Twilight of the American Century

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Twilight of the American Century Page 54

by Andrew J Bacevich

congressional blank check to, 368–69

  cult of, 405–8

  imperial powers of, 149–50, 392

  Presley, Elvis, 75

  preventive war

  Bush Doctrine of, 80–81, 82–85, 104, 363, 366, 384, 390, 467

  Cold War idea of, 175

  Iraq War as, 104, 363

  Obama variant of, 21

  Rumsfeld on, 81

  Wohlstetter Precept on, 17

  Princeton University, 5–6, 45–46

  privatization of war, 438–39

  progressivism, 145, 421, 444

  Project for the New American Century (PNAC), 69, 102

  Putin, Vladimir, 29, 242

  Qaddafi, Muammar, al-, 261, 311, 312, 427

  Qaeda, al-, 61, 300

  affiliates, 291, 345

  Saddam Hussein’s alleged ties to, 19, 107

  US war against, 127, 344–45, 402

  Rabin, Yitzhak, 268

  Rand, Ayn, 455

  Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force, 314

  Ravelstein (Bellow), 16

  Reagan, Ronald, 51, 169, 307, 370, 455

  on America never starting war, 80, 310

  Cold War and, 71, 155, 224, 302

  military buildup under, 309–10, 466

  military interventions under, 310–16, 320

  reality, 431–32

  regime change, 304, 381

  religion, 171, 440, 441–43, 459

  Reno, R. R., 185, 188

  Republican Party, 144, 401, 411–12, 414, 426–27, 459

  Republic Lost, Version 2.0 (Lessig), 429

  revisionism, 253–65

  Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA), 101–2

  Rice, Condoleezza, 187, 430–31

  Global War on Terror and, 21, 325, 332, 337

  Rumsfeld and, 78, 370

  Rice, Susan, 187, 331, 332, 338, 430–31

  The Rise of the Vulcans (Mann), 325

  risk management, 84, 93–96

  risk reduction, 85, 96–98

  Roberts, John, 369

  Rockefeller, John D., 135

  Rodgers, Richard, 255

  Roman Empire, 155, 204, 388, 390

  Romney, Mitt, 65, 457

  Roosevelt, Eleanor, 33

  Roosevelt, Franklin, 24, 31, 169, 421, 426

  domestic promises by, 258, 452

  Good Neighbor policy of, 217

  Saudi Arabia and, 162, 303

  World War II and, 184, 192, 223, 277, 305, 321, 322, 332, 375–76, 447

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 134, 275

  American interventionism and, 26, 216–17, 229, 277

  Corollary, 217, 396

  Philippines and, 289, 291

  progressivism and, 421, 444

  Rove, Karl, 457

  Rovere, Richard, 34

  Rubin, Jennifer, 241, 242

  Rubio, Marco, 28

  Rumsfeld, Donald, 73–79, 293, 314, 332

  biographical information, 74

  Bremer and, 78, 112

  on changing the way others live, 163, 283

  in Ford administration, 76

  Franks and, 123–24, 130, 372

  Global War on Terror and, 76, 81, 103, 325

  on History That Matters, 233, 236

  intra-bureaucratic battles by, 367–68, 369–70

  Iraq War and, 21, 77, 78–79, 104, 109, 112–13, 130, 366, 372–73

  Known and Unknown: A Memoir, 73–74, 79

  on military transformation, 371, 374

  personal qualities, 113–14

  Rice and, 78, 370

  on Vietnam, 74–75

  Wolfowitz and, 18, 370

  Rumsfeld Commission, 86, 87

  Ryan, Paul, 65

  Sakharov, Andrei, 302

  Salinger, J. D., 4

  Sanchez, Ricardo, 78, 106, 118, 373

  Wiser in Battle: A Soldier’s Story, 105, 113–16

