Hearts Intertwined

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Hearts Intertwined Page 13

by K. L. Myers

  When the song ended, Braxton reached into the console to retrieve his wallet and exited the car. He paused while reaching behind him to tuck the wallet into his rear pocket.

  He opened his wallet to expose a picture of Paxton, Paisley, and himself with their arms wrapped around each other. The picture had been taken before they’d all left for college. The sun had been shining onto Paisley's face as she’d gazed into his eyes. He knew right then what he’d been unable to see before. It had been her; it was always her.

  Now, it was up to him. He needed to decide how he wanted his life to play out. He could either live it as he’d been and continue to ignore his feelings. Or he could accept what should have always been and give into his and treat her as his wife in every sense of the word. But, was it too late? Had she already closed her heart off to him? She’d openly rejoiced in his successes and cried with his failures, but she’d never shown that her heartfelt anything more for him. Not since that day when he’d shut her out.

  Now, as he walked toward the hospital, today would be the day he started working on winning her back. He couldn’t allow another day to go by without her knowing how he really felt about her. And he was going to show her what a real marriage to him would be like. She was going to be his partner in all things moving forward; he just hoped.

  Chapter 26

  Braxton’s operation to win Paisley over started off as a bust. She had been in full recovery mode at home during the last six weeks. Because of the surgery, she had been forbidden from lifting anything heavy once she’d returned home which meant she couldn’t lift Emmy from her crib when she cried.

  It had taken a toll on Paisley emotionally, no matter how hard Braxton tried to facilitate the bond by placing Emmersyn in Paisley's lap. Paisley was falling further and further into a depressive state. She wanted to be the one who cared for their precious little girl and having Braxton be there all the time left her feeling empty and worthless.

  The first few days after Paisley had arrived home had been a struggle for her. She couldn’t bathe herself, and she absolutely hadn’t wanted Braxton to assist in any way. He had offered to give her a wet towel bath, and she’d shuddered.

  As the weeks went by, Paisley became less and less of her bubbly self and more a shell of a human being. At night, Braxton swore he could hear her sobbing behind closed doors as he passed by her room. His heart ached knowing that there was nothing he could do. He tried. He’d make her dinner so she didn’t have to worry about it. When she returned to work after being home for a month, he’d brought her lunch to her office each day. Hell, he’d even brought home flowers and gifts, hoping to break the funk she was in.

  It was time he intervened—no more tiptoeing on eggshells. Tonight, he was going to venture down the road of tough love and force her to be the person she was prior to the surgery.

  Paisley had been working late one night when a slight tap on her doorframe drew her attention. She had worn her glasses today instead of her contacts. Removing her glasses, she gently rubbed her eyes before she raised her head to see who was standing at her door.

  Her heart fluttered at the sight of Braxton there in a black T-shirt and a pair of faded denim jeans—that hugged his thighs and gripped the globes of his ass. He wore his baseball cap backward, just as he always did on Tuesday evenings after softball practice. She hadn’t realized that the sun had set hours ago. In fact, Emmersyn was so quiet that she had almost forgotten that she was playing in the space that had been built for her.

  “You look tired,” Braxton said as he stepped away from the door, strolling toward his daughter. Paisley watched as he lowered himself onto the floor next to Emmy. His long legs stretched out in front of him as he relaxed onto his elbows. Emmy’s tiny body began rocking back and forth.

  She’d been trying to crawl for weeks now, but she just couldn’t master it. Instead, she’d rock back and forth, scooting her way along the floor. When she reached her father, she placed half her body on him and began to coo.

  Braxton loved the connection he and Emmy shared—the tender moments that he ensured were burned into his memory, as he knew one day she wouldn’t be daddy’s little caterpillar anymore.

  Braxton reached for Emmy and tugged her against his chest as he lay on the floor. Lifting Emmy into the air, his arms swayed side to side and he made a flying noise as he pretended she was a plane.

