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Slippers and Thieves Special Edition

Page 22

by Christina Bauer

  Kyle snort-laughs. “You’re not the only one to try magic,” he says. “Everything here is warded against cheating. Got another name for me?” He goes on tiptoe to scan the line. “You’re the last one here. Give me a name and fast. I really want to go on break, lady.”

  I narrow my eyes. Time for plan B. I scan Kyle from head to toe. Turns out, the guy has a very distinctive tattoo on his neck. To me, that looks like an opportunity for victory.

  “Okay,” I say. “How about a bet?”


  “Yes, if I can make you scream with delight, you will let me pass.”

  Kyle gives me a look that says, you are so full of it. “Delight,” he repeats.

  “That’s what the Cinderella said.”

  “Fine. You’ve got a deal.”

  I turn to my horses. “Gustav. Do your thing.”

  There’s only one thing that’s Gustav loves. It’s a particular song. All my horse-mice swing their heads toward Kyle. Moving in unison, they start to sing.

  I'm the guy they call little Mickey Mouse

  Got a sweetie down in the chicken house

  Neither fat nor skinny

  She's the horse's whinny

  She's my little Minnie Mouse!

  This is a tune from the classic black and white cartoon version of Mickey Mouse. And guess who has a tattoo of such a character on his neck? That would be Kyle. The guy goes nuts. In fact Kyle’s so pleased, he makes the horses sing the tune all the way through. Twice.

  At last, it’s time to move on. “You’re letting me through, right?”

  Kyle smiles his face off. “Absolutely.”

  “Anything else I need to get inside? I want to step down that curly staircase thing.”

  Kyle inches closer. “You won’t mention my name, will you?”

  I wink. “Mention who?”

  With that, Kyle loads me up with an ID card and access code. Seems another Cinderella got salmonella and had to stay back. My lucky day. Even better, this adventure is starting to feel more and more like a jewel heist. That’s familiar territory.

  With my access info in hand, I march into the L Center. In no time, I’m backstage and making my way to the rafters and its swirly staircase. A pack of guards block my way. All of them wear Le Charme jackets complete with handy names sewn on front.

  “Stand aside,” calls one. “Ivy Cynder coming through.”

  Sure enough, my stepsister saunters back stage. I pretend to become super fascinated by the far corner. Ivy makes a great show of stepping up to the catwalk… which leads to every Cinderella’s grand entrance. Once Ivy’s well out of eyesight, I head toward the catwalk myself.

  In fact, I’m almost ready to scale my way to the rafters when another guard blocks my path.

  “What are you doing back here?” she asks. This guard’s name is helpfully written out. Cora.

  In cases like these, it’s important to smile excessively. So that’s what I do. “I’m one of the contestants for tonight’s show.”

  “You are?”

  I have a certain talent for working my charm. At this point, I turn it up to my highest level ever. “Absolutely.”

  “But I just heard. We don’t have any more videos to play. Where’s yours?”

  I smack my lips and think. Sometimes, the truth is best. “I don’t have one. It’s been a hell of a week.”

  “Well, you’ll need a video to make your way down the catwalk.” Cora reaches into her pocket. “Here. Use my phone and record one now. I’ve got a thumb drive you can borrow, too. Just don’t tell anyone I let you do it.”

  I can’t believe my luck. “Thanks so much, Cora.”

  And I sneak off to record my video.



  A heavy sense of dread settles inside me. There are no more contestants left—only Ivy Cynder. Once more, I scan the place for Elle.

  No sign of her.

  I have a bunch of spell options for battling my parents or Charles. But after my chat with the Queen of Hearts? It’s clear that to avoid a lifetime with Ivy, I must first take down the Queen of Hearts.

  Sadly, the queen made one fact clear. If I cast a spell in her direction, that will be nothing more than a death wish.

  That means it’s up to me and Elle.

  Yet Elle isn’t here.

