Inside The Storm (Storm Warning Series Book 7)

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Inside The Storm (Storm Warning Series Book 7) Page 9

by Geri Foster

  Chapter 8

  Lincoln remained near his desk, watching her leave. He wanted to run after her and tell her she didn’t have the right to boss him around. However, the way Debbie glared at him, he didn’t dare. The next thing he knew they’d be accused of having a secret affair.

  That was the last thing he wanted.

  Yet he hated that Mia had nailed the whole situation. He didn’t want a woman in his wife’s house with him. Mostly, he didn’t want Mia constantly on his mind. He’d be so damn glad when this case was solved.

  Austin came out and stood at his desk. “I sure wish that Webber guy would’ve been the person we’re looking for.”

  Lincoln let out a deep breath. “Do you honestly expect it to be that easy?”

  “No, but an FBI agent can dream, can’t he?”

  “Yeah, I guess.” What else was he to say to his boss?

  “I received an email from Mia just now that she’d had an uncomfortable encounter with a strange man last night.”

  Lincoln’s gaze shot up. “She told you?”

  “You were copied in her email,” Austin pointed out. “I just want to get your perspective of what happened. It very easily could’ve been the killer.”

  “I didn’t get a good look at the guy because I was simply waiting for Mia to come down. I took her to dinner at Amelia and David’s last night. I felt being stuck at the Wayward Inn, she deserved a treat.”

  “Good idea. That place is the pits.”

  “Yes, it is.” He picked up his pencil and tapped it against his desk. “Anyway, after that happened, I had her spend the night at my house.”

  Austin lifted a brow.

  “Now, don’t go getting any ideas about Mia and me.” He straightened, looking Austin directly in the eyes. “I want to share something with you about the case.”

  Austin sat on the edge of his desk. “What’s on your mind?”

  “Lucas mentioned it briefly, but it stuck in my head.”

  Austin frowned. “Out with it.”

  “I believe this killer is watching us. Making note of everything we do. He’s changed his MO so much Mia can barely compare the older man to the younger killer. But he seems to know exactly where we’re at, what we’re doing. And then that guy shows up at Mia’s hotel last night.”

  Austin stared at him for a moment. “I’m not sure he’s got time to do that. Not if he’s looking for victims.”

  Lincoln stood and paced the small area. “Think about it, Austin. The last three bodies were discarded right here in our area. He’s not gone back to the burial site, and he’s not slowing down.”

  Austin seemed to be considering his words. “I wondered why he doesn’t bury the corpses anymore. He doesn’t even pose them. And the last were found without clothes.”

  Lincoln averted his gaze. “I think he saw us at the grave site and then maybe noticed the cameras being installed. That’s why he’s not gone back there.”

  “Maybe that’s why he’s decided to no longer bother with staging the bodies anymore.”

  “I don’t know about that.” Lincoln gazed at Austin. “But, the guy at the hotel brought home how Mia may be in a dangerous situation.”

  “I agree.” Austin looked around. “Where is she now?”

  “On her way to the medical examiner’s office in Denton.”

  “Why aren’t you with her?”

  Lincoln didn’t intend telling his boss about his feelings. “I was a little testy this morning and I think she’s avoiding contact with me.”

  “Well, this case is too important for you two to make it personal.” Austin stood. “Get this straightened out and go find her.”

  Austin returned to his own office and Lincoln took his phone out of his pocket and called Mia. “Yes?” she curtly.

  “Where are you?” he asked, sensing her coldness

  “At Denton General.”

  “Is the ME there?”

  She let out an annoyed breath. “No. I’m waiting for her to finish an autopsy.”

  Determine to carry out Austin’s orders, Lincoln said, “Okay. I’m on my way.”

  “It’s fine, Lincoln. I’m only asking a few questions. I can catch up with you later.”

  “Austin wants us on this together. He says it’s too serious for us not to get along.”

