Home Again

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Home Again Page 21

by Lisa Emme

  “I…uh…” Brian looked over at the porch, but Mike had already taken pity on him and was carrying it over, trying not to laugh.

  Brian scowled. “Just you wait buddy. Your turn will come eventually. And then I’ll laaaaughhh.”

  Mike snorted and then deposited the bag into the back of the van. Becky rolled down her window and leaned out. “You’re a lifesaver Mike. And don’t worry, Allie will be here as soon as she can to help out.” The last few words were shouted as Brian reversed out the driveway.

  “Allie? She’s coming? Here?”


  Twenty harried minutes later, Mike was desperately looking out the window for Allie. At that moment, he didn’t care whether she walked up and kicked him in the gonads, as long as she was able to get the two ruffians he had been left alone with settled down. He looked back over his shoulder to where the boys were busy arguing over which DVD to watch.

  He turned back to the window just as Allie’s SUV pulled up to the curb. Allie got out and stopped, staring at his truck, her hands on her hips. She frowned and then started to fuss with her clothes. She ran her fingers through her hair while looking at her reflection in the truck window. Mike smiled. Well, she couldn’t totally hate him if she was worried about how she looked. As far as he was concerned though, she looked terrific. He didn’t care if she was dressed up or dressed down as she was now, she would make anything she wore look sexy, including the old ratty old jeans and the white, v-necked t-shirt she was currently wearing. She had thrown an old plaid shirt on overtop and it hung loosely on her. Had she lost weight? Mike frowned.

  Allie chose that moment to turn around and look up at the window. Her face betrayed a moment of panic before she steeled herself and began to head up the walk to the porch. She knocked on the door and then opened it.


  “Auntie Al, Auntie Al,” the boys chimed together. They dropped their movies and ran to hug her.

  “Hey there guys. How’s it going?” Allie knelt down and returned their hugs.

  “Mommy’s having a baby,” intoned Carter, the youngest.

  “I know. Isn’t it exciting?”

  “Not really,” the little boy replied. His older brother threw him a shot in the arm. “Ow!” Carter grabbed his arm, his lips forming a pout.

  “Hey now! Christopher Rogers, there was no call for that.” Allie looked at Becky’s oldest child sternly, and then turned her attention back to Carter, rubbing his little arm. “There, that feel better, little man?” Carter nodded, still snuffling. “Topher, you apologize to your brother please.”

  “But he shouldn’t have…”

  “Uh-uh, that doesn’t sound like an apology to me.” Allie raised an eyebrow and looked pointedly at Christopher.

  Christopher hung his head and then mumbled, “I’m sorry. I shouldna hit you.”

  Allie looked back at Carter. “Do you accept his apology?”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  “Good, now shake on it.” She watched as the two boys grudgingly shook hands. “And I don’t want any more hitting or arguing,” she looked at each boy in turn, “or it will be straight to bed with the both of you.” She reached into her purse and pulled out a DVD. “And, if that happens, you won’t get to waaatch…,” she waved the DVD around, “Duh-du-na-nah! This!”

  “Whoa, cool!”

  “The Iron Giant? Yay!”

  Both boys looked pleased and quickly hustled over to the couch in front of the TV to get comfortable. They started to argue about who got to hold the case, but Allie quickly solved that by sliding the plastic case from its cardboard sleeve and giving one to each boy. Mike stood in awe, wondering how in a matter of minutes she could take a couple of unruly boys and get them settled.

  Allie stood up and looked over at Mike for the first time. Their eyes met and the silence stretched out awkwardly. Mike took a step towards her and then stopped. Allie took a deep breath.



  They both spoke at once. Allie grimaced and looked away. Mike let out a sigh and shoved his hand through his hair. Allie looked back and smiled sadly. “It shouldn’t be so hard,” she said.

  “Maybe it’s hard because it matters so much…” Mike shrugged.

  “Listen, I know we need to talk,” Allie took a deep breath, “but this isn’t really the time.”

