Home Again

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Home Again Page 2

by Lisa Emme

  “The pleasure was all mine.” He smiled at her again, obviously turning on the charm. It made a shiver run down her spine.


  Mike watched as Allie, son and shopping bags in hand, headed back out through the double doors. He couldn’t help but admire the way she filled out her khakis and he turned reluctantly at the sound of Mr. Mason approaching.

  “Dr. Finn. Thank you for waiting.”

  “Mr. Mason - ”

  The sound of a crash and an exclamation interrupted them. Mr. Mason strode to the doors to see what the commotion was all about; Mike, spying a familiar green shirt and khaki pants, brushed past him.

  Allie knelt on the floor, her son in her arms, his small body jerking and twitching. She hugged him to her, talking quietly. As he drew near, Mike realized she was repeating her son’s name, over and over.

  “Dougie. Dougie. Come on, little man. Come on. Come back to me.” She glanced at her watch and counted the seconds as they passed. “Come on Dougie. Look at me.”

  With a final twitch, the frail-looking body stilled and the boy looked up at his mother, his face full of surprise and fear. He started to cry, a low, pitiful sound that quickly became a full out wail.

  “Shhhh. Hush now. It’s okay. It’s all right. Mommy’s here. Mommy’s here. Shh, shhh.” Allie gently rocked the crying, frightened child then looked around, as if suddenly realizing there were other people nearby. “It’s okay. Really. Everything is fine. My son is epileptic,” she said by way of explanation. She took a deep breath and composed herself, but Mike noticed that her eyes were a little watery with unspent tears.

  Mr. Mason rushed to her side. “Should I call the paramedic?”

  “No, please. It’s all right, really. We just need a minute.” She made some more soothing, comforting sounds and continued to rock back and forth, calming the scared child down. The staff and customers began to drift back to their business, now that the show seemed to be over.

  Mike looked around at the scattered shopping bags and then stooped to gather them up. As he approached Allie, she nimbly got to her feet, her son cradled in her arms. Awkwardly, she tried to shift Dougie, so that she could grab the bags from Mike.

  “No, here, let me carry these for you,” he said, shaking his head. “Do you have a car nearby?”

  “Yes, I have a car, but it’s down the block.”

  “Just as well I’m here to help then, isn’t it?” He smiled, his concern reflected in his eyes. Carrying her shopping bags, he strode ahead to the exit of the bank, pushing the door and holding it open. There was no way he was taking no for an answer.


  Allie looked at Mike standing at the door, waiting expectantly. It would have been foolish to turn down the help, so she hitched her son up higher in her arms and led Mike out of the bank and up the block to her older model SUV.

  She stopped at the car and shifted the boy again. “My keys are in my pocket and...” She gestured with her arms full of boy.

  Mike set the bags down on the sidewalk. “Oh, I can help you with that.” He took a step towards her with a mischievous glint in his eye.

  Not bloodly likely. Allie thrust the now sleeping Dougie into his arms.

  “Thanks. Don’t worry, a bomb wouldn’t wake him now,” she said with a wry grin.

  She reached into the tight front pocket of her khakis and pulled out her keys to unlock the door. Allie noticed Mike’s eyes widen as he watched her extract the keys, her short shirt riding up to reveal her pale, smooth skin. Despite everything, the look of male appreciation in his eyes made her stomach feel all fluttery. It was a welcome distraction from the concern she felt for Dougie.

  She opened the back door and turned to Mike. “Here. I’ll take him,” she said, reaching out for the boy.

  “No.” Mike shook his head. “Let me.” He easily slid the sleeping child into the car seat and fastened the seat belt. Pausing to look at the now peaceful boy, he brushed a stray hair off his forehead and turned to look at Allie.

  “Will he be okay?”

  “Yeah, he’ll be fine. He’ll sleep it off now for a few hours. These small ones are more scary for him than anything else.”

  After double-checking the seatbelt, she shut the door and turned, bending down to pick up the shopping bags, just as Mike did the same. Their hands brushed and Allie jumped back as if stung. Pretending not to notice, Mike asked, “Where do you want these?”

  She popped the back hatch and gestured to the back of the car. “Just throw them in here, thanks.”

