Mate. I know it in my heart. But,” he continued, and his smile vanished. “I doona know where to find her.”

  “Something the seer said was verra odd,” Eilig voiced with a puzzled expression. “Her comment aboot you possessing something that would lead you to her. That sounded like you have an object belonging to her.”

  Murtagh suddenly remembered the leather cuff Alistair had found at the barn. He pulled it from his jacket and handed it to Eilig. “Do you think she could’ve meant this? It would make sense given her cryptic remark aboot death finding new purpose.”

  Eilig inspected the piece of leather, and his expression changed when he scanned the back of the cuff. Murtagh looked closer and noticed a marking on the worn leather.

  “Do you know the symbol?” Murtagh asked.

  “Aye. Liege,” he replied and lifted his head. A grin spread across his face and he added, “I know this tanner. “Tis no’ far. We can make it there and get back to the castle well before sunrise.”

  Anticipation flowed through Murtagh’s veins like a drug. There was no doubt in his mind this female carried the other half of his soul. Before morning dawned, he would have his Fated Mate in his arms.

  Chapter 4

  “Ouch,” Annis muttered as she used the knife to scrape the new hide her father had picked up from the butcher. Her body was mostly back to normal after a full day of sleep and a hearty meal in her stomach.

  Still, she needed to
feed. Drinking the blood of an animal paled in comparison to what human blood did for a vampire. There would come a point when she was forced to feed from her mom or locate another to feed from. Perhaps the butcher’s son would agree to give her blood. After the searing kiss she’d shared with the Vampire King, she constantly fantasized about taking his vein. She imagined royal blood was like the finest wine and was probably served in a golden goblet.

  “Is everything alright, An?” her dad called out from across the work barn.

  “Aye, Da. The hide is almost ready for washing,” she informed him.

  “Perhaps you should take another day to rest. You went through an ordeal, and I think you need more time to recuperate,” her father replied.

  Annis was shaking her head before he finished speaking. She had to stay busy. Laying around left her to think about the Vampire King, and the fact they would never be together again. It hurt too much to think about him. Worst part was she knew exactly who he was and exactly where he lived. She considered moving far away, but didn’t want to leave her dad shorthanded.

  She was about to respond when a commotion caught their attention. “Hide behind the lime barrels. Doona come oot no matter what you hear,” her father whispered before he stood and grabbed their largest knife from the table.

  Annis couldn’t catch her breath as her heart raced in her chest. It made her dizzy to the point of fainting. Eyes wide, she scanned the barn searching for another savior. If rogues were after her again there was no way her father would be able to fight them off by himself.

  What if it’s the king coming to punish her for taking liberties with him? Surely, kissing the Vampire King wasn’t on par with treason, right? Her chest was heaving as she tried to catch her breath. The more she thought about the scenarios her father was walking into, the more she realized she could never allow him to deal with her mess.

  Heading toward the doors, Annis stopped in her tracks when a familiar deep, masculine voice boomed outside. What would he do to her?

  “Erik, is your daughter home? I must see her right away,” the Vampire King demanded.

  The sound of feet shuffling told her that her dad was likely bowing to the king. His slightly muffled response confirmed that suspicion. “Annis? She recently went through an ordeal, Liege. Is there a problem?”

  “Annis.” The way her name rolled on his tongue sent shivers down her spine. It was no wonder she couldn’t stop thinking about him. The powerful male was irresistible. “I have come to claim what is mine,” Murtagh announced.

  Annis’s jaw dropped, and the small knife fell from her fingers as she stared out the cracked door, hoping to catch a glimpse of the sexy male. She had to be dreaming. No way had she just heard his words correctly.

  “Annis,” he called out again and her feet were moving toward his voice. Regardless of her doubt, her heart fluttered, and a smile spread over her mouth. It was quickly followed by a sense of elation and rightness.

  “What did you say? I doona think I understand,” her father replied. “Do you have a need for her in the castle?”

  “Aye. I have a need for my Fated Mate by my side,” Murtagh declared.

  Annis had the door flung open in the next instant. It didn’t matter that she was covered in dirt and blood from the hides. She had to go to him. When his gaze locked on hers, she froze. He was more handsome than she remembered, and her heart ached at the sight.

  “Och, An. Why didna you tell me you mated the King?”

  Her gaze remained fixed on Sapphire as heat flushed her cheeks. “Nay, Da. I didna mate with him. He rescued me last night and, I, um, well, then I came home.”

  “But he said you’re his mate.” Annis knew her father was trying to understand what was happening and why the king was making this claim. The only way for most supernaturals to find their Fated Mate, the one that carried half of their soul, was to have intercourse with them, or feed on their blood. In their case, neither had happened.

  “She is my mate,” Murtagh declared as he dismounted the black stallion.

  All eyes turned his way. Annis’s mother exited the back door of their home and stopped short when she saw who was standing there.

  “I must apologize for being presumptuous and kissing you last night, lass. I was overcome with a need to have you close and never stopped to consider how it might frighten you,” Murtagh professed as he walked toward her.