  “You’re right, on both counts.”

  “If you wanted to get going, I can take it from here.”

  “Nah, I’m good. I’ll stick around to give you a hand.”

  Allie smiled, “Okay then…first things first, I have to make a quick phone call and threaten my best friend.”

  Mike looked confused as Allie smirked and then started towards the kitchen. “Why don’t you start up the movie for the boys and I’ll make my call and then get some snacks organized?” she asked as she passed by him.

  “Can we have popcorn?” Topher asked.

  “Of course. Can’t watch a movie without popcorn.” Allie smiled over at the boys and then disappeared into the kitchen.

  Mike got the movie going and then entered the kitchen to give Allie a hand. As he walked in, he caught the tail end of her phone call. “And this had better not have been one of your set-ups, Rebecca Lynn Rogers, or there will be hell to pay. Just you wait and see.” Allie paused for a minute, then added, “I love you, you troublemaker you. Bring yourself and that baby home safe and sound.”

  Allie hung up the phone and turned to find him watching her. She shrugged, “Went straight to voicemail.”

  Mike raised a questioning eyebrow. “Do you think this was all one big set up just to get us in the same room?”

  “Nah, not really. But on the other hand, I wouldn’t put it past her.” Allie smiled and shook her head, moving to the cupboard to pull out a hot air popper. She got the popcorn going then went to the fridge to look for drinks. “You want a beer?”

  “Are you going to have one?”

  “Yeah, I think I will.”

  “Okay then. Me too.”

  Allie grabbed a couple of bottles and set them on the counter by Mike, then turned back to the fridge to pull out some butter and a jug of what looked like Kool-aid. She rummaged around in the dish drainer by the sink and came up with two sippy-type cups. She sloshed some Kool-aid into each and snapped on the lids.

  “Here, want to take these out to the boys?” She held the cups out to Mike. “I’ll bring the popcorn in a sec.”

  Mike reached for the cups, his fingers brushing across hers. Allie’s eyes widened and she looked at Mike and then glanced away quickly. Mike took the cups and headed for the living room. “Make sure you tell them that’s all they’re getting. When it’s gone, it’s gone,” she shouted after him over the noise of the popping corn.


  A while later, Mike found himself sitting squished together on the couch with Allie and the boys. Allie sat in the middle of the two boys, a necessary move to prevent the ‘who gets to hold the popcorn bowl’ argument, and Mike sat on the end beside Carter. It was practically agony for Mike to sit so close and yet be so far from her. He could have reached out and touched her, but Carter, unknowingly, acted like the perfect little buffer between them.

  Mike looked down at the little mop of red-brown hair. Carter was quickly losing his battle to stay awake and was listing sideways ready to topple. He tapped Allie on the shoulder to get her attention then pointed at Carter. Allie smiled tenderly. She set the almost empty bowl of popcorn into Christopher’s lap and then coaxed his little brother up on his feet.

  “But I’m not tired,” Carter complained around a yawn.

  Allie grinned. “I think your body thinks otherwise.” She tapped his nose affectionately. “Come on. You can watch the rest of the movie in the morning.”


  “I promise.” She
made a motion of crossing her heart. “I’ll make sure to let your Nana and Grandpa know, alright?”

  “Okay.” The little boy let Allie guide him from the couch towards the stairs.

  “Do you need a hand?” Mike asked.

  “No, we’re good. You keep Topher company.” She turned to look at Christopher. “Topher-gopher, it’s straight to bed as soon as the movie is over, okay?”

  “Okay,” came the distracted reply. Allie smiled and then followed Carter up the stairs.


  They had just finished tucking in Christopher when they heard the front door opening.

  “Hello?” called an elderly voice.

  “We’re up here Mrs. P.” Allie led the way back downstairs.

  After quick introductions and apologies for being so late, Mike and Allie left the care of the boys in Becky’s parents’ capable hands, after Allie had relayed her promise about the movie, of course.

  Outside, Mike breathed a sigh of relief. Allie laughed.

