Slippers and Thieves Special Edition

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Slippers and Thieves Special Edition Page 21

by Christina Bauer

  “We’re all set,” I declare. “Ride on.”

  The carriage lurches as we take off into traffic. We’re not a block down Second Avenue when I realize a frightening fact.

  There are a hell of a lot of Cinderellas and glass carriages tooling around New York today. I won’t lie here. I did not see this coming. In my defense, I’ve spent the last week locked in a basement, so that’s a mitigating factor.

  We get stuck in a line of carriages waiting to drop off their Cinderellas at the L Center. It’s not moving quickly, either. After all the excitement on the sidewalk, this is a definite downer.

  A figure materializes beside me. Jacoby.

  “Hello, Cinderella.”

  I slump on my glass bench. “Can we do this later? I’ve had a really dramatic week.”

  “No, we’re definitely doing this now.”

  I scan the carriage. How hard would it be to open the glass door here and run? Pretty easily, actually. The trouble is that Jacoby would follow me anywhere.

  “Fine, Jacoby. Let’s talk.”

  Although I’m pretty sure I’ll hate whatever the dark elf has to say.



  It’s the night of my Glass Slipper Ball. Yay.

  The L Center is packed with Cinderellas in their blue gowns. Even more wait outside, trying to get in. Simply put, Diamond is freaking out. The line of glass carriages is blocking half the traffic in Manhattan. The police are not happy.

  Claiming I need to check things out back stage, I slip up to the rafters. Sure enough, Gerry sits on a catwalk. Instead of guarding the construction site, Gerry now makes sure the right Cinderella walks down the circular staircase at the proper time. He’s even got a laptop for coordinating stuff with the control room.

  As I approach, Gerry’s wrinkled face creases into a smile. “Alec!”

  “Hey, Gerry.” I nod toward the laptop. “How’s it going with that thing?”

  “I’m an old dog, but I think I’ve learned some new tricks.” He cackles, and his wide-mouthed laugh shows how he’s missing a new tooth. I make a mental note to check on the Le Charme dental plan.

  I pull over a folding chair and set it beside Gerry’s. From up here, there’s a great view of the L Center studio floor. All the many Cinderellas in the audience transform into a single undulating sheet of blue. It’s like an ocean, only one that’s partially focused on drowning yours truly.

  “Hiding out, eh?” asks Gerry.

  “You know it.”

  Gerry leans back in his chair. “There’s been a lot of talk about this Ivy Cynder. I’m supposed to make sure she goes last.”

  “I’ve been told the same thing.”

  “So, is she your choice or what?” Gerry lowers his voice. “Or don’t you have a say anymore?”

  “I’m good.” It’s a vague reply, but a true one. Of all people, Gerry doesn’t need to get involved in my crazy.

  “I know people.” Gerry pats down the hair behind his ears. “We can get you out of here now, if you like.”

  “Thanks, Gerry. But I’ve got this. Honestly.”

  Which is a total lie. I don’t have enough power in my midnight diamond to do any practice spells. Plus, my plan works best if Elle actually shows up and the Queen of Hearts can work her magic.

  All in all, this is far from a certainty.

  “There’s someone already in your heart,” says Gerry. “I’m an old man. I know these things.”

  “There is,” I say. “You’re too clever, you know that?”


  Gerry’s laptop blares to life. A voice sounds over the speaker. “Gerry, is Alec with you?”

  “That he is, Lady Diamond.”

  “Tell him to get down here,” snaps my mother. “We’re starting the show.”

  Gerry smacks his lips. “I thought we were waiting for all the Cinderellas to arrive.”

  “Change of plans,” says Diamond. “The Cinderellas will keep arriving. Even so, we simply can’t wait.” My mother raises her voice. “I know you can hear me, Alec. Legend wants you in place now.”

  My mother is referencing Legend since that’s supposed to activate my mind vise spell. All it does is make me even more determined to turn things around tonight.

