Brother’s Best Friend

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Brother’s Best Friend Page 20

by Kaylee, Katy

  Bradley giggled. “Nooo, that would be silly.”

  Amber laughed. “It would, wouldn’t it? Well, we can hang them up in the other places in the house. I love it when you make me art.”

  Bradley got quiet as they pulled into the daycare, he always did. No matter how excited he was to do whatever was planned for the day, he had a hard time leaving Amber’s side. She just went with the flow, though, recognizing early on that if she made a big deal about it, he would struggle even harder. She parked the car and got out, going to his side and unbuckling him from his car seat. He jumped down and grabbed her hand, walking along in his little shoes with his adorable tiny curls at the nape of his neck.

  When they got to the door, Ms. Brown was standing ready to warmly welcome him. Amber took a knee in front of him and put his backpack on, handing him his teddy. “You have a fun and fantastic day today, okay? I’ll be here later to pick you up. I love you, monster.”

  He smiled and kissed her. “I love you too, Mommy.”

  Ms. Brown put out her hand and Bradley took it, running off into the house to greet the other kids. Amber sighed and headed out to the car, texting Taylor that she was on her way. They had made lunch plans, and Amber desperately needed to talk to her. As she drove along, she thought about Logan, and how much she missed him when he was gone. She wondered why it was so hard for her after all these years.

  Amber arrived at the restaurant and met Taylor, who was already seated, inside. Her friend kissed her on the cheek. “You look bright eyed today. Was Bradley wide awake?”

  Amber laughed. “Yeah. We sang Itsy Bitsy Spider like eight times.”

  Amber looked down at her hands and Taylor narrowed her eyes. “Okay… and what else?”

  “So, you know how I told you that it was Logan’s company?”

  Taylor nodded.

  Amber took a deep breath. “Well, what I didn’t say was that the night after my interview, Logan showed up at the house. He came to talk to me about taking the job because he said it would be perfect for me. Well, one thing turned to another and….”

  Taylor squealed. “You did it! Oh my God, that is so cute.”

  Amber scoffed. “I do not think it is cute in the least. Actually, I think it’s horrible. I think I made a mistake of mass proportions, and I’m hoping it doesn’t bite me in the ass.”

  Taylor grimaced. “Yeah, that happened once already.”

  Amber sighed and rubbed her face. “I just can’t believe I let my guard down like that. I mean seriously, he came over and with him standing next to Bradley there was just something that clicked inside of me. I know he doesn’t know Bradley is his, but the two could be damn twins. The way he talked to him softened me up, and then I sat on the couch, he kissed me, and I lost all control over myself. I was yelling at myself to stop but I just didn’t listen.”

  Taylor shrugged her shoulders. “I think it’s a good thing. If something comes of it great, if not, you got it out of your system.”

  Amber stared at the glass of water. “Whether I did or not, that means nothing. I will not let that happen ever again. Seriously. The last thing I need is for him and me to get attached again. I mean, how would I ever find a way to tell him I had his child and just never told him about it? I seriously thought I would never see the man again, and now I’m working for him.”

  Taylor took a bite of her salad. “Personally, I would bet money on the fact that you two will hook up again. There is something between the two of you that is just absolutely insane. You’re like magnets. You just have to be near each other. You can see it in both of your eyes. I mean, I don’t know about now, but if you slept together already, then I can only assume that it is still there. I think your heart is stronger than your mind on this issue. I think that no matter what you do, you will always end up back in each other’s vicinity.”

  Amber shook her head. “I think you’re wrong. In fact, I know you are wrong, because I am personally vowing to never even put myself in a situation where that could have the slightest possibility of happening. If I’m weak, then I just need to go back to the tactic of completely avoiding him. Then, when I build my courage back up, I will be able to fight it off on my own. There’s too much at stake in my life, and I am not going to go throw everything into a whirlwind of drama because Logan came back to town. Besides, he isn’t even going to stay in town. He’s going to work out of the New York office. He is just here to get things set up, and then back on a plane he goes.”

