Home Again

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Home Again Page 14

by Lisa Emme

  Still blushing, Allie busied herself pulling drafts. She was almost grateful that things had picked up in the bar and kept her hustling back and forth, filling orders. Mike bided his time at the end of the counter, nursing his beer and sending smouldering glances her way. Allie could feel his eyes burning against her skin and it seemed like her body was answering in turn, her nipples erect and aching for his touch. When a few of the boys from the Circle D came in, they roped Mike into joining them, but even from a table all the way across the room, Allie could feel his heated glances.

  “Whew! You two have got to tone it down or you’re going to self-combust.” Marla winked at Allie.

  “I have no idea what you are talking about,” Allie replied, the blush on her cheeks putting a lie to her words.

  “Yeah, right. Like you can’t feel the heat coming off that boy’s stare. He can’t keep his eyes off of you.” Marla leaned in close, her voice low. “So, have you two done the nasty? I bet he’s great in the sack.”

  “Marla!” Allie gasped. “I can’t believe you just said that.”

  “I may be an old lady but I’m not dead yet.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m not one to kiss and tell. So you’ll just have to get your cheap thrills from a romance novel.”

  “Spoilsport,” Marla grumbled good-naturedly.


  A while later, Sal came out of the office to give Allie her break. “Thanks Sal. I’ll just take these empties back to the store room before heading on my break.”

  She grabbed a case of empty bottles and carried them out past the table where Mike was sitting. As she passed by, she caught Mike’s eye and raised her eyebrows in a silent invitation.

  She carried the box down the hall and into the storage room. A few seconds later, she heard footsteps go past the door. She opened it a crack to see a familiar set of sexy shoulders, slim waist and killer ass. Mike stood with his back to the door, hands on his hips, unsure of where she had gone.

  “Psst! Mike,” Allie mock whispered. He turned and the look of pure lust on his face made Allie take a step back in surprise. The next thing she knew, Mike was through the storeroom door and kicking it shut behind him. He caught her up against the wall, his mouth rough on hers, his five o’clock shadow scraping deliciously across her face. He kissed her frantically, nipping and biting, and then tangled his tongue with hers. Allie moaned as he pressed himself against her pushing her arms up and pinning them above her head. He kissed her across her jaw and down her neck then nuzzled his face against her collarbone, taking a deep breath.

  “Damn, Allie, you drive me crazy.”

  Allie laughed. “The feeling’s mutual.” She pulled her arms away, grabbed his face and pulled it back to hers so she could kiss him deeply. Mike’s hands cupped her breasts, his thumbs rubbing across her aching nipples. He pressed himself against her, and Allie could feel his rock hard erection. She slipped her hand down between them and rubbed against his hard length through his jeans.

  Mike groaned and tore his mouth from hers. “All I could think of all week was being inside you again.” He slid a hand down her belly to the top of her shorts and then yanked at her shirt. He pulled it up to expose her bare stomach and then pushed it further, uncovering her breasts.

  “You’re wearing my new favourite colour again,” he said with a grin.

  He looked at her lacy, purple bra and cupped her breasts with his hands. “But I’m afraid it’s just going to have to go.” He grabbed the front opening clasp and peeled the bra open. Allie didn’t think her nipples could get any more erect, but the cold gust of air-conditioned air puckered them up further, the dull ache becoming a roar of need.

  Allie gasped and clutched her bra to her chest. “Mike! At least lock the door first.” Mike laughed and turned back to slide the bolt on the door. He reached into his back pocket, pulled out a condom and tossed it down on a stack of boxes.

  Allie smirked. “I see you came prepared. Rather sure of yourself, don’t you think?”

  Mike shrugged and threw her a cheeky grin. “I like to think of it more as being hopefully optimistic.” He took a step toward her as his eyes raked over her. “Now, put your hands back up over your head.”

