Curse of Blood and Shadow

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Curse of Blood and Shadow Page 22

by J. M. Kearl

  Another note: Or maybe we should go back to pretending we dislike one another and always wonder what could have been...

  Before I could even react, a quiet knock tapped. It was probably Bindy.

  When I tugged the door open, I froze. In the low light of the hallway Zyacus stood as stunning as I’d ever seen him with a look of angst and yet hope. He didn’t wait for me to invite him in, he stepped forward knowing I’d step back until we stood in the center of my room toe to toe. “Pretending you don’t want me and I don’t want you. That would be the logical thing.” A wave of his hand closed the door. “Because our kingdoms, because of politics, because my father is against it, but mostly because if this happens to work out between us, you are magic-born and I am not. You will live hundreds of years and be young and beautiful and I will die an old man before you even have a gray hair.” His voice was rough yet smooth, the same as the skin of his hand as he brushed a piece of hair behind my ear.

  That was why he’d kept me at a distance, why he pushed me away whenever we started growing close. It wasn’t just because we were royals of different kingdoms; if he fell in love with me, if we stayed together, I would live so much longer. Heart-wrenching.

  “But Visteal,” he paused taking in a deep breath, “I’d rather have a short time of happiness with you than always wonder what if. I want you. I’ve wanted you for a long time. I’m sorry I pushed you away for so long. I’m sorry for being a jerk. I’m sorry I let what others may think get in my head.”

  I swallowed and I’d bet he could hear my thundering heart. “I’m sorry too, Zyacus. You weren’t the only one pushing away.”

  Leaning down, his mouth hovered a breath away from mine, a silent question.

  I answered by pressing my lips to his, and strong arms enveloped me. Warm, soft lips moved in sync with my own and my fingers on their own accord, tangled on his hair. Breaths came faster—pulse pounding, I loved the danger of this, the forbidden aspect. The rush of finally giving in, alluring and terrifying as any battle.

  Gently, he lifted his head. “I’ve wanted to do that for months.” As if he couldn’t resist, he kissed me again, and again, then took a step back. “As much as I’d love to stay here and kiss you all night, I should go. Legacy will be showing up soon no doubt, if not Bindy. And me being here is against the rules.”

  Letting my hands slide down his chest, I pressed my forehead into him, “Is it always like that?”

  He chuckled. “It depends, what did you feel?”

  Lifting my eyes to his, I murmured, “Like I never wanted it to stop.” Like a shot of energy and wanting and desire.

  Zyacus’s fingers glided along my arms and goosebumps tingled on my skin. “No. Most of the girls I’ve kissed felt… meaningless.” His thumb grazed my bottom lip, “But with you…” as if searching for the right words, he paused.

  Holy Phoenix, the anticipation was killing me. But with me what? Was it bad? Good? The best? The worst?

  “It felt like fire licked my soul and I was going to set ablaze.”

  I knew exactly what he meant. I pulled the front of his shirt, dragging him to my mouth. After I felt like I was drowning in the fire he described, I said between kisses, “Alright—Go.”

  The moment the door closed, I wanted him to come back. I also wondered what the hell I was doing.

  Chapter 27

  I tried to go back to studying but it was useless. All I could think about was the caress of the prince’s hands, his beautiful face, his kiss. The words he said. The way all of it made me feel. When Legacy came into the room we talked for a few minutes. I kept getting distracted from the conversation, and had to ask her to repeat what she said a few times. “Are you just really tired?” she asked.

  The opposite of tired, I was electric. “Yeah.”

  We went to sleep without me mentioning what happened with Zyacus. It wasn’t that I wanted to keep it secret, it felt wrong to talk about how happy I was when she was so sad about Aric being gone. I heard her crying before I closed my eyes.

  My dreams were filled with fangs and screams and shadows. I was running—panting but I could not, no matter how hard I tried, move fast. It was like I was stuck in molasses. “Zyacus!” He was surrounded. Vampires dove at him, taking bites, ripping chunks of flesh. “Zyacus!” I bellowed, stuck in the sludge of nothingness.

