Sharing Backstage

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Sharing Backstage Page 10

by Paige Parsons

  Of course, he got them there with time to spare, even with the coffee stop. The girls agreed that their next bios would include an effusive thank you to Dutch Brothers, for both their amazing coffee and quick service.

  Harper followed Lucas to his office (theirs while she was in residence), while Maddy started unlocking dressing rooms and setting things up. They had approximately fifteen minutes before the rest of the crew and some of the younger actors started showing up. Once in the office, she immediately went to plug her phone in. Things had seemed fine when she left Riley the night before, but that didn’t mean her director hadn’t come up with some tiny adjustment that needed to be handled before the curtain went up that afternoon. She was at least pleased with her smart choice to send out her performance report before they hit the bar. As soon as the phone had a little juice, things began to flash and beep. Scrolling through quickly, she saw it was nothing urgent, except the repeated calls from Lucas. Yeah, that was putting her misdeeds right back at the front of her brain. He hadn’t said a word since they walked into the space, but she’d felt his eyes on her the entire time. When she did finally look up, what she saw wasn’t much different from what she’d seen at Maddy’s place.

  “How are you feeling? Did Riley call?” he asked.

  “I’m probably feeling better than you think I deserve to, and no, she didn’t. It’s a sure sign that all of her compliments last night weren’t wine induced.”

  “Riley doesn’t give out false praise, wine or not. What I saw went really well, so I’m looking forward to seeing the rest. As long as we get finished today, I should be able to watch tomorrow’s matinee after church.”

  “Are you just rushing out now?”

  “Harper, I have to go, and you have a show to do. We don’t have time to talk. You weren’t really trying to get into this now, were you?”

  “Well, with that look on your face, the only thing I’ll be able to focus on now is how unbelievably irritated you are with me.”

  “You need to rest between shows. Make sure you put something in your stomach and drink all the water you can. No impromptu night out tonight, Harper. We have things to discuss before either of us really gets any rest.”

  “Look, I know how foul and ridiculous my behavior was last night, but going over it sure isn’t going to change it. ¿Podemos dejarlo por favor en el pasado? Let’s leave it in the past.”

  “Oh, no chance in hell that’s happening, missy. We are going to talk, and we are going to set some neglected boundaries. We’re just going to wait, because I can assure you that pushing me to deal with you now is a huge mistake.”

  “Deal with me?”

  “You want me— No, I’m not going to be baited into a fight. I love you. Have good shows, and I’ll see you at home.”

  He walked over and gave her a platonic kiss on the temple.

  She did have good shows, but it took more concentration than it should have. The show was already in her body, and she should have been on autopilot, but instead, she had made three rookie mistakes out the gate. If Wesley hadn’t been sitting in the booth right beside her, it would’ve been a colossal disaster. Actors tend to get seriously annoyed when they are left to deliver lines in the dark. The more the tequila wore off, the more worried Harper became about the prospects of her pending encounter with Lucas. It wasn’t something she was certain of, but it was starting to feel like her gut-churning had more to do with her guilt than anything he might say or do. They were supposed to go to church with his family the next morning, and facing him and them felt like the worse fate she could conjure up.

  The fact that he’d checked on her at intermission during the first show, then between shows, to make sure she was doing as told, followed by a wake-up call and another call during intermission of the second performance had her jumpy and agitated by the time her phone rang a few minutes after the house cleared for the night.


  “Whoa. What’s wrong, Harper?”

  “You. You are what’s seriously wrong, Lucas. You’re driving me nuts. I wasn’t going to make a break for it in the middle of the damn performance. This is my job, or do you no longer see me as capable of doing the job. What the hell is the deal?”

  “What have I said during any of these calls to set you off like this? I wanted to make sure you were feeling all right and not sick. Should I have called Maddy? That would be treating you like you couldn’t handle it. I thought I was showing you that I wasn’t upset and that I love you.”

  “Yeah, well, we both know that isn’t true. You are still upset. Right? I’m guessing we aren’t going to just forget last night happened.”

