Tied to a Boss 5

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Tied to a Boss 5 Page 11

by J. L Rose

  Diamond then locked the door behind them and waved them up the stairs and to her bedroom.

  Alinna broke out in a smile as Vanessa and even Yasmine burst out laughing at the sight of Fish Man lying ass-naked on his stomach asleep. Alinna walked over to the bedside, ignoring the sex smell in the air as she pulled out her cell phone and took a picture of Fish Man, which she quickly texted with a message to Dante.

  “What are you doing?” Diamond asked Alinna.

  “Sending Dante a message,” she replied while staring at Fish Man.

  She then walked over to the bedside table and reached for the book that sat there, only for Diamond to say, “That’s not something you’ll be into, Alinna!”

  “I’m not looking to read it!” Alinna told her.

  Instead, she slowly swung it in the air and slammed the book hard and flat down onto Fish Man’s ass.

  “Aggghhh!” Fish Man yelled at the top of his lungs, immediately waking straight up out of his sleep.

  He then began trying to roll out of bed, only to realize that he couldn’t move much.

  “What the hell!” he yelled.

  “How’s it going, Fish Boy?” Alinna spoke up, watching Fish Man’s head swing in her direction and seeing his eyes open wide. “Happy to see me, huh?”

  “What the hell is going on?” Fish Man asked, but at the sight of Diamond standing with Vanessa and some Asian woman, he knew. “Bitch, you set me up!”

  “Yes, I did,” Diamond answered with a smile. “I told your stupid ass I would get you back. You will not play me, you sorry muthafucka! Look at you now!”

  Alinna smiled as Fish Man began yelling and trying to get up from the bed. She slammed the book down again and again onto Fish Man’s ass until he began pissing on himself.

  “Oh hell no!” Diamond yelled when she saw the piss while Vanessa and Yasmine stood laughing at the sight.

  * * *

  Dante saw his G-Wagen at the airstrip as soon as he got off the G-4 as well as Greg Wilson waiting for him. Dante wasted no time walking right up to Wilson, with James, Gage, Dre, and Tony T alongside him.

  “Looks like you’re in a rush, so here are the keys and the information you were looking for,” Wilson told Dante, handing him the keys and a brown envelope.

  Dante thanked Wilson and then tossed the keys over to Gage and made his way to the passenger-side front seat. Once Gage had the engine running and drove off, Dante told him where they were going, after receiving a text message from Alinna. He then turned his attention to the envelope he was just given.

  Dante opened up the envelope and pulled out three sheets of paper. He speed-read through the papers and smirked. He then dumped out three photos that were also in the envelope, and actually smiled. Dante put away the papers and envelope, and then pulled out a Black & Mild while already thinking about what Alinna was up to with Fish Man, if in fact it was him in the picture she had sent him.

  Dante made the ten-minute drive from the airstrip over to Diamond’s condo and saw Alinna’s Rolls-Royce and a Range Rover with security on full alert. He quickly relaxed at the sight of the guards. Dante climbed from his G-Wagen with James, Dre, and Tony T following behind while Gage made his way around the SUV and followed.

  Dante ignored the doorbell and banged his fist on the front door.

  * * *

  “That would be Dante!” Alinna said with a smile, after hearing the banging at the front door, which caused Fish Man to really begin trying to get lose. “Diamond, go let Dante in.”

  Alinna turned her attention back to Fish Man after Diamond rushed from the bedroom. She stood quietly a few minutes staring at Fish Man, until Diamond, Dante, and the rest of the Blackwell men entered the bedroom.

  “What the fuck is going on in here?” Tony T asked, with a smirk on his face at the sight of a butt-ass naked Fish Man laid out and tied and cuffed to the bed.

  Dante stared hard at Fish Man with a demented smirk on his lips. He walked over and stood behind Alinna, bent down, and kissed her on the neck.

  “How long was you planning this?” he asked.

  Alinna leaned back against her husband and answered, “Diamond called me as soon as Fish Man called her. I put this together right afterward and then sent you the picture and text message.”