  Allie’s eyebrows shot up at the sound of command in his voice, but she did as she was told. Her bra dangled uselessly from her arms as the cool air rushed to bathe her bared skin and she shivered. Mike closed the distance between them, grabbed her breasts in both hands and squeezed them firmly. A small gasp of pleasure escaped her lips as he covered her nipple with his mouth. He suckled one then the other and this time the shiver that raced up her spine had nothing to do with the air-conditioning. Mike’s lips found hers again, his kiss all but devouring her. “I want you. Right now,” he rasped, his voice husky.

  “Well, Mr. Hopefully Optimistic, you’ve got fifteen minutes.” She twined her fingers through his hair and then leaned forward to nip his earlobe.

  Mike groaned, then grabbed the front of her shorts and gave them a tug. The button popped open and he slid the zipper down. “Well then, we’d better hurry. These have got to go too.”

  He shimmied the tight shorts down her hips to expose the tiny black triangle of her thong. “ Mmmm, nice. This can stay.” He plucked at the thin string that held the thong in place as Allie stepped the rest of the way out of her shorts. “I think I can work around it.”

  He ran his fingers along the string at her hip, following it to the front to dip under the satiny black triangle. He dropped to his knees and pulled the bit of fabric to the side, then buried his tongue deep into her hot flesh. Allie’s knees felt like jelly and she gasped and gripped his shoulders to keep her balance.

  “Lean back against the wall and put your leg on my shoulder.” Mike’s voice held a tone of command again.

  “Fifteen minutes, well more like ten now. Remember?”

  “First things first. I have been dying for a taste of you again all week.” He slapped her on the butt. “Now come on, time’s a wasting.”

  “Ouch! Hey!” Allie lifted her leg and Mike grabbed it, swinging it over his shoulder. She felt rather exposed, but then Mike sucked her clit into his mouth and all coherent thought left her.

  He laved her clit, sending pulses of heat to her core. His tongue flicked back and forth over the sensitive bud then delved deep as Mike sucked and licked at her flowing juices. He pulled on her thong causing the bit of fabric caught between her cheeks to rub against her puckered, little asshole. The combined sensations quickly brought her over the top and she threw her hand over her mouth to keep from screaming her pleasure out loud. As the tremors continued to rack her body, Mike plunged two fingers deep inside, pumping in and out.

  Just when she thought she couldn’t stand it anymore, he stopped and eased her leg back to the floor. A small whimper escaped her lips, but the sound of a tearing wrapper caught her attention. She watched, fascinated, as Mike shoved his pants to his knees, his erection springing up to brush his flat stomach. He expertly rolled the condom on and then pulled her to him for a deep kiss. His mouth was swollen and tasted of sex. Allie nipped at his lips playfully.

  Mike chuckled and grabbed her hips. Spinning her around, he pulled her back against his chest. With one arm wrapped around her waist, he slid his other hand down her spine, pushing her to bend over the stack of cases in front of her. When she was pressed firmly over the cases, he kicked her feet apart, yanked her thong to the side and then drove himself deep with a single thrust.

  “Omigod!” Allie gasped, clasping a hand over her mouth. “Oh, yes, yes.”

  Mike pumped furiously, all finesse gone. “Oh God, Kitten. I’m sorry. I’m so close.”

  “It’s okay, okay. I’m coming, I’m coming.” Allie’s voice was a whisper, her breath coming in gasps. “Come with me!” Her body arched and she bit her lip to keep from crying out.

  Mike gave tw
o quick thrusts then fell over top of her, moaning with pleasure as her inner muscles clamped tightly around him, squeezing and releasing. “Damn, Kitten, you really are going to kill me.”

  As the tremors subsided, he kissed her back gently and slid a hand down to caress her butt. When his hand reached the broken string of her thong, he paused and stood up, giving the last remaining string a tug. “Oops. Sorry, Kitten. Guess I was wrong about working around it.”

  When Mike stepped away, Allie stood up and turned around to see him holding her thong in his hand. “Hey.” She scowled, and then looked him up and down. He was quite a sight standing there in his cowboy boots with his pants around his knees, a droopy, spent condom dangling from his half erect cock. Her scowl turned to a snicker.

