Tied to a Boss 5

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by J. L Rose



  J. L. Rose

  Good2Go Publishing

  Tied To A Boss 5

  Written by J. L. Rose

  Cover Design: Davida Baldwin

  Typesetter: Mychea

  ISBN: 9781947340008

  Copyright ©2017 Good2Go Publishing

  Published 2017 by Good2Go Publishing

  7311 W. Glass Lane • Laveen, AZ 85339



  [email protected]



  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without written permission, except for brief quotations to books and critical reviews. This story is a work of fiction. Characters, businesses, places, and events and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


  To my Heavenly Father, thanks for always holding me down, and also to my fans. I love each and every one of you who picks up one of my novels and takes these rides I put together for each of you. Thank you all! Peace!


  This book is for the one person who believed in me without meeting me and only read my letter asking for a chance. To my boy, Ray Brown. Thanks for everything!

  Table of Contents






















  Once the family was all crowded inside the front room of his suite—minus Tony T, Dre, James, Kyree, and Gage, who were out handling business—Dante briefly explained to them the problem they were facing. He then let everyone know there was a traitor among the family.

  “Who?” Vanessa asked, with her face balled up in anger.

  “How do you know all this, fam?” Floyd asked as he and his team stood off to the side together.

  “I’ma show you all proof, but if anyone reacts, I will deal with them myself.” Dante worried as he handed over his phone to Alinna.

  She, in turn, handed the phone to Yasmine on her left and told her to look through the pictures.

  While waiting for the phone to make its way back to him as each family member looked at the photos, Dante began to hear mumbling. He then heard the front door open just as Dre and Tony walked inside.

  “What’s going on in here?” Dre asked, looking around the room and seeing confused faces and pissed-off looks. He noticed the cell phone being passed around and said, “What’s going on, fam?”

  “Come here, Andre!” Vanessa told her man.

  Harmony walked over to Tony T, grabbed his hand, and led him over to where she was sitting.

  “What the fuck is this?” Maxine yelled, after looking at the pictures on the phone. “This is bullshit, Dante! These pictures don’t mean a fucking thing!”

  “Fuck that shit, Alinna! These pictures don’t mean shit!” Maxine yelled, after Alinna asked her to relax.

  “You feel that way?” Dante spoke up, drawing everyone in the room’s attention to him.

  “Once he gets here, we’ll see just how true these pictures are. And since you want to be the spokesperson, you’ll also be the one to deal with this problem.”

  “Dante, that’s not right!” Keisha spoke up, standing beside her sister just as the front door opened again and in walked James, Gage, and Kyree.

  “What’s going on up in here?” James asked, looking around at the expressions on everyone’s faces.

  “Gage!” Dante spoke up. “Close the door, and if anybody gets close to the door before we’re done here, kill ’em!”

  “Not a problem, boss!” Gage replied, closing the front door and then pulling out his banger and positioning himself in front of the now-locked door.

  “Maxine, come here!” Dante demanded.

  Dante handed Maxine his banger when she walked over to him, and then he told James to let Kyree see the pictures.

  “We now have everyone here. Now, let’s see if what we’ve all seen is the truth or a lie! It’s on you, Maxine. Handle your business, shorty,” Dante instructed.


  “Whoa!” Kyree cried, after seeing the pictures that were on the cell phone that James had just handed him, and now understanding why everybody was staring at him crazy-like. “Dante, man! This is not what it looks like!”

  “It’s not, huh?” Dante asked him, leaning back against the wall and folding his arms across his chest. “From what I seen and what the family’s seen, it looks like you and this punk-ass clown Fish Man together. Why’s that?”

  “Let me explain, Dante!” Kyree begged, noticing the gun in Maxine’s hands for the first time.

  “I’m listening!” Dante told him.

  Taking a deep breath and trying to calm himself a little, Kyree started explaining: “It’s like this. This dude I was doing business with back in Miami named Gator was out here with his new business partner, and dude got at me earlier today. But when I told him I was out here we hooked up. He wanted me to meet his partner, and that’s how I ran into Fish Man. He remembered me and we talked, but I’ve got him believing that I don’t fuck with the family no more. I was going to tell you when I walked inside here, but all this jumped off when I stepped foot in here. I swear that’s the truth. I ain’t got no reason to betray the family.”

  Dante listened to what Kyree had to say, and stared at the boy a few moments. He then looked over to Alinna on his left and was surprised to see her nod her head at him.

  “I believe you, Kyree. You said Fish Man thinks you’re no longer with us, right?” Alinna said directly to him.

  “That’s what I told him!” Kyree admitted.

  Nodding her head as she began thinking, Alinna then said, “Okay, this is what you’re going to do, Kyree! You’re going to lay this whole thing out! I want you to continue meeting with Fish Man and earn his trust. Try to become a part of his organization, but I want you to report directly back to me every Friday. Are we understood, Kyree?”