  Bolting upright, with sweat-soaked hair, I jerked the dagger from under my pillow. Blinking several times, I realized it was nothing but a dream—a horrible, felt so real—dream.

  Legacy slept soundly, and the sun barely peeked over the horizon, staining the sky pink and orange and light blue. I dabbed my dewy face with a towel then headed for the bathroom. No one was up yet so I summoned the hot water from the faucet with my magic, filled a tub full and soaked, letting the heat soothe my muscles.

  After washing my hair and changing, I went back to my room and Legacy was just getting up. Her hair was a wild tangled mess and her eyes were still puffy from crying so long in the night. “Morning,” she grumbled.

  “Morning,” I said then she grabbed a towel and headed off to bathe.

  While daydreaming about kissing Zyacus, I dabbed some color on my cheeks and lips, lengthened my lashes, and styled my hair. I couldn’t wait to see him in class. I was as anxious and excited as I was for my very first day of academy years ago.

  When Legacy came back in the room, she gave me a sideways look. “You’re actually doing your hair today?”

  Caught. Usually I did a single braid or left it straight unless she did it for me. I shrugged. “I felt like doing it.”

  “Spill,” she said, folding her arms. “You never feel like doing your hair this early in the morning.”

  Trying to keep what happened to myself was like holding back a waterfall anyway so when she asked, I released the dam. Her smile turned into a grin and she nearly squealed when I told her about the note writing, the way he showed up at my door, and the words he said before we kissed.

  “I knew it!” She laughed. “I knew you two liked each other from the moment you danced at your party in Delhoon. I think everyone but you knew it.”

  “I—resisted liking him.” My gaze fell to my nails. “I’m Princess of Delhoon, he’s Prince of Hesstia… not to mention we hated each other for years.”

  “Vis,” Legacy said as if reprimanding me. “What could be better for the unity of our kingdoms than you two getting together.”

  “It’s not that simple. His father won’t like it. Neither will mine. And what if it ends badly between us?”

  “Don’t talk about it ending when it’s just begun,” she said and shook my shoulders. “I could wring your neck sometimes for being a downer.”

  It was difficult not to be with so much pressure, so many watching me, so many visions of death. Every student here had pressures but none quite like me. Zyacus was the only one who could compare. Which I guess also made us good for each other. Neither one of us would want the other for a throne but in spite of it.

  “You’re right. I won’t bring it up again,” I said, setting my mind to not think about the future but to live for the day, the moment. That meant no worrying about ruling a kingdom or blood drinkers or relationships possibly ending. It meant I was going to see Zyacus and that’s what I cared about.

  When I hit the bottom of the stairs leaving the girls’ dorms, Zyacus leaned against the wall on the other side of the line males weren’t supposed to cross. Legacy nudged my arm and then gave me a wave as she walked on and I stopped before him. “Hi.” My smile could’ve probably blocked out the sun.

  “Good morning,” he said and his honeyed voice cascaded down my spine. “I couldn’t wait for class to see you.”

  Giddy. I wasn’t sure I’d actually ever been giddy in my life but I was now. While we walked side by side, close enough that I felt him brush against me, so many pairs of eyes honed in on the latest thing to gossip about. It wasn’t unusual for either of us to be noticed as royals, but the open gawking, the
hands covering mouths as they leaned over to whisper, the glares from girls and boys alike, had increased from the usual. The attention made me uncomfortable.

  “So are we sitting at your table or mine today?” he asked and put an arm around my shoulder, tugging me to his side. Then he leaned down and whispered in my ear, “It’s fun watching them lose their minds.”

  Heat simmered in my whole body. He made a very bold statement putting his arm around me as we walked the halls. If the students at this academy had seen anything between us before, it was an open rivalry. Part of me worried about what ramifications this would have. What would my parents say? Others in our kingdoms? The two royals in line for thrones belonging to kingdoms that not only once despised each other but shed each other’s blood. Magic-born and non—together. But the more dominant part of me reveled in his attention. My soul danced in his open affection for me. Consequences be damned. “How amazing it would be to know their thoughts.”

  He chuckled. “I think I may just have to look that magic up.”