  Mike looked down at himself and yanked off the condom. He tossed it into the trashcan by the door and hastily pulled up his pants. “Better get a move on, Kitten. We were quick, but I still think we’re pushing the fifteen minute mark.”

  “What? Oh crap!” Allie scrambled to find her clothes. “I can’t believe we just did that.”

  She shoved her arms through the straps of her bra then yanked it closed. She bent over and jiggled her breasts into the cups, then stood up to find Mike staring at her. “What?”

  Mike grinned. “Nothing. I just love watching you.” He reached up to caress her through the lacy bra. “Sure you don’t need some help getting everything in place?”

  Allie slapped his hands away playfully. “Uh, uh, mister. I can manage just fine.” She yanked her shirt back into place and then looked down at her shorts with a frown. “Although I guess I’ll be spending the rest of the night commando, thanks to you.”

  Mike pouted playfully. “Oh, no fair. Now I have to leave thinking of your naked, little pussy rubbing up against the seam of your shorts all night.”

  “You’re leaving?” asked Allie as she stepped back into her shorts.

  “Yeah, sorry. I have to be up at five tomorrow to head out to Ballard with Ray Fortenberry. He wants me check out a thoroughbred he’s thinking of buying.” He reached out to brush the hair from her eyes and tucked the loose strand back behind her ear. “I can stay for a little while yet if you want.”

  “Nah, you need your sleep. It’s probably busy out there anyway and we won’t have much time to talk.” She gestured to the door. “You go out now. I’m going to run to the Ladies’ Room first.” She leaned in and gave him a quick kiss and then patted him on the chest. “I have to say, I love an optimistic man.”

  Mike chuckled on his way out the door.


  A few minutes later, Allie hustled back behind the counter, trying to wipe the satisfied smirk off her face. “Sorry, am I late?”

  “Not really, just a few minutes.” Sal wiped his hands on the bar rag and chucked it in the sink. “It’s been slow anyway.” He looked at Mike and then back at Allie. “You get them bottles put away?”

  Allie’s face flushed red. “I, yeah. No problem.” She turned and busied herself by straightening the bottles on the shelf behind the bar. Sal laughed and then ambled off, back to his office.

  “Oh. My. Lord! You just got laid, didn’t you?” Marla hissed at Allie.

  “Marla!” Allie looked around self-consciously, but luckily there weren’t any people sitting at their end of the bar. “Will you hush up?”

  “Oh, come on now. Don’t deny it. You disappeared into the storeroom followed by that sexy man of yours and then come out looking like the cat that ate the cream. What else am I supposed to think?”

  “Crap. Does the whole bar know?”

  “Now, now, don’t you worry. Nobody noticed but me and Sal.”

  “Do you think Sal’s mad?”

  “Are you kidding? Why do you think there’s a bolt on the inside of the storeroom to begin with?”

  Allie looked at Marla incredulously. “You mean Sal and his wife?” Allie opened and closed her mouth, gaping like a fish. “But they’re practically senior citizens.”

  “So, doesn’t mean their sex life has to dry up. A little afternoon nooky in the storeroom is just what a marriage needs to liven things up.”

  “Eww, just eww!” Allie shook her head. “I don’t want to think about it. That’s like imagining your parents or something.”

  Marla laughed. “Oh you.” She swatted Allie on the shoulder and then snorted as Mike approached the bar. “What’s the matter there Doc, having withdrawl already?”

  “Oh, I can never get enough,” replied Mike with a wink. He looked at Allie. “I guess I’ll take off now. Call me tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, thanks for stopping by,” said Allie.

  Marla snorted again. Allie glared at her and shooed her off. She leaned over and gave Mike a quick kiss then whispered, “I’m hopefully optimistic I’ll see you again real soon.”

  “Goodnight Sal,” Allie called out as she stepped out the back door of the bar. The door closed with a bang and Allie stopped just outside to let her eyes adjust to the dark. The light behind the motel was burnt out and so the employee parking lot was mostly in the dark. She swung her purse over her shoulder and walked towards her SUV, jingling her keys in her hand. She was tired after being on her feet all evening and was looking forward to getting home, taking a shower and curling up in bed.

