Home Again

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Home Again Page 17

by Lisa Emme

  Allie swallowed, trying to catch her breath. She chuckled as she tugged her shirt down. “Yeah, I think you’d better.” She eyed the bulge in the front of his pants as he stood up in front of her. “Of course, maybe you need a few minutes to cool down.” She smirked. “Come with me to the barn to check the horses.”

  She jumped to her feet, not waiting for his reply. She stayed a few paces ahead of him and stepped into the barn first, so he was surprised when hands grabbed him and pushed him up against the wall just as he stepped through the door. Allie’s lips on his were fervent, her hands at his belt almost frantic.

  “What are you doing?” Mike grasped at her hands.

  “Helping you out so you can ride home. Or did you want to try and ride your Harley with that flaming hard-on?”

  With his belt undone, she yanked on his button fly; the buttons popped open in rapid succession. Allie grinned - it was a tighty -whitey day, except they were blue - and dropped to her knees dipping her hand inside his shorts to grasp his hard shaft. Mike groaned and let his head fall back against the wall.

  Allie pushed the elastic waist of his shorts down, exposing his erection. She grabbed it firmly at the base and licked up the side, her tongue following the throbbing vein. She slid her hand up and down, pulling the foreskin back from its head, exposing the bright red tip. She purred a happy sound at the sight of the tiny drop of pre-cum that formed there and licked it off. She took a few more licks at the tip and then nibbled up and down the shaft giving it tiny kisses.

  “Oh God. Quit teasing me.” Mike reached down and threaded his fingers through her hair to grasp her head. Allie grinned and opened her mouth, letting him slide his length in deep. She moaned as his cock hit the back of her throat and she closed her mouth around him, sucking hard. Mike let his breath out in a slow hiss, then with a hand firmly in her hair, pumped slowly in and out, fucking her mouth. Allie ran her tongue along his length, sucking and swallowing with each thrust - in and out, in and out.

  When his rhythm began to falter, she reached up between his legs and squeezed his balls, letting her finger run up the seam between his legs towards his ass. Mike’s back arched as his breath left him in a gasp and he shuddered. With a final thrust, he exploded in her mouth. Allie swallowed over and over, taking every drop, sucking him dry and licking the tip clean. She looked up at him with a grin and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. Mike groaned and leaned against the wall trying to catch his breath.

  “That was amazing.” Mike ran a hand through his hair and hitched up his pants, still panting.

  Grinning, Allie got to her feet, dusting off her knees. She yelped in surprise when Mike grabbed her and pulled her close. He gripped her face between his hands pulling her mouth to his. The kiss went on and on, Mike’s lips devouring hers. When he finally pulled away, she was gasping for breath. “You’re welcome?” she managed to pant out.

  Mike laughed and hugged her to him then kissed her forehead. “Did you really need to check the horses?”

  Allie chuckled. “Yeah, I like to give them a quick check before I head to bed.” She stepped away from him, sliding her hand down his shoulder to lightly grasp his fingers, pulling his arm along with her before breaking contact and letting his arm fall away as she continued to move forward. Mike watched her move from stall to stall quietly talking to the horses, scratching their big heads when they swung out over their stalls to whuffle her hair. He wanted nothing more in the world right then, than to take her to bed and fall asleep with his arms wrapped around her. That was the second time he had that thought about her. Did that mean something? Yeah, you are a complete goner. But what was he going to do about it?

  Allie looked at her reflection in the mirror and frowned. Well, it would have to do. She had bought some concealing makeup yesterday in town, but the results were less than impressive. Now instead of a battered woman, she looked like a woman who was trying to hide the fact that she was battered. Not exactly the effect she had been going for. After another quick look in the mirror, she shrugged. She didn’t particularly care what anyone else thought. She just didn’t want to scare off the customers.