  “If that were accessible wouldn’t everyone be using that spell?” I’d never heard of it. “And I say we draw for whose breakfast table to sit at.”

  “I would bet that it’s either forbidden magic or no one has yet to create it.” He stopped then held out both closed fists. “Choose a hand.”

  My eyes flicked left then right. I’d much rather sit at my own table with my own friends where I was comfortable but I cared more about being with him. Tapping the left hand, he flipped it over with a half-smile and two crossed swords hovered above his palm. “Looks like my table it is. I kind of hoped you would choose that one so I could show you off—make it known to everyone that I want you. Isn’t that what you asked for?”

  Laughing, I started walking. “I said I wanted to go to the dance with someone who wanted to take me. This—” I motioned back and forth between us, “wasn’t what I expected.”

  That muscular arm of his slid around the back of my neck. “But it’s what you wanted deep down.”

  I wasn’t used to being so open with him—with any boy. “Yes, but not always. I truly did despise you for a long time.”

  “I know you did. I probably would have hated me too just for the frog in your soup a few years ago, sorry about that by the way.” He laughed, throwing his head back. “And you’re not that good at hiding how you feel. It shows all over your face.” Leaning down again, his lips grazed my ear and I shivered. “Which is how I knew you wanted me to kiss you yesterday.”

  I scoffed, “Well, I knew you wanted to kiss me back at my castle in Delhoon.”

  “Oh, I’ve wanted to kiss you for much longer than that, Princess. Even if you can piss me off more than any girl I know.”

  When we stepped into the dining hall, it was either my paranoia or it was real but I swear the entire room turned and watched us. The cats skittered to each other. Even the professors took notice and I didn’t miss their quick-moving mouths. I locked eyes with Kyan who turned away quickly.

  As Zyacus steered me toward his usual spot, his two friends Unibrow and Skinny stared open-mouthed but shoved over, giving enough room for the both of us to sit. The other boy I’d met, Mateo smiled at me.

  Before I even saw her I knew his—girlfriend I’d always called her, but now I might actually have to learn her name because I certainly wouldn’t be calling her that anymore—would be staring. When I found her four seats down and across the table, she slammed her mouth shut and although her fiery gaze was first directed toward me, real flames ignited from her hands when she looked at Zyacus.

  Her friend squealed and leaned back. “Jennika, you’re going to set the table on fire!” A napkin had already caught flame.

  A nearby boy dumped his glass of water on it and Jennika, the not-girlfriend, shoved up from the table and left. I couldn’t help but feel that Zyacus hadn’t been completely upfront with the extent of his relationship with her. Something I’d have to ask him about later.

  After a few moments of completely and utterly uncomfortable silence, Zyacus said to the entire table within earshot, mostly male, given that only a quarter of the Hesstian students at this academy were female, “I think you all know Princess Visteal.” He threw a thumb at Unibrow, “This bastard is Weston and the skinny one on the other side of him is Ronny. You’ve met.”

  “I remember,” I said coolly. I remembered they laughed while Zyacus teased me.

  “And if you remember, Tattoos is Mateo.”

  “Hello, again,” Mateo said.

  A pretty, copper-skinned girl, sitting across the table, with eyes I would say were a shade of pink, flashed a real genuine smile. “I hope this isn’t too odd to say... but I’ve always wanted to meet you. You’re so mysterious and can I just say what we’re all thinking, talented and beautiful. Like I don’t know what they are putting in the water at your castle in Delhoon but I want some.”

  Looking at his plate, Zyacus grinned as he picked up his fork.

  “Sorry, the king and queen keep that recipe locked in the vault,” I said and Pink Eyes burst out laughing.

  “Visteal,” he nodded toward Pink Eyes, “this is Gracie. One of my best friends and like a third cousin or something.”

  “Second cousin,” she corrected and stuck her tongue out at him. “I wondered when he’d finally make a move,” Gracie said and giggled as she picked up her glass.

  The girl sitting directly across from me gave an off-putting smile then turned to Gracie. “Were you meaning a move for Jennika or her? Boys seem to change their minds so quickly.”