  “What?” Mike looked at her curiously.

  She shrugged. “What’s the matter, the boys wear you out?”

  Mike shook his head. “I just didn’t realize how much work…” he shrugged. “And how you got them settled down so quickly. Thank God you came when you did.”

  Allie shrugged modestly. “Ah, it was no big deal. It just takes practice knowing how to handle them.”

  “Don’t sell yourself short. You’re really good with kids.” Mike looked at her in admiration. “You’re a great mom with Dougie.” Allie blushed, and brushed off the compliment. “No, I mean it. Dougie is a lucky little kid to have a mom like you.” He reached over and put a hand on her shoulder turning her so she would look at him.

  “Thanks.” Allie swallowed nervously. Mike took his hand away.

  “Listen. I know it’s late - ”

  “It’s late. I should - ”

  Allie laughed uncomfortably. Mike let out a deep breath. “God, I hate this.” He ran both hands through his hair, tugging at it, then threw his hands up in frustration. “I hate this.”

  Allie looked at him surprised. She had never seen him lose his cool. She frowned and hugged her arms across her chest.

  Mike took a step towards her then stopped. “Does it really make you that uncomfortable to be alone with me?”

  “I…” Allie looked away, unable to meet his eyes.

  “Allie, I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.” Mike took another step towards her, coming to stand right in front of her. He crooked a finger under her chin forcing her to look up at him. “What can I do to make things right between us? How can I make this better?” His eyes pleaded with her. Allie swallowed and blinked back tears. She wrenched her head away and turned her back to him, self-consciously swiping at her cheek.

  She gripped the porch railing and let out a long slow breath. “I…I don’t know.”

  “Come home with me,” Mike replied, quickly adding, “to talk. We can’t talk here. Come to my place.”

  Allie turned back to look at Mike, her eyes searching his face. “Okay,” she all but whispered, a few moments later.

  Mike smiled quickly. “Good. Okay then….” He hustled down the steps. “I’ll meet you at my…” He stopped frowning. “Oh, I forgot about the painting. Will you - ”

  “Your place is fine.” Allie gave him a small smile. “I want to see my, I mean your, painting again.”

  “You do?”

  “Yeah. If that’s okay.”

  “Sure, sure. Anything you want.” Mike went around the car and opened her door. “Anything.”

  Allie smiled. “And if I said I want a carton of Ben & Jerry’s?”

  Mike laughed. “Well, I guess I’d have to say we make a pit stop at the QuikMart out on the highway first then.” He gestured for her to climb in. “Come on. I’ll follow you there.”


  Armed with three pints of Ben & Jerry’s – Cake Batter for Allie, Chunky Monkey for Mike and Coffee Caramel Buzz to share because it sounded too good not to try – Mike led Allie into his apartment.

  The apartment was dark and Mike purposely turned only the kitchen light on, leaving the living room in darkness. Allie paused at the door and threw a quick look towards the living room. Mike looked back concerned. “You okay?” At her nod, he went back to the task of unloading the ice cream. He put the containers on the table, popped the lids and then grabbed a couple of spoons from the drawer. “Well, come on. The ice cream’s getting pretty soft.”

  He plunked himself down in a chair and snagged a carton and a spoon. He dug his spoon in, taking a scoop and savouring it in his mouth. “Oh, wow. You have got to try the Coffee Caramel Buzz.” He hurriedly took another spoonful.

  “Hey!” Allie frowned and put her hands on her hips. “Save some for me.” She smiled and started across the floor to the table. She picked up a spoon and started to aim for the carton in Mike’s hands.

  “Uh, uh, uh.” Mike shook his head and held the carton out of her reach. “If you want some of this, you have to sit down.”

  Allie frowned then shrugged, pulling out a chair. Mike shook his head again. “No, not there. Here.” He put the spoon in the carton in his hand and patted his leg.

  Allie snorted. “There? I’ll break your leg.”

  Mike laughed. “Not likely. You look like you’ve lost weight this week.” He looked at her accusingly.