  “It’s not a matter of us not getting along,” Mia said truthfully. “It’s you acting like I violated a sacred trust or something. Listen, I’m sorry I stayed at your place last night. I’ll steer clear of that from here on out.”

  Lincoln wasn’t sure that was exactly what he wanted to hear, but he knew it wasn’t wise to argue about anything at that moment. They had to work together and get along. That was his intention.

  “I’m on my way. I’ll see you in a few.”

  He got in his car, and as he closed the door, he noticed a late model Chevy Malibu driving away. Lincoln decided to follow at a safe distance to see what the driver was up to.

  He didn’t get five miles out before the person lost him. It seemed he was there in front of him then, a second later, he disappeared. Lincoln noted the license number and called it into Lucas.

  He arrived at the hospital and made his way to the ME’s office. Mia stood in the corner, and the two had their heads together, talking softly.

  “Have we found anything new?” he asked, trying to be professional.

  “Nothing we didn’t know before. It seems he’s not being as careful, but still leaving no evidence behind,” Mia explained. “Also, he didn’t spend as much time with the last victim as he did in the past.”

  Lincoln rubbed his chin. “He can’t do that and keep looking for new prey. He has to move faster and maybe he’ll eventually slip up and we can catch him.”

  Mia had still not looked at him. “Let’s hope you’re right.”

  They walked out of the building and he touched her arm to stop her. “I know this might be nothing at all, but when I pulled out of the parking lot at the office on the way here, there was a car that took off as soon as I walked out the door.”

  She wrinkled her brow. “What does that mean?”

  “I think the killer is watching us, and so does Austin.”

  Mia thought for a moment. “Maybe that’s why he’s speeding things up. He’s spending more time tracking us than he is playing with his victims. Could be we’ve become his new playthings.”

  “My thought exactly.”

  Mia shrugged. “So, what do we do?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m worried about you even checking into the other motel tonight.”

  She clamped her hands on her hips and glared at him. “If you think I’m spending another second in your house, you’re crazy.” Her voice rose. “I’ll go back to Dallas first and commute from there before that happens.”

  He dropped his gaze and murmured. “I’m sorry about that.”

  She raised her hand. “Honestly, I don’t want to hear it, Lincoln. You should’ve made sure you were okay with another woman in your house before you offered to let me stay there. You didn’t, and in the process, you made me feel like an intruder.”

  “I’m not suggesting my house. But what if I get a room right next to you at the Hampton Inn?”

  She shook her head. “I think the less time you and I spend together, the better. I don’t want to be near you.”

  “Okay,” he said, his look stern. “I overreacted. And I’ve said I’m sorry.”

  “Fine. Now don’t ask me to be around you. We work together and that’s all. I certainly don’t want you in the same motel I’m in.”

  “What if we are being followed and the guy finds you again?”

  She growled. “You keep forgetting. I’m as good an FBI agent as you are. I can take care of myself.”

  “I worry about you.” He ran his fingers through his light-colored hair and searched for the right words. “I don’t want anything to happen to you, that’s all.”

  “I’ll be fine. My weapon won’t be far away.�

  “Let’s hope that’s enough.”

  As he reached his car, his phone went off. Mia stopped and stared at him. He said hello several times but no one answered. He looked at the screen, but the caller was unknown.

  “I wonder what that’s all about.” Their gazes clashed. “Now, I’m getting crank calls? Doesn’t make sense.”

  “You think it might be the perp?”

  He let out a disgusted sigh. “I don’t know what to think anymore.”

  * * *

  Mia followed Lincoln back to the office and parked next to him in the parking lot. They both looked around in hopes of finding someone lurking nearby. No luck; the place was deserted except for the usual cars.

  “Well, he didn’t follow us here.” Mia turned and walked toward the door. “Maybe it was nothing.”

  As she put her hand on the doorknob, a shot rang out and Lincoln shoved her aside as a bullet grazed her right arm. The impact threw her to the ground, and Lincoln dropped on top of her, his weapon drawn.

  Mia gasped for breath. “What the hell? We’re being shot at now?”