  “Is that what you really want? Should we just pretend the things said and done don’t matter?”

  “I’ll go to confession.”

  Lucas couldn’t hold back his laughter. “Baby girl, you haven’t set foot in a confessional, that I know of, since you knew you’d have to take communion at your niece’s first communion. I think you said it was easier to deal with Father Edmonds than explaining to your mom why you weren’t going up. That was, what, a year ago, probably more. By the time you got to last night’s transgressions, you’d have to spend more time at church doing penance than you do at work. My solution offers absolution a lot quicker.”

  “You’re hilarious. Mami still wouldn’t let me go up. She said it didn’t matter that I went to confession because as long as we were living together unmarried, I was making no real effort to avoid the occasion of sin. It’s getting late. I need to go give the crew notes for tomorrow.”

  Lucas was glad for the moment to laugh with her.

  “I have a few things to finish here. Nate wants to be sure the director can use the revolve at their rehearsal tomorrow. I’ll let you go. Drive safe, and I’ll see you at home. I love you, Harper.”

  “I forgot to get my keys from you. Great.”

  “I left them in the bowl next to a handful of chocolate squares. I thought for sure you would’ve had a few by now. Oh, and my sweatshirt is behind the door. You’ve been inside all day, but it got chilly.”


  Harper was staring off at a random spot on the back wall of the stage. Maddy and crew had raised all of the curtain legs, the cyc, and the scrim. Once again it looked like an oddly painted warehouse, with all of the non-permanent pieces struck stage left and stage right. Her heart was in everything her eyes fell on. The place was a huge part of her life, and she wasn’t ready to be separated from it. She just didn’t know if she could do what it would take to stay.

  “Harper. I said I love you.”

  “Sorry. I mean I know. Wow, sorry. Love you, too.”

  It wasn’t a situation where she was literally hanging up on him, but she just needed to get off the phone. No more talking and no more sweetness.

  “Hey, Maddy?”

  “Yeah,” she called from across the room.

  “Meet me in the office. I have a few notes. Timing was off on two of the entrances. I don’t know if Riley is popping in tomorrow or not, but that can’t happen again.”

  “Okay, Harper. I’m just going to finish clearing the dressing rooms, and I’ll be right back.”

  Closing the door to the office behind her, Harper took a couple of deep breaths to push down her tears. There was too much emotional debris starting to surface, and she didn’t want to deal with any of it. When she felt she could blink without tears running down her face, she went to the bowl and shoved a piece of chocolate into her mouth. Her keys were right there. Shoving them in her back pocket, she went to put on Lucas’s sweatshirt. Maddy walked in and caught her smelling a sleeve.

  “You good?”

  “Of course. Just cold. Let’s hit these notes. I need to get home.”

  Chapter 10

  Lucas & Harper’s House

  Poor puppy, she thought as she walked to the back of the house to let the dog in. The days were long for the overgrown Labrador pup. Harper was a guilty puppy mom and over-indulged
him with treats when they were out of the house for long stretches. He really needed a good long run, but she wasn’t even close to being up to it. Rarely was she up for a good long run. She didn’t mind the occasional aerobic or dance class, though. If they were home together, she would, however, go running with Lucas, and then he’d stay off her back if she had a junk food binge-fest. He called her the master snacker. Most of her full meals only happened when he cooked them. Her logic was that cooking and, more importantly, cleaning afterward was highly overrated for one or even two people when so many places delivered.

  “Sorry, baby, daddy isn’t here, so it’s just dinner and a cuddle. Okay, and maybe a treat or two. I’m a complete pushover. Come on, now. No running tonight.”

  He lingered by the door a minute then followed her into the kitchen, where she was filling his water dish and food tray. As soon as he was occupied with his own belly, Harper went into their bedroom and pulled out her small suitcase.

