“Yes, it is a dancing leg,” Maeve whispered in Ham’s ear as they grabbed hands and swung close for a moment. “A beautiful one. I’ve wished for this since our reception in Rio Grande City. I did so want to dance with you, and I never thought it would be possible.”
“Well, I’m not the dancer I used to be,” Ham sniffed. “You should have seen me at the military ball. I was on all the girls’ dance cards. Sometimes I had to change partners two or three times in one dance just to keep tears of disappointment from flowing.”
“Really,” Maeve said.
No,” Ham admitted. “I’m a better dancer with Obed’s Opus than I ever was with two legs. Girls used to move their toes out of range when I just entered a room.”
“We didn’t win the war, but we won a big victory all the same,” Maeve said. “Especially the battle of Palacio Del Oro, fought by Lieutenant Colonel Hamilton Jessup. It was a long, hard fight, but he’s enjoying the spoils now, I think.”
“Oh, so much,” Ham whispered.
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Other Books and products from Findley Family Video Publications
All our books (including Historical Fiction, SciFi, contemporary relationships short stories, and an Archaeological Mystery serial) are linked on our blog.
Elk Jerky for the Soul includes posts on current issues, excerpts from our fiction and nonfiction works, Bible teaching, travel and everyday observations, and more. http://elkjerkyforthesoul.wordpress.com/
Visit our YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/user/ffvp5657. Watch Jonah and Ruth as well as “Sojourner,” part of the Space Empire Saga, in full 3D animation, book teasers, and upcoming projects related to biblical study and the Conflict of the Ages.
Science, History, Literature, and biblical worldview studies are the focus of our book and video projects.
Historical Fiction
by Michael J. Findley
The Ephron the Hittite Series
Ephron Son of Zohar
Tawananna Daughter of Zohar
Heth Son of Canaan Son of Ham, Noah
Shelometh Daughter of Yovov Wife of Ephron
Zita Son of Ephron and Shelometh
by Mary C. Findley
Adult Romantic Suspense
The Baron’s Ring
Send a White Rose
Chasing the Texas Wind
Carrie’s Hired Hand (novella)
by Mary C. Findley
Young Adult Historical Adventure
Hope and the Knight of the Black Lion (plus illustrated version)
the Benny and the Bank Robber Series
Benny and the Bank Robber (Plus homeschool editions for student and teacher with review and vocabulary)
Doctor Dad
The Oregon Sentinel
Lines in Pleasant Places
Spec Fiction
by Michael J. Findley
The Empire Saga (all six of the following books in one volume)
City on a Hill (Novelette)
Sojourner (Short Story)
Nehemiah LLC
Empire One: Humiliation
Empire Two: Repentance
Empire Three: Sanctification
by Sophronia Belle Lyon (pen name for Mary C. Findley)
The Alexander Legacy Steampunk Literary Tribute Series
Book One: A Dodge, a Twist, and a Tobacconist
Book Two: The Pinocchio Factor
Book Three: The Most Dangerous Game
The Acolyte’s Education (Allegorical clockwork novella inspired by Little Red Riding Hood)
Contemporary Fiction
Relationships Short Stories
by Mary C. Findley
Fifty Shades of Faithful
Fifty Shades of Faithful 2: In Living Color
Archaeological Mystery Serial
by Mary C. Findley
The Great Thirst Part One: Prepared
The Great Thirst Part Two: Purified
The Great Thirst Part Three: Pursued
The Great Thirst Part Four: Persecuted
The Great Thirst Part Five: Persevering
he Great Thirst Part Six: Protected
The Great Thirst Part Seven: Prevailing
Romantic Suspense
Fall on Your Knees (Christmas Novella)
Write for the King of Glory (tips on indie writing and publishing)
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: A Readers’ and Writers’ Guide for Believers
Biblical Studies (Teacher and student editions)
Antidisestablishmentarianism (illustrated and plain versions)
(serial versions)
What Is an Establishment of Religion?
What Is Secular Humanism?
What Is Science?
What Are the Results of the Establishment of Secular Humanism?
The Conflict of the Ages series (All have teacher and student editions)
I. The Scientific History of Origins
II. The Origin of Evil in the World that Was
III. They Deliberately Forgot: The Flood and the Ice Age
IV. Ice Age Civilizations
Disestablish: An Overview from Creation to the Ice Age
The Great Thirst Book Two: Purified
The Great Thirst Three: Pursued
Write for the King of Glory (tips on indie writing and publishing)
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: A Readers’ and Writers’ Guide for Believers
Biblical Studies (Teacher and student editions)
Antidisestablishmentarianism (illustrated and plain versions)
(serial versions)
What Is an Establishment of Religion?
What Is Secular Humanism?
What Is Science?
What Are the Results of the Establishment of Secular Humanism?
The Conflict of the Ages series (All have teacher and student editions)
I. The Scientific History of Origins
II. The Origin of Evil in the World that Was
III. They Deliberately Forgot: The Flood and the Ice Age
IV. Ice Age Civilizations
Disestablish: An Overview from Creation to the Ice Age
Chasing the Texas Wind Page 25