Not Another Fake Marriage (Not Another Romance)

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Not Another Fake Marriage (Not Another Romance) Page 8

by R. L. Kenderson


  I looked at Alexis.

  “Are you okay? You seemed to be lost in your thoughts.”

  “I’m okay.” Just hard and horny again.

  “You know, you don’t have to go either.”

  I smiled. “I know. I’ll be fine. That’s not what’s bothering me.”

  “Oh no. What’s bothering—”

  Drawing her toward me, I kissed her.

  Her lips parted for me, and I sucked on the bottom one before I slid my tongue inside. She tasted just like she had the last time I kissed her, and I wished I could do this every day. And then some. My dick ached to the point that it was going to be difficult to walk into the airport.

  A horn honked off in the distance, and I reluctantly pulled away.

  “I’m sorry. I thought I saw my brother out there,” I lied. “It seemed reasonable we’d kiss good-bye.”

  She licked her lips, and my crotch tightened. I wanted to take her mouth again. I wanted her to do that to my dick.

  It was a good thing I was leaving town.

  “I’d better get going. I promised Nana I’d meet her inside.”

  “I wish she had let us bring her to the airport.”

  I swung open my car door. “Me too, but she insisted her neighbor could drive her.” I got out of the vehicle and leaned over, so I could see Alexis’s face. “Remember to act like you missed me when you get to Florida.”

  She smiled, a small glint in her eye. “But I will miss you.”

  “You know what I mean. Act like you missed your newlywed husband.”

  “Got it. Be prepared to catch me.”

  I laughed, having no idea what she was referring to. “See you in a few days.”

  “See you then.”

  I closed the door, grabbed my luggage from the trunk, and headed inside the airport. As I neared the location where we had all agreed to meet, I saw my grandma already standing there.

  “Nana.” I waved my hand in the air.

  When I reached her, she was smiling, which meant my brother and his fiancée probably weren’t there yet.

  “Hi, Nana,” I said, giving her a hug.

  “Hello, dear.”

  “Have you seen Kevin yet?”

  “No, and I’m getting awfully anxious.”

  “Don’t you think it’s odd that he hasn’t introduced his fiancée to you yet? And now, he’s getting married this week?”

  She looked me up and down in the only way a matriarch would. “Says the man who didn’t introduce his wife to me until after he was married.”

  “Touché,” I agreed. “Except you already knew Alexis.”

  “Still counts, young man.”

  “Got it.”

  “Where is that new wife of yours anyway?”

  I looked over Nana in concern. She was elderly, but she still had a good memory. “She’s coming in a few days. Remember? She has a business she can’t leave for a week.”

  “That’s right. The cupcakes.”

  “It’s actually a café and bakery,” I explained. “A cat café.”

  “What is a cat café?”

  “It’s a café with cats that you can pet and adopt.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “Seems like a way to introduce germs into the food.”

  My shoulders slumped. “The cats aren’t allowed in the kitchen, and the customers love it.”

  “If you say so.”

  I sighed. Getting her to accept Alexis was going to be harder than I’d thought it would be.

  “Oh, there’s your brother,” Nana said, and I looked in the direction she was facing.

  Sure enough, there was Kevin with a pregnant Candace trailing behind him.

  As he got closer, Nana said, “Where’s his fiancée?”

  I could see how she would have trouble with all the people walking toward us and with Candace behind him, but I thought it seemed obvious they were together. Plus, Nana had met Candace when she was living with Alexis and Kevin.

  When my brother reached us, he gave our grandmother a hug and held out his arm. “Nana, do you remember Candace?”

  Candace stepped forward, and Kevin put his arm around her.

  “Candace, this is my grandmother. You can call her Nana.”

  Nana straightened her spine and lifted her nose. “She can call me Mrs. Nelson.”

  I winced. I’d known this introduction wouldn’t go well, but I felt bad for the young woman. Kevin, not so much. He deserved it. Even when he had been married to Alexis and Nana liked her, Alexis always called our grandma by her first name.

  “Nana, I don’t think that’s fair to my fiancée.”

  “I don’t think it’s fair that you didn’t tell me you got someone pregnant and are only now marrying her.” She scanned Candace. “Are you even allowed to go on the airplane?”

  I hadn’t even thought of that. Candace looked like she was going to give birth.

  She swallowed and glanced at Kevin before answering, “I’m only thirty weeks. I can fly up to thirty-six,” she said quietly.

  Nana narrowed her eyes and clenched her jaw. “That is, if we even get on this flight at all.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  I had just finished mixing up batter for another batch of cupcakes when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I was making extra batches to keep in the fridge, so they only had to be baked while I was out of town.

  Trevor: I made it to Florida. Barely. Nana almost called off the trip.

  I laughed.

  Me: No way.

  Trevor: Oh yeah. She was pissed at Kevin when she saw Candace.

  Me: To be fair, I would be mad too.

  The woman had lost her husband and her only child, and her two grandsons had just sprung marriages on her. It wasn’t any wonder she wasn’t impressed with them right now.

  Trevor: I found something out. Not sure it matters though.

  Me: What’s that?