  Lucas was a lot later than he thought he would be, or wanted to be, but safety came first. If Nate’s director needed actors able to use the full set, they had to check for every possibility of things going wrong. He sent Harper a few texts but didn’t get a response. He didn’t want her to wait up, but he wasn’t going to risk another tense phone call. Hopefully, she’d just gotten some rest. What was one more day?

  What he hadn’t expected was to see her suitcase sitting by the door. He walked the hallway in the dark as quietly as he could. Now he knew why the dog hadn’t met him at the door. He was already protecting the one he thought was most important. Her hair was up in messy bun, and she was curled up in yoga pants and his sweatshirt. Rowdy had taken his place entirely, as their bodies were intertwined. Her phone was on the coffee table. When he picked it up, he saw it was down to half a charge.

  Touching her without disturbing the hound was no easy feat. “Baby girl. Harper. Easy, it’s just me.”

  She was about to bounce up without even thinking about the ruckus that would cause the dog to make. Lucas gave him a pat and pointed to the bedroom, where his proper bed was. He’d given up on keeping him off the couches when Harper moved in. She loved snuggling with him, especially when she was home alone, so it became a useless and uphill battle. Patting her head as she sat up, Harper tried to get her bearings. She had a plan, and his walking in and finding her sleeping, curled up with his dog, wasn’t part of it. She had cried, packed, unpacked, repacked, cried some more, and torn the house up for more chocolate, without success. They’d been working so much they were out of everything worth eating.

  Her voice was hoarse. “What time is it?”

  “Late. Like, one, I think. I sent you a text.”

  “I was probably already asleep.”

  “I wanted you to be. I know you’re exhausted. Why are you out here? The television isn’t even on, so I know you didn’t fall asleep watching.”

  “I was waiting up to talk.”

  “Is it about that suitcase at the door?”

  All she could do was nod. She should’ve been all cried out, but the tears were still on the surface. As he moved in to bring her closer, she backed away. It ripped his heart out, but he didn’t push, and instead scooted back with his arms stretched across the back. Neither of them spoke.

  “I’m going to stay with Mira until I can get things turned back on in the condo. I’ll start making appointments on Monday.”

  Lucas didn’t move a muscle or say a word. He couldn’t very well keep her in his house as a hostage. He didn’t know what to say to get her to stay. He was too tired to find the right words, and frankly, she’d had more time with this plan than he was getting.

  “Aren’t you going to say anything?”

  “I’m not sure what to say. You want to go. Your packed suitcase doesn’t look like room for discussion. Is there?”

  “Is there what?”

  “Room for discussion, Harper. You’ve obviously made a decision about something, and you were waiting to inform me, not talk to me.”

  “I can’t do this anymore. I’m not used to all of this smothering. I— I— This is why I used my inheritance as soon as I turned twenty-one. My mother might want or need a Cliff in her life, but I don’t.”

  “It’s late, and I’m not— Please explain that to me,” he said.

  “My dad was the easiest human on the planet. He didn’t yell, he didn’t demand, and he sure as hell didn’t spank. My mom did what she wanted, when she wanted, how she wanted. I’m not even sure how much compromise there was in their relationship. She needed to be in charge, and he obviously let her be, but for some reason, she embraced Cliff and all his dictatorial ways.”

  “Every time I see them, they look euphoric,” he replied. “She doesn’t seem to be faking it. Maybe she’s getting what she needs.”

  “Well, I don’t need it or want it. I’m the boss of me.”

  “Wow. Did you really just say that? Right now you sound like the boss of a second-grade protest group, and you’re acting like I just banned recess for life.”

  “Wow, and you’re thinking mocking me is the way to go.”

  Harper got off the couch to head for her suitcase. Exhausted or not, Lucas was still faster on reflex.

  “No” he said. “I told you it was after one in the morning, and you’re obviously upset. You are not driving anywhere tonight, Harper. Be as pissed at me as you want, but I’ll be damned if I let you leave like this. I wasn’t mocking you. I want to listen if you want to talk. I’m sorry. Where are your keys?”


  “Harper, non-negotiable. Keys.”

  She reached into his sweatshirt pocket and put them in his hand.

