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A New Dawn- Complete series

Page 110

by Michael Anderle

  It feels like ages since I wrote this book! It kinda has been, at least compared to my usual schedule. Before you pull out the pitchforks, go look at that cover again. Isn’t it shiny? THAT’S why I had to wait.

  All six (wow, six books already?) books have beautiful new skins, and they look amazing!

  Meanwhile, it’s been an interesting time to be in the bowels of the KGU. My AOM compatriots are brewing something… Zeke has a new trick up his sleeve… and for a brief snip, at least, I get to work with my old pal PJ again! He’s loads of fun to write with and I’m really glad we could team up for… the thing. The thing I’m not allowed to talk about. (Don’t tell Chris and Lee I talked about it, ok? They might decide they have to kill me.)

  All our characters have been thrown into a giant melting pot and will then branch back off into their own books for more adventures, before coming back together for one last epic showdown. My part in that will be the final Jules book. Why? Well, she’s had one hell of an adventure, but now she’s ready to hang up her boots and take some time off.

  I’m not closing the gates on more AoM though. If there is something you’d love to see, hit me up. It may just spark an idea I can’t let go of :)

  Happy Reading, guys!


  Author Notes- Michael Anderle

  May 28, 2018

  First, THANK YOU for not only reading this book, but reading through our author notes here at the end.

  Right now, I’m about 15,000 feet in the air on a Delta jet heading from Boston to New York Kennedy.

  I’m sure I’ll get higher ;-) (No, I couldn’t resist.)

  As Amy mentioned ‘something’ is happening in the Age if Magic. It is interesting the authors writing inside of the age are creating this…story together that exceeds the of what they and I’m having this cool moment as the Universe creator watching my collaborators take off with something and go in a direction I had not intended and it is very edifying to me.


  Because it means the authors inside of the Age like working and being with each other. They enjoy their characters, the situations and the opportunities to engage in this little area of the Kurtherian Universe has brought them and are willing to tackle which is not so easy to accomplish for their fans, and themselves.

  The premise is and the different characters (redacted, redacted and redacted) will until the try to

  OK, I get it!

  Alright, so I can’t say anything about , I get it.

  Since I can’t talk about that, let’s talk about the new covers!

  Last year, I started a plan to build the capabilities for 3D work into my pipeline. With Protected by the Damned covers helping to hone our skills, I spoke with Amy to see if she would like to use these 3D model capabilities and redo the covers for her series?

  And she agreed! (Well, once we showed her one of the examples (or maybe it was two.))

  Since then, she has been on a tear to get the covers all redone in order to release THIS book. I hope you like them (once they are all released.)

  So, why did I want to start producing 3D model covers in the first place if I have amazing model shot photography? Because I’d like to provide short snippets (vignettes) of video stories with our characters. The problem is video is REALLY expensive to produce.

  If you follow and implement how it is done at the moment.

  However, I don’t accept the present expensive methodologies. Nope, I want to Indie Outlaw this stuff and if it means I take more time to get my shit together (and the necessary $$$ to accomplish this) then so be it.

  However, my goal is to produce good quality (not great, not perfect) stuff for about $1,000 or less for each 90 seconds. If I can manage that, I might be able to pull some cool stories together and ‘amaze’ the fans.

  Wouldn’t that be cool?

  I just realized typing these author notes that maybe YOU (or you in Houston…Or you in Austin, Tx or you in Louisiana, Massachusetts, California, England, Germany, Australia Arizona etc. etc. etc.) reading these author notes might ALREADY know how to do what I hope to accomplish, or know someone(s) who do.

  I’m willing to be told to go look somewhere to see cool stuff. If you know of cool stuff, drop a link on the Protected by the Damned Group (it’s smaller) or in the Kurtherian Gambit group message me directly.

  Either way, let’s create some wonderful fun together, shall we?

  Ad Aeternitatem,

  Michael Anderle

  *I’ve never actually been high in my life. However, working on some of these projects late into the night with travel fatigue and police and/or fire siren’s constantly going off down in the street below does make me loopy.

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  Books By Michael Anderle

  For a complete list of books by Michael Anderle, please visit:

  All LMBPN Audiobooks are Available at and iTunes

  To see all LMBPN audiobooks, including those written by Michael Anderle please visit:




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