  Just then, Amber’s phone rang, and she looked at the screen. “Ugh, it’s my mother.”

  Taylor waved. “Tell her I said hi.”

  Amber put the phone to her ear. “Hey Mom. It’s good to hear from you.”

  Her mom was peppy. “Hi, my sweet. What are you doing?”

  Amber glanced up at Taylor. “Having lunch with Taylor, talking about work.”

  “Oh, tell Taylor I said hello.”

  Amber waved back at Taylor. “Is everything okay? I don’t usually hear from you this time of day.”

  Her mom chuckled. “Yeah, I’m putting together the menu for tomorrow.”

  “What’s tomorrow?”

  Amber’s mom sighed. “We’re having a family dinner, something we haven’t done in a long time. I was calling to tell you about it because I really want you and Bradley to be there. I know you have a lot going on, but you will be starting your new job soon and things will get even busier for you. I think it would be nice to have us all together again. I thought about demanding it, but then I remembered you aren’t a child, so I figured asking nicely might work better.”

  Amber chuckled, glancing up at Taylor. “A family dinner, huh? Is this because Logan is in town?”

  “Well, that doesn’t hurt. I love having you all together, and we have Melissa now, too,” her mom said with a pouty voice.

  Amber rolled her eyes. “Let me see how daycare goes today, okay? I’m not promising you anything, but I will call you tomorrow and let you know.”

  Lisa clapped her hands and cheered into Amber’s ear. “You had and better come spend time with your old mother. I might not be able to cook anymore in a few years, and you’ll have to blend my dinner.”

  Amber smirked. “Mom, you aren’t old, relax. Blended food comes way later, but I’ll keep it in mind, don’t you worry.”

  Lisa snorted. “My only daughter, already planning my senility.”

  “You know it. Anyway, let me jump off of here. Taylor is sitting here staring at me. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  Lisa blew Amber kisses, as she always did. “Of course, love. Give Bradley a huge squeeze from Grammie.”

  Amber got off the phone and stared over at Taylor with annoyance. Taylor swallowed hard and laughed loudly. “Hey, you’re the one who bucked at the universe saying you were going to go back to avoiding him completely. It heard you, and it answered with a vengeance. Besides, you should have known that was coming soon. Your mom is a dinner party whore.”

  Amber wrinkled her nose. “I don’t like it when whore and my mother are in the same sentence, but you’re right. It is one of her favorite things to do and, with Logan back, it was about that time. I managed to get out of them for the last four years. I don’t know how I did it, but I did. I haven’t been to one full family dinner in four freaking years. I am a pro.”

  Taylor shook her head. “You can’t just run away from heartbreak and uncomfortable things for the rest of your life.”

  Amber sipped her water. “Why not?”

  Taylor chuckled. “Because, that’s not how the world works. And you’re going to give yourself an anxiety attack. I think you should go, personally. You’re going to be around the entire family, with Bradley, in a comfortable setting. You won’t be doing it on the table by the turkey. You can engage with the people who love you the most, besides myself of course, and Bradley can be around his family too.”

  Amber just stared at her. “Can’t you ever just take my side?”

  Taylor shook her head. “Not
when your side is boring and wrong. I speak the truth, my friend. Maybe it will allow you and Logan to get back into the groove of being around each other without either fucking or fighting. You’re going to have to work with him, even if it isn’t forever, and even though I think you will totally sleep together again, if you are dead set on making sure you don’t, then starting out in a friendly environment like that won’t hurt a thing.”

  Amber sighed. “What about Bradley?”

  Taylor shrugged. “What about him? You and I are the only two people in the whole world who know Logan is his father. I respected your wishes never to mention it, and I won’t be there. The only person who could possibly spill the beans is you, and I can’t see you just jumping at the chance to do that. Just let the kid be around his family. Logan will leave eventually, and he won’t even remember him when he gets older. Or hell, tell him the truth over the toast at dinner and let the chips fall where they may.”

