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Meave (Naughty Witches Book 1)

Page 9

by Erin R Flynn

  After the first time, he carried her to the shower, where he screwed her again. It was crazy. He was using my body to fuck my girlfriend, and in between my lust, all I kept thinking about was the education I was getting and to remember what she liked.

  “He’s so fucking in love with you, he’s excited I’m showing him what to do to you when I give him control back,” I told her as they showered. “He’s not scared of you or wanting to run, love. He’s scared he likes it.” He burst out laughing. “And he is pissed I referred to you that way. Fine, I won’t call her that again, even if it’s common where I’m from.”

  “I’m glad,” Meave whispered, tears filling her eyes as she dunked under the water. I saw them though, and my heart ached. I wanted to be in control again and hold her, promise her this wouldn’t make me leave her.

  I needed her too much to let something like her being a witch make me leave.

  The second they were done in the shower, I was on her again. I lifted her up and thrust in her, wrapping her legs around me.

  “Aren’t you just the dirty whore ready for his young cock,” I chuckled.

  “Yes, yes, I’m his dirty whore,” she moaned as she moved her body. “I’m his, however he wants me.”

  “Such a needy slut,” I growled, moving her faster. “You want to be his slut?”

  “Yes!” she cried out, agreeing with every dirty thing he said and called her until she orgasmed. “It’s all for him!”

  “Oh? What are you going to do with that power I’ll give you?” I asked as I moved her against the wall, slamming into her hard enough, her ass slapped against it loudly.

  “Make him a protective charm,” she answered with a moan. “He’s not protected enough. Not from football. Not from being hurt. Not from his fucking stepmom. All if it hurts him. I’ll make sure he doesn’t get hurt anymore.”

  Is she serious? Wow.

  “Oh, he likes that,” I chuckled. “He’s dying to know what else you like. Let’s show him?” He did, screwing her there, but then she refused to let him do her on the bed.

  “No, that’s our bed. It’s only for us,” she explained. “No spirits will join us in our bed.”

  I love her so fucking much.

  “Fine,” I agreed, carrying her to the kitchen. “If you remind her to call me after you enjoy toys with her and let me play that way, I’ll show you something she loves.”

  “Don’t make deals with him when this is all new for him,” she chastised.

  “Fine, no promises, but think of me first.”

  Deal, as long as you’re good to her.

  He showed me how to finger-fuck her deeply, and where to touch inside while my thumb teased her clit and my pinky toyed with her asshole. She went insane, begging and pleading for more as I moved my hand almost violently. She spread her legs wide as she laid back on the counter, promising me forty blowjobs if I didn’t stop.

  “Now you understand the power you hold when she trusts you to be part of her magic,” the spirit told me in my head. “She’s completely vulnerable and submissive to the magic and you who control the spirit. It’s how witches are abused too often. Right now, you could get her to agree to anything you wanted. And many have tricked witches to kill and more, as their word is a binding oath while using magic.

  Horror filled me, as well as love, knowing how much she trusted me to let me do this. I thanked him for warning me and explaining, but he just snickered, reminding me he wanted to fuck my girlfriend again and again, so I had agree to let him.

  Right—which was a lot of power and sort of awesome.

  After the counter fun, he rode her one more time, but then both of us were completely spent. I carried her over to the summoning circle, as the spirt called it, and set her down, loving how sexy she was, looking rode hard and put up wet. Shit, my cum was leaking out of her onto the floor. Even after all the sex we’d had, I was turned on by that.

  Unfortunately, my dick was done for the night.

  “I forgot the totems,” she admitted. “I need a minute.”

  “I don’t have much energy left,” I replied. “How about another Coke while you find what you need. Where are they?” She told him, and I brought in a box to her from the garage before chugging another bottle of soda. “If you call on me again, think ice cream with that Chinese. You didn’t let me because of the calories, but this young stud can more than work them off.”

  “If he’s okay with it,” she chuckled, shaking her head at his antics. “You ready?”