  Reaching into my pocket, I grip the midnight diamond in my fist. I have the magic.

  Now all I need is the girl.

  I march down the metal stairs and onto the main stage. Someone waits for me by the final step.

  It’s the Queen of Hearts.

  “Have you found my cat?” she asks.

  We haven’t spoken since the day Elle and I visited the queen’s castle. Now the Queen of Hearts is tracking me down for news. Sadly, I don’t have anything good to tell her.

  “Not yet,” I reply.

  She lifts her chin. “I checked the list of contestants for tonight. Elle’s not on it.”

  “That’s true.” And it’s not my favorite fact in the universe, either.

  “My hands are tied, Alec. Unless you find the cat, you’ll be subject to the curse. And at his rate, I’ll stay trapped in a bargain with that windbag forebear of yours.”

  “Not a pleasant thought for either of us.” I shoot her a winning smile. “Any hints where that cat may be?”

  “Chesh isn’t hiding,” states the queen. “You and Elle are.” She saunters away. And when I say saunter, I mean saunter. Other women walk. The Queen of Hearts does not.

  The queen is only a few steps away when she pauses once more. “Another thing. Do not try to out-cast me and escape. If you send any kind of spell my way, I’ll take it as an attack, pure and simple.” She grins, showing her vampire fangs. “You’ve a very handsome head. Let’s keep it on your shoulders.”

  With that, the queen vanishes. Our chat covered a lot of important territory, including my prospects for decapitation. Still, certain words echo in my mind.

  Chesh isn’t hiding. You and Elle are.

  Back at the queen’ castle, she wanted proof that Elle and I are a couple. The request ended with an almost-kiss. After that, the queen offered us the chance to find Chesh. Later at the masquerade, Elle and I kissed for real.

  That was the first time Chesh appeared.

  I rock on my heels and think things through. It would only be logical for the Queen of Hearts to seek out true love. That’s some of the most powerful magic around, no matter who found the queen’s crown. If Elle and I fully love each other, that might be enough to break my curse. And that’s whether or not we find any cat.

  Reaching into my pocket, I grasp the glass slipper statuette from Elle. She handed me this one week ago. At the time, I knew it was important. This glass slipper came from Cynder Mercantile. In giving it to me, Elle was sharing a little bit of herself.

  I never had truly selfless parents. In many ways, Elle is the only home I’ve ever known. It’s different with Elle, though. She’s lost so much, and Marchesa just keeps piling on the pain.

  Will Elle be able to share her heart before my curse comes to pass?

  With each second, that seems more and more unlikely.



  I sit inside my glass carriage. The line to the L Center inches forward. Nervous energy skitters through my system. The Glass Slipper Ball is being streamed live. Everything starts in just a few minutes.

  I can’t wait forever here. That said, there’s no missing how all the other carriages have paper numbers taped to the back of their vehicles. It reminds me of the New York marathon. Everyone had to register beforehand and get approved to enter.

  Obviously, I’m not on any list.

  Sure, I could sneak into the L Center itself. But I want more. My goal is to get my butt on that stage and stand beside Alec. This line is for the other Cinderellas who are heading to that same spot.

  I simply have to wait. And chat up Jacoby.

  Speaking of Jacoby, he folds his arms over his chest. The movement stretches his long-sleeve Henley. “You look
lovely,” says the dark elf. “That’s a rather solid enchantment. I can barely see the gingham monstrosity underneath.”

  I so don’t have time for this. By rights, I should be sitting here alone. If anything, I could approach another Cinderella and try for some intel on how to get back stage. Instead, I’m stuck with Jacoby. I round on him.

  “Is there a reason you’re here?” I ask.

  “Yes. I’m wondering if you need a date to this evening’s event.”

  “No, thank you.”

  “So you’re with Alec now?”

  I huff out a breath. “I’m unsure, Jacoby.”

  “If Alec is your choice, I should be very downhearted.” He winks. That’s not exactly a sad face.

