Hearts Intertwined

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Hearts Intertwined Page 5

by K. L. Myers

  She’d blushed at his comment.

  But Braxton had not been able to help himself, and as usual, he’d taken the serious moment and turned it into something else. “I’m sure both of us will have no issues rubbing it in his face.”

  Briefly, her eyes had lit up, and Paisley had laughed an honest-to-goodness laugh. But the emotion had faded as quickly as it had come. She had been lost to him again, and he had no idea what was bothering her.

  “Butterfly, tell me what’s wrong please. I want to be here for you just like you’ve been for me all these years.”

  Paisley had reached out her hand, touching his forearm, and he could feel the light pressure as she squeezed it. Without saying anything. “I’m good, Brax. Let’s go we’re going to be late.”

  Before he could argue and call bullshit, she had walked out the door. What should have been one of the happiest days of their lives had seemed anything but happy to her.

  Boom. Boom. Boom.

  The sound of the cannon going off signaled the ceremony was coming to a finish, and Braxton was pulled back to the present.

  Paisley stared at Braxton’s back for the entire ceremony. The love of her life was several rows in front of her, oblivious to how she felt. When he’d told her this morning that Alissa would be moving home with him, her heart tore apart into tiny pieces. Paisley knew that Alissa was an amazing person, which was why she was one of her best friends, but part of her couldn’t help but hate Alissa now that she was stealing the man Paisley had been in love with her whole life.

  Everything in Paisley’s world was in disarray. This should have been the happiest day of her life, but she was alone. Earlier that year, she’d thought she, Pax, and Braxton would be heading home together. That they would find a place to rent and move on with their lives as a team. But everything was changing so quickly now, and all their previous dreams were falling apart.

  All she could think of was when the three of them had talked about setting the entertainment world ablaze. Braxton would manage their clients, Paxton would represent musicians, and she’d handle the best actors in LA. But now there was Alissa and it was still unclear where she would fit into the picture of Paisley’s future. Or whether the original three musketeers even had a future together at all.

  Graduating summa cum laude with honors, Paisley had paved the way for the future she dreamed of. It wouldn’t be long before she’d be rubbing elbows with Jake Bloom, the industry's best attorney in Beverly Hills.

  In fact, only a month earlier, Paisley had secured a job, putting her on track to work with Jack and his firm. She was so thrilled, she had called Pax and Braxton and asked them out to dinner. Her treat.

  Paisley bubbled with excitement, her legs bouncing under the table as they waited for their meals. She couldn’t stop smiling, even though she knew she looked foolish. It didn’t matter. This was big news. It wasn’t just that she had gotten a job. What she had to say could potentially change all of their lives.

  “Alright. What’s up?” Pax asked. “You look like the cat who ate the canary.”

  “I got hired at Bloom, Baker & Tennison,” Paisley blurted, unable to hold back any longer. “They have openings in the departments you guys specialize in too. I checked. We could work together like we’ve always talked about. The three musketeers.”

  She clapped her hands together and a round of laughter escaped her throat. She couldn’t help it, and didn’t want to. Everything her heart had desired was about to be fulfilled, and Paisley was overjoyed.

  “Congrats, Butterfly.”

  Why does Brax sound so sad?

  Paisley searched Braxton’s face for the source of his distress. His tone didn’t match his words. Instead of sending sentiments of encouragement, of jubilation, he sighed and couldn’t meet her gaze.


  Still looking away from her, he answered, “I accepted a job at Axis Media a couple of weeks ago. I start after graduation.”

  A couple of weeks ago. Why didn’t he tell me?

  “Oh.” Was all she could muster.

  “I can’t join you either, sis.”

  Her head whipped the opposite direction as she pinned Paxton with a glare. Please don’t break my heart, too.

  “Remember how I had my sight set on GSM&S?

  She couldn’t forget. Every chance Pax had he reminded her that they represented the hottest musicians around, and she always countered with the fact that GSM&S was across the country from her.