  Dante looked over at Diamond and met her eyes. He then nodded his head, which caused her to smile.

  “Since this is your project, I’ma stand back and let you handle your business, shorty!” Dante said to Alinna.

  Alinna smiled and looked over at Vanessa.

  “’Nessa! Call the twins, and tell Keisha and Maxine that I got some work for them to do over at Diamond’s place.”


  Dante leaned against the front of Alinna’s Rolls-Royce as he watched Alinna exit Diamond’s house with Dre, Tony T, James, and Gage all around her. Dante slowly smiled at the simple sight of his wife.

  “The fun’s over already?” Dante asked Alinna as she walked over to him.

  “His ass died!” Alinna told Dante. “Keisha was just getting started peeling the skin off his dick, when his ass died.”

  “Damn!” Dante said, gripping his manhood and making a face. “Y’all was peeling the skin off that nigga’s dick for real?”

  “Diamond requested it!” Alinna told Dante, nodding over to Diamond.

  Dante looked over to where Diamond stood talking with Vanessa and the twins.

  “How you feel about giving Diamond a position with the family? We could use her,” Dante asked Alinna.

  “I was planning on talking to you about that same thing!” Alinna told Dante, just as their men were carrying out Fish Man’s body and Diamond’s bed set.

  “Boo,” Diamond said as she walked up beside Dante and Alinna, “I almost forgot to tell you, but Fish Man’s homeboys are at the Days Inn over on 199th and 441st Street.”

  “How many?” Dante asked.

  “Three!” Diamond told him.

  Dante called over James and repeated what Diamond had just told him. He told his brother to meet them back at the mansion after he had handled the three guys.

  Dante then looked back at Diamond and asked, “You interested in a position with the family?”

  “What?” Diamond cried after what she just heard. “Dante Blackwell, are you serious? Are you offering me a job with the Blackwell family?”

  “What do you say, Diamond?” Alinna asked.

  “What do I say?” Diamond repeated. “Hell yeah!”

  “I’ll let you two talk!” Dante told them as he pushed off of the Rolls-Royce. “Alinna, I got something to talk to you about. I’ma be inside your ride waiting.”

  Alinna watched Dante walk off and then climbed into the back of her SUV.

  Diamond shook her head again and looked to Alinna and said, “Damn, that man is just too fine!”

  * * *

  “What’s this?” Alinna asked Dante, after climbing inside the Rolls-Royce and taking the envelope he handed her.

  “I had Greg Wilson look up some information for me,” Dante told her as he nodded at the envelope. “Open it!”

  Alinna looked from her husband down to the envelope she held in her hands. She then glanced back at Dante to see him waiting and watching her. She focused back on the envelope, opened it, and then pulled out the three pieces of paper. As she began reading, her mouth dropped open.

  “Dante, where’d you get this from?” Alinna asked, staring at her husband in disbelief.

  “I remember the talk we had when we first started kicking it together,” Dante told her. “I remembered your mother’s name, so I had Wilson do some looking around, and he came up with that!”

  “Oh my God!” Alinna said, looking back to the paperwork on her mother and two sisters she didn’t even know she had.

  “There are pictures inside too,” Dante told his wife as he continued watching her.

  Alinna quickly set down the papers and dumped out the pictures. She then broke down as tears began runnin
g down her face while she sat staring at the pictures of her mother and sisters.

  “They’re in Puerto Rico!” Dante announced. “The address is with the paperwork.”

  “I wanna go see them,” Alinna told Dante.

  “I know. But what about Angela?” he asked his wife. “What are you gonna do about her, shorty? She’s still waiting.”

  “What do you want me to do with her?” Alinna asked.

  “It’s your decision, Alinna!”

  “But I’m asking you, Dante.”

  “I’ve thought about it, and because of Mya, I can’t see myself killing Angela. But if she lives, she is to never come back to the United States or I will kill her myself!” Dante said with a sigh.

  “What about Geno, Dante?” Alinna asked, after nodding her head in understanding.

  “Oh, his ass is dead!” Dante bluntly said, causing Alinna to smile and shake her head.