  “Perfectly!” Kyree answered, but then said, “It shouldn’t be hard getting a position with Fish Man since he already offered me a spot on his team.”

  “Dante!” Alinna called out to him, getting her husband’s attention. “Please give me your car keys!”

  Dante stared at Alinna a brief moment but dug out his new Audi keys. He then walked over to his wife and handed over his keys to her.

  Alinna thanked her husband, only to turn and toss the keys to Kyree.

  “The car is yours. If you’re going to play the part of a boss, you need to drive like the boss! Remember what I said, Kyree. Do not make me look like the fool!” Alinna said.

  “I got you, Alinna! That’s my word on my life!” he told her in all honesty.

  “I plan on holding you to that exact promise,” Dante spoke up.

  * * *

  After ending the meeting a few minutes later and releasing Kyree, Dante waited until everyone left but Yasmine, Natalie, Gage, and James. He then looked over at Alinna still in her seat and stared straight at her. “Explain, Alinna!” he demanded.

  “Is there really a reason to?” Alinna asked him. “I explained everything while everyone was still here, and you heard everything that was s
aid, Dante.”

  “So you actually believe the story that boy gave us?”

  “Yes, I do!”

  “I do as well, Dante,” Natalie spoke up, agreeing with Alinna.

  “My husband, I’m sorry. But I believe him as well,” Yasmine added as she met her husband’s eyes.

  Dante shook his head and actually chuckled as he looked over at each of his three wives. He sighed and said, “Alright. I trust the three of you, so I’ll go along with this whole thing because it’s what you three want.”

  “Thank you,” Alinna told her husband, smiling at him. “And don’t worry about the new car. We’ll buy you another one.”

  Dante shook his head just as his phone rang. He dug out his cell phone to see that his mother was calling him.

  “Yeah, Momma. Everything alright?”

  “Yes, baby. I’m just calling to give you the number to your contact guy that Patrick just gave me.”

  “What’s the number?” Dante asked while programming the number in his mind as his mother called it out to him.

  “His name is Aaron Howard, Dante! He’s a lieutenant detective.”

  “Thanks, Momma.”

  “Are you coming over for dinner tonight?”

  “I’ll be there.”

  Dante hung up the phone with his mother with a smile and then looked up to find everyone staring at him.

  “What I do?” he asked, causing everybody to burst out laughing at him.

  * * *

  “James, we need to talk!” Mari announced, catching James inside the hallway after leaving Dante, Alinna, Yasmine, Natalie, and the others’ suite.

  She walked right up on James and with her hands on her hips asked, “When was you planning on telling me about this Maxine woman?”

  James heard the elevator and looked back down the hall, only to see Natalie’s bodyguards and friend walk off the elevator, arms full with Rose, Emmy, and the kids. He then nodded to Gomez and even bent down to hug a smiling Mya.

  “Hi, James!” Rose said, receiving a kiss on the cheek from him.


  James recognized the voice that yelled out his name, and he looked back to see Maxine heading his way. He didn’t even hear the elevator arrive, but he fully recognized the expression on Maxine’s face.

  “I know you’re not out here with this bitch!” Maxine yelled as she stopped beside James and snatched him around to face her. “You’re really going to get this bitch hurt if you don’t keep her out of your face!”

  “You’re not doing anything to me, bitch!” Mari yelled, only for Maxine to take off a second later, rushing at her.

  “Fuck!” James yelled, rushing at both Mari and Maxine as the two of them went at each other.

  He was surprised Mari was actually throwing some pretty good blows, but she really wasn’t a match for Maxine.

  “Break this shit up!” Dante yelled as he, Gage, and Gomez rushed out of the suite after hearing the commotion in the hall.

  Dante got both women apart, only for Maxine to rush back toward Mari and attempt another swing. Gomez stepped in front of Mari and took the blow that was thrown for Maxine.

  “That’s enough!” Dante yelled. His voice caused every-body to freeze and stare straight at him. “I swear to God! The next person who swings, I will send them to the hospital’s intensive care unit! Try me! Please, try me!” he continued.

  Dante then looked back and forth between Maxine and Mari and saw that neither woman wanted to move. He then looked over at James.

  “Bruh, you need to handle this shit! I’m serious! Fix this shit or let them both go!” Dante said.

  “I got it!” James stated angrily, but then surprised both Maxine and Mari and started yelling. “Let’s go now!”

  Dante watched as both Mari and Maxine followed behind a pissed off James. Dante shook his head as he turned and headed back to his suite with Gage and Gomez behind him.


  Dante heard the sliding glass door open up behind him while standing out on the balcony smoking one of his Black & Milds and thinking. He looked back over his right shoulder to see Alinna step out into the balcony with him.

  “Hey, you!” Alinna said as she walked up beside her husband. “What’s up?”

  “Just thinking about something my mom told me,” Dante admitted. “What’s good though?”

  “I was talking with Yasmine and Natalie, and they want to find a place out of Syracuse if we’re staying in New York.”