  And even if Elle does manage to arrive in time? There’s no guarantee she’ll be ready to even say the word love, let alone show it. And clearly, that’s what the Queen of Hearts wants. Not that I blame Elle. She simply isn’t ready.

  Once again, the music swells. Ivy steps down the winding staircase. She wears the classic Cinderella ensemble, but her smile doesn’t reach her eyes. Overall, Ivy seems like more of a plastic facade the covers an underlying simmer of rage.

  No question about it. If Ivy and I end up together, it will be a life of pure hatred. As Ivy marches down the crystal staircase, a video plays behind her.

  “I’m Ivy Cynder. I’m a Scorpio and an influencer. Not on social media, though. Just in general. I’m from Manhattan and attend the elite West Side Prep high school. For fun, I enjoy kissing Alec Le Charme.”

  I groan. By tomorrow morning, that fake kiss will be all over the tabloids. Won’t matter that it’s a total lie, either. The press doesn’t disprove things that sell subscriptions.

  Once Ivy steps onto the stage proper, Charles approaches her,.

  “Welcome to the Glass Slipper Ball,” says Charles. “Why don’t you tell us your name once more?”

  “Ivy Cynder,” she replies.

  “We’ve all seen the video of your life,” adds Charles. “Why don’t you tell us something more personal about you? What’s your Magicorum power?”

  “I’m a level ten potion master.”

  I do a double-take. When it comes to making potions, there are only ten levels in total. From what I saw in class, Ivy can’t even boil an egg. There’s no way she’s doing level ten work.

  “How impressive.” Charles turns to the gleaming table before the stage itself. “What do our judges say?”

  The spotlight swings to focus on Legend, Diamond, and Marchesa.

  “How long have you been dating my son?” asks Legend.

  Ivy blushes. “Ten months now. Alec is just the best.”

  The audience oohs and ahhs. I fight the urge to howl. Yet another lie to add to the mix. And now that tabloid headline just became a special issue dedicated to Ivy Cynder.

  Maybe that’s what Ivy wanted all along.

  The spotlight swings onto Diamond. “Would I make a great mother in law or what?”

  “Hey, I already call you Mom,” gushes Ivy.

  Oh, hell. This is more than a few whopping lies. My parents have teamed up with Ivy and Marchesa in order to create an entire fake dating history with me. Rage corkscrews up my spine. I’ve been patient, waiting for my chance to be with Elle. But if this keeps up? I’m pulling out my midnight diamond.

  I may not survive, but I won’t spend the rest of my life stuck in this nightmare.

  Next it’s Marchesa’s turn. A breathless sort of anticipation hangs in the air. This is more information about my love life than anyone has ever gotten. The crowd is positively riveted.

  “What was Alec’s first gift to you?” asks Marchesa.

  “Oh, that’s easy.” Ivy flutters her eyelids. “A big old teddy bear.”

  Unbelievable. If you’re making up fake presents, at least pick something from Le Charme jewelers.

  Charles gestures to Ivy. “Last but not least, let’s talk to the Queen of Hearts. What do you have to say to our sweet Ivy?”

  The camera swings to the Queen of Hearts. She glances over to Ivy. “I’ll kill you if I get the chance.”

  Silence follows. There’s no cheering while Charles talks about another heartburn. The queen could be terrifying while just saying, pass the salt. This is her threatening to kill someone. No one is missing the menace here.

  Charles turns back to Ivy. “Thanks so muc
h for joining us. Stay right here.” Charles turn to the camera. “And now, we’ve reached the moment you’ve all been waiting for. Let’s bring all the contestants onstage and let Alec choose his dancing partner.” He dramatically sets his hand by his ear. “What’s that Legend? Did you say something?”

  Once more, the spotlight swings to my father. “I say we let Alec choose right now. I think we can all guess what he’ll say.”

  Ivy clasps her hands under her chin. “We were talking about this just last night. In bed.” She turns to the camera. “Let’s get Alec out here. We all know there are no other contestants than me. Let’s end this!”

  Unfortunately, Ivy may be right.