  “Yes, send me back,” I sighed. I internally winced when she cut her hand again, but then I felt that punch in the gut before warming all over.

  And I was back to me. I moved my hands and arms to test it, feeling more of the exhaustion and what my body was now.

  Her eyes were closed as she held onto what looked like three thick rulers with Celtic designs carved into them. Then her eyes popped open and flashed light before she moved her hand to that symbol. Her body jerked, and then her eyes rolled up into her head, and she passed out.

  Wait, she hadn’t told me about that part of it. What the fuck did I do now? Was there a 911 for witches?



  I came awake with a gasp, Ash leaning over me with fear thick in his eyes. “I’m okay. I forgot how it feels.”

  “Oh, thank fuck,” he rasped, leaning his forehead down to mine. “I didn’t know if I should call for help or who to call, or if I could even bring you out of the circle. Isn’t that a thing? Or is that fiction?”

  I moved my hand over his mouth and kissed his eyes. “If I pass out, the circle and spell closes, and it’s safe. Otherwise, never move from it unless I say. If you were outside, don’t come in.

  “The summoning was closed the moment I took my hand off that symbol.” I moaned as he held me closer. “Fuck, it’s been a minute since I’ve done this. He filled me with the totems.”

  “Filled you with what?”

  “Power and healing,” I whispered against his lips, giving him the same—well, at least the healing and rejuvenation. “You still with me?”

  “Yeah. I’m not leaving, Meave.”

  “Thank you,” I choked out. “I need you, Ash. Please, please need me.”

  “I do,” he promised.

  I moved us to sit up and straddled his lap, taking him in me before he could try and remind me I’d just passed out. “I love you. I need you. Don’t leave me.”

  “I love you too, Meave,” he rasped, holding me tightly as I rode him. “I need you too. Fuck, this is like a rush of everything.”

  “I know,” I moaned, moving faster. “I’ve only felt this once, and it wasn’t like this. Shit, make love to me, Ash. Please, please take me. I want to suck you and do everything you want. Stay with me.”

  He kissed me, making me taste my tears and realize I was crying. I was an emotional mess. Taking a spirit into me for Chinese and a bit of naughty fun with toys was a fraction of the power and magic—as opposed to something like this.

  Ash kept me from rambling anymore as we moved together, finishing together, even as our hearts raced at the same pace.

  “You’re really not leaving?” I checked.

  “I want to be with you more than ever,” he swore to me. He held me tightly as I broke down crying. I’d been so scared to show him, tell him the truth when I felt such a connection with him. Now it was rubber-banding back at me.

  “I love you,” I finally managed to get out.

  “I love you too. What can I do to help?”

  “How about some ice cream in bed, and I’ll tell you everything?” I suggested, elated when he smiled and nodded. He carried me over to the master bathroom to get cleaned up and then over to the mattresses.

  “For the record, it meant everything what you said about it being our bed.”

  “It’s how I feel.”

  “Good. You’re mine.”

  I sighed as he walked off, watching his fine ass strut off like a man who was well sated and hap
py to take care of his partner. Damn, did he ever. I smiled as he came back with a smirk on his face.

  “Karamel Sutra ice cream, really? Is that your favorite?” he asked as he sat down and handed me a spoon.

  I burst out laughing—mostly with relief, but the timing too. “I’ve never had it. I like trying new flavors, and grabbed it when I went shopping.”

  “Well, now we can try it together,” he said with a wink, both of us rolling onto our stomachs next to each other. “You don’t have to talk about all of this if it’s hard for you. I can wait.”

  “I don’t want to, but it is a lot,” I confessed as I took a spoonful, trying it out. “Not bad, but doesn’t top my favorites.”

  “Phish Food.”

  “Of course,” I agreed. “Americone Dreams, Cherry Garcia, and if I’m drinking, Chunky Monkey.”

  “Good to know, but I’ve never had Americone Dreams or Chunky Monkey.”