  Maybe, that’s what he wants. What they both want. To get away from me.

  Old insecurities wrapped around Paisley’s mind and swept into her heart as Pax continued speaking. “I got it. I fucking got!”

  Swallowing her hurt, Paisley said what she knew he needed to hear. “I’m so proud of you, Pax.” She was, but she was also sad.

  “Don’t be too proud. We all know Lillian had a little something to do with me getting my foot in the door.”

  Pax chuckled as Braxton slapped him on the shoulder, saying, “It never hurts to be friends with a Vicci, especially when everyone around there owes that family in one way or another.”

  Paisley stood from her seat, walked over, and hugged her brother. “I’m sure you were hired because you left them no doubt that you were the most capable of representing all those talented musicians.”

  “Thanks, sis,” Pax whispered as he squeezed tight.

  “Hey! What about me? I did good, too,” Braxton joked.

  “Yes, you did,” Paisley replied drily, rapidly losing humor for the evening. She turned and bent his way, giving him a hug. “I’m proud of you as well.”

  As she made her way back to her spot, her heart ached over the loss of a dream she had chased for so long. One she thought they had all wanted. Paisley wasn’t sure how, but she needed to follow in the guys’ footsteps and let it go.

  The rest of the meal, she sat silently, observing the two men she loved the most as they chatted about how great their lives were going to be. She smiled and nodded on cue, answered when required, but withdrew in on herself. Paisley didn’t share their sentiments. She was already preparing for loss.

  All of them were taking on jobs that would be demanding. Pax would be across the country. He found it tough to visit during college. This would be even harder. And, Brax…he would be working for a competitor. Maybe they would get to hang out a lot still. Hopefully.

  Paisley left that dinner sad and defeated, but she held onto the slightest sliver of faith. Braxton would still be close. They’d been in each other’s lives for so long, there was no way they would move on from each other. She had to believe that, otherwise, loving him all these years would be for nothing.

  It had been for nothing because she wouldn’t have Braxton.

  It had become apparent this morning that she wasn’t going to have him to herself and all she’d have to look forward to was her career. She’d hoped that she wouldn’t be by herself for long—God forbid she’d become the old hag married to her job and living with six cats like her mother’s friend Lydia. Deep down she knew even if that happened, she’d never be totally alone. Braxton would be there if she truly needed him. But after this morning’s news, it only solidified that his heart was with Alissa now. All of her dreams of him someday realizing she was the one was over.

  Paxton and her parents were sitting in the grandstands across the way, celebrating her graduation. She just wished they understood that she wasn’t in the mood to celebrate anything. If they only were made aware that she was breaking inside . . . But that wouldn’t happen; it couldn’t. She wasn’t willing to let anyone know how she felt.

  Chapter 9

  Two Years Later

  Braxton sat at his desk in the back of the condo he rented with Alissa. When they’d moved back to Southern California, they’d decided to find a place in Studio City. It was supposed to be temporary, but it had ended up being priced right when the landlord put it up for sale a year later, so they’d bought it.

he was overly excited. Paxton had flown into town to visit with his family, and he and Paisley were coming over. Braxton would have liked to think that he and Paisley hadn’t grown apart, but something had changed on graduation day, and they’d since become more acquaintances than friends, rarely speaking.

  “Babe, are they here yet?” Braxton called down the hall from his home office.

  Alissa responded in an exasperated tone, “Christ, Braxton. You’ve asked that every ten minutes since you got the call they were on their way. No, they’re not here yet.”

  Braxton couldn’t help himself though. It had been almost two years since they’d graduated. Almost two years without his best friends, and even though there were calls to catch up, not seeing them had been the worst.