  After Mike left, they’d had an unexpected rush for a Tuesday night, when a visiting slo-pitch team had stopped in for a few drinks with the local team. Allie and Marla had been kept hopping until close. Lucky Marla left as soon as the last straggler was out the door, but Allie had to stick around and do her bottle counts and tidy the bar up to get ready for the next day, a task that usually took around half an hour. At least she didn’t have to hang around like Sal, totalling the night receipts and getting the bank deposit ready.

  When she reached her vehicle, she paused to insert the key in the door, only to discover it wouldn’t fit.

  “What the…?”

  She tried the key again but it just wouldn’t fit in the keyhole. Frustrated, she turned to go back to the bar, when a movement off to her side startled her. Before she could react, Allie found herself slammed up against her car door, a large hand on the back of her neck pushing her hard against the window. Panicked, she dropped her purse and kicked out backwards with her foot, connecting with something solid. There was a curse, then all she felt was pain as her attacker backhanded her and sent her head slamming against the car.

  “Fucking bitch,” a voice growled.

  Allie felt something wet trickle down the side of her face, her head spinning. “What do you want?” Allie was surprised that her voice remained steady. “My wallet’s in my purse. Just take it and go.”

  A rough hand gripped her hair and she winced. She felt his body pressed up against hers and the thought that crossed her mind, scared her to death. What if he isn’t after my wallet?

  “You’ve been sticking your nose where it don’t belong.” The voice was gruff and forced, like he was trying to disguise it. Allie tried to turn her head to see who was speaking, but that just caused him to press her harder against the car. Tears sprang to her eyes.

  “I…I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She swallowed. “Just leave me alone.”

  “Go back to the city where you belong. You’re nothing but a filthy whore, just like your mother. We don’t want you here.” The hand tightened in her hair and Allie cried out as her head was lifted and then slammed against the car window again. Her vision blurred as she felt herself slip down the side of the car. When she hit the ground she tried to turn to see her assailant, but the movement just caused her head to spin and everything went black.


  “Allie? Allie? Can you hear me girl?” Sal lifted her gently and cradled her in his arms. He was sitting on the ground beside her car.

  “S-S-Sal?” Allie struggled in his arms.

/>   “Shhh, hush now. Yeah, it’s me. You’re safe.” He patted her arm. “I’ve called the cops, after they get here I’ll get you all fixed up.”

  “What…what happened?” Allie’s voice shook.

  “Well, darlin’ I was hoping you could tell me that.”

  “I…I…There was a man.” Allie pushed away from Sal, but the movement made her dizzy.

  “Careful there. You’ve taken a real knock on your head.”

  Allie put a hand up to her face then pulled it away to look at it. Her fingers felt wet and sticky and even though she couldn’t really see them in the dark, she knew that they were covered in blood.

  A siren sounded in the distance, getting closer and closer. When the police car reached the motel parking lot, the siren flipped off. The car skidded to a halt and Brian hopped out. Sal got to his feet.

  “Holy shit! Allie, are you okay? What the hell happened?” Brian strode over to her, a look of concern on his face.

  “Some asshole jumped me.” Allie was beginning to feel a bit better now that she was getting her mad on. She struggled to her feet, thanks to a helping hand from Sal, and looked around. “I guess he took my purse.” She swayed on her feet.

  “Here now. Let’s get you inside.” Sal took her by the arm and led her back towards the bar.

  “Do you need a first aid kit?” Brian asked.

  “Got one in the bar.”

  “Okay. Do what you can. The EMT should be here in a few minutes. I want to take a quick look around.”

  Sal got Allie settled inside and flicked the lights on high. The bright light blinded her and Allie winced in pain.

  “Sit tight. I’ll be back in a minute.” He disappeared around behind the bar. Allie slid back in her chair, and touched her face gently. Her cheek was sticky on one side where it felt bruised and scratched and her temple felt tender on the other side.

  “Great, just great.” She blinked back tears.


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