Home > Romance > HARD LINE > Page 3

by Justice, A. D.

  “John, talk to the head of security about getting the hallway camera feed sent to our secure laptops for extra monitoring.”

  After giving out the team’s marching orders, I walk back into Rafael’s royal suite and climb the elegant staircase in the entryway to complete a thorough search of the expansive accommodation for the third time since we got up this morning. We changed hotels and opted for this ultra-lux and uber-secure resort after the failed attempt to grab us, erring on the side of caution, though the manager of the original hotel tried his best to dissuade us from leaving. Having someone of Rafael’s stature at a hotel only increases their bragging rights along with the number of people—mostly women—who frequent the bars and restaurants, hoping to run into him accidentally and have him fall madly in love with them at first sight.

  If they only knew how many other women have attempted those same tactics and failed miserably.

  He may be the world’s most eligible bachelor, but he’s also extremely discerning in choosing his dates. If there’s no chemistry after they serve the main course, he politely thanks her for a lovely evening, excuses himself, and arranges her transportation home. That very scenario has happened more times than I can count. Not that I blame them for trying. He is one fine specimen of a man. At six-foot-four, he’s an intimidating figure both inside the boardroom and out. His jet-black hair and dark brown eyes perfectly match his bronzed Latin skin. He turns heads everywhere he goes.

  “How do you feel, Raf?” His usually handsome face is scrunched, and he’s carefully kneading the back of his neck. “You’re still in pain, aren’t you?”

  His sheepish grin is the only answer I need.

  “Some days, I feel more like your assistant than the head of your security. Tabitha already rescheduled your building tour for later next week. The hotel concierge can arrange for a private physician to visit your suite. It’s technically been thirty-six hours since the collision. You can’t put off an exam any longer. If the doctor thinks you need X-rays or scans, we’re going to the hospital, even if I have to taser you to get you there.”

  “Whatever you say, boss lady.” He winks at me, knowing that term riles me up but also knowing I can’t stay mad at him for long. “We’ve been together so long now that I think you know me better than I know myself.”

  “That’s because I do. After the last three years of working for and traveling the world with you, I don’t see how you could possibly have any secrets left I don’t already know.”

  “You’re my personal stalker. I kind of like that, Tawnee. Makes you even more mysterious and sexy, if that were at all possible.”

  “Did you hit your head in the wreck? Maybe I should take you for that CT scan after all.”

  He playfully bats away my hand when I reach to check his forehead for a fever. “Don’t act like you don’t know. I tell you all the time—you could wear a burlap sack and still be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  “And just like every other time you’ve said that, I call bullshit. You’ve dated Victoria’s Secret models. I’m nowhere near their league.”

  “You have that backward. They’re nowhere near yours.”

  I shake my head at his antics. “You are a shameless flirt, Raf. Do you need a bag of ice for your neck until the doctor arrives?”

  “No, I don’t think so. I’ll just kick back here and relax until then. Thank you, though. I appreciate how well you take care of me.”

  Though it takes several phone calls and a lot of waiting, the doctor shows up and conducts a thorough exam. With no pressing business meetings this week, Rafael has plenty of time to rest and recuperate. Tony talked to the local police department, but their report isn’t available yet—at least, not for us anyway. Without the additional information it contains, there’s not much we can do at this time of day, other than finally relax and have a team dinner on the expansive balcony of Raf’s royal suite.

  The worried expressions on everyone’s faces match my somber mood. What happened this week was much too close for comfort, and we’re in a part of the world where I have no contacts available to help me out of a jam. Whoever is behind this and whatever their plans are, this team will have to handle it on our own.

  “Penny for your thoughts, Tawnee.” Rafael catches me staring into my wineglass.

  “My thoughts are worth much more than that.” My smile is as normal as possible under the circumstances. I don’t want to add to the apprehension I already feel from the group.

  “You know I’m good for it—however much you charge.” He’s like a dog with a bone.