  “You look upset,” I snark.

  “I am, desperately. I even stopped by Cynder to check on your welfare. Blackaverre is still locked up in your dresser, in case you’re wondering.”

  “I appreciate your concern.”

  “So.” Jacoby leans forward. “Who cast that spell on your old bedroom?”

  Of all the things I expected Jacoby to say, that wasn’t on the list.

  “I don’t know. In truth, I’m as curious as you are.”

  “I detected the same magical signature once before,” adds Jacoby. “It surrounded the Cynder building right after you left home. Very powerful stuff, too.” He lowers his voice to a sneaky whisper. “And I already knew you didn’t do it.”

  “Really.” Jacoby always does stuff like this. He loves to tease me into begging him to blab stuff. “Fine. How did you know?”

  “The magic was elven.”

  I’ll just add that to the list of things that shock me about this conversation.

  “Eleven? Seriously?”

  “No question about it. And the power signature was unique. And it appeared twice. First, right after you left Cynder. And second, when your room was revealed. Any ideas about the identity of the casters?”

  “I don’t think it was multiple people,” I say.


  “It would make sense that you’d sense the magic three years ago. That would have been when the mystery caster hid my room. Then, you’d detect it again when the room was revealed. Same casting, same person.”

  “Anything else for me?”

  Leaning back on my bench, I think through this news. Who do I know that wields elven magic? There are only four kids at school who are elves. Only one of them will acknowledge my existence, and that’s Jacoby. So it can’t be a West Lake Prep kid. But could anyone else I know could be behind this?

  I shrug. “I got nothing.”

  “And you’re certain about tonight and Alec?”

  “I’m positive I don’t need a date tonight. Although I do appreciate your asking.”

  “There’s been more to my interest than just tonight. I’ve been rather frantic this week, just so you know. After you disappeared, I tried to find you.”

  “Marchesa put me in a prison. I freed myself.”

  “Clearly,” says Jacoby. “To my elven sight, all sorts of magic flows through you now. Undoubtedly, you’d flatten me like a pancake if I tried to keep you from the L Center.”


  And that’s the double-edged sword that is Jacoby. Just when I think he’s all sweet and worried for my safety, he talks about keeping me from the L Center tonight.

  “In that case, I’ll take my leave.” Jacoby’s silver gaze turns intense. “Just know this. You’re my beautiful and powerful warden. Mine.”

  All the blood seems to drain from my body. “Warden? How do you know?

  “That doesn’t matter. What’s important is this. Whatever takes place tonight with Alec?” He gestures between us. “This isn’t over.”

  “You can’t control me.”

  “Says the girl with zero idea who I really am.”

  A silver crown appears atop Jacoby’s head.

  I blink. Rub my eyes. Blink again. Yes, that’s definitely a crown.

  “You see, you’re not the only one keeping secrets, my Elle.”

  With that, Jacoby vanishes.

  Our conversation keeps spinning through my brain. That really happened. My friend—who as it turns out is eleven royalty—just revealed I’m his property.

  Mom warned me that an interested elf was worse than a barnacle when it comes to scraping them off.

  Why didn’t I listen?



  I wait stage right. From this spot, the audience and cameras can’t see me, yet I can view everything that happens on stage. Basically, my role is to stand here until I’m called to choose Ivy Cynder.

  No matter what, that isn’t happening. I just hope to live through the process. If I’m caught again, there’s no way Legend will fail at his next mind vise.

  Tonight simply must work.

  My thoughts roll back to the day Legend walked through his vision for the final L Center. To his credit, the place looks exactly like what he described. There’s a winding staircase that loops down to center stage. That’s where Charles stands. He still wears his Versailles gear, by the way. The press loves it.

  On stage left, the Queen of Hearts sits atop a small throne. She does not look pleased. On the floor before the stage, there’s a long table made from glittering gem stones. That’s where my parents sit, along with a very happy-looking Marchesa.