  I was expecting some juicy gossip, but that wasn’t what I got.

  Trevor: Candace is only 30 weeks pregnant, which puts her at just over seven months. I know it probably means that Kevin still cheated on you because who knows how long they were sleeping together before she got pregnant, but I thought you should know he might have waited until you were divorced.

  That was really sweet of Trevor to try and make me feel better. Kevin and I had been divorced for nine months, so it could be possible that they’d slept together after that. But that wasn’t what really bothered me. After all, Candace could gladly have him.

  Me: Thank you, but I don’t really care so much on whether he may or may not have cheated. Our marriage was over before we even separated. They’re welcome to each other. But I don’t think it’s fair they get to have a baby, and I don’t.

  Trevor: I agree. It should have been you.

  Me: Thank you. Anyway, I’m thinking about taking home one of the cats from work. Once I get a bigger place of my own, that is.

  I’d made sure to add the last line, so he didn’t think I was going to bring a cat to his house.

  Trevor: Which cat?

  Me: I actually have a couple I love. There’s the black-and-white cat. His name is Salt and Pepper. And then there is the orange cat named…wait for it…Ginger.

  Trevor: So original.

  I laughed as the door to the kitchen opened. But I didn’t look up, as I was too busy texting Trevor back.

  Me: We’re a café and bakery. We had to name her Ginger.

  Trevor: There are a ton of orange foods. Mangoes, apricots, peaches, carrots, sweet potatoes, and…wait for it…oranges.

  I laughed again.

  Me: Orange? Boring.

  “Whatcha doing?”

  I jumped and slapped my hand over my chest. “You scared me.”

  Tessa chuckled as she came closer. “Sorry.”

  “No, you’re not.”

  “Okay, maybe I’m only a little sorry.” She nodded to my phone. “So, what are you doing?”
  “Texting Trevor. Why?”

  “Because you have a huge smile on your face.”

  I knew what she was getting at, but I refused to consider it. “He just told me that his grandma almost called off the trip because she was upset with Kevin. She had no idea he had gotten someone pregnant. How could I not smile?”

  Tessa gave me a side-eye look.

  “Stop it.”

  She lifted her hands up. “Stop what?”

  “Thinking what you’re thinking.”

  She grinned. “And what am I thinking?”

  I pointed my finger at her. “I don’t know. Just stop it.”

  “How about I tell you what I’m thinking?”

  “I’m all ears.” But I wasn’t. I was afraid of what she was going to say.

  “I think you should go to Florida tomorrow.”

  My eyebrows flew up. That was not what I had expected her to say.

  “I can’t do that.” I looked around the kitchen. “There’s too much to do. I can’t leave you hanging like that.”

  Tessa walked over to our main fridge and opened it. She pointed inside to the numerous storage containers of batter in there. “I think I’ll be fine.”

  I shook my head. “I’m not sure it’s enough.”

  She shrugged. “So what? We run out of some stuff? It will only make people appreciate it more.”

  “I don’t know about that.”

  She reached into her back pocket and pulled out her phone. She pushed a few buttons and handed it to me. “Read.”

  With a sigh, I looked at her screen.

  Tessa: Hey, handsome.

  Seth: Hey, beautiful.

  Tessa: Question for you.

  Seth: Yes, I will make you come when I get home tonight.

  Tessa: LOL. No. I have a question for the advertiser, not my husband.

  Seth: Bummer. What’s the question?

  Tessa: Alexis might go to Florida early. If we run out of baked goods toward the end, will it hurt our business?

  Seth: If you run out the day before she gets back and it doesn’t happen again, it might help. Customers would realize what it’s like not to get your products. They might appreciate your food more. But if it happens repeatedly, they might stop coming in.

  Tessa: Great. Thank you!

  Seth: You’re welcome.

  Tessa: As for the first answer you gave me…I’ll make sure Alexis makes extra lemon frosting before she leaves.

  Seth: Can’t wait. I’m going to—

  “And that’s where I stop.” I quickly handed her cell back to her before I read more of what was for her eyes only. “You could have warned me there was sexy talk on there.”

  “Pfft. You’re fine. Besides, you saw what you needed to see, right?”

  I sighed. “Yes.”

  “Good.” She headed for the front of the bakery. “Just think about it.”

  I stared at the door swinging back and forth after she walked out. I did kind of miss Trevor, but could I really be around Kevin and Candace for that many days?

  My phone vibrated on the counter.

  Trevor: Check out this view.

  He sent a video. It showed the inside of the house in Florida. It was decorated beautifully, and it looked exactly how I pictured a Florida beach home to look with accent walls of white wood siding. Trevor stepped outside, where there was a pool off to one side, but right behind the house was the beach and the ocean.

  Trevor: Wish you were here.

  Me: Can you come and pick me up at the airport tomorrow?

  Chapter Nineteen


  I checked the arrival time on the board at the airport. Alexis’s flight had landed five minutes early. I just had to wait for her to make it to baggage claim.

  “How much longer?” Kevin whined.

  “Please stop. You’re the one who insisted on coming with me.”