  “Buffalo, New York.”

  Dante looked over to Alinna, met her eyes, shook his head, and then focused his attention back out over the city.

  “Go ahead and get it done, but while you’re doing that, also find a spot for my mom and Dwayne. I wanna get her out of Syracuse.”

  Dante and Alinna heard the sliding glass door open again. As they turned around they saw Natalie step out onto the balcony.

  “Baby, your mother’s on the phone!” Natalie told Dante, handing him his cell phone.

  Dante thanked his wife as he took the phone from her. He then placed the phone up to his ear.

  “Yeah, Momma. What’s up? You okay?”

  “I’m fine, sweetheart. But can you come back to the house for a minute, please?”

  “I’m on my way,” Dante told his mother, already moving toward the sliding glass door.

  As he hung up the phone, both Alinna and Natalie were behind him questioning him if everything was alright.

  * * *

  Dante left the hotel with Gage, James, Tony T, and Dre. They made it back out to his mother’s place only to see a navy-blue Jaguar XK convertible parked out in front of her house, along with her husband Dwayne’s truck. Dante was the first one out of the Escalade, followed by James and then Dre. He headed up to the front door and knocked.

  “Hey, sweetheart!” Brenda said, smiling and accepting the kiss from Dante after opening the front door to find her son. “Come on inside. There’s someone here that wants to meet you.”

  “Excuse me, Momma Blackwell,” James said as first he and then Gage entered the house before Dante.

  Brenda shook her head and smiled at seeing how loyal and protective her son’s friends were of him. She then took her son’s arm and led him into the house as Dre and Tony T followed him inside. She escorted Dante into the front room where a white female with straight, long, black hair in a ponytail was sitting on the sofa with Dwayne across from her.

  “Lieutenant Megan Lewis, this is my son.”

  “Dante Blackwell!” Lieutenant Lewis finished for Brenda while staring up at the legendary bad boy himself.

  She was more shocked and surprised at how breathtakingly handsome he was as she stood up and held out her hand to him.

  “Mom, who’s this?” Dante asked, ignoring the woman’s hand while staring straight into her emerald green eyes.

  “I was assigned to you by Chief Grant,” Lieutenant Lewis spoke up, answering Dante’s question. “I’m supposed to watch your back. Well, watch it in other areas, since it seems you have enough people watching your back as it is!”

  Dante nodded his head slowly after what he was just told. He then looked over at his mother and saw her smile of approval. He looked back at Lewis.

  “You ready to get to work?”

  “That’s what I’m being paid to do!” she told Dante, pulling out a writing pad and paper, only for Dante to shake his head.

  “No notes! I don’t believe in writing anything down that can lead back to me! Everything is stored in the mind, so start getting used to it!”

  Lewis was impressed and nodded her head as she put away her writing pad and pen.

  “Okay, Blackwell. What you need?” she asked.

  “First, I need you to find out all the information you can about an Antonio Mitchell, and I want to know everything you can find out about a Garcia something.”

  “Francisco!” Lieutenant Lewis stated, but saw the look on Dante’s face. “That’s Garcia
’s name—Garcia Francisco. And it won’t be hard gathering information on him. I can have that for you by tonight, but I’ll get on finding out about this Antonio Mitchell for you. Is there anything else you need?”

  “Not at the moment,” Dante answered.

  “Well, here’s my card,” she told Dante, handing over a black card. “My cell number is in gold. Call it whenever. It doesn’t matter what time of the day.”

  Dante took the card and nodded his thanks. He then sat down on the sofa as his mother walked the lieutenant to the door. He looked over toward Dwayne, who was reading the newspaper.

  “Dwayne, let me talk to you a second.”

  “What’s up, son?” Dwayne asked as he folded up the newspaper and laid it on top of the coffee table.

  Dante then looked up as his mother re-entered the room and sat down beside him.

  “Mom, I was just about to talk to Dwayne, but I want to talk to you too,” Dante said as he looked at both of them.

  “What’s the matter, sweetheart?” Brenda asked with a concerned look on her face.

  “Relax, Momma,” Dante began, noting the look on her face. “It’s nothing bad. I just wanna ask a favor from the two of you.”

  “What is it, sweety?”

  “I want to buy you and Dwayne a new house. I want to move the two of you out of Syracuse and to Buffalo where Alinna wants to move the family.”

  “Dante, are you serious?” Brenda asked her son in disbelief. “Baby, that’s going to cost a lot of money to move all of us out there.”

  “Mom,” Dante stated, smirking at his mother, “money isn’t an issue. Believe me. Just tell me you’ll move.”

  “What about Dwayne’s job and my work, Dante?” Brenda asked.

  “I tell you what,” Dante started as he began smiling, “how about the two of you find a business you want or begin your own business, and I’ll pay for it?”

  “Dante, are you serious?” Brenda asked her son, looking over to her husband who sat quietly watching her son. “Dwayne, honey! What do you think?”


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