  “Come on, caterpillar. Let’s go see Mommy.”

  Braxton stood with Emmersyn in his arms and sauntered toward Paisley. He watched her eyes follow him, and with each step, her gaze became more intense. For a brief moment, he thought he saw desire in them, but if he did, Paisley quickly schooled her expression as it wasn’t there the second he looked again.

  Paisley pushed herself away from her desk, making room for Emmy when Braxton lowered her into her arms. Paisley kissed the top of Emmy’s head, then lifted her into the air so she could smell her daughter's tiny butt. Paisley’s nose quickly scrunched at the smell and Braxton watched as a shudder passed over Paisley's body.

  “You brought her here just so I’d have to change her, didn’t you?” Paisley was sure that was the reason, but she still inquired.

  Braxton didn’t say a word; he just raised his hands to his chest and opened his mouth as though he were surprised.

  “Don’t feign innocence with me,” she snarled back at Braxton. “I know you hate changing diapers. You did this on purpose.”

  Braxton surprised Paisley when he lowered his head and placed a tender kiss on her lips. Not her cheek as he usually did—this time he went all in and locked lips with her. It was soft, tender, and only lasted for a moment, but the message he was trying to send was received and accepted with enthusiasm.

  “I did my fair share of diaper-changing for five weeks. I think I deserve a pass on this one. Don’t you?”

  Paisley considered his words briefly, but what she couldn’t get past was the kiss. It left her speechless. She raised her free hand to her lips before running her finger over her bottom lip. Was there something more than a diaper change behind the kiss? She knew there was only one way to find out.

  “Was that kiss a please change the baby kiss?”

  He brushed his thumb along her cheek before placing his palm behind her neck and lowering his lips to hers once again. When he pulled away he saw, lust. Want. Desire.

  “That had nothing to do with the baby and everything to do with how amazing you are, how important you are to me and how much I want you.”

  Paisley stood in her shower, the hot water rolling down her body as the steam filled the room. She was lost in another universe as she pondered just how she should react to Braxton’s declaration that he had feelings for her. There had been a time when she’d longed to hear those words, but that was years ago. Before Alissa, before their junior year of high school when Braxton had started sowing his oats with random girls. Now she was afraid to open her heart; it would never survive rejection again. Could she trust his revelation?

  What could their relationship look like if she gave in? Could they ever become husband and wife in the true sense of the words? She ached to know what that felt like, craved to feel the sensation of his hands on her body as he worshiped her, to hear his professions of desire for her nightly.

  Though the water was steaming hot, goosebumps raised across her body at the thought of them as a couple. Her hand clasped at her chest, recalling the hurt she’d felt the morning Braxton told her Alissa was moving back home with him. She’d vowed not to delude herself anymore and pushed her feelings for him deep into the recesses of her heart. She’d kept her promise to herself even though it had been a struggle. Never had she ever imagined that she’d be married to Braxton, or that she’d be raising a child with him.

  Paisley ran her palm over the lower part of her face, caressing her cheeks just as she imagined Braxton would if he was there. When she opened her eyes, she found Braxton standing in the doorway that joined Emmersyn’s room to the bathroom. Her breath hitch
ed as he stared at her, lust burning in his eyes.

  “Damn, you are the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen. How could I have been so blind?” Braxton stepped into the room, slowly stalking toward her.

  “Sexier than—“Paisley stopped mid-sentence. Should I ask him if I’m sexier than Alissa? Did she want to know the answer to that question?

  “Yes,” Braxton answered.

  “You don’t even know what I was going to ask.” Paisley stood facing him, her body on full display through the glass shower doors.

  “Oh, but I do. I’ve always been able to read your mind, and the answer is yes. You’re sexier than Alissa ever was, and yet I was blinded to it.”

  She had forgotten that they’d used to finish each other's sentences, or how a single look could reveal what the other felt. Braxton stepped just a little closer and slid the glass door open. He didn’t ask permission. Instead, he turned the handle, shutting off the water, and with his other hand he reached beside him, grabbing the towel off the wall.

