Quaratined With a Billionaire

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Quaratined With a Billionaire Page 3

by Sher Dillard

  Her insides relaxed. There was something about a sexy man enjoying a meal she had prepared. Something deep that satisfied her very soul.

  Grabbing her own plate, she joined him at the breakfast bar and watched him eat the meal. He devoured it. A focused mind, she realized with a sense of happiness. Suddenly the deadly virus seemed far away. All her problems had been put aside.

  “I talked to the governor about an hour ago,” he said between bites of omelet. “They’re figuring five to ten days.”

  Her stomach fell.

  He saw her concern and reached over to gently take her hand. “It will be fine, I promise. If we’d been exposed, we’d be showing symptoms.”

  An electrical charge shot through her body from his touch. My god, she thought. All this man has to do is touch me and I become a quivering mess. “Ten days,” she mumbled.

  He laughed as he got up to take his empty plate to the sink and rinse it off. “Don’t worry, we’ll figure out something to keep ourselves busy.”

  Jane froze. What had he meant by that? He was the sexiest of men. She was a young woman. Alone in an apartment for ten days. Did he think something was going to happen between them? And if he didn’t, why not?

  Her stomach turned over with a dozen different worries, each in conflict with the next. Swallowing hard as she watched him walk back to sit down again on his stool.

  “So, tell me about Ms. Jane Parkman.”

  She froze, the man had turned all of his attention to her. For the first time, she realized what it meant to be the focus of Jake Walters. Those intense eyes looking at her as if she were the most important person in the world and he was desperate to know everything about her.

  A sudden shyness filled her as she hesitated. What could she possibly tell him that would be impressive?

  “There’s not much to tell. A business degree from a mid-level college, three years selling software that I don’t fully understand.”

  He laughed. “Family? … boyfriend?”

  A quick flash of embarrassment filled her. “No boyfriend. Two parents and an older sister.” There it was all out. The meager accomplishments exposed.

  He frowned for a moment then shook his head. “I don’t understand the no boyfriend part. But then the world is full of idiots.”

  Jane’s heart jumped with happiness. He hadn’t teased her, instead making light of her singlehood.

  “What about you,” she asked as she set her fork down on her plate. “How does a man become a billionaire by what thirty-five?”

  “Thirty-one, for the first billion,” he said with a smile.

  She raised an eyebrow waiting for an answer. He shrugged his shoulders. “My dad had a small company, making medical instruments. Finest craftsmanship. They also had a lab. A research lab with a special man, Bill Dawes. A technician who knew more about working with metals and alloys than any Nobel Laureate.”

  The look of caring in his eyes twisted her insides. To see a man like this could care about someone else made him less intimidating.

  “Anyway, Billy taught me everything he knew. I never went to college; I spent my youth working in that lab. Came up with some stuff and got a couple of pattens.” His shrug of dismissal was endearing she thought.

  “I have a feeling it was more than that,” Jane said.

  “Yeah, well a patten on one of our sensors was picked up by one of the Virtual Reality people. It sort of took off and they had to pay us two fortunes. So yeah I got lucky.”

  Jane scoffed. “That sensor was groundbreaking. Three times more sensitive and less costly.”

  He leaned back against the counter and studied her for a long moment. Jane felt trapped by his intense gaze. It was as if she were standing before him fully naked. Every aspect exposed and being examined.

  At last, he pushed himself up and away from the counter. “We should probably go to bed.”

  Her heart froze as the air in her lungs refused to work.

  A small smile creased his lips as he said, “It has been a long day and I’ve got a ton of problems in the morning. So, I’ll say goodnight Jane.”

  The deepest of regrets filled her as he turned and walked away. Again. The man was twisting her into knots. One moment staring into her eyes as if she were a goddess he couldn’t live without. The next treating her like a coffee table. There, but not important.

  It was enough to make a girl wonder about everything she had ever known about men. But then this man was different. Probably more different than any man she would ever meet.

  Chapter Five

  Jake woke with a start. Damn, it hadn’t been a nightmare. His company, his town were in quarantine. Nothing in or out. It had taken him half the night to work things out. The suppliers in China had been the worst, refusing to understand, But finally, he’d shifted the contracts, leaving his company enough money to keep paying employees while they waited for things to come back online.

  The sudden memory of Miss Jane Parkman jumped into his head. That soft golden hair, the way her brow furrowed when she was worried. Those perfect hips This quarantine could be a lot worse he realized with a smile.

  He thought back to the first time he’d seen her. In the elevator. It had taken every bit of his world-famous concentration to remain focused on the news while trying to figure a way through the coming storm. The hint of lavender and vanilla perfume had been particularly difficult to ignore.

  After a quick shower, he ducked into his office to start dealing with an onslaught of problems. It seemed half the world wanted his opinion or for him to come up with some solution to their problem. Yet, his mind kept dancing to the woman down the hall.

  He was an hour into his work when a delicious smell pulled him out of the rabbit hole of emails.