  “You poor thing. We’ll fix that,” I cooed at him. We ate another bite and I sucked it up and just jumped in. “I was maybe five when I saw my first real magic and my parents kill someone. I just remember the screams and blood, their crazy eyes as they enjoyed it.”

  “Fuck, Meave,” he whispered, moving his arm around my back. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Me too.” I cleared my throat. “I was ten when they wanted me to do it. I wouldn’t. They beat me so bad and then killed the woman right against me, her blood gushing all over me. I screamed until I passed out. They just left me there, and I woke that way. I tried to run, but they threatened to hurt my siblings.”

  “Did they do that to force you to do it?” he asked quietly, warily.

  I chuckled darkly. “No, magic cannot be coerced. If someone forces a witch or under threat like that, a dark spirit can overtake them and basically melt them from the inside. If a witch isn’t willing, she lacks the control to do a summoning, and will be lost.”


  I nodded, taking another bite as I snuggled against him. “My grandma didn’t know they were already showing me magic, as most don’t until a child is able to at about ten.

  “It differs, but there’s normally some sign. I have no idea what I did to make them think I could start doing magic, but she was horrified to learn I had, and that was what they did for my introduction.

  “Luckily, she was more powerful than my mother, and threatened them if they ever tried that with any of her grandchildren again. The others… My siblings aren’t nice people either.

  “I used to have faith in two of them, but I think—you felt the power. It can be addictive, consuming.”

  “Yeah, I could see especially if I just got the intro version.”

  “You did,” I promised him. “A dirty one, but yeah, that was not a huge summoning. It wasn’t a baby one either, but closer to that.”

  “I think I’m more freaked out I was into it than I am freaked out you’re a witch and I let a spirit possess me.”

  “I know the feeling,” I assured him.

  “Will you tell me about the other guy you did that with? The one who betrayed you?”

  I was shocked at the venom in his voice but it warmed my heart. “Before that, you need who I am and my job.” I sighed when he nodded. “So Meave Washington is my legal name, but I’m really Mia Sage.”

  He flinched before slowly turning to me. I moved to my side so he could really look at me. “Fuck, I totally didn’t see it.”

  I smiled. “That’s sort of the point, baby. It’s a spell. It changes my eyes to bright blue and my hair all shades of blonde.”

  “Wow, just…” He let out a deep groan. “I feel like a stalker. I’ve had a crush on my girlfriend since I was like thirteen.”

  I burst out laughing. I turned into him when he tried to hide, laughing hard enough to shake us both. “Well you are a lucky, lucky boy to actually get her, huh?”

  “I would pick Meave over Mia every time,” he muttered against my lips as he moved me under him more. “I love Meave and the woman you are. Though I’ve always respected Mia too, as she does a lot of charity work and good for people.”

  I nodded. “I grew up around so much darkness I needed to. I couldn’t save those people my parents killed or find a way to report them, but I could help people.”

  “How did you become Mia? I mean… You’re an international supermodel.”

  It was hard not to laugh again. “You seemed more shocked by that than I’m a witch.”

  “I think I am,” he admitted, shaking his head.

  I nodded, getting to just move on. “My grandma worked with me on learning magic, basics and the more movie stuff like lighting candles and floating feathers.

  “But while she was doing that, she also worked on a plan to get me out from my parents, as I was the only one desperate to get free of them. My brother wanted free of my sister, but that was years later.

  “Long story short, she thought if I was in the public eye, had money and pull of my own, my parents couldn’t do whatever they had planned for me. I got signed as a model at thirteen, and she told people I was discovered and an agent asked me to sign. I have a feeling it was her magic, but clearly it worked out, so whatever. My parents were thrilled.

  “They didn’t get the long game but just the bragging rights and how it helped their cover, as if everyone looked at me, people wouldn’t notice what evil they were up to. After they signed off, Grandma handled all of it and it was great.

  “I got to spend time with her and a private tutor in between smiling at shoots and whatever. I didn’t care if a million pictures of me were taken if it kept me safe.”