  As she turned to leave, Mike reached for her arm, giving it a friendly squeeze. “Pretty scary for his mom too, I bet. Are you going to be okay?”

  Touched by his concern, Allie smiled, blinking back tears. “Sure. I’m a lot tougher than I look.”

  She turned and got into the car, but as she pulled her door closed she heard Mike mutter, “Of that I have no doubt.”

  “Allie dear, did you forget the Certo?”

  “What? No, it’s there. I had to go to two stores to find some. It’s in the bag from Hanley’s.” Allie entered the kitchen as she pulled a button-front shirt on over her tight-fitting tank top. She had changed into her favourite pair of old jean cutoffs too.

  “It’s not here now and I can’t find a bag from Hanley’s.” Her aunt stood in the kitchen, empty shopping bags in her hand.

  “Maybe I left a bag in the car. Just a sec.” She slipped into her shoes and headed out to her SUV. Unfortunately, a quick search of the back didn’t reveal the missing bag.

  “Well, darn.” Allie huffed out a breath in frustration.

  Back in the kitchen, she shook her head. “Sorry, Aunt Elaine. I guess it got left behind at the bank.”

  “Oh, don’t worry about it dear. I’m sure someone will turn it in. We can pick it up tomorrow.” She moved back to the stovetop where a pot of carrots had begun to boil. She turned down the element and looked back at Allie. “How’s our little boy? Did you talk to the doctor?”

  “Out like a light. We’ll have to keep dinner for him,” she replied, a look of concern flitting across her face. “The doctor is phoning in a prescription for a new medication. He wants Dougie to take it on top of the one he’s already on.” She walked to the cupboard and took down some plates then paused, taking a deep breath.

  “Oh now, here.” Her aunt sidled over and put her arm across Allie’s shoulders, giving her a comforting squeeze. “It’ll be all right. You’ll see.”

  Smiling bravely for her aunt, Allie wiped away the single tear that streaked down her face. “I know. Thanks, Aunt Elaine.” She grabbed some cutlery from the drawer on the way past and headed to the dining room to set the table.


  “That was a wonderful meal as usual, my dear.” Russ wiped at the corners of his mouth with his napkin.

  “Yes, that was delicious. You make the best meatloaf, Aunt Elaine.” Allie stood up and began to gather their plates to take them to the kitchen.

  “But I made sure I left plenty of room for pie,” her uncle added, patting his stomach.

  Laughing at her uncle’s comment, Allie headed into the kitchen. He always had room for pie, yet somehow managed to stay stick thin. It just wasn’t fair.

  Allie didn’t hear the knock at the door over the clinking dishes in the sink so she jumped when her uncle’s annoyed voice boomed out. “Now who could that be right at dinnertime?” She heard the second knock when it came, followed by the scrape of her uncle’s chair across the floor as he got up and shuffled off to see who was there.

  Allie returned to the dining room carrying a freshly baked strawberry pie, a knife and some plates, just as her uncle ambled back into the room.

  “A gentleman caller to see you,” he said, the corner of his mouth turning up in a grin.

  “Me?” She wrinkled her brow trying to think who it might be
and then shrugged. Only one way to find out.


  Allie stood at the veranda door and her stomach did a little flip at the sight of the leanly muscled figure waiting there. Mike, no longer wearing his ratty jeans and shirt, was now dressed in a pair of black jeans and a long-sleeved button down shirt the colour of blue at midnight. If anything, the dark blue seemed to make his green eyes glow even brighter.

  “Mike. What are you doing here? How did you find me?”

  “Well, good evening to you too, Allie.”

  “What? Sorry. Good evening, Mike. How are you?” She smiled her sweetest, fakest smile. “Now, what are you doing here? Are you stalking me or something?”

  Mike laughed and held up a bag that Allie hadn’t noticed in his hand. “Seems you forgot something back at the bank.”

  “Oh, I was afraid I had lost that. Thanks.” She grabbed the bag from Mike’s raised hand and took a quick peek inside. Yep, there was the Certo nestled in amongst the lacy, purple bra and matching panties. She looked up at Mike suspiciously.

  His eyes twinkling with mirth, Mike put up his hands in surrender. “Alright, alright, I admit I peeked.”