  “Stay down.”

  In seconds, they were surrounded by agents who heard the gunfire. Austin stood over them, his weapon out and ready. “What happened?” He glanced down at them. “Are either of you hurt?”

  “No,” Mia said quickly. “I’m just grazed.”

  “You men,” Austin instructed his agents. “Get out there and find out where that shot came from. Martin, check the cameras. Run the whole damn perimeter.”

  “On it.”

  Austin helped Lincoln up and he pulled Mia to her feet. He took one look at her bloodied jacket sleeve then slowly removed her coat to take a look. “I think she needs to see a doctor.”

  “It’s nothing,” she insisted, not wanting them to make a fuss.

  “Take her to Denton General. Have that wound bandaged up and get back here as soon as possible,” Austin instructed with a tone that meant no arguing. “I won’t have some idiot out there taking pot shots at my agents.”

  “Okay,” Lincoln replied. “We’re on our way. I’ll call you from there.”

  “Be on the lookout for anything strange.”

  Lincoln helped her into the car, which made Mia want to scream. The wound wasn’t that bad. However, it did hurt like crazy. And it bled like she’d been shot by a cannon.

  “I swear, this isn’t necessary,” she complained

  “Don’t tell me anything. Tell the boss. We’re going on his instructions.”

  She glanced at him. “Then you agree it’s just a scratch?”

  “No, I think you need to be in the hospital for two days for observation, but then, I’m overreacting.”

  “You’re maddening, Lincoln.”

  “I’ve been that before. But again, I’m sure the same words have been thrown in your face a time or two.”

  “No. Stubborn and dogmatic, but not maddening.”

  “Well, I’m no more maddening that you are. Why’d you go and get yourself shot like that? Damn. He could’ve killed you.” He stabbed her with a dangerous glare. “And we both know that was his intention. This guy wants you.”

  She refused to believe that because it didn’t make sense. “I don’t think so.”

  “Mia, do you see how maddening you’re being right now? The guy in the hotel and now this. We walked into the office. I was behind you. He had to shoot around me to hit you. I think that’s the only reason you were grazed instead of gunned down.”

  “I don’t know.” She shook her head. Why would the killer want her? She wasn’t a young girl. Hell, she was an FBI agent and as such, a direct threat to the man.

  “You have to admit, Mia, I am a bigger target than you.”

  He was absolutely right about that.

  Mia sat on the cot as the doctor came in. The nurse and aid had already removed her jacket and exposed the wound. They’d applied pressure to stop the bleeding.

  “What do we have here?” a young doctor with the name tag of Dr. Reed asked. “Looks like someone’s been shot.”

  “I’m just grazed.” Mia insisted they keep the injury in perspective. “Just a scratch.”

  The doctor looked at Lincoln. “Has this been reported to the police?”

  “We’re both with the FBI. I’m sure the office is filling out the proper papers right now.”

  “Did you see her get shot?” Dr. Reed asked Lincoln

  Lincoln nodded. “Yes, sir. I did.”

  The doctor pressed around the wound while Mia gritted her teeth to keep from crying out with pain. Damn, that hurt.

  “She’s going to need stitches. I’ll send her home with some pain pills, but more importantly I don’t want that bandage removed for twenty-four hours. I want the wound cleaned with antibacterial soap and re-bandaged.”

  “Okay,” Lincoln said. “I’ll see that she’s taken care of.”

  “Also,” the doctor added, “when she takes the pain pills, she doesn’t need to have a weapon on her.”

  “I’ll make sure of it.”

  The doctor left and she glared at Lincoln. “Since when did you become my nursemaid? I can take care of myself, thank you.”

  “Obviously, you can’t.” He pointed at her arm. “You managed to get yourself shot.”

  Before she could reply, the nurse came in with a steel tray. Mia wondered what was under the blue hospital paper. Mia glanced over at Lincoln, his arms crossed, his muscular body leaning casually against the wall. “Why don’t you go and sit in the waiting room?”

