Ties of Destiny (Curse of the Crown Book 1)

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Ties of Destiny (Curse of the Crown Book 1) Page 10

by Caitlin Taylor

  He was pulled out of his thoughts by faint sounds. It took him a while to place it and comprehend. Someone was unlocking the door. He quickly rose to his feet and drew the sword belted at his side, raising it he made his way into the bedroom, where he came face to face with Ignacio frowning deeply. “Where is he?”

  “Bath,” Jeffrey said. He checked the room, just in case but sheathed his sword again. After making sure the door was locked again, he followed Ignacio into the bathroom.

  Ignacio knelt next to the Prince, touching his face tenderly. The Prince’s eyes opened, a faint hint of a smile on his lips. “You’re gonna be alright, I’m here now.” The Prince gave the faintest nod before closing his eyes again. “Jeffrey,” Ignacio said, turning to look him. “You’ve done much already. Can I ask for your help again?”

  “Tell me what to do,” Jeffrey replied, wanting to help.

  “We need to get him out of the bath for now. I’m not strong enough to lift him.”

  Jeffrey nodded and very carefully moved his arms underneath the boneless body to lift him out of the water, not caring that he got soaked in the process. Ignacio grabbed a few towels and wrapped them around the Prince’s form as best he could.

  “Take him to the bed, if you would.”

  Cautious not to bump into doors or walls, Jeffrey carried the still form to the bed. After Ignacio pulled back the covers he laid him down. Ignacio then spent a few moments further drying the Prince’s body, before wrapping him in the blankets. Kneeling next to the bed, Ignacio ran his fingers tenderly through the Prince’s hair.

  “The bath… was it not the right thing?” Jeffrey asked after a while, worried he’d made things worse somehow.

  Ignacio turned towards him and smiled kindly. “It was exactly what he needed. You’ve done superbly, Jeffrey. Would you tell me what happened?”

  “It’s not like I understand,” Jeffrey said with a sigh, slumping down into a chair.

  “Just tell me what you know, what you saw.” Jeffrey did as asked, retracing their steps, explaining of the meeting with the King, how he was prevented from entering the room, the marshal’s help, the coded message.

  “It may be your job to protect the Prince, but today you may well have saved his life,” Ignacio said in a serious voice. “No one has done this for him before. I doubt you understand the magnitude of your actions. I am truly grateful, and I know he will be too.”

  “Magnitude of my actions? I’d like to start by understanding what got him into that mess!”

  “It is not my place to tell you.”

  “Will he really be okay?”

  Ignacio sighed and looked at the unresponsive Prince. “He’s never been this weak and out of it before. Truly, I don’t know. He’s strong though. He’ll need much rest, but I believe he can pull through.”

  “Can I do something? In the room, he said he needed my strength. I’m happy to give it. I think he did magic. Can we get him to do that again?”

  “Are you truly willing to do that?”

  “Well, if it works, I didn’t feel anything before.”

  “If we do it again, you’re likely to feel weak. You too may need more rest than normal after such a spell. We would not be able to take much, especially if he took some already... You could imagine it like a blood transfusion. There is only so much blood in your body if we took too much it would weaken you to a point that could potentially kill you. But if you are willing, we may be able to transfer a little more to him.”

  “I am more than willing to help him any way I can.”

  “Come here,” Ignacio said and gestured at the floor beside himself. He pulled one of the Prince’s arms from under the blanket. Then he took Jeffrey’s arm and after pulling up his sleeve, laid it beside the Prince’s. “Wrap your hand around his, don’t squeeze but hold on firmly.” Covering the Prince’s hand with his own, Ignacio wrapped their joined hands around Jeffrey’s arm. “Now remember what happened earlier, picture the blue light around your arm and imagine him drawing your strength.”

  Jeffrey nodded and did as told.

  “Akoni,” Ignacio whispered, “draw strength from us. You must, for your own sake, you must do it. We are both willing.” It took some time but eventually, their hands started to glow a faint blue where they touched.