  “I’m thinking we should have your suite’s assigned butlers clear the table now so you can get some rest after a very long and trying day. We’ll all feel more refreshed in the morning.”

  “If you say so. That’s not what you were thinking, but you’re not wrong.”

  The entire security team stays in his suite while the staff cleans off the table and resets everything to perfection, watching every movement like a hawk stalking some unsuspecting prey. I’m not willing to trust anyone outside our circle at this point in the game. There are way too many variables still unknown. When the last of the waitstaff leaves the room, the rest of us follow close behind.

  “I’ll see you in the morning, Raf. But if anything happens tonight, call me immediately, and I’ll come right back up here.” I’m the last one out the door, hesitant to leave him alone just yet.

  “Plan on joining me in my suite for breakfast first thing in the morning. I’ll put the order in tonight so it’s here on time.”

  “Okay. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, Tawnee.”

  * * *

  His request for me to have breakfast with him isn’t anything unusual. He hates to eat alone, even when he’s in his room away from all the prying eyes.

  His request to me after breakfast throws me for a loop, though.

  “Tawnee, let’s go down to the beach and relax. Just you and me—we’ll leave the rest of the team here. We both need a break and some time to destress. We have all day to ourselves.”

  I stop walking, making yet another round after breakfast, and stare at Raf in disbelief. My jaw is slack, and my eyes fly wide open. “You’ve got to be kidding me right now.”

  “Not at all. No one will recognize us in bathing suits and T-shirts. They’ll expect me to be in an Armani suit, silk shirt, and leather Louboutin dress shoes. I’ll wear flip-flops and an ugly Hawaiian shirt with cheap sunglasses.”

  “As much as I’d love to see you in that get-up—and take pictures of it to blackmail you with later—I wouldn’t be very good at my job if I agreed to your crazy request so soon after there was an attempt made on your life.” I move closer to where he’s sitting on the sofa, staring out the floor-to-ceiling windows at the inviting waters of the Persian Gulf. The people on the beach and in the water below look like ants from this height. But one fact is clear—Rafael is jealous of those ants and their carefree lives. “Talk to me, Raf. What’s really going on? You’ve never mentioned wanting to swim in the ocean or wear Hawaiian shirts and flip-flops before now.”

  “I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, Tawnee. Some I’d give up every dollar I’ve made to go back and change, but we both know that can’t happen. I’ve worked more than I’ve played. I haven’t spent enough time with the people who mean the most to me. I’ve been on plenty of dates, but I’ve never felt that instant spark or connection with anyone.” He turns and looks at me with deep sadness and regret in his eyes. “Except you.”

  I’ve never had an occasion to use the word flabbergasted to describe my own feelings and reaction, but now is as good a time as any. I’ve also never had a problem with using my vocabulary or conveying my thoughts—until now. An invisible tether holds our gazes in place. I’m staring into his gorgeous dark brown eyes, waiting for the punch line to pull us out of this awkward staring contest.

  “This must come as a surprise to you, judging by your reaction. Or lack of re
action, I should say. Our flirting started out innocent enough—I used it as an icebreaker to get to know you better as a person, not just as my security officer. But the more time I’ve spent with you, the more my feelings have changed. Since the day we first met, I’ve compared every woman I’ve dated to you. Not one of them measured up to the high standards you set, though, and that’s why I haven’t kept anyone around.”

  Nope, this awkward moment will not pass by unnoticed. At all.


  “Don’t say anything yet, Tawnee. I haven’t reached this level of success without being able to read people. You’ve always been the consummate professional, keeping any personal feelings separate from the job I hired you to do. Our relationship has always been one of employer and employee, and you haven’t allowed yourself to consider any deviation from that course even though I flirt with you relentlessly. I understand why, and I respect you for it.