  She adjusted the collar of her polo shirt and then did a double take, a small, bemused smile on her face. Right on her collarbone was a love bite; Mike had marked her. Really, that shouldn’t have made her happy, but it did. It gave her kind of a warm, glowing feeling at the thought that Mike felt so possessive about her. She pulled the collar tighter and did up another button. Just because she liked the bite, didn’t mean she wanted the whole town to see it. And, it was a sure thing, if she showed up for work at the bar with a hickey on her neck, Marla would never let her live it down.

  Allie smiled to herself and remembered her lunch with Mike the day before. She had been in town and since it was Wednesday, the day the vet clinic reserved for small pets, she knew Mike would be in the office and so she had stopped by to invite him to lunch. Mike was all for it, well except for the part where she wanted to pay, but she had put her foot down. She had been paid a couple of days before for some baking she’d dropped off at the café and while she wasn’t exactly flush, she had enough to treat herself and Mike. It was nice to finally have a bit of extra money and with her first freelance job lined up; there would be more money to come. Now if only the damn insurance company would finally pony up.

  After lunch they had wandered back to the clinic and since it was still closed for the lunch hour, Mike had given her a tour. Allie had been quite impressed. The clinic had a nice set up. A warm friendly waiting room with paw prints painted across the walls, a surgery and x-ray, half a dozen kennels for holding small to medium sized animals, and a couple of large exam rooms.

  Allie flushed at the thought of the exam rooms, or rather what they had done in one of the exam rooms. She shook her head. What on earth had gotten in to her? Sex in the storeroom, sex in the barn, and now sex at the vet clinic; she just couldn’t get enough of Mike and it seemed he felt the same about her.

  When Mike had led her into the exam room and locked the door behind her, Allie’s heart had started to pound. One look at the lust gleaming in his eyes and she felt her panties dampen. She had been about to ask him just what he thought he was up to when she suddenly found herself backed up against the wall, Mike’s work roughened hands cradling her face, his lips on hers. Mike swallowed any protests she might have made with a passionate, demanding kiss. He took her breath away and the next thing she knew her skirt was hiked up around her waist and her panties were around her ankles.

  Mike’s skilful fingers plunged between her legs while his other hand made quick work of the buttons of her shirt. Allie vaguely remembered him grumbling about the fact that her bra wasn’t a front closure, but he solved the problem by pulling the cups up, freeing her breasts. Again, she was going to complain, it wasn’t exactly the most comfortable feeling to wear your bra that way, but his teeth on her nipple chased all thoughts out of her head, except for her overwhelming need to have him inside her.

  Embarrassingly enough, she seemed to remember begging at that point. Luckily, once again, Mr. Optimistic had a condom in his pocket. It only took Mike a matter of seconds to sheath himself before he pinned her to the wall and was inside her in two quick thrusts. Allie had wrapped her legs around his back, relishing the feel of Mike’s strong arms holding her up, his hips pounding against hers as he nuzzled against her neck; that must have been when he had made the love bite.

  Her first orgasm had come quickly and when the second one threatened to spill over, Mike’s thrusts had become more urgent. Allie closed her eyes and shivered at the memory of how she had felt his cock swell and explode inside her, even with the condom. It had sent her over the edge, her orgasming pussy milking his cock of every last drop of his seed.

  Afterwards, Mike had held her while she slowly lowered her shaking legs to the floor. Allie wasn’t
sure how long they had stood together, panting, heads resting on one another’s shoulders. When the bell above the clinic door clanged, announcing the arrival of Doc Mundy back from lunch, Allie had started in surprise. Mike had grinned and deposited the condom in the trash before setting his clothes to rights and cheekily thanking her for lunch.

  Allie shook her head. Man-oh-man, she hadn’t been kidding when she talked to Becky - the sex was fantastic. But it wasn’t just that; no, it wasn’t just the sex. She was feeling things for Mike she couldn’t remember ever feeling for anyone before. She couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like to fall asleep in his arms and wake up snuggled next to him the next morning. He made her feel safe, like she could trust him with her heart, and even more importantly, she could trust him with her son’s heart. Because Dougie was quickly forming an attachment to him, something she had never allowed in the past with the couple of men she had dated.