  “Thank you. You promised you wouldn’t take off in the car when you got upset anymore, and I will always hold you to that. It’s dangerous.”

  “Fine,” she said curling back into her corner of the couch. Lucas didn’t push and went back to his own corner.

  “This is about last night.”

  “I apologized about that, already. Plenty. It’s not enough though, is it?”

  “In our relationship, which you agreed to, no, it isn’t.”

  “You said I really had the power because I could take back my permission at any time. That’s what I want to do. You accept my apology, and there’s no spanking, and I’ll unpack my suitcase. Do you love me enough to do that?”

  She knew what she wanted him to say, but the look on his face said that wasn’t likely. They were sitting in a partially lit room and the only sound heard was breathing. He scrubbed his hands across his bald head and down his face. They’d spent nights snuggled on that couch watching movies, going through scripts, her working on her laptop, and him sprawled out at the coffee table, putting set models together because he’d rather be in the same room with her than at his work table in the office. Memories flooded her brain. It was all so overwhelming to her senses.

  It was right on that couch, after sharing a bottle of wine and debating the merits of a designer’s choice, that playful tickling ended in her first sexy spanking. That had been a pleasant turn of events. All of her flailing around had caused her to brush up against his groin one time too many and too hard. He’d popped her once and warned her to be careful, but instead of heeding his warning, she went in for a full on grab. He flipped her over so quickly her laughter and pleading mixed, as she wasn’t sure if he was serious about punishing her or not. She knew one thing for certain; it wouldn’t take much to turn him all the way on. So, on his next smack, she leaned into it, pushing her backside into his hand. The spanks started feeling good in a way they hadn’t before, and he was rubbing and squeezing between each one. That was a nice turn of events, and her purr-like sighs surprised them both. There was willingness as she rose up a bit for him to take down her shorts. He massaged up and down her thighs, and as his thumbs moved closer to her center, there was no mistaking the moisture he found there. Tossing a look over her shoulder was all the green light he needed. That first orgas
m on the couch led to a few more in their bed. Her last scream woke the dog, and he had come around the side to stare. They’d both laughed until their stomachs hurt.

  She wasn’t about to lose a boyfriend. She was about to lose one of her best friends. Throwing down an ultimatum the way she had, with bags packed, this wasn’t a turn back moment. She knew it, and so did he.

  “I love you enough to let you go. This was always a long shot anyway, right, Harper? Aren’t you the one that always says theory is one thing, but practice is another? I’m sorry I didn’t handle this, us—you better. I’m going to stay with Nate until you get resettled in your condo. We don’t need to upset your sister’s peace just because ours is.”

  “I’m not putting you out of your house.”

  “You’re right; you’re not. I’m leaving by choice. Tonight, I’ll sleep on the couch because I’m in no better shape to drive than you are.”

  Every attempt at holding back her tears was forgotten. Harper was sobbing. Lucas wanted to comfort her, but his own breaking heart was making it hard. He knew she would have her sister and, if she stopped being stubborn, her mother. Hell, even Maddy, if getting drunk and forgetting was on the menu. Who was he supposed to talk to? If he thought his legs would carry him, he’d have taken a run. As it was, merely standing up was hard.

  “Come on. Let’s get you to bed. I’ll try to be gone before you get up to head to the theatre.”

  “Oh, my God, what about work? There’s still three weeks left. I’ll turn the show over to Maddy.”

  “Riley will eviscerate us both. Rehearsals are over. I don’t need to be there for performances. It’ll be fine, and we don’t have to tell anyone anything.”

  “Why are you being so—so nice about this? How is this not killing you?”

  “How can you think it’s not? We need to sleep, Harper, please. More talking right now isn’t going to fix this.”

  Instead of letting her go around to her side of the bed and use the little step stool he bought her to get into the bed she’d called ridiculously big, but had come to love, Lucas picked her up and laid her on his side. Turning to walk away, his breath caught in his chest as he fought for composure when she wouldn’t let his hand go.


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