  She scrunched the bag shut, embarrassed. “All my things are ruined from the fire. I needed underwear,” she said defensively.

  “Hey, no complaints here. Purple’s my new favourite colour.”

  “Yes, well…thanks for dropping this off. Saves me a trip back to the bank.”

  “No problem. I wanted to check on the little guy anyway. How’s he doing?”

  Allie’s face softened at the thought of her sleeping son. “Oh, he’s okay. Sleeping it off.”

  “It must be hard on a kid.”

  “Yeah, but kids are resilient, you know? He just seems to take everything in stride. A right little trooper, as my aunt always says.”

  “He’s a real character all right.” He shuffled his feet uncomfortably. “Listen, I was wondering if you’d like to go out with me sometime. We could maybe grab a bite to eat or get a coffee or something? Give you a chance to wear your new purple - ”

  “Uh, I don’t think so, but thanks.” Seeing the disappointed look on his face, she continued on, “It’s not you, really. You seem like a great guy. It’s just not a good time for me right now…you know, with my son and all.” She shrugged. “Maybe I’ll see you around though? I’m going to be starting at Rowdy’s this week, maybe I’ll see you there sometime.”

  “Rowdy’s?” Mike looked puzzled.

  “Boy, you are new in town.” Allie chuckled and shook her head. “It’s the bar. The only bar in town?”

  The squeak of the veranda door made them both turn to look.

  “Allie dear, aren’t you going to invite your gentleman friend in for pie?” Aunt Elaine turned to look at Mike. “You eat pie, don’t you?”

  “Why yes ma’am, I certainly do,” Mike replied, turning on the charm. “Doesn’t everyone?”

  Aunt Elaine smiled at Mike and then looked at Allie expectantly.

  “Oh, yes. Sorry. Forgot my manners…Aunt Elaine, may I introduce Mike Finn? He’s the new vet working with Doc Mundy….Mike, this is my aunt, Elaine Roberts.”

  “Pleased to meet you, ma’am.”

  “Likewise I’m sure.” Grabbing his arm, Elaine looped her arm through his and led him into the house. “A veterinarian, you don’t say. Why that’s almost like a doctor now isn’t it?”

  Allie rolled her eyes at her aunt’s obvious thoughts of matchmaking and reluctantly followed them inside.


  Mike scraped his plate clean, for the second time. “That was the best pie I ever tasted.”

  “Another slice?” Her aunt hovered over the pie plate, server in hand.

  “Oh no, I couldn’t eat another bite.” Mike patted his stomach, grinning.

  “Well, seeing as how you already had two pieces, I’m not surprised.” Allie’s smile took the sting out of her words.

  Just then, a sleep-tousled boy came through the door. “Hey little man. About time you got up.” Allied smiled down at Dougie and lifted him up onto her lap. He snuggled in still wiping the sleep from his eyes.

  “There’s a mocycle in our driveway,” he said.

  “A motorcycle? Really? Well, imagine that.” She gave him a kiss on his head. “Are you hungry little man?”

  “Yes, I want pie….please.” Dougie looked up at his mom with big puppy eyes. Allie laughed and ruffled his hair, setting him back on his feet.

  “Pie later, dinner first. There’s meatloaf and your favourite, smashed potatoes. Now go wash up and I’ll get your plate.”

  Dougie started to head out of the dining room to do as his mother had told him but stopped, staring at Mike as if just noticing he was there. “Dr. Mike! Is that your mocycle? Did you come for pie?”

  “Yes it is, and yes I did. Now run and wash up like your mom asked. I’ll still be here when you get back.” Mike smiled at the little boy as he turned to scamper down the hall.

  Dougie arrived back at the table a few minutes later, the wet patch on his shirt evidence of him actually having washed his hands, and climbed up on his chair. “Can I ride on your mocycle Dr. Mike?”

  “Hmmm, I guess it depends on what your mom says. Maybe when you’re feeling better.”

  “I’m not sick. I just had a seizure and I’m not feeling wobbly now.” He looked up at Allie as she returned from the kitchen carrying a plate of food and a glass of milk. “Can I ride on the mocycle Mommy?”

  “Mo-tor-cycle. And well, I don’t know.” Allie frowned.