  “Allie! Allie, dear. Have you looked at the time?” Her aunt called up the stairs. Allie glanced at the bedside clock. Darn! If she didn’t hustle, she was going to be late for work.


  “Okay, so I’ve pre-measured Dougie’s meds. You’ve got the number at the bar.” Allie followed her aunt out of the kitchen.

  “Yes, dear. We’ll be fine.”

  “I know, I know. Sorry.” Allie hugged her aunt. “Have I thanked you lately for everything you do for me?”

  “That’s what family is all about dear. Now go on with you. You don’t want to be late.” Her aunt smiled and patted her shoulder. Allie walked across the room to where Dougie had planted himself in front of the TV.

  “Okay little man, I’m off to work. You be a good boy for Aunt Elaine.”

  “I will Mommy.”

  “And the TV goes off as soon as Thomas the Tank Engine is over.”

  “ Ahh, Mommmmy!”

  “It could go off right now, if you prefer,” Allie added.

  “No. After Thomas, please.” Dougie sighed, resigned.

  Allie ruffled his hair and gave him a kiss on the forehead. “Love you, Dougie.”

  “I love you too, Mommy.”

  Allie headed out the veranda door and down the steps to her car. At the sight of her uncle coming around the corner of the house, she took a detour to talk to him.

  “I’m sorry I lost your map. Do you know where I can get a new one?” Allie stopped in front of her uncle.

  “Don’t worry about it, dear. Worse things could have happened than losing a piece of paper.” Her uncle scowled at the sight of her poorly concealed bruises.

  “I know. But I wanted to get a new map. Maybe one with more detail?”

  “Hmmm, well. I seem to remember that a geological survey crew came through these parts last year. Maybe they’ve printed an updated map. I think I have the man’s card around somewhere.” He patted his pocket absentmindedly then shook his head. “In the house I mean. Remind me to look for it tomorrow.”

  Allie smiled at her uncle and shook her head. “Okay Uncle Russ. I’ll ask again tomorrow.” She gave him a quick peck on the cheek before hustling off to her car. Good thing they only lived a short distance out of town. She might just make it to work on time.


  “Two more pitchers of draft, Sugar.” Marla thunked the empty pitchers down on the bar. “Those boys from Circle D drink like fish.”

  Allie laughed. “Good for Sal’s bottom line.” She grabbed the empties and took them over to the pump.

  “Well, would you look at that?” Marla pointed with her chin towards the entrance of the bar then rolled her eyes, shaking her head. “Is there a Barbie convention in town that I don’t know about?” She cackled at her joke.

  Allie looked over to the door and chuckled. The woman standing in the doorway certainly looked like a Barbie doll; well, except for the momentary look of disgust that crossed her face. It was clear that she didn’t particularly want to be there. She was wearing a tight, short skirt and carrying a Gucci purse, or maybe it was a knock-off. No, it was probably genuine. Allie figured she would be of average height, but the three-inch stilettos at the end of her feet made her seem taller. The sleeveless button-front blouse she wore, hugged her rather ample curves, the ruffled neckline plunging to display a considerable amount of cleavage that was practically bursting out the seams. She was painted up like a doll too, with rosy cheeks, bright red lips and rather thickly applied eyeliner. Her light blonde hair was perfectly coiffed in what Allie always thought of as ‘helmet head’. Long dangling earrings adorned her ears and she had what appeared to be a diamond tennis bracelet on one wrist. Her fingers were similarly adorned with several sparkling rings.

  Allie shook her head and rolled her eyes. What was a woman like that doing coming into a cowboy bar? “Maybe her car broke down,” she mused to Marla.

  Marla huffed out a breath. “Yeah. Her mer-say-dees bends, I’d reckon.” Marla sneered. “She looks like somebody’s trashy mistress.”

  “Mistress maybe, but not trashy, not with a Gucci purse.” Allie took another quick look at the woman then leaned over and hissed at Marla, “ Shh! Be nice. She’s coming over.”