  “And miss you being stitched up?” He shook his head and grinned. “Not on your life.”

  “Great. Maybe I’ll have the pleasure of sitting next to you while you get stitched up someday.”

  Before much else could be said, the nurse shot her full of numbing fluid and then the doctor came in and stitched the wound. After bandaging her arm, the doctor signed them out. She felt nothing now, but knew once the medicine wore off, she’d be pretty uncomfortable.

  “You want to go on to your motel and get some rest?” he asked. “I’m sure Austin won’t object.”

  “No, thanks. I’ll be fine. I’ve been shot before and survived.”

  He glanced over at her. “Where were you shot?”

  “In my left shoulder and my right side. Two separate incidents.”

  “My, aren’t you lucky?”

  “No fun, I can tell you that. Both those bullets put me in the hospital.”

  Lincoln’s phone rang. “Hello,” he said. “Did you run that number?” His face grew grim. “I knew it was stolen. No one would be foolish enough to come to an FBI facility with a car that could be linked to them.” He looked over at her. “Yes, it’s just a flesh wound, but she took four stitches. Okay, talk to you later.”

  “I take it that was Lucas?”


  “Let me guess, the car is stolen?”


  She shook her head. “What a mess.”

  “I’m really concerned that this guy is trying to kill you. I want to know why. Also, it’s almost noon and no victim yet.”

  “Perhaps he just didn’t find anyone.”

  “Let’s hope he decided to skip a day.”

  “Yeah. Maybe he decided to kill me instead of a little girl. I’ll take that any day of the week.”

  Lincoln cleared his throat. “I know you’re not going to like it and I don’t blame you a bit, but I called the motel and booked the room right next to you. As a matter of fact, it’s a connecting room. You can keep the door locked, but I’m staying at that motel until this is solved,” he snarled and pointed his finger at her. “And Austin agreed.”

  She couldn’t believe that. If there was a real problem, why didn’t they put her in a safe house? Or better yet, most directors would’ve replaced her by now.

  “So, we have his blessing?” she asked.

  “I wouldn’t say that. I was pretty adamant that I would be there, and I wasn’t con
cerned with his opinion.”

  She turned and glared at him. “You could get fired.”

  “I could, but I wasn’t looking for a job when I found this one. Besides, it’s just me. I could live off a grocery clerk’s salary.”

  “Still, don’t jeopardize your job over me. I’m not worth that.”

  “Sure you are. You’re my partner. You’d be there for me if I needed you.”

  She grinned. “Don’t count on it, Agent Hightower”

  “Aw, now you’re just trying to hurt my feelings.”

  “I should hurt you, you big dummy.”

  “I know I was a jerk this morning at the house,” he said softly. “But try to understand, I haven’t had a woman since Marilyn’s death. You in my house kind of reminded me of that.”

  “I understand how you must’ve felt. You just shouldn’t have taken it out on me.”

  “You’re absolutely correct and I won’t do it again.”

  She rolled her shoulders as they started to tighten up. “You’re right, you won’t, because you’ll never get the opportunity.”

  “That’s cruel.”

  “Just the facts. I don’t want to come between you and your dead wife.”

  He looked at her and butterflies fluttered in her stomach. “No one can do that.”

  Chapter 9

  Lincoln felt horrible for the way he’d treated Mia that morning, and he hoped she understood. However, he didn’t mean to tell her he hadn’t been with a woman in two years. That was a little too personal.

  But now the cat was out of the bag and she knew everything about his non-existent sex life. Well, he couldn’t help that. You can’t take words back.

  On the way to the office, Lincoln saw the Malibu coming to a stop across a two-lane street from them at a traffic light. He stepped on the gas and ran the red light in hopes of catching up. The Malibu turned on two wheels and accelerated.

  Lincoln gunned the car and tried to keep up. It only took a few minutes to see the older car had been modified for speed.

  “He’s getting away from us,” Mia said, gripping the dashboard. “Step on it.”


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