  “What I’m asking of you is this—search for your true feelings for me, and I think you’ll realize they run as deep as my feelings do for you. We’ve spent a lot of time together and grown to know each other very well. I’ve fallen in love with you, Tawnee. I believe you secretly love me too. Don’t look at me as your employer. Simply see me as a man.”

  With our eyes still locked, I sit down on the couch beside him. I’m glad I was standing so close because my knees were about to buckle at any moment. “To be completely honest, I’m not sure I know how to separate my professional and personal life anymore. That has nothing to do with you and all to do with me. I’ve poured every bit of myself into my business for so long. I don’t know if there’s anything left of me outside of work.”

  His eyes soften as he watches me, understanding immediately lighting in them. “He broke your heart, didn’t he?”

  “Who?” I draw my eyebrows down in confusion for a moment. I’m certain I didn’t mention any names. Or, more precisely, a single name.

  “The man you loved once. The guy who wasn’t man enough to love you in return, not the way you deserved to be loved, anyway.”

  I’d feel less exposed in a two-piece thong bikini while standing in the center of the Dubai mall than I do fully clothed right now. He wasn’t exaggerating when he said he could read people. He sees right through me as if I’m a transparent pane of glass.

  “You deserve so much better than that. This week’s events opened my eyes to how blasé I’ve been toward my own safety, even though you’ve warned me a million times. You know as well as I do, I’ve always considered the security measures to be overkill. I thought it was more that the insurance company was trying to save the money on my life insurance policy. Now I understand there’s much more than money at stake. You may think my change of heart is only because I saw my life flash before my eyes, but what’s really happening is I refuse to waste one more minute of hiding what I genuinely feel for you.

  “That said, I’m willing to take whatever risks come our way to spend the day with you on the private beach at this ultra-secure resort. Do you have an indemnity waiver I need to sign first?” A sexy smirk covers his face, and his handsomeness strikes me with full force for the first time in the last few years I’ve known him.

  His skin is naturally tanned, blessing him with a natural sun-kissed complexion. Those dark brown eyes and full lips are accentuated by his perfect cheekbones and strong chin. But it’s that one dimple on his left cheek that’s the finishing touch.

  “Sorry. I must have missed something. What indemnity waiver are you talking about?”

  “The one that absolves you of any liability when we put on our bathing suits and join the party crowd on the beach. My swimming shorts are calling my name. Did you bring a bathing suit with you?”

  “Yes, I always bring a couple since I swim laps at night to get in my exercise.”

  “It’s too bad I never knew that before now.” He waggles his eyebrows and smiles seductively at me.

  “Even though I have bathing suits with me, we’re not going to the beach. I’m sorry, Raf. I appreciate your epiphany about taking your security seriously, but you’ve got to realize you’re not doing that right now. Putting yourself out in the open on a very crowded beach is the opposite of being aware of your safety.”

  “You’re right—see, I don’t even consider these things because I know you will. We’ll take my entire protection detail with us. They can take turns standing guard and playing in the water, so they’ll blend in without being miserable in the sun. Just to be clear, I’m going either way, so…”

  “Fine, only because I know you will. Then I’d either be forced to drag your ass back inside and cause a huge scene, or I’d have to quit and fly back home.”

  “You can never leave me, Tawnee, though the whole concept of you dragging my ass back to my bedroom has merit. Now, about that dip in the ocean. I’m going to go change into my bathing suit now, so I suggest you do the same. You’ll sweat your ass off in those clothes outside.”

  With that, he walks off to his bedroom and leaves me on the couch, still searching for the best witty reply—though I come up short even with the extra time to think. Apparently, my only recourse is to give in to his whim and join him since he’ll go with or without me. After I inform the rest of the team to join us at Raf’s last-minute beach party, I head to my room on the next floor down to put on my bikini and slide a cute cover-up over my head. Dubai is more liberal than the other Arab nations, especially for foreign visitors, but strolling through the hotel wearing a few shreds of fabric held together by dental floss is still frowned upon.