  Sandburg, Carl, 4

  Sanders, Bernie, 208, 421, 427

  Santayana, George, 264

  Santorum, Rick, 65

  Saudi Arabia, 319, 367

  Roosevelt support to, 162, 303

  US troops in, 317, 323

  Saudi Arabian National Guard (SANG), 304, 319

  Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., 31–38

  biographical information, 32–34

  Kennedy and, 34–36

  Niebuhr and, 33, 34, 166

  works of,

  —The Age of Jackson, 33

  —“Back to the Womb? Isolationism’s Renewed Threat,” 248

  —The Bitter Heritage, 36

  —The Disuniting of America, 37

  —The General and the President, 34

  —The Imperial Presidency, 37

  —“The New Isolationism,” 247–48

  —Orestes Brownson, 32, 37

  —Robert Kennedy and His Times, 37

  —A Thousand Days, 35–36

  —The Vital Center, 34

  Schlesinger, Arthur M., Sr., 32, 33

  Schumer, Chuck, 413

  Schwarzkopf, H. Norman, 120, 128, 268

  Scowcroft, Brent, 331

  selective memory, 183–84

  self-defense, 228, 351, 363, 398–99

  “anticipatory,” 76, 84, 97, 384, 390

  as Iraq War justification, 107, 108–9, 110

  prevailing US definition of, 353

  self-determination, 71, 159, 294, 361, 362

  Serbia, 352, 401

  sexuality, 280–81, 441

  Shalikashvili, John, 103

  “shaping,” 102–3

  Shelton, Hugh, 102–3

  Shields, John, 418

  Shinseki, Eric, 372

  “shock and awe,” 104, 270, 371, 379

  Short Twentieth Century, 257–62, 263–64

  Shultz, George, 314

  simple solutions, 169, 174–75

  socialism, 87, 161, 422

  social protests, 154–55, 184, 259, 436–37, 449

  social revolutions, 157–58

  Somalia intervention, 99, 191, 269–70

  “Black Hawk down” incident in, 318, 436

  Somoza, Anastasio, 55, 329

  Soviet Union

  Afghanistan war of, 61, 302, 304, 310–11, 312, 316

  and Cuban Missile Crisis, 55, 90–92, 154, 302, 425

  disappearance of, 302, 356

  under Gorbachev, 71, 201–2, 224, 291

  Kennan on, 43, 44–45, 46

  and nuclear weapons, 87, 88–89

  under Stalin, 43, 64, 244, 259, 277, 343, 356

  in World War II, 70, 88, 223–24, 258, 342

  See also Cold War

  Spanish-American War, 160, 216–17, 341

  Special Operations Command, 353

  Springsteen, Bruce, 8

  Stalin, Joseph, 43, 64, 356

  and Cold War, 244, 259, 343

  and World War II, 70, 223, 277, 342

  State Department, 63, 277, 330, 368, 402, 431, 442

  and Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), 106, 111

  Rumsfeld as adversary of, 77–78, 368, 369

  State of Denial (Woodward), 336

  Stephens, Bret, 241

  Stevenson, Adlai, 245, 425, 430

  in election of 1956, 424–25, 426, 433

  Stimson Doctrine, 92n

  Stiner, Carl, 119


  containment, 30, 80–81, 99, 317–18, 343, 377, 468

  of expansion, 178–79

  fondness for term, 77, 91–93

  in Global War on Terror, 177, 381–85

  Iraq War and, 109–10, 130–31, 336–37

  nuclear, 16, 85–86, 88–91, 98, 100

  Open Door, 92, 160–61, 162, 163–65, 219

  Suez Crisis (1956), 261, 296

  Supreme Court, 369

  Syria, 186, 191, 240–41, 338, 357

  Taft, William Howard, 405

  Taliban, 61, 127, 401

  Tanenhaus, Sam, 242

  Tanzania, 103, 319

  tax policies, 414<
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  Tea Party, 138, 449