  Paxton had an excuse. Hell, he was on the east coast making a name for himself. But Paisley .didn’t. She was here in the same fucking city as him and yet she remained mostly a ghost. Every time he’d reached out to her, she’d been too busy to get together. Sometimes he could brush it off, put it down to her busy work schedule, but he would never have thought that he’d be the one person she wouldn’t share good news with. Last month Alissa mentioned that Paisley had someone serious in her life. That had cut Braxton to the bone. How had their lives changed so much that they’d become strangers? But today, that was all going to change. He wasn’t letting her leave without telling him why she’d become so elusive.

  “Babe,” Braxton yelled once more down the hall, “call and make sure they didn’t get lost.”

  Alissa slammed the cabinet door so hard the sound echoed through their home. “Get off your computer, make the call yourself, and stop yelling at me.”

  “Can’t, babe. I’m in the middle of a contract. Can you please just do it?”

  Another cabinet door slammed, mumbles of a few select cuss words filled the air, and then he heard her talking to someone. Braxton smiled at how much she loved him, as evidenced by her finally giving in and making the phone call. He smirked—she was willing to put up with his shit daily.

  “They’ll be here in ten,” Alissa called out. “Now stop bothering me.”

  Braxton re-read the most important part of the contract.

  COMMISSION: as compensation for Manager’s services, Management will receive a commission equal to twenty percent (20%) of the gross income with respect to any and all engagements, contracts, and agreements contemplated hereunder, reasonably related to Artist’s career in the entertainment industry.

  When he was satisfied everything was in order, he hit the send key. The contract was on its way to his admin so that legal could review it. He’d been trying to lock Jason Josephs into his new contract with the firm for a year now. He mentally made a note of how much he’d make from this contract and wondered why again he wasn’t doing this on his own. The company he worked for made 20 percent. He was lucky to get 3 percent of that. The amount of money he’d made for the company over the last two years was significant.

  Braxton knew that his first year in the business was all about learning the ropes and getting his feet wet. However, he’d made a name for himself in the industry, and it was becoming like taking candy from a baby when he met with new clients. They understood he was sincere in his words and actions from the get-go. And, in the end, they knew he always had their best interests at heart and wouldn’t steer them wrong. Now he looked back at his career and couldn’t help but desire the profits.

  He’d followed Paisley’s career as well. More often than not, he heard his peers talk about her and what a name she had made for herself.

  It was the same thing when he spoke with colleagues on the east coast. Paxton had become well known in the industry. Braxton couldn’t help but wonder how dynamic the three of them would be together, which was why he’d been on edge, awaiting their arrival. He was ready to pitch them his idea over lunch. He was confident that together, the three of them could give this town a run for its money. The only piece missing in his plan was working capital and Paxton being open to the idea of moving back to the west coast.

  The chime of the doorbell had Braxton pushing away from his desk and retreating from his office chair. His heart began to race—his childhood friends had arrived.

  He stood at the entrance to his home office and breathed in, counting to ten, and then slowly released the air from his lungs. He did this a few times to slow his racing heart and get his emotions under control. His eyes closed for a moment as he silently begged the universe to help him seal the deal with his friends.

  Braxton strolled around the corner, he found Alissa embracing Paisley. It had been a while since he’d seen the two of them together. Both wore smiles that stretched from ear to ear, the kind that radiated joy. Beside Paisley stood a man he’d never seen before. He was short, probably about five foot four, trim but not too thin, with red hair cut high and tight on the sides. Braxton froze in his tracks and his posture became defensive. Bet this guy has a napoleon complex. Braxton was already forming an opinion in his head about the man and it was that he was not worthy of his butterfly.

  “Alissa, I’d like you to meet Peter.” Paisley stood aside. Peter reached out to shake Alissa’s hand, but she didn’t accept it. She reached out and wrapped her arms around him.

  “Hugs.” She giggled as she pulled away. “I’m a hugger. Sorry about that.”

  Peter's face was slightly pink. He glanced up briefly and met Braxton’s glare. If looks could kill he’d be dead already.

  “So, you’re the infamous Peter.” Alissa pulled Peter’s attention back to her. “I’ve heard so much about you from Paisley. I’m so happy to meet you finally.”