  Allie frowned. “Haven’t had much of an appetite, I guess.” She shrugged.

  “Well, set your butt down here and have some ice cream.”

  “Geez, you really are bossy, you know that, right?” Mike merely looked at her and patted his thigh again. Allie sighed and sat down on his knee. “There. Now give me the damn ice cream,” she demanded.

  Mike handed her the carton then reached over to grab his tub of Chunky Monkey. Allie sat stiffly on his lap at first, but after a couple of mouthfuls of ice cream, over which she moaned in delight, totally agreeing with his assessment that Coffee Caramel Buzz was delicious, she began to relax. She twisted around and set the ice cream on the table, reaching for her carton of Cake Batter. As the first mouthful passed her lips, she closed her eyes and moaned. “Oh, that is so good.”

  Mike sat back and watched her delight in the sweet taste of the ice cream, his own carton forgotten. She took another mouthful, letting it melt in her mouth, rolling her tongue through the flavour. God, she looked so sexy. A few minutes later, her moans of delight were replaced by a little mew of disappointment as her spoon scraped the bottom of the empty carton. “Darn. All gone.” She looked up surprised to find Mike watching her. She wiped a hand across her mouth. “What’s the matter, do I have ice cream on my face or something?”

  Mike smiled. “No. You look fine. More than fine.” Allie smiled back at him tentatively, a blush rushing to her cheeks. He reached out, unthinking, and caressed her cheek. “I want to kiss you,” he said. “I need to kiss you.” His voice was rough.

  Allie nodded slightly and Mike took it as the assent it was, reaching up with both hands to cup her face and draw it down to his. He captured her mouth with a heated kiss. She tasted sweet, like the ice cream, and her tongue still felt cool. He kissed her deeply and desperately, conveying all the passion and frustration he had felt all week.

  When he finally let her up for air, Allie gasped, panting. “We should talk now.” She started to rise up off his knee but he grabbed her around the waist, holding her in place. “Yes, we should talk,” he replied, sliding his hand down her leg and pulling it across his lap so that she ended up straddling him. “But like this.” He placed his hands on her thighs, preventing her from getting up. When she frowned at him, he smiled. “You can trust me Kitten. Ask me anything. Anything. My life is an open book for you.”

  Allie stepped out the back door; laundry basket perched on her hip. She squinted at the b
right sunlight and let her eyes adjust before walking out to the wash line. She held a warm bed sheet up to her nose and inhaled. Ah, fresh and clean. You really couldn’t beat the smell of freshly washed, line-dried sheets.

  It was another hot day and the laundry she had hung earlier was baked dry. She frowned and looked over at the garden. The sheets weren’t the only things baking in the sun. She would have to remember to turn the water on again later today and give things a good soaking as there was no rain in the forecast anytime soon.

  Allie folded the sheet, snapping it in the air with each fold. She wondered how Dougie was doing. He was spending the day with his great-grandfather. Allie had been surprised and then hesitant when Duncan first called to see if Dougie could come and spend the day out at the ranch, but he had assured her that Eleanor was going to be there too and Allie was sure that she, at least, could handle any issues that came up. It was a nice treat for both of them. Allie still wasn’t sure what to think of Duncan’s apparent interest in her and Dougie. There was a lot of water under the bridge and too many hurt feelings as far as she was concerned. Still, for Dougie’s sake, she was willing to make an effort.

  Dougie had been excited at the idea of going to a real cowboy ranch and she couldn’t remember the last time she’d had a kid-free day. To top things off, her aunt and uncle were in the city for the day and so she had the house to herself. It was practically heaven. She hadn’t really had a moment to herself since moving back home.

  It had felt extremely decadent to laze around this morning, after getting her morning chores done of course, lying topless no less, behind the house in the sun. She had read a bit and chatted on the phone to both Lori and Becky. Becky was home from the hospital with her four-day old daughter, Chloe, and Allie was planning on stopping by later that afternoon for a visit.


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