  Tenet, George, 21, 369

  Time, 408

  Tito, Josip Broz, 54–55


  Abu Ghraib scandal, 20, 77, 114, 125, 170

  Rumsfeld and, 113

  The Tragedy of American Diplomacy (Williams), 153–54, 156, 158, 159, 162, 165

  Trainor, Bernard, 365–74

  Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), 427

  Traub, James, 247

  Truman, Harry, 276, 303, 305, 360

  and Cold War, 322, 343, 398

  speech to Congress by, 396–98

  Truman Doctrine, 46, 245, 401, 402

  outlining of, 396–98

  Trump, Donald, 38, 197–200, 415–19, 421

  America First perspective of, 184, 186–87, 192–93

  election campaign of, 208–10, 227, 429, 432–33

  election of, 26, 28, 32, 198, 201, 206, 208–9, 411–12, 423, 426, 427

  on globalization, 186, 209–10

  “make America great again” slogan of, 29–30, 186, 209

  media on, 198, 408

  personal qualities, 27, 186, 193, 208–9, 407

  as president, 407–9, 416

  presidential ascendancy of, 26, 28, 32, 201

  promise to “build a wall,” 229

  reactions to election of, 210–11, 407

  resistance to, 408

  scapegoating by, 210

  support for, 187, 408, 416

  Tunisia, 79, 338

  Turkey, 245, 303, 317, 397–98

  Turmoil and Triumph (Schultz), 314

  Turner, Frederick Jackson, 158, 200, 278

  Twain, Mark, 276

  “unipolar moment,” 99, 189, 286

  United Kingdom, 67–68, 184, 189

  Global War on Terror, 262

  during Suez Crisis, 261, 296

  See also British Empire

  United States military

  bases abroad, 269, 284, 314–15, 362

  budget for, 94, 358–59, 384, 412, 438

  high-tech weaponry of, 97, 378–79

  inter-service collaboration within, 127–28

  organization of, 380

  penchant for overseas use of, 176, 213, 215–16, 261, 268–69, 324–25, 400

  during Philippines insurgency, 219, 288–91, 341

  pomp and ceremony for, 460–64

  proposed guidelines for use of, 362–64, 467–68

  Reagan buildup of, 309–10, 466

  serving in, 414, 438, 465–66, 467

  “support the troops” narrative, 463, 466, 468–69

  See also Afghanistan War (United States); Iraq War; military interventions; Vietnam War; World War I; World War II

  United States National Security Strategy (USNSS), 381–85

  Updike, John, 409

  USS Cole, 103, 319

  USS Stark, 311

  utopian globalism, 185, 186, 188, 189, 190, 192

  utopianism, 184–87, 455–56

  Vandenberg, Arthur, 397

  Venezuela, 241, 357, 358

  Vietnam Syndrome, 370, 467

  Vietnam War, 5, 22, 56, 57, 157, 229, 276

  anti-war movement, 154–55

  Cold War conceptions of, 221, 302, 333

  Diem overthrow and, 71, 250–52

  “new isolationism” and, 245–46

  Rumsfeld on, 74–75

  Wohlstetter School on, 21, 96–97

  Vinnell Corporation, 304

  Volstead Act of 1919, 406

  von Moltke, Helmuth (elder), 382

  von Moltke, Helmuth (younger), 127

  Waging Modern War (Clark), 120

  Wakefield, Tim, 462

  Wallace, Henry A., 243

  Wall Street Journal, 204, 241


  American people and, 450–51

  Bourne on, 148, 149–51

  culture and, 434–39

  in God’s name, 62–63

  high-tech, 97, 378–79

  living room, 376–80

  opposition to, within United States, 154–55, 214

  politics and, 129–30

  See also Civil War; Global War on Terror; Iraq War; Mexican War; Spanish-American War; Vietnam War; World War I; World War II