  I pull the midnight diamond from my pocket. Ah, well. If I’m about to be utterly destroyed, I may as well go out in a blaze of magical glory. On reflex, I look for Knox. He’s always beside me at these events. But my best friend is nowhere to be found. My parents still have those damned wards up against everyone.

  In the end, it’s for the best. I wouldn’t want Knox to get hurt.

  I step out onto the stage. The spotlight swings in my direction.

  “And here he is,” calls Charles. “The adorable Alec Le Charme!”

  The crowd cheers. I raise the midnight diamond in my fist. Ivy is right about one thing.

  This all ends. Now.



  I march up the backstage stairs. My destination? The rafters. That’s the entry point for all Cinderellas to walk down the crystal staircase to the main stage.

  And it’s my goal now.

  Once there, I find an older gentleman in a Le Charme jacket. The name Gerry is stitched on his chest.

  “Hello!” I give him my most cheerful wave. “I’m the last contestant.”

  Gerry smacks his wrinkly old guy lips. “No, you’re not.”

  “Yes, I am,” I say brightly. “I even have a thumb drive with my video and everything.” I lower my voice to a conspiratorial tone. “Cora says you can upload it right from your laptop.”

  Some people have zero reaction to fairy charm. Kyle the parking lot guy was one of those. Cora the back stage guard? Total opposite. I could have asked for her grandmother’s social security number and she would have handed it over. The question is, what type of guy is Gerry?

  From here, there’s a good view of the L Center below. A girl stands in the middle of the stage. Even though I can’t see her face, there’s no mistaking who’s down there.

  “Is that Ivy Cynder?” I ask.

  “Sure is,” says Gerry. “She’s the last official contestant. Everyone was very serious about that.”

  I round on Gerry. “You have to let me down there.”


  “Because I’m the best Cinderella template you’ve seen today.”

  “Try again.”

  I’ve worked the sweet and cute angle. Time for another approach. “My magic could make you do what I want anyway.”

  Gerry chuckles. “Will you make me coo like a pigeon?”

  My skin prickles over into gooseflesh. That whole pigeon episode happened years ago. It was the very day I first met Alec. “How do you know that?”

  “Doesn’t matter. One last try.”

  I scan the stage below me once more. Any minute now, they’ll force Alec to pledge his life to Ivy. When I next speak, my voice comes out as barely a whisper. “It’s Alec.”

  Gerry rubs the back of his hand against his cheek. There’s something both familiar and strange in the gesture. “What about Alec?”

  “He’s my friend.”

  “Just that?”

  “He’s my best friend. Earlier today, I was locked up in a basement by my stepmother.” I shake my head. “This may sound strange, but I thought I saw Alec.”

  “What happened then?”

  “Alec is a wizard. My father was an enchanter. I’ve always felt like my life should be about my fairy side. I’ve never even tried to access my enchanter powers. But today when I saw Alec? I really tapped into that power for the first time. It helped me escape.”

  There’s an empty chair beside Gerry. I settle into it. “I first met Alec years ago. We were both fifteen. Even then, there was a connection.” My voice gets dreamy, just thinking about it. “We’re both enchanters. That’s why were meant to be best friends forever.” I point to the stage and Ivy. “That’s why I can’t let Alec make this mistake. Ending up with Ivy will just make him miserable.”

  Gerry licks his palm. That’s some weird stuff, right there. “No.”

  Down below, I notice Alec onstage. There’s no mistaking the set of his shoulders or the determined look on his face. Alec has something planned, and it’s not good. He raises his fist.

  Oh, no.

  Stepping around Gerry, I set my thumb drive into the guy’s laptop. A pop-up immediately appears onscreen.

  Upload to control room?

  If there was a hells, yeah button, I’d select it. Instead I click okay and step over to the crystal staircase. “I don’t care what you say,” I call over my shoulder. “I’m going down.”

  “There’s hope for you yet,” says Gerry. He may have followed up that statement with a quick meow, but I’m too distracted to tell for sure.