  * * *

  After the whole issue with Fish Man and his homeboys was over, both Dante and Alinna dealt with Angela. Dante then had Dre deal with Geno and get rid of the body. Dante left Miami afterward to first fly back to New York with Tony T and Harmony to make sure everything was in order. He and Tony T then made a trip to New Jersey and hooked up with Dre and Floyd to make sure they weren’t having any problems and that business was running smoothly.

  Dante checked up on Eddie and his cousin Lisa, who was still upset with him. He first spent some time with Eddie, who said he was ready to get back to work. Dante also promised him he would have Tony T call him the next morning about his new shipment as well as have some gunners that would watch his back. Dante then caught up with his cousin in the kitchen. He walked up behind Lisa and wrapped his arms around her. He held her tight enough, but if she wanted, she could have pulled away. But she didn’t.

  “LaLa, I know I fucked up by not putting men out there with Eddie, and I know I can’t take back what happened. But I’ve never asked anybody for forgiveness before, because I’ve never had to before. But I’m asking you to forgive me, because now I know a family, and you’re a part of it. I understand though if you can’t, but I’m still sorry.”

  Dante released his cousin and turned to walk off. He then started to leave the kitchen, when Lisa cried out his name. He looked back just as his cousin ran straight into him, wrapping her arms around him and crying softly into his chest. Dante spent the rest of the day with Lisa and Eddie, until close to midnight. He then returned to the mansion with Tony T and Harmony right afterward.

  Dante crawled tiredly into bed, but called Alinna before going to sleep.

  “Hey, baby.”

  “What’s up, shorty? You good?”

  “Yes, Dante. You sound tired.”

  “Pretty much,” he answered but then asked, “Where are Natalie and Yasmine?”

  “Asleep!” Alinna answered. “So when do you plan on coming home?”

  “I gotta handle one last thing, and then I’ll be home. So you better be ready to leave when I get there.”

  “Where we going now, Dante?”

  “I wanna meet my mother-in-law and sisters-in-law.”

  “Dante, are you serious?”

  “Just be ready when I get there, shorty.”

  “I love you so much, Dante!”

  “You’re my life, Alinna! I love you too, shorty!”


  Dante made it back to Miami early and was met at the airstrip by James and Gage. He then got a few minutes of sleep in the back of the G-Wagen as they drove home. Once he arrived at the mansion, he was met at the front door by Mya, who happily announced his arrival. Dante picked up his growing daughter and carried her into the house, just as everybody started to appear.

  “About time you decided—!”

  “Ahhhhhh!” Melody screamed, cutting Vanessa off in the middle of what she was saying, after seeing her boyfriend, Norise, standing behind Dante with James and Gage.

  She took off rushing toward her man.

  Dante stood smiling as he watched his sister and her boyfriend. He then felt arms wrap around him, looking down to see Alinna at his side. He shifted his daughter over to his left side as he wrapped his right arm around his wife.

  “You brought him for Melody, didn’t you?” Alinna asked him, smiling at her husband.

  “You ready to go?” he asked while nodding his head.

  “The bags are ready,” Alinna told Dante. “I think we should take the kids and both Emmy and Rose with us.”

  “That’s what you want?”

  “I want them to meet the rest of their family.”

  “A’ight! That’s what we doing then. Let’s get outta here,” Dante told Alinna.

  He then motioned for the two security men who were flying with them to Puerto Rico to grab the bags that Alinna had set out. They left the mansion a little while later and drove back out to the airstrip. Dante was unable to get a nap this time with Mya sitting in his lap talking to him the entire time. Once they got on the jet, Dante sat with Alinna while Emmy and Rose looked after the children.

  “Wake me once we get there!” Dante told Alinna as he then stood up and started walking to the back bed chamber to get some quick and much-needed sleep.

  * * *

  Alinna enjoyed the flight over to Puerto Rico and woke up Dante once they were descending. She was the first one off the plane, with Dante right behind her. They were followed by Rose and Emmy and the children being escorted by security. Their Bentley Bentayga and Mercedes GL63 AMG were waiting for them. Dante and Alinna walked over the chauffeur-driven Bentley while Rose, Emmy, and the children were escorted to their Benz SUV.