  Jeffrey watched in fascination as the blue light grew stronger. He still felt nothing but assumed it worked based on the light growing. When he heard Ignacio groan he looked up at him. His face contorted in pain. Looking at their joined hands, he reached out with his free one and covered Ignacio’s, gently he pulled it away and let go. The blue light faded from Ignacio’s hand as soon as the touch was interrupted. Looking back at Ignacio the painful expression was gone, though some discomfort seemed to linger. Looking at the Prince, he seemed to be less pale but there wasn’t really any tangible change. As he felt no worse, Jeffrey held the spell, wrapping his free hand around the Prince’s in the hope that it might help.

  “Jeffrey, you must stop now,” Ignacio said after some time.

  “But I feel fine.”

  “Delayed effect, it’s been long enough. I promise he’ll be okay.”

  Somewhat reluctantly Jeffrey pulled his hands away from the Prince. The blue light disappeared. “How is it that I feel nothing, and it hurts you?”

  “I don’t know, Jeffrey. You must tell no one that we did this. Preferably not Akoni either.”

  “This happens a lot, doesn’t it? Him being like this, you looking after him? You’ve given him your strength many times.”

  “I told you, it’s not my place to say.”

  “Does his father use this same spell on him?”

  “Jeffrey.” Ignacio sighed but didn’t continue. For a time both men sat in silence, looking at the still form of the Prince. “You should probably lie down, get some sleep. It helps with the after-effects of the spell. You need your strength, in case... he likely won’t be able to fight for days.”

  Jeffrey started to feel some tiredness and figured Ignacio had a point. Getting to his feet, a wave of dizziness slammed into him, shaking it off he made his way to the nearest sofa and lay down. Getting comfortable he closed his eyes and drifted off soon after.

  Chapter 8

  The whispering of hushed voices woke Jeffrey. Being a light sleeper and used to waking at the faintest sounds during many of his assignments, had him wake easily without sound or movement on his part. He recognised the voices of the Prince and his advisor. Jeffrey wanted to make himself known but didn’t know how to do so subtly. In the end, he kept his eyes closed and breathing even.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” Ignacio asked gently.

  “You know without my having to say it,” the Prince said.

  “It was worse than before. I was truly worried for you, if not for—”

  “Jeffrey,” the Prince finished.

  “He’s asleep on the couch, told him to rest so he’d be strong enough to fight for you if needed.”

  “Hmm, I won’t be doing much fighting of my own for a while. How did he...?”

  “How much do you remember?”

  “I met father. He was alone as I knew he would be. Didn’t even have the courtesy for a conversation,” the Prince said with a humourless laugh. “He attacked right away. No question about it, he knew what he wanted and knew I wouldn’t give it willingly, so he surprised me. I stood no chance against his magic, as usual. But he was worse somehow. Meaner, more brutal. His attacks hurt worse than before. I think I passed out quickly, don’t think that made him stop.” There was a pause, the rustling of cloth. “He does give exceptional presents. At least the bruises will fade if only memories did too.” He sighed. “When I came to, I wasn’t alone. Jeffrey, he offered his strength, I had no choice, I could hardly think from the pain... My heart felt like it was on fire, I needed his strength or... He offered, so I took it.” The Prince’s voice was pained, almost desperate. “I’m so sorry.”

  “He gave his strength willingly. You might no
t have survived without it.”

  “Still, I should not have, I swore I would never become that.”

  “You are not your father. In every way, you are the better man.”

  The Prince laughed that same humourless laugh again. “Better men don’t do what I do.”

  “You do it to survive and to make things better in the long term. It’s an honourable goal.”

  “You know he argues the same point,” The Prince spoke, changing his voice, he mimicked the King. “The world needs guidance. I am making it a better place. I am giving it what it needs.”

  “But he isn’t making it a better place, you are.”

  “Oh, Nace, I don’t know if I can keep doing this!”

  “You must, Your Highness,” Ignacio’s voice was purposeful. “You are stronger than this, I know you are.” There was a short silence. “What do you remember after leaving the room or after getting here?”

  “Jeffrey left through the secret passage. I could barely move, everything hurt, but I managed to open the door and stumble outside. The captain was waiting, of course. Cold as a corpse, like always. Didn’t help me, didn’t risk touching me I figure. Somehow, I dragged myself here, opened the door and walked in, I think I closed it, then everything went black.”