  “Yeah, but I thought you were going to just pull the rental car in front and have her get in. I didn’t know you were going to come inside.”

  I turned to him. “You’re more than welcome to go out to the parking lot and wait.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest. “No, I’ll stay.”

  “Then, please stop complaining.”

  I wasn’t sure why my brother had insisted on accompanying me. I didn’t know if he needed a break from Nana’s judging looks or if he wanted to keep an eye on Alexis and me since his little spy wouldn’t have followed us across the country. Either way, he was getting on my nerves.

  More people started heading toward baggage claim, and I forgot all about my brother as I kept my eyes open for my wife.

  It wasn’t long, although it felt like too much time had passed until I saw her face. Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun, and she wasn’t wearing makeup, but she looked beautiful. When she saw me, she grinned and started running toward me.

  I held out my arms, and right before she reached me, she jumped into them. She wrapped her arms and legs around me and hugged me tight.

  I hadn’t told her Kevin was coming with me, and I wasn’t sure if she had seen him, but I loved that she’d stepped into wife mode right away.

  She released me, and I set her down, kissing her just enough for her to know I was glad to see her.

  “How was your flight?”


  I put my arm around her neck and kissed her forehead. “Great. Let’s go get your luggage, shall we?”

  As we turned, we almost ran into my brother.

  “Oh,” Alexis said, jumping back. “I didn’t realize you came.”

  Either she was the world’s best actress or she really hadn’t known, and I felt my chest swell with her reaction to seeing me again.

  “I couldn’t get him to stay home,” I told her.

  “It’s fine. We’re going to be sharing a place for almost a week. I might as well get used to having him around.”

  “Stop talking like I’m not here.” Kevin sneered. “You used to live with me year-round.”

  Alexis raised her eyebrows. “Don’t judge me for my past mistakes.”

  I laughed, and the two of us continued to the baggage carousel.

  “Our place is within walking distance of restaurants, cafés, shops, and the beach,” I told Alexis as I drove us back to our rental place. I had to admit that Kevin had done a good job on picking a location. “When Nana found out you were coming, she suggested we all go to dinner together. Does that work for you?”

  “I’m here to spend time with your family. I’ll do whatever,” she said from the backseat. She had been nice enough not to argue with Kevin on who got shotgun.

  Despite her relaxed demeanor at the airport and in the car, she grew tense when we got back to the house. I thought maybe she was worried about my grandmother, but when Candace walked into the room, Alexis stiffened completely.

  Candace stopped in her tracks and smiled when she saw Alexis. “Alexis, I thought you were coming in a few days.”

  Candace rushed forward, and Alexis moved closer to me, but that didn’t stop Candace from pulling Alexis in for a hug.

  Alexis’s arms hung at her sides, and I didn’t understand how Candace was so clueless to Alexis’s body language.

  “I’ll show you to our bedroom,” I said, rescuing her. “Then, you can unpack before we go to dinner.”

  Candace stepped back, and I quickly took Alexis’s hand, grabbed her suitcase, and showed her to our room.

  The house we were renting was compact. It had one large open space with the kitchen, dining, and living area. There was a front door facing the street and a patio door in the back. Adjacent to those were two bedrooms on one side and a bedroom and bathroom on the other.

  “We’re over here,” I said. “The location is great, but the place is small.” I pointed to the bedroom next to us. “That’s where Kevin and Candace are staying.” And I pointed to the other side of the main area. “That’s Nana’s room and the bathroom. We thought she should be the
closest to it. Sorry, that puts us next to Kevin and Candace.”

  “It’s fine. My discomfort takes a backseat to an elderly woman.” She looked around. “Where is your grandma?”

  “Probably napping.” I cleared my throat. “I guess she’s been more tired lately.” Sometimes, I forgot that Nana had cancer, but this trip had reminded me in a big way.

  “I’m sorry, Trevor.”

  I smiled. “Not your fault.” I didn’t want to think about it. “Let’s get you unpacked.”

  We entered our room, and I shut the door, so we could talk privately.

  I set her suitcase on the bed. “There’s a closet and dresser in here if you don’t want to leave your stuff in your bag.”


  “But the bed is only a queen.” I lowered my voice just in case Kevin decided to eavesdrop. “If you want to put something between us while we sleep, I can find an extra pillow.”

  She put her hand up to stop me. “We’re adults. I’m sure we can manage.”

  I smiled.

  After the first night when Kevin had burst in, I’d had the locks changed, and she’d been staying in her own room every night. I was looking forward to sleeping next to my wife while we were here. I didn’t know what that meant, but I was sure it was harmless.

  As Alexis unpacked her clothes, I sat on the bed and leaned against the headboard.

  “Are you just going to watch me?” she asked.

  I shrugged. “Why not?”

  “Because it’s boring.”

  “Not to me.” I liked spending time with her.

  “Thanks for intervening out there with Candace.”

  I frowned. “I’m sorry she approached you like that.”

  Candace had acted like she and Alexis were best friends.

  “It is weird. The last time I saw her was at a restaurant with Kevin. She knew I was upset, and I refused to talk to her. Now, she’s acting like nothing is wrong.”


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