  “What changed?” he asked when I stopped talking. We’d finished the ice cream, and he set the container and our spoons on the ground before pulling me against him, so we were spooning. “Why are you suddenly so sad and I can feel it?”

  “That might be a side effect of the familiar spell. It will be temporary but you might experience some powers of a familiar, like feeling what your witch does.”

  “Got it. Don’t be sad.”

  “The topic is,” I murmured as I snuggled against him. “Something changed when I turned fifteen. I don’t know what, and I’ve spent many, many nights trying to guess or figure it out, but I only have guesses.

  “Whatever it was scared my grandma. She started trying to get me emancipated, so I was still free in case something happened to her.”

  “Did they kill her?” he asked when I went quiet.

  “I don’t know. My mother showed up to one of my photo shoots and told me that it was time to come home, that Grandma wouldn’t be in the way anymore. I can’t imagine any world where she just ran and left me. I’m pretty sure they did.”

  “I’m so sorry, Meave,” he breathed, hugging me tighter.

  “I panicked and broke one of the major rules of being a witch—we never out our own. Technically, I didn’t out them as witches, but I went to my dressing room and called the police.

  “I told them my devil-worshiping parents were trying to kidnap me from my grandma’s custody, and that was why she was trying to get me emancipated. My manager backed me because I’m sure he was scared of Grandma.”

  “We didn’t really know she was out of the picture, and he assumed if they brought me home, I would stop modeling, which made him money. It worked, and long story short, I got my emancipation and a restraining order after my parents ranted to the cops they owned me.”

  “What are your guesses at what changed?”

  I shrugged. “They realized I was making real money but it wasn’t going to them? They found Grandma’s will left everything to me? They were trying to sell me to another witch bloodline like a fucking broodmare? Any and all of them were possible. I just don’t know.”

  “I think I know what happens next, but I need to hear you say it,” he whispered, sounding in pain for me.

  I nodded. “Yeah, they couldn’t get to me, so they sent the perfect person to get me. I was sixteen and stupid, alone and lone
ly, and I meet this assistant who’s nineteen and in college and just so kind.

  “He was the first person besides my grandma to ever see Meave instead of Mia, I thought. I told him who I really was, and he spent so many hours convincing me magic wasn’t bad.

  “That it was the people who used it for wrong that were bad. All he said echoed what my grandma had told me.” I chuckled darkly. “He was dedicated to the con, I have to give him that. It took him months earn my trust enough to have sex, and then a full year from meeting him to try the spell I did with you.

  “Something in the back of my head screamed not to give him everything he wanted, and it was the smartest thing I’ve ever done. Instead of the binding, I did the one-time spell, like we did.

  “And even with all his talk, he thought a dark spirit would come through, and that would be it. No, I summoned a decent but kinky one, and it busted him on everything.

  “Granted, it was after we had sex a few times, but at least he told me. What I didn’t know and my grandma never warned me is if a witch fully bonds with a familiar before she turns eighteen, she is sworn to her bloodline.

  “Which is a whole thing and not something to get into now. Don’t ask me why the fuck that’s a thing, and who came up with that twisted fucking rule, but there are a lot of them like that.”

  “Like the witch gets eaten alive if forced, instead of attacking the one who is forcing it?” he grumbled. “Yeah, I get there’s dark to the good side, but fuck, Meave, that’s seriously terrifying.”

  “Yeah, like that,” I agreed, never having thought of it like that, but he made a good point for sure. I moved to sit up and straddle him, leaning down and kissing him. “You’re really smart, and I think that’s sexy. I’ve never looked at it like that. I love how you see things.”

  “I feel the same about you,” he whispered, pulling me down for another kiss before sitting up. “God, I want you again, Meave. I’m a fucking Meave addict.”

  “Good. It was my evil plan from the beginning,” I teased him.

  “It’s working.” He kissed me deeply and cupped my ass. “I have a question about what the spirit said.” He waited until I nodded. “He said he’d bring you fractured spirits if you let me tie you up and play your master for the night.”


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