  War and Decision (Feith), 105–13, 116

  war on terror. See Global War on Terror

  War Powers Resolution of 1973, 406

  Warren, Elizabeth, 421

  Washington, George, 191, 332, 361, 388, 396

  Washington Consensus, 422

  Washington Naval Conference (1921–22), 92n, 219

  Washington Post, 51–52, 86–87, 204, 249, 386

  Waugh, Evelyn, 11


  globalization’s creation of, 69, 99, 188, 203, 207, 409, 411

  inequality, 207, 448–49, 452

  weapons of mass destruction (WMD), 19, 77, 107, 108, 126

  Weekly Standard, 25, 204, 454

  Weinberger, Caspar, 312

  Weinberger Doctrine, 401

  Westmoreland, William, 129

  West Point, 1–2, 6

  Why We Were in Vietnam (Podhoretz), 325

  Williams, William Appleman, 11, 153–65, 455

  on American Weltanschauung, 159–60

  as historian, 156, 158–59

  left-wing views of, 154–55, 161

  on Open Door strategy, 160–61

  The Tragedy of American Diplomacy, 153–54, 156, 158, 159, 162, 165

  on war, 156–57

  Wills, Garry, 307

  Wilson, Woodrow, 92n, 229, 444

  on America’s mission, 169, 388

  Fourteen Points of, 396, 446

  and World War I, 145, 149, 183, 222–23, 234–35, 258, 305, 323, 341, 382

  Winthrop, John, 360

  Wiser in Battle: A Soldier’s Story (Sanchez), 105, 113–16

  Wohlstetter, Albert, 16–17, 21–22, 101, 104

  on Balkan crisis, 99–100

  biographical information, 81

  on Cold War and nuclear strategy, 16, 85–86, 88–89, 98, 100

  “The Delicate Balance of Terror,” 88–89, 90

  influence of, 81–82, 101

  on Vietnam, 97

  Wohlstetter, Roberta

  on Cuban Missile Crisis, 90–92

  Pearl Harbor: Warning and Decision, 89–90

  Wohlstetter School, 17, 101

  Bush Doctrine and, 82–84

  Cold War and, 85–89

  legacies of, 101–4

  looming peril as precept of, 84–85, 86–88

  offensive-orientated approach of, 85, 87, 97, 98

  risk management as precept of, 84–85, 93–96

  risk reduction as precept of, 85, 96–98

  Wolfowitz, Paul, 15–16, 106

  Iraq War and, 18–22, 104, 336, 366, 372

  Rumsfeld and, 18, 370

  War on Terror and, 19, 103, 325, 332

  Wohlstetter and, 81, 87

  women and gender, 430–31, 442

  Wood, Leonard, 289, 290, 291

  Woodward, Bob, 336

  World War I, 300

  disillusionment from, 183

  naming of, 341–42

  narrative and justifications of, 145–46, 149, 183, 222–23, 234–35, 258

  World War II, 33, 68, 275

  Allied bombing in, 70–71, 258

  America First view of, 184, 193

  Germany in, 126–27, 223–24, 342

  inconvenient facts about, 71, 258–59

  Japan and, 72, 92–93, 220, 300, 342

  naming of, 342

  Pearl Harbor and, 72, 89–90, 92–93, 220, 375

  Soviet army in, 70, 88, 223–24, 258, 342

  standard narratives of, 70–71, 235–36, 254–56

  United States on a war footing during, 375–76

  war for Europe during, 223–24

  World War III, 238, 298, 301, 302, 343

  World War IV, 298–325

  (G. H. W.) Bush pursuit of, 316–17

  (G. W.) Bush waging of, 321–25

  Carter Doctrine as beginning of, 303–7

  Clinton pursuit of, 317–20

  phases of, 316, 322, 323

  Reagan waging of, 310–16

  War on Terror named as, 298–99, 340

  Yugoslavia, 54–55, 99, 100, 126

  Zimbabwe, 277

  Zinni, Tony, 119–20

  ANDREW J. BACEVICH is professor emeritus of history and international relations at Boston University and is the author of numerous books, including America's War for the Greater Middle East: A Military History.




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