  Down below, Alec sets his hand in his pocket. It’s a movement I’ve seen a hundred times. Alarm rattles through my nervous system. Alec plans to cast a spell. And considering this situation?

  Whatever Alec has planned, it won’t end in a happily ever after.



  What happens next only takes a matter of seconds. Even so, each moment sears slowly into my memory. I heard about this phenomenon. Your mind clings to every millisecond when it knows that few remain.

  Reaching into my magic, I call out to the midnight diamond.

  Get ready.

  The stone replies instantly.

  What do you wish?

  There’s only one word for it.


  Magic churns through me. Every nerve ending I have burns with hidden fire. This is more energy than I’ve ever felt before, and I had a rather odd encounter with magic and the pyramids.

  Dark mist curls around my fingers. I send images to the stone. The dark tendrils of my spell whip out across the audience, wrapping about every Magicorum in the place.

  Across the stage, the Queen of Hearts rises. She raises her right hand. A ball of red flame hovers above her palm. She looks between the spell and my face. No question about it. If I finish my spell, her casting is heading straight for my head.

  Fine with me.

  Closing my eyes, I prepare to send one final command to the midnight diamond.

  Get ready to—

  A loud whistle sounds from the rafters, interrupting my thoughts. “Hey! Up here.”

  The audience gasps in shock.

  Me? I look up and smile.



  Did I just whistle and yell my lungs out on live television?

  Why, yes. Yes, I did.

  Maybe it wasn’t the slickest move in the universe, but it did stop Alec from casting his spell. That’s got to count for something. Plus, I have Alec’s full attention now. Sure, we’re only staring at each other across a busy stage. Even so, connecting with Alec again is like being able to breathe freely after choking for air. I’m alive once more.

  Straightening my shoulders, I walk down the windy stairs. After a few yards, the spotlight sets on me. The acoustics are odd up here. I can make out the faint sound of an orchestra playing, but it’s tinny and far off.

  The massive screen behind me comes to life. An image appears. It’s the first frame of the video that I just took backstage. Thank you, Cora!

  Looking down, I spot Ivy standing beside some old dude in a long coat. Charles Le Charme. He looks ready to spit.

  This will be so sweet.

  I sidle down the steps while working every ounce of fairy charm mojo I can muster. Behind me, the video plays.
Unlike the orchestra, I can hear each word clearly.

  “My name is Elle Cynder and I’m a jewel thief. I enjoy eating ice cream with my best friend, playing Magicorum Killers, and murdering zombie-mummies in real life. I want to dance with Alec because he’s my best friend and if anyone else goes near him, I’ll scratch their eyes out.”

  A fine creation, if I do say so myself.

  Just as my speech ends, I reach the stage proper. That old guy with a massive wig simply stares at me, open mouthed. Ivy keeps glaring daggers in my direction. This can keep her busy for hours, by the way. Honestly, if there were an Olympic sport for marathon glaring, Ivy would get a gold.

  The Queen of Hearts sits nearby. The look on her face is the definition of unreadable. Below the stage, Legend, Diamond and Marchesa stare up from some kind of glittery table situation.

  At this point, one fact is clear. I probably should have paid more attention to this aspect of Alec’s life. Might be handy to know what’s going on here.

  Or not.

  Only Alec matters, really.

  I turn to him and grin. “Hey.”

  He returns the smile with one of his own. “Elle.”

  Reaching into my pocket, I take out my glass slipper figurine. Alec pulls one from his tuxedo jacket as well. It’s a super-sweet moment.

  Friends reunite. At last.

  That’s when Ivy starts screeching and ruins everything. I’d forgotten how that girl has a serious set of lungs on her.

  “She’s stealing my boyfriend!” cries Ivy. “Stop her!”

  Legend and Diamond stand. Red smoke surrounds their arms.

  Uh oh.

  I talk to Alec from the side of my mouth. “So we’re not going to talk with your parents? I thought for sure we could kill a few minutes that way. At the same time, you and I could also, you know, catch up.” And maybe kiss.


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