  “Are we going by the penthouse first, or to see my mother?” Alinna asked once she and Dante were inside the Bentley.

  “We’re already out!” Dante stated as he sat forward to speak with the chauffeur a few moments.

  He then sat back beside Alinna, sighing and still a little tired, but feeling better. Alinna didn’t bother asking Dante what he discussed with the driver; instead, she leaned back against her husband and relaxed while staring out the backseat window.

  Alinna barely remembered any of what she saw as the SUV drove through Puerto Rico. She sat up, however, once the area began to change for the worse and she noticed that the neighborhood was in a poor area by the condition of the homes and streets. She woke up Dante from the sleep he had fallen into, shaking him and calling out to him.

  “Huh?” Dante answered, opening his eyes and lifting his head to look over at Alinna. “What’s up, shorty?”

  “Baby, where are we going?” Alinna asked, looking back out the window.

  Dante stared out the window and understood instantly what she was talking about. He saw the area they were driving was an area of Puerto Rico he did not recognize. Dante looked back at Alinna and was bothered by the look on her face. As the Bentley slowed down, Dante looked back out his window as the SUV stopped in front of an old-looking wooden house. He sat staring until the chauffeur opened his door a few minutes later.

  “This is the address, sir!” the chauffeur announced to Dante.

  Dante climbed from the back of the SUV and then helped Alinna out. He looked back to the Benz SUV and motioned for security to hold off letting out Rose, Emmy, and the kids. He turned back to Alinna and saw her staring at the house. Dante looked to see what had her attention, only to see the same older woman from the photo he gave to Alinna now standing at the front door of the house staring out at them.

  “Come in,” the woman called to them.

  Dante intertwined his hand with Alinna’s and led her into the front yard of the house. They started up the dirt walkway onto the wooden porch.

  “Can I help you?” the older woman asked in Spanish.

  She first looked at the young man, who looked extremely familiar, and then over at the beautiful young woman.

  “I-I’m your—” Alinna started, but broke down. She was unable to finish what she was trying to say as tears fell freely from her eye

  “Ma’am, my name is Dante Blackwell,” he introduced himself. “This is my wife Alinna Blackwell. But her birth name is Alinna Rodriguez. She’s your daughter, Mrs. Rodriguez.”

  Mrs. Rodriguez looked at the man whose name she recognized from the news. She then looked over at the young woman, who Dante had told was her daughter.

  “Linna, is that really you?” she said in broken English.

  Alinna completely broke down and cried harder as she rushed toward her mother. She hugged her, and felt her mother return her hug.

  * * *

  After introducing themselves to Sophia Rodriguez and allowing Alinna’s mother to meet Rose, Emmy, and the kids, both Dante and Alinna sat down. They allowed Mrs. Rodriguez to spoil the children while they all sat talking. Dante then heard the front door open just as two young girls walked into the house.

  “Momma, who are all the men outside?” Elayna asked her mother as she and her sister Silvia, entered the house.

  “Elayna! Silvia!” Sophia cried happily as she walked over to her daughters and, in English, said, “I want you to meet your big sister and her family.”

  “Big sister?” both Silvia and Elayna asked at the same time, but froze at the sight of the guy they instantly recognized.

  “Momma, that’s Dante—Dante Blackwell—from the United States. He’s famous,” Elayna, the youngest, cried and stared at him.

  “He’s also your sister’s husband,” Sophia told her youngest daughter while walking over to Alinna and gently pulling her to her feet. “This is your sister, Alinna Rodriguez Blackwell. Your sister I lost to your father long ago.”

  “How did she find us?” Silvia asked with a slight attitude while staring at Alinna.

  “I actually had an investigator find you all for Alinna,” Dante spoke up, but then surprised them all by saying, “I’ve actually set things up so you all can come back to the United States and live, so Alinna can be close to you all!”

  “Momma!” Elayna cried in shock, rushing to her mother’s side. “Can we go?”


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