  The music swells as yet another Cinderella life template steps down the curving staircase. This is contestant twelve. Esther Freeman. She’s radiant in the way her ebony skin contrasts with her pale gown. As she walks closer, the back wall plays a video about Harriet’s life.

  “I’m Esther Freeman, and I’m a resident of Lockport, New York. I’m a graduate of City Honors High School and plan to attend the University of Buffalo next fall. My interests include biotechnology and animal rights. I look forward to meeting Alec and sharing a dance.”

  Once she steps onto the stage proper, Charles approaches her, microphone in hand.

  “Welcome to the Glass Slipper Ball,” says Charles. He’s added a beauty dot to his cheek. It’s very seventeenth century. “Why don’t you tell us your name once more?”

  “Esther Freeman,” she replies.

  “We’ve all seen the video of your life,” adds Charles. “Why don’t you tell us something personal about you? What’s your favorite kind of animal?”

  “Siberian Husky.”

  “Oh, that’s grand.” Charles turns to the gleaming table before the stage itself. “What do our judges say?”

  The spotlight swings to focus on Legend, Diamond, and Marchesa.

  “What’s your favorite part of the Glass Slipper Ball?” asks Legend.

  Esther grins. “It could be a great way to pay my college tuition.”

  The audience laughs. Diamond goes next. “Who do you like better, me or Legend?” My mother smiles, but there’s an edge to the question.

  “You’re both lovely,” says Esther.

  Next it’s Marchesa’s turn. “Are you a member of the Magicorum?”

  “Yes, I’m part shifter.”

  Marchesa’s nostrils flare. “A shifter Cinderella?” She doesn’t wait for an answer. “Those are all my questions, Charles.”

  Now, this is supposed to be an entertainment event. Somehow, Marchesa has the idea it’s a court case and she’s present to cross-examine the witnesses. It’s pretty obvious that Marchesa sees every Cinderella contestant as a possible threat to Ivy.

  Once again, I wish I could shut this whole situation down. Maybe I could donate this land for a school that educates about the true nature of magic. Humans need some real information. Beyond making my parents feel important, I don’t see how this helps anyone.

  Too bad I’m stuck here because of my curse.

  I can only hope I’ll break it.

  “Last but not least, let’s talk to the Queen of Hearts,” says Charles. “What do you have to say to our contestant?”

  The camera swings to the
Queen of Hearts. She glances over to Esther. “Boo.” The audience cheers.

  If the queen looked grouchy before, she seems to positively simmer with rage now. How can my parents think it’s a great idea to anger someone this powerful?

  Oh, right. The audience loves it.

  The crowd began cheering right after the word, boo. They don’t stop until Charles speaks again. “Oh, ho!” Charles cries. “That’s Queen of Hearts being saucy once more. It’s what we call more… HEARTBURN!”

  The orchestra strikes into playing a riff from the song, Kiss My Queen of Hearts. It’s a new chart topper from a girl band out of Australia.

  Based on how the queen winces, she really hates the music.

  And why are we doing this again? In four hours of the Glass Slipper Ball, there isn’t so much as a single Le Charme jewel.

  Charles turns back to Esther. “Thanks so much for joining us. We look forward to see you at the end of the show, when Alec will choose the lady for his first dance.”

  The spotlight moves on to the wide area behind my parents’ table. Cameras scan the space while Charles keeps talking. “And here we have it. The dance floor for tonight’s event. Now let’s take a look at the many fine companies who’ve committed to sponsor Alec’s choice for tonight’s Glass Slipper Ball.”

  Here it goes again.



  At last, I step down from my carriage. A young guy with pimples and a clipboard steps to my side. The name on his Jacket says Kyle.

  “Name?” he asks.

  “Elle Cynder.”

  “You’re not on the list.”

  I pull in a little magic. Silver fairy dust surrounds my fingertips. I think my next command.

  Add me.

  The mist flies from my hand to rest on the clipboard. Then it bounces off into the air.



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