  Marla smirked and grabbed the beer pitchers, carrying them out into the room. The woman schooled her face and began to walk towards Allie. Several catcalls and wolf whistles from the back of the room let Allie know that the rest of the bar patrons had also noticed the stranger’s arrival. The woman smiled smugly, looked in the direction of the ruckus and gave a little wave but continued towards the bar. Allie wasn’t sure if it was the tight skirt or the really high, pointy shoes that made her mince along. She chuckled to herself, wondering how on earth she would manage to sit on a barstool.

  ‘Barbie’ stopped at the bar and gracefully slid onto a stool with ease; Allie was impressed. Obviously the woman had done that before. She took a minute to settle herself, tugging at her skirt and smoothing it out, before turning to address Allie.

  “I’ll have a water. Sparkling if you have it.” She looked down at the bar frowning, then grabbed a napkin and gingerly wiped the imaginary dirt off the counter in front of her.

  “Sorry, we don’t have sparkling. We just have flat spring water.”

  ‘Barbie’ tsked. “Is it in a bottle? I won’t drink tap water.”

  “No problem.” Allie reached behind to the bar fridge and pulled out a plastic water bottle. “Do you want it in a glass?” She reached up and snagged a highball glass down from the rack. The woman nodded and took the glass from Allie then held it up in the light to examine it.

  “That will have to do, I guess.” She put the glass on the bar in front of her. “Do you have any lemon?”

  Allie nodded and speared a couple of lemon wedges off the tray under the counter placing them onto a saucer. She placed the plate in front of the woman. “That’ll be two dollars. Anything else I can get you?”

  “Why yes. I’m looking for some information. Perhaps you can help me?” She rummaged in her purse and pulled out a ten-dollar bill.

  “I’ll try.” Allie shrugged as if to say she wasn’t making any promises, snagged the bill off the counter and turned to the cash register.

  “I’m trying to locate my fiancé, Michael Finn? Maybe you’ve heard of him?” She primped at her hair. “He’s a doctor, well, an animal doctor.”

  “Your fiancé?” Marla’s shrill voice rang out as she returned from delivering the beer.

  Allie threw Marla a look of warning and then, despite her shock, put on her best poker face and placed the change on the counter in front of the woman. “You must mean the new veterinarian.”

  “Yes, that’s him.”

  “And you’re his fiancé?”

  “Yes. That’s what I said.” The woman’s tone was frosty as she snatched up her change.

  Allie ignored her snippy reply. “It’s funny that Mike never mentioned
he was engaged.”

  “Oh, so you know him?” She shifted uncomfortably. “Well, I’m not his fiancé per se. But we’re very close to getting engaged. It’s just a matter of time. He just needed to get this whole farm vet idea out of his system, so we were taking a little break. But now I think it’s time.”

  “Huh. Well.” Allie was at a loss. Had Mike been playing her all this time while he was really already in a relationship? Her heart clenched. She should have known better than to let herself think she could have a normal relationship. She should never have trusted him. Allie swallowed down the anger that was boiling to get out. She refused to lose it in a bar full of people.

  “And Mike feels the same way?” Marla glanced at Allie.

  “Well, he will. You know how men are. He’s just going through a phase. I even heard he’s been slumming with some hippy, farm girl.” She laughed like she thought the idea was ridiculous.

  Allie frowned and then threw Marla another glare silencing her retort. “I don’t think Mike coming here is just a phase,” she replied a bit more defensively than she intended. “I mean, he’s bought into Doc Mundy’s practice. That seems to speak of commitment to me.”

  “Oh, well. I’m sure he can just get his money back. Of course, it’s not like the money matters. Plenty more where that came from, if you know what I mean.” She laughed, primped her hair again and then adjusted her cleavage. When she noticed Allie watching, she added, “They’re new.”

  “Sorry? New?” Allie, who was still trying to wrap her head around the money comment, looked puzzled.

  “I just had a chest augmentation. A real career booster.” She looked down and wrinkled her nose at Allie’s relatively less than ample chest. “You should consider it.”

  “Uh, yeah. Wow. Thanks for that.” Is she for real? Allie found it hard to understand what Mike could possibly see in this plastic fantastic in front of her.


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