  Amber chuckled. “Uh, no. That would be the biggest disaster ever. My mom would faint, my brother would punch Logan, Melissa would scream, and my father would just sit there like a statue until he blew away with the wind. I don’t think that’s a very good start to a professional relationship. I just walk up when I’m leaving and say, ‘I’ll see you Monday. Reports will be on your desk. Bradley is your son. Goodnight.’ Yeah, right.”

  Taylor giggled. “Hey, I was just showing you that you have more than one option. I didn’t say it was more than one feasible option. And trust me, you have blurted out crazy shit before when you get nervous.”

  Amber groaned. “I know! Too many times I’ve done that, and it never turned out good in the end. If I go, I’m going to be silent the whole time. Just nod my head and smile politely.”

  Taylor took a bite of her sandwich. “Mhmm. That’s a sure-fire way for no one to ask jabber jaws what’s wrong with her.”

  They both giggled, and Amber looked over out the window. She still had no idea what she was going to do.



  The chauffeur opened the door to the blacked-out town car and Logan stepped out, running his hand down his white button up. He adjusted the sleeves, rolled up to just below the elbow, and looked down at his jeans and loafers. It was as casual as he got anymore, but he was glad that he had changed out of his suit; that would have felt awkward. He climbed the stairs and rang the doorbell, hearing heels clacking across the marble floors.

  Lisa opened the door and held her arms out. “Why in the world are you knocking? This is your home too.”

  Logan smiled and hugged her, handing her a bottle of wine. “I brought this for you from New York. They have a fantastic wine cellar just down the street from my condo, and I know how much you like wine.”

  Lisa oohed. “That’s lovely, Logan. And it will be perfect with dinner. Come on in, the meal is almost ready. Matt, Jordan, and Melissa are in the living room subjecting Melissa to baby videos of Jordan.”

  Logan chuckled. “That sounds riveting.”

  Just then, the door opened behind them and Amber ushered Bradley inside. Lisa bent down and scooped up the little boy as he ran straight for her with his arms out. Logan was shocked that Amber had actually come. He didn’t think there was a chance in hell she would show up that night. She glanced over at him while Lisa was busy with Bradley, and he could see a small blush move across her cheeks. He grinned and turned away so as not to embarrass her.

  Lisa waved an arm. “Come on, you can show Bradley where you guys used to hide out in the backyard.”

  Amber rolled her eyes. “This should be good.”

  “My pixie!” Jordan shouted as he walked out of the living room.

  “Hi, big brother,” she smiled, giving him a hug.

  Melissa walked out behind him and smiled. “Amber, I’m so glad that you came.”

  Amber hurried over and hugged Melissa. “Mom talked me into it. Besides, I can’t leave you here all alone. Dad might force you to watch old homemade movies.”

  Melissa pouted. Amber wrapped her arm around Melissa’s waist, leading her to the back door, which Bradley was already running through. “They already started, didn’t they? I’m sorry, girl. I should have gotten here earlier.”

  Melissa shrugged. “I saw a video of Jordan at fifteen. It was hilarious.”

  Amber nodded. “Awe, yes. That was the Metallica, braces, headgear, freckle face phase. Not one of his more handsome moments.”

  The girls laughed as Logan and Jordan followed them outside. Across the yard, Bradley waved his little arms. “Mr. Logan, come see.”

  Logan looked at Jordan and laughed. “Kids always did stick to me like glue.”

  Jordan took a sip of his beer. “Better you than me, unless it’s that little man. Then normally I would fight you for favor. I’m going to let it pass this time, because you are new and shiny to him. Eventually it will wear off.”

  Logan smiled. “Thanks, man, that’s so nice of you to say.”

  Amber stopped him on the way across the deck. “You don’t have to…”

  Logan scoffed. “Please, we’ve got treasure hunting to do.”

  Jordan clapped his hands. “Amber, you remember when we sent you to go find the treasure in the shed?”

  Amber winced. “Yes, and there were about a million spiders and no treasure. Then you locked me in there and the light wouldn’t work. You guys freaked out because the lock got stuck, and left me in there until dinner when Mom and Dad finally realized I was missing.”