  Annis was shocked at his apology. “Nay, Liege. ‘Tis I who needs to make amends. I’m no’ certain why my behavior gave you the impression I am your mate. I am but a tanner’s daughter, not a high-born female of worth.”

  From the corner of her eye, Annis saw her father stiffen, and immediately regretted her words. She loved her father, and her life, even if she wished from time to time that she could escape the acrid tannery.

  A finger beneath her chin forced her eyes to meet the Vampire King’s. “You did nothing out of turn. You are my other half. I know it in my heart. You carry the other portion of my soul. I want you and your family to return to the castle with me so we can complete our mating ceremony at the next full moon.”

  “How can you say such a thing? I’d be an embarrassment to your rule.” Annis knew the elite females would never accept her into their folds. She didn’t have the first clue about his world, or how she would fit into it.

  “Nonsense,” her mother interjected. “The Goddess doesna care aboot social classes or roles in society. She selected the perfect match for you with her infinite wisdom. ‘Tis no’ our place to question her choice for us. The high-born will pay the price if they choose to question her will. We would be honored to accompany you to the castle.”

  When her mother put it like that, who was Annis to argue? Her mother was right. The Goddess decided who belonged together. She should be grateful for being given the perfect mate.

  Suddenly, Murtagh grabbed her in his arms and pressed his lips to hers. The kiss was different this time. Annis felt his devotion, passion, and love poured into his kiss and she returned the sentiment in full.

  Her heart exploded with joy as she realized her dream had come true. Her knight had come to her rescue once again. She had finally found her happily ever after.

  Murtagh trailed a hand down Annis’s arm, relishing the feel of her soft skin as they sat on the sofa in front of the fire. Finally, he was alone with his mate.

  Their arrival at the castle created chaos and was no doubt the talk of every town and village from there to Edinburgh. The elite females were outraged that he’d found his Fated Mate, and they couldn’t believe she was a lowly tanner’s daughter.

  Murtagh nearly banished every one of them when they sneered at the dirt and smell covering his Annis. Before he could come to her defense against the petty females, his strong-willed mate held her head high and asked the servants to fill her a bath, then kissed him shamelessly in front of the females. It was all he could do to keep from laughing at their shocked expressions.

  Truth be told, Annis was more of a queen than any of the vapid females ever would be.

  His heart raced as he gazed at his dark-haired beauty. Admittedly, he should’ve arranged for Annis to be in a private room since they hadn’t completed their mating ceremony, but he refused to part from her. One of the reasons was he couldn’t get enough of her intoxicating scent. Now that she was bathed and dressed in clean clothes, her warm vanilla aroma wafted from her pores and cocooned him in a blanket of desire. He’d never craved a female like he did his Annis.

  “Would you prefer to go to another room until our mating is completed?” Murtagh asked when Annis remained silent.

  He should put distance between them if she didn’t feel the same. His need was too great to be this close and not act on it. His gaze snagged on the pulse at her neck, and it took every ounce of willpower not to sink his fangs into her supple flesh. He didn’t know how long he could go without tasting her sweet blood.

  Finally looking away from the blazing orange flames, Annis graced him with a s
mile. It was the first time he’d seen her face light up, and it took his breath away. It transformed her from beautiful to captivating.

  “Nay. I doona want to be away from you. But I hate that society will look down upon you because the Goddess chose me as your mate.”

  “Do you want to know how I knew you were mine, despite the fact we have no’ been intimate?” he asked as he twirled his finger through her long, dark hair. Silky, just the way he imagined.

  “Aye. I mean, this could just be crazy attraction. Or, perhaps you hit your head,” she teased playfully.

  His eyes slid closed as he held back his desire to feel more of her body. “I have never wanted another female more in my life, but that is no’ all. In my desperate search for you, I met a human seer.”

  Annis cocked her head, and her brow furrowed. “What does a seer have to do with me?”

  “Everything. She couldna tell me where to find you, but she did tell me that our firstborn would change the face of the Tehrex Realm. I knew immediately you had to be my Fated if we were blessed with a bairn.”

  Trailing her hands up the planes of his chest, Annis’s smile widened. “His name will be Zander,” she declared.

  “A male? Are you a seer?” he asked as he leaned closer, nuzzling her neck. He placed kisses along the base and trailed up to her ear.

  “Nay, I just know our first will be a strong king, like his da,” she replied, her breath coming out in pants.

  The seer’s warning about approaching doom flashed through his mind, but Murtagh pushed aside the thoughts. Maybe the crone was mistaken. Regardless, with Annis by his side, he could face anything.

  Unable to wait any longer, he pressed his lips to hers. Murtagh thought the room would set on fire from the building passion. He was more than ready for their mating ceremony and claiming her in every way. Perhaps tonight could be a trial run, he thought as his body hardened in anticipation. He itched to explore her curves and hear her moans of pleasure as he made love to her.


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