  Braxton decided it was time to introduce himself. His breathing quickened again as he walked over to the group. He stood a bit straighter, making sure that when he finally reached the newcomer he’d tower over the little guy. He was determined to intimidate this latest man in Paisley’s life.

  “Without thinking, he moved closer to Paisley and wrapped a protective arm around her. “So, how long have you been dating my girl?”

  Paisley stepped out from under Braxton’s hold. “I’m not your girl.”

  Paxton walked through the open front door, popping into view. Braxton’s anger quickly subsided at the sight of his best friend.

  “DUDE! Finding parking around here sucks.” Paxton’s voice echoed through the condo as he closed the gap between his childhood friend and him. “I can’t believe it’s been two years.

  “If you’d come home for the holiday’s it wouldn’t have been an issue.” Braxton chortled back.

  Both men stood there looking at each other, unsure of what should come next. A handshake? Maybe the bro hug? After a few moments, Braxton was done with the awkwardness and reached out and embraced his friend in a manly hug, then slapped him on the back. He didn’t want to look like a pussy in front of Paisley’s puny boyfriend.

  “I’ve missed your face, Paxton. Who’s the douche with your sister?” Braxton whispered in Paxton’s ear as he pulled away.

  Paxton chuckled as he glanced over to Peter and back to Braxton. “Hey, ease up a bit. You’re potentially looking at Mr. Paisley Reed. Didn’t you know?”

  Braxton felt an emptiness in the pit of his gut. The room spun slightly as he absorbed the news. “What? No, I had no idea. They're engaged?”

  Paxton raised an eyebrow, shaking his head. “As of last month. I can’t believe she didn’t tell you.”

  Regret filled Braxton’s eyes. “Your sister and I haven’t exactly been burning up the phone lines lately. I talk to you more than I do her.”

  Paxton’s posture stiffened. “How can that be? You’re here, like thirty minutes away from each other. I just assumed the four of you hung out from time to time.”

  Braxton was about to explain but before he could get the words out of his mouth, Paisley’s smiling face appeared in his line of sight, causing a sudden coldness to infiltrate his senses.

  “Brax.” She stared at him, her face devoid of
any emotion. “I guess a proper hello is in order now that your testosterone has simmered down some.”

  Paisley extended her hand, but Braxton wasn’t having it at all. Not after all this time. He was not going to be slighted with a handshake when what he wanted to do was hold her tight. In one single motion, he pulled her into his arms. When Braxton felt her body tight against his, he squeezed like he was holding on to his lifeline as he dangled off the side of a cliff.

  Paisley’s body stiffened against him when he whispered in her ear, “You’ve got some explaining to do, butterfly.”

  Paisley broke away from his hold, stepping back and reaching out to Peter, who made his way beside her. Paisley reached down, wrapping her fingers with Peter’s. “Braxton, this is Peter . . . my fiancé.”

  Braxton’s throat constricted, his muscles going rigid. He felt like he was hearing it for the first time. He began to feel a little disoriented and he closed his eyes in an attempt to calm the anxiety. Feeling shaky, he slowly reached out to Peter, offering his hand as if it was an olive branch signaling that he meant no harm. “Nice to meet you, Peter.”

  Peter took Braxton’s hand in his. His grip was soft, and his hands were sweaty. Even this guy’s handshake was wimpy. It was time Peter learned exactly who Braxton was and how important Paisley was to him. Even though he’d not been a great friend recently.

  Braxton cleared his throat, dropping his voice lower when he spoke. “I hear congratulations are in order. I’m surprised I haven’t heard about you until today. Paisley and I don’t normally have secrets.” He glanced over at Paisley, narrowing his eyes to indicate how much he disapproved of the situation before he looked back at Peter. “You better take care of my girl.” Braxton made sure to put extra emphasis on the words, my girl. “Or you’ll be answering to me.”


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