  Jordan put his arm around Amber and winked. “We love you, little sis.”

  She elbowed him and they both looked over at Logan in the yard, playing a rousing game of chase with Bradley. The little boy giggled loudly, and Logan ran and jumped, making him laugh even harder. Jordan furrowed his brow. “Funny, I’ve never actually seen him play with a kid. Bradley reminds me of Logan when he was younger. It’s cute.”

  Amber swallowed hard as Jordan walked back inside. Melissa stared at her for a moment, then put her hand on her arm. “Did you and Logan ever date?”

  Amber’s eyes shot over to her. “What? Why?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know, it just seems different between the two of you.”

  Amber shook her head wildly. “No. We grew up together, in the same house. That’s all.”

  Out in the yard, Logan laughed, chasing the little boy through the grasses. He was running slowly, trying to let the boy have a chance. Finally, he caught up with him and scooped him into his arms, tickling his belly. Bradley giggled loudly, and Logan laughed. “You sound like your mommy.”

  Bradley sighed. “I love her. She has to start work soon. I’m going to miss her, but I think it’s good for her.”

  Logan was surprised. “Well, aren’t you wise beyond your years? Why don’t you go in and help your grandma get the table set up?”

  He set Bradley down and he took off back toward the house, grabbing his mom and pulling her back into the house. She glanced back at Logan quickly and his heart skipped a beat. He sighed and shook his head, walking back up to the house.

  Dinner was ready right on time as usual, and Logan had to admit it was the first home cooked meal he’d had since the last time he visited.

  Lisa frowned. “That was a year ago.”

  Logan shoved a bite of mashed potatoes into his mouth. “I know. I’m not much of a cook.”

  Logan was really glad to be closer to home. He missed his family, he missed his best friend, and as always, he missed Amber. The idea of him staying there in LA instead of living out of New York passed across his mind. He liked the thought of it, but he knew that he needed to see what came out of he and Amber first. If nothing did, then he would go back to the East Coast. To him, if he couldn’t have Amber there was no way he could work around her all the time. It would be too hard on him.

  They sat around the table for hours, eating, drinking, and talking. Jordan and Melissa talked about their wedding plans, Amber talked about Bradley, and Matt talked about the
new movie coming in for filming in a week or so. Everything was exactly as it should have been, and how he had missed it the most.

  When dinner was done, Amber stretched and looked over at Bradley, who was passed out in Pawpaw’s lap. “It looks like we should be heading out. The little guy is tuckered from a day of macaroni houses, baths, and Pawpaw.”

  Logan yawned. “Me too, but not from macaroni houses. I’ve been up since about four working on something for work. I am beat, I won’t lie.”

  Amber was the one who left first, carrying Bradley out and carefully strapping him into his car seat. She waved goodbye to her family, who all went back inside, all except Logan. He watched as she put the key into the ignition and turned it, the sound rattling and then nothing. She tried it again, but this time it just clicked. He could see her lower her head and shake it. Logan made his way down to the car as she stepped out. “Pop the hood, let me see.”

  He looked under the hood and stared. Amber walked over and tapped him on the shoulder. “You have no idea what you are looking for, right?”

  Logan laughed. “Not a clue, but I had to offer.”

  Amber tapped her hand on the side. “I think it’s the starter. I’ll have to have it towed to the auto place in the morning.”

  Logan thought for a second. “Why don’t you let me drive you home? I have the town car over there waiting to take me back, and you aren’t that far away from me. Then you can have the car towed in the morning, and tonight you can just get the little man home.”

  She looked at him, over at Bradley, and then back at him apprehensively. “I don’t know. I mean, Dad will just lend me one of his cars and I can drive it back tomorrow.”

  Logan just stared at her. “Or get a ride from me and have the rental meet you there tomorrow.”

  Amber took in a deep breath and finally agreed to it. “Okay, let me just get Bradley out and then grab his car seat for your car.”

  Logan nodded. “I’ll help.”


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