  A slight shiver from the cool air overwhelmed her. Braxton opened the towel, his eyes begging her to step out of the shower and into it. She hesitated briefly but then advanced into his arms. Braxton wrapped the towel around her before he drew her body to his. She could feel his erection hard against her belly, causing her core to clench and release in anticipation. She settled into his embrace; her racing heart began to slow as a calmness spread through her. His touch felt right—perfect. How could she have believed she’d be able to resist him forever?

  Braxton bent, placing an arm under her legs, and swooped her up. He carried her into Emmersyn’s room, ensuring their little girl was still sound asleep, before he made his way toward his.

  Chapter 27

  This is it. This was his opportunity to show her just how precious she was to him. His heartbeat faster with every step until he reached his bed. For the first time, he was unsure of what his next move should be. If this were just another woman, he’d toss her on the bed and do dirty things to her. But this wasn’t any other woman; this was Paisley, and he couldn’t afford to screw this one up by making her feel anything less than what she truly was. She was the other half of his heart and tonight he was going to show her just how important that half was. Braxton lifted one leg and placed his knee on the bed. Paisley was still in his arms. Slowly, he lowered her to the mattress, all the while his eyes never left hers. As he stared into hers, he saw desire laced with apprehension written on her face. Was this a bad idea? Hell, no. And he was going to prove to her he was worthy of her love.

  “You’re so beautiful, and I’ve been stupid. I’m sorry, Paisley, that it’s taken me so long to see what should have been all along.”

  Paisley gasped and he hated that she was so surprised by his admission. He had broken her spirit for years. Held her in the friend zone. But he was a fool. She’d always had the power. He was just too stubborn to submit. Tonight, was all about him giving in to her.

  Braxton brushed her wet hair away from her face. The touch of his hand sent shivers down her body. Her lips were soft and tender and he placed multiple kisses to her face. First to her lips, then the tip of her nose, and her forehead was next. By the time he reached her neck, she was panting with desire.

  Braxton placed one last kiss to her lips, and then he left her side. Her eyes followed his body as he stood beside the bed and slowly undressed. The removal of his shirt, exposed his perfectly defined chest and rock-solid eight-pack, her center clenched and released several times as her desire for him built higher and higher. He was a perfect specimen of a man; his body was one that women dreamt of. His fingers moved slowly, almost as if the removal of his jeans was being played back to her in slow motion. The wait was agonizingly painful.

  Her breath hitched as he lowered his zipper halfway before stopping. Paisley’s eyes found his face. She saw a devious look in his eyes and an all too familiar smirk. “Do you like what you see, butterfly?”

  Paisley nodded. “Can you undress faster.”

  Braxton leaned forward, placing a hand on the bed to steady himself as he claimed her lips. Their kiss was hard and passionate as their tongues twisted and danced together briefly before he pulled away. She was breathless, and his excitement soared higher. He gripped the sides of his jeans and slowly, oh so slowly, he lowered them before stepping out.

  He stood before her in tight grey boxer briefs, his erection barely contained by the fabric as the top of his length peeked over the waistband. A drop of his desire rested at the opening of his tip. He bent once again, only this time he didn’t kiss her. With one knee on the bed, he reached for her towel, his hands making quick work of untying the ends. He tossed both sides to the bed, fully exposing her deliciously tanned body before him. His eyes scanned over her. Her nipples were tight and hard, begging for him to take them in his mouth. His eyes roamed farther, over her perfectly toned stomach down to her flawlessly waxed landing strip. A deep, low rumble resonated from his throat at the sight. Her body shuddered. Then, he saw it: the evidence that he could have lost her back then. Her body tensed when his eyes lingered too long on her incision.

  “I know it’s ugly.” Paisley's hand immediately covered the still red and puffy scar.