  The beach, however, is fair game.

  When I walk out of my suite, the others are waiting for me in the hallway near the elevators. I hear Raf talking to them as I approach.

  “To be perfectly clear, I’m the one pursuing Tawnee, not the other way around. In fact, the only thing she has agreed to so far is going down to the beach, and that’s because I twisted her arm. She would never let me go alone, regardless of the professional cost to her. So, I wanted to be upfront with everyone in the event she agrees to go out with me on a personal level. I wouldn’t want anyone to think she behaves in any way other than professional. I’m the one who confessed I’m in love with her. She hasn’t admitted to any feelings for me yet, but I hope to rectify that very soon.” Rafael’s words stop me in my tracks.

  It’s one thing to have a private discussion with me about this, but quite another to share everything with my team without clearing it with me first. As he said, I haven’t agreed to anything, but now everyone who works for me knows much more about my personal life, or potential personal life, or lack of personal life, than I wanted to share.

  Yes, technically, he pays them, but they report to me. I’m the one who picked all his detail teams.

  “Well, boss, this may surprise you, but we actually have a pool going on when you’d finally break down and ask her out. It’s been clear to us for quite a while you’ve had a thing for Tawnee.”

  Thanks, Tony. That’s exactly what I wanted to hear.

  “Is that right?” Raf sounds proud. “In this pool, did anyone have any thoughts on how long it would take Tawnee to agree?”

  Now, this, I have to hear. Only, the hallway is now completely quiet except for the nervous shuffling of feet. Then Tony finally opens his big mouth again.

  “We pretty much agreed that would happen when hell froze over. Nothing against you, boss. But she’s pretty hard-core when it comes to her job, and we didn’t think she’d jeopardize it for a potential relationship. That’s not really her style.”

  “Interesting. Well, maybe I should fire her first then ask her out.”

  The group breaks out in laughter until I turn the corner to join them, then everyone has a sudden coughing fit.

  “Very convincing, guys. Not obvious at all.” I make it a point to glare at every single one of my team before turning my attention to Raf. “And you. May I have a minute in private?”

  I turn and walk back to my roo
m, open the door, and hold it open until he walks inside first.

  “How you’re still single is such a mystery to me when you’re so romantic. ‘Fire her then ask her out’? Really?” I roll my eyes and shake my head.

  Raf laughs, clearly amused at the circumstances. “Don’t blame them, Tawnee. That was my impromptu meeting. Just in case you come to your senses and realize you’re as madly in love with me as I am with you, I wanted to avoid the uncomfortable conversation we’d have to have at that time.”

  “Well, why didn’t I think of that? Yes, that makes perfect sense. So, instead of giving me more than fifteen minutes to absorb everything you said, you thought it was a good idea to have an uncomfortable conversation with the entire team today. Because, why not? We were just in a high-speed car chase then a wreck less than forty-eight hours ago, and now we’re all going to the beach together after you announce your feelings toward me to my entire team. Just your average, ordinary vacation troubles.”

  “Exactly.” He has the audacity to be proud of himself.

  “Rafael, I really don’t appreciate the position you’ve put me in at all. My personal life is none of their business. Your personal life is their business—to a degree—but you and I are not there yet. I haven’t committed to anything more than our current relationship, which is employer and employee, borderline friends. If we progress into anything else, I’ll be the one to have the talk with my team. Are we clear?”

  “Crystal. But you have to admit one thing.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “At least you’d know life with me would never be boring.” Rafael’s smile crawls across his face, and his eyes twinkle with laughter. He turned what I intended to be somewhat of an insult into a positive.

  “Always looking for the silver lining, huh?” I can’t help but smile back at him.

  “Absolutely, and I usually find it too. Now, let’s go—the team is waiting, and they may get the wrong impression of us being in your room alone for so long.” He extends his elbow toward me and nods his head toward it. “We have to look like normal tourists, remember?”


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