  “No more?” Ignacio proceeded to fill in the blanks, telling how Jeffrey had looked after the Prince until Ignacio’s arrival. “He may be the most loyal guard you’ve ever had if today is anything to go by.”

  “He hates me. Before my father’s servant arrived to summon me...” The Prince paused, a breath escaped him. “The things he said. I could feel his anger, my magic reacted to it. It was unlike anything I’ve ever felt.” He laughed in a strange pitch. “It made me want to kiss him more than ever. I feel like I’m going crazy, Nace.”

  Jeffrey had to make a conscious effort to stay still at hearing those words. It couldn’t be.

  “You haven’t been able to get anywhere then?” Ignacio’s voice interrupted Jeffrey’s thoughts.

  “How could I, when every time we talk it turns into an argument, a fight even.”

  “He doesn’t know you. He knows only of the obnoxious prince everyone talks about. You need to talk to him the way you do to me and give him time to get to know you. The real you.”

  “You’ve known me forever, since before my father... Talking to you is different. It’s easy.”

  “That’s because I know you. Give him time. The last couple of weeks have been rough. We’ll be going to Extraneo soon, it’ll do you good.”

  There was a long silence.

  “Did you say you found me in the bath?” The Prince asked.

  “Yes. How he knew to put you there, I’ve no idea.”

  “I can’t fathom how he saved my life minutes after he said...”

  “Said what?”

  “Never mind. How can I ever express how grateful I am to him?”

  “You start by saying the words,” Ignacio chuckled.

  “You know what I mean.”

  “I do, but I know that you will find a way. With him, you needn’t be who you are outside this room, not when you’re alone.”

  “Sometimes, I’m not sure that there is still another part of me.”

  “Oh, but there is, you’re here now, aren’t you? Haven’t heard a mean word out of you since you woke up,” Ignacio said with good-natured humour.

  “Must be about time to change that then, is it?”

  “Not until after we wake Jeffrey.”

  “Let me get dressed first.”

  “Naw, way more fun like this.”

  “Oh, thanks.”

  “It’s not like you don’t expose yourself any chance you get anyway.” Ignacio laughed. There was the sound of steps. A gentle hand on Jeffrey’s shoulder. “Jeffrey, time to wake up.”

  Jeffrey groaned sleepily and blinked a few times, trying to focus on Ignacio. He sat up with a start and looked towards the bed. “Is he... awake.” He let out a breath of relief. The Prince perched up in bed, leaning back against the headboard, the blanket pulled high but unable to hide all the bruising on his chest.

  “Largely thanks to your efforts, I believe,” the Prince replied with a smile.

  “Your Highness, I... it’s my duty to protect you, I’m only sorry I couldn’t stop whatever happened. I’m relieved to see you awake and well. You are well again, yes?” A part of Jeffrey felt false at the words. But he genuinely meant them. Despite their differences and his earlier fight with the Prince, Jeffrey wanted him to be well, to recover. Whatever had happened, it was wrong and so Jeffrey felt it part of his duty to protect the Prince from it. A duty that had little to do with him being the Prince’s guard and more with his past, his own experiences.

  “Not quite back to my chirpy-self but well enough for now. Jeffrey, you’ve done something incredible today. I am truly grateful to you and would go as far as saying I owe you my life. If there is ever anything I can do for you, please tell me.”

  Jeffrey looked between the Prince and his advisor wide-eyed. “I... Your Highness, I couldn’t.”

  “Of course, you can. You don’t have to tell me now. Anytime there’s something on your mind, just tell me.”

  “If you truly mean that, I wonder...”

  “What is it? It’s done.”

  “There’re quite a few things that spring to mind really,” Jeffrey said somewhat sheepishly.

  “Well, start with one,” the Prince said with a smile.

  “I really need you to stop calling me alfio. It’s derogatory, it’s annoying as hell, more so considering you’ve known my name all along.”

  The Prince’s eyes opened wide. “Jeffrey, I’m sorry. I meant no harm with it. I didn’t know...” he paused then and sighed. “No excuses... I apologise and will not use it again.”