  Gracie cleared her throat and took a drink rather than respond. Zyacus’s head snapped up and I could see his irritation smoldering into anger. “Everyone at this table, but especially you, Baila,” his eyes found hers, “better learn the meaning of respect or you’ll find yourself no longer at this academy if not in a prison cell.”

  She looked down at her plate and didn’t say a word the rest of the meal. The authority and reverence he commanded made me want him all the more but it also made me question my own. I should have been the one to say what he said, should have been the one to shut her down. I had as much power as he did in getting someone removed from this academy.

  I ate my breakfast and listened mostly to Gracie who kept the conversation light from then on, and I already liked her. She was friendly and funny, but most importantly, she might be one of the only girls at this table who didn’t want to murder me.

  An echoing chime told us it was time to go to class. The loud chatter of hundreds of conversations spilled out into the hallways while we stood in the line to exit. Zyacus right beside me was a full head taller and I wasn’t short, I loved it.

  “That went pretty good, I’d say.”

  “Except for when—” I had to stop myself from saying, your girlfriend, “Jennika almost set the table on fire. But I like Gracie.”

  “I knew you would. Everyone likes Gracie. She’s one of those people that you’re just drawn to.” He didn’t mention anything about Jennika, but he couldn’t avoid it forever. Especially after the comment Baila made that nearly got her thrown out of this place.

  Chapter 28

  As we stepped into our class, Professor Tessam smiled at us as if she’d heard some good gossip. We sat at our table and when everyone arrived she began her lesson. When her face lit up with mischief, I knew today would be different. “Magical dueling.”

  That was usually a class all on its own or an extracurricular activity, but I was intrigued.

  “Some recent events have me wanting to make sure you’re prepared for—anything.” The knowing look on her face when she turned toward me, said she’d heard about our run-in with the vampires.

  Apparently the adults weren’t telling everyone what sort of dangerous people we had creeping about. And after considering it, I didn’t think it was because students would be scared. It was because many would go looking for them, looking to fight, and most wouldn’t be ready for it. The speed of the blood drink
ers alone was difficult to contend with.

  “Grab a cloak or jacket, we’re going outside.”

  With a wave of her hand a rack rolled out of a closet and all of us jumped up to grab one. I found a black suede jacket and the inside was soft with light gray fur. It was especially puffy at the neck area. Zyacus pulled on a light gray cloak lined with white fur and looked like a winter god.

  When all of us lined up outside, Professor Tessam clasped her hands in front of her. “This will not be a one on one fight. It will be two against one.”

  Someone murmured, “That’s not fair.”

  And her steel gaze pinned to a white-haired girl in a gray and green uniform from Collweya. “Battles rarely are. When it comes to a real life or death struggle, it won’t be about fairness.” She walked to the end of the line. “You will be a one or a two and you will gather with your number.” She went down the line, “one, two, two.” Until the last student.

  I was a “one”, and I was guessing that meant I would have two against me. After gathering with our groups she picked who would fight against each other.

  “Weapons are permitted as well as magic,” Tessam said. “I want you to use a speed enhancement spell and the sunlight spell solaris adonas at least once. Everything else is your choice. Subdue your opponent, that is the goal. When he or she surrenders or—is unable to fight back you will stop, not before then.” My Papa appeared at her side and she smiled. “Professor Magnevera will be my assistant today. We’ll be coaching you as needed. Begin.”

  I drew my practice sword and took a deep steadying breath as two opponents, one Collweyan, one Hesstian, circled me. Most of our matches ended when one person was in a “killing” position but not until submission. I had a feeling I was about to get roughed up and it had been a while since that had happened to me.

  Mia, auburn-haired and tanned like she’d come from the hot coast, was Hesstian. By her angry expression she had a newfound hatred for me. And the boy with golden locks and a dragon tattoo on his forearm was Logan. I couldn’t see the tat at the moment since it was covered with a thin gray jacket but I knew it was there. He was magic-born, she was not. In the past, Collweya didn’t appear to have magic-born. However, in the last twenty years a new generation of them were born. Not many, but some.


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