  “ Puh-leeeeeasssse?”

  “Well, maybe in a few weeks, if Dr. Finn doesn’t mind. But I want you to have been on your new medicine for a while first.” She placed the plate in front of him. “Now chow down, Sunshine, and after you can have some pie.”

  “With ice cream?” Dougie asked hopefully.

  “Yes, with ice cream.”

  “Boy, strawberry pie with ice cream. You sure are a lucky kid to eat like this everyday. I bet your mom makes the best pie in town.”

  “Best pie in the whole uverse.” Dougie said around a mouthful of mashed potatoes.

  “Really, the whole universe? Well now, that’s a mighty big claim. Can you back it up? I mean, have you tasted the pies on Venus or Mars?” Mike teased.

  Dougie laughed. “There’s no pies on Mars.”

  “Well, sure there are. Haven’t you ever heard of Mars Bars? Well, I’m talking about Mars pies, all chocolatey and full of marshmallows. I bet they’d give your mom’s pie a run for its money.”

  Dougie looked at his mom questioningly. Allie shrugged. “Don’t look at me, pal. I’ve never heard of Martian pie.”

  “Bet you could make a chocolate marshmallow pie, Mommy.”

  “Hmmm, I suppose I could. But for now, I think I’ll stick to earthly varieties. Now eat your dinner and then you can have your pie. I’m going to show Mike out and go feed old Joe and company.” She kissed him on the top of his head and then ran her fingers through his tousled hair.

  Taking his cue, Mike pushed himself up from the table. “Well, thank you again. Mrs. Roberts, Mr. Roberts, it was a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Thank you, dear. Don’t be a stranger. You drop by anytime now,” Aunt Elaine replied, a broad smile on her face.

  Allie rolled her eyes as she headed towards the veranda. Her aunt was definitely scheming.

  “Don’t forget to show him my tree house Mommy,” Dougie shouted after her.

  Allie laughed and called back, “Alright, little man. Now eat your dinner.”


  Pausing in the veranda to pull on a pair of worn riding boots, Allie shoved a pair of gloves into her back pocket and headed out the door, not waiting for Mike. She stopped beside his motorcycle and eyed it appreciatively. It was a Harley, of course. Sexy man, sexy bike. At the sound of hi
s steps behind her, she turned to look at him.

  “Well, good night, Mike. Thanks again for returning my lost shopping bag.”

  Without waiting for a reply, she spun on her heel and headed towards the small barn beside the house. Better to not prolong the goodbye. That man was going to be nothing but trouble. Sexy trouble, but trouble nonetheless. The last thing you need is to get tangled up with a man, Allie Daniels.

  At the ripe old age of soon-to-be twenty-five, Allie didn’t particularly have that much experience with men. In fact the only man she’d ever slept with had ended up getting her pregnant, then he’d gone and gotten himself killed in a stupid accident. Not much of a track record. Now, with Dougie and all his medical concerns, it just seemed easier to lead the life of a nun. Well, unless you counted having a vibrator as having a sex life. She smirked and chuckled to herself.

  “What’s so funny?”

  With a girly squeak, Allie jumped, hand to her chest. With all her deliberations, she hadn’t even noticed that Mike had followed along behind her.

  “Geez! Mike. You scared the daylights out of me!”

  “Sorry.” He dipped his head and coughed, sounding suspiciously like a chuckle.

  “Are you laughing at me?” Allie regarded him, her eyes narrowing to look at him.

  “No, of course not. But you do squeal like a girl.”

  “Well…I am a girl.”

  “Oh, trust me. I’m well aware of that.” His eyes traveled down her body appreciatively. Her short cutoffs showed off the length of her shapely legs. Even with the scruffy boots, she looked sexy.

  “Um, yeah. Well, I thought you were heading home.” Allie dipped her head, silently cursing her fair skin. She could feel the heat rising to her cheeks.

  Mike shook his head, grinning mischievously. “I’m in no rush. Besides, you haven’t shown me the tree house yet.”

  “Uh-huh.” She shook her head and pulled up the latch on the old barn door, letting it swing wide. The outbuilding was a small horse barn with just six stalls and a small multipurpose feed and tack room.


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