  “Thank you.”

  “What else?”

  “You should stop being so mean to the servants. And guards. And by the Goddess, stop having people flogged for no reason.”

  The Prince bit his lip, while Ignacio started laughing. “Your point is valid. I’m afraid that at this time, I cannot comply with your request. As much as I wish it was different.”

  “So, you really are cruel and vicious...”

  “There are a great many things going on at this court that few people are aware of. We all play a role in a very big chess game. My role is loathsome, but I must play it.”

  Jeffrey’s brow furrowed.

  “Let me try,” Ignacio interrupted. “You’re a soldier, Jeffrey. How well do you understand battle strategy?”

  “Well enough.”

  “Then you know that sometimes some men have to be sacrificed in order to save the bigger group or complete the mission. It’s never easy to sacrifice even a single man. But sometimes it’s the only path.” Jeffrey nodded reluctantly. “The Prince occasionally has to select someone for a flogging in order to avoid a greater disaster, to prevent innocent people being hurt.”

  “The servant boy was innocent. He spilt wine! He might have deserved a slap or two but not a flogging.”

  “I know, Jeffrey. I hated having to do it. If I hadn’t... I cannot tell you the horror that would have taken place instead.”

  “You’ve not been at court long,” Ignacio added. “Some of us remember what it used to be like. As bad as it is now, it’s better than before. It’s only until Akoni takes the throne.”

  “Only,” the Prince sighed. “Trust that I do not do it lightly, Jeffrey. It may appear that way, because it must. But my actions are always in the interest of the people.” The look he gave Jeffrey was imploring.

  “Well, maybe if you can’t stop being mean... you could be a bit... well, nicer.”

  Ignacio started laughing so hard his whole body shook.

  “Your requests are not quite what I expected, but fair all the same. I suspect I’m out of practice, but I will do my best.”

  “Don’t expect him to be Prince Charming, especially in front of others. But if you�
�re alone, I recommend you point out to him when he’s being a prick again,” Ignacio butted in, still chuckling.

  “Thank you for that helpful bit of unnecessary advice,” the Prince said sarcastically. “Now if you two could leave me alone, I might regain a bit of decency by getting dressed.”

  “Maybe a pinch, but not enough to matter,” Ignacio couldn’t help but mutter, quietly, yet audibly enough for both men to hear. Jeffrey chuckled.

  “Out! Both of you!” The Prince pointed at the door, the smile on his face belying his urgent tone.

  Laughing, both Ignacio and Jeffrey left the room.

  When the door had closed, and Ignacio confirmed they were alone, he turned to Jeffrey. “How are you feeling?”

  “Honestly, I’m fine. Great nap, but don’t feel any different to normal.”

  “I’m happy to hear that. If you notice anything unusual, please let me know.” Jeffrey nodded his agreement. “Otherwise let’s…” he drifted off, laying a finger against his lips indicating their mutual silence. Jeffrey nodded again. “I’m glad to know he’s in good hands with you.”

  Moments later the Prince stepped out of his room, fully dressed. Determined, he set off down the corridor. Only close observation showed a slightly altered gait, posture a little more straight, hands flexing occasionally.

  “May I know where we are going?” Jeffrey asked cautiously, surprised to see the Prince moving in his state.

  “There’s a meeting happening tonight, council members, advisors from all areas, important people of various ranks. Likely the King expected me to be unable to attend, considering. I will not be subdued so easily, however.”

  “Many things will be decided tonight, it’s crucial that the Prince attends,” Ignacio added.

  “I’m going to need you inside today, Jeffrey, and you will need to be very watchful. It is the kind of setting where a wrong word results in drawn daggers.”

  “I understand,” Jeffrey said.

  When they arrived at the great hall where the meeting was taking place, they could hear the chatter even through the closed door. When the door opened, a waterfall of noise hit them. Jeffrey noticed the Prince pausing in the doorway, swaying slightly for a moment. A few deep, steadying breaths later, he entered the room. A number of people approached him, eager for the Prince’s ear. He smiled politely and kept moving until he reached the centre of the room.


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