  Braxton hadn’t meant to make her feel self-conscious about it. He didn’t care at all what it looked like, and he didn’t want her to think that he did. His hands grasped hers as he pulled them away, allowing him access to the scar. He placed several small kisses over the now healed mark.

  Her body tensed beneath him, and he raised his head so their eyes connected. “Don’t. Don’t ever think that it takes away from your beauty. It doesn’t. It’s just another part of you for me to love.” The words he spoke were sincere and tender. He didn’t want her to think that he found her unappealing.

  Paisley visibly relaxed at his words, letting him know he could continue with his assault upon her body. And ravishing her was what he wanted to do.

  His kisses continued to her hip bone, then down one of her legs. He tasted the saltiness of her skin on his tongue as he sucked his way back up her leg, stopping once he reached the backside of her knee. He watched as she closed her eyes. Her breath shuddered with each nip of his teeth lightly against the inside of her thigh. He could tell her desire for him was on overload with each placement of his mouth on her body.

  “Braxton,” Paisley moaned his name loudly. She squirmed beneath him. His lips got closer and closer to her center. His next move would claim the nub above her entrance--he pulled away, leaving her obviously breathless and frustrated.

  Paisley’s eyes sprung open. Braxton met them, lust and desire reverberating from his entire being. “Are you ready for this, butterfly?”

  “Yes.” The word came out breathy and drawn. She’d finally spoke, and all she could say was one word. She couldn’t articulate what was on her mind. Stop teasing me. Take me now. Send me to the moon and back with your amazing dick.

  Braxton stood quickly and removed his boxer briefs. His erection was on full display to her. The tip of the head was wet, swollen, and deep red. It had taken all his self-restraint not to release his desire.

  “You like what you see, butterfly?” He reached down and stroked himself several times. “I’m ready to explode all over you. The minute my lips touched your thigh, I had to stop or I was going to embarrass myself by releasing all over your leg.”

  Paisley’s stomach fluttered with butterflies. “Do naughty things to me, Brax.” Her words were but a whisper from her lips to his ears.

  Braxton crawled between her legs, pressing his body to hers. His erection pressed hard against her center as their bodies aligned. He slid his fingers into her hair as he held her face in place, and he claimed her mouth once more. This kiss was different than any that came before it. This kiss was laced with desire and want—a prelude to the night's adventures.

  Braxton stared into Paisley's eyes when they ended the kiss. He searched one then the other for any indication that she may feel d
ifferently than he did. Finding nothing, he decided to go for it. He was going to share his heart and soul with her and if she broke it, then so be it. But he couldn’t give her everything he wanted if he wasn’t willing to risk it all and bare his true feelings to her.

  “I’m in love with you, Paisley. I think I have been since we were kids.” Braxton looked deep into her eyes, trying to see into her soul for the answer he was hoping for, but he came up empty. “I don’t think I was ready to admit it to myself because Paxton’s my best friend too and, well, he’s your brother and all.”

  She looked back at him. Still, her eyes gave nothing away. His confidence was wavering, and he was ready to give up all hope when Paisley closed her eyes, allowing a single tear to fall and roll into her hairline. If he hadn’t been staring so intently at her, he might have missed it.

  Braxton was sure he’d said the wrong thing. Panic gripped his heart.

  “I should have recognized the signs.” Braxton inhaled deeply. “I’m certain I’ve hurt you over the years with my actions, and I’m truly sorry if I did.”

  Paisley didn’t open her eyes, but that didn’t stop the tears from them.

  “I’m so sorry, butterfly. So very sorry.” Braxton placed a tender kiss to her lips, then her cheek, and finally his kisses stopped when his lips found her ear. “Please forgive me.”

  Forgive me. The words caused Paisley’s eyes to spring open. He wanted her forgiveness, but there was nothing to forgive. She’d played an equal part in where they were today. She could have confronted him over the years, told him how she’d felt, but she hadn’t. She’d taken the easy way out and buried her emotions deep inside. She couldn’t let him feel as if he was the only one at fault.


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