  God, it smelled good. Pushing up away from his desk with an email half finished he went to the kitchen to find Jane and her tight skirt-clad hips, bent over taking something out of the oven. His heart dropped as an instant need filled him.

  She looked over her shoulder and caught him staring at her gorgeous ass. It took every bit of will power to pull his gaze away.

  “Biscuits and gravy,” she said with a smile as she pulled the pan of biscuits out of the oven. Her ponytail flipping over her shoulder.

  “How’d you know?” he asked as his mouth filled with saliva.

  She laughed, “Every red-blooded male loves biscuits and gravy. It’s a rule or something.”

  Jake laughed as he sat down and took a deep breath savoring the delicious aroma. “Where’d you learn to cook?”

  She dolloped thick country sausage gravy over the biscuits then put it in front of him before pouring an orange juice each.

  “My mom was a waitress at a diner, I worked there in the summers. When things were slow, Marla, the cook, would show me stuff.”

  He nodded as he took a bite and moaned in the back of his throat. “I must find this Marla and thank her.”

  She smiled then started in on her own meal. He watched her for a moment and realized that he liked her. She hadn’t spent the night whining and crying about being stuck. She hadn’t pouted or thrown a fit. No, she accepted the inevitable and tried to make the best of it.

  Obviously intelligent with a quick mind. Hard-working, pulling herself up the success ladder. Pretty, with a hint of innocence that looked like it hid something wild. All that and she could cook. The kind of woman that could make a man want to move mountains or slay dragons.

  “What are your plans for the day?” he asked before taking another bite.

  She shrugged those pretty shoulders. “I thought I’d inventory the food to make sure it lasts. That and laundry,” she said with a laugh. “I’ll rinse out some things in the sink.”

  “Hey,” he said, “there’s a gym on the third floor. I put it in a few years ago for the employees. I think there are a washer and dryer in the back.”

  Her eyes lit up as she smiled widely. Like a little girl who just got a pony for Christmas. For just a moment he though
t she was about to launch herself into his arms, but she pulled back and he questioned what he thought he might have seen.

  “That would be great,” she said as she glanced down at her hands. “But I thought we were quarantined.”

  “The building’s locked down,” he said with a sudden sadness at the thought of her not being in his arms. “I’ve got security outside, in their cars. No one but us two for the entire nine stories.”

  She smiled and nodded indicating that she would take him up on his offer.

  “Listen,” he continued. “I’ve got a bunch of books in my study. Really, it’s more like a library with a working desk. And feel free to order anything you want on the TV. I think there is a bunch of CD’s around here somewhere.”

  “You don’t have to keep me entertained,” she said with a cute blush to her cheeks. “I promise I won’t be a problem.”

  “Don’t worry about it, after all, it’s going to get pretty boring being cooped up. We’ll have to figure out things to keep ourselves busy.”

  Her eyes flashed and her cheeks grew pink. Jake smiled to himself. He hadn’t meant it to come off that way. But he had to admit, the thought of keeping himself busy with Miss Parkman was extremely enticing.

  No. he told himself. Jane hadn’t asked for this. This wasn’t some fly by. She wasn’t like most of the women he knew. Women who understood how to guard their hearts. Women who were familiar with the situation and weren’t hurt when their dreams didn’t come true. No, he reminded himself. Something told him that this was a woman who didn’t do casual.

  Besides, there would be the whole stuck together aspect of things. He couldn’t exactly call her a car and send her home afterward.

  No, he was going to have to keep his hands to himself. Of course, he would die a slow death the entire time.


  Jane pulled her clothes from the dryer as she shook her head. Why couldn’t he have lived on the top floor of a department store?

  Sighing, she looked over her shoulder to make sure the coast was clear then quickly changed out of the shorts and back into her regular clothes but decided to change things up a little, leaving her blouse untucked.

  What would she do tomorrow, she wondered. Wear it backward? The thought of Jake seeing her in the same clothes day after day sent a gnawing fear to her stomach. She was going to have to think of something.

  She flashed to Scarlet O’Hara and re-purposing drapes.

  Hey, at least she wasn’t stuck at the airport, or worse, out on the streets. No, instead she got to putter around in the most beautiful kitchen of a sexy billionaire. “Come on,” she mumbled to herself. Nine-tenths of the women in this world would die for an opportunity like this.

  So, what are you going to do about it? She wondered as she started for the elevator. You want him, admit it. If he gave the slightest hint, you’d be in his bed in an instant. Hell, they wouldn’t make it to the bedroom if she had her way.

  But there wasn’t a chance, she realized with a deep sadness. He held back, as if there was something wrong with her. A woman could tell these things. He was interested. A look she would see in his eyes. The way he had stared at her butt last night. A man didn’t look that long, that hard unless he was interested.

  Plus, there was the way her body reacted to him. This intense need had to be mutual.

  When she stepped out of the elevator, she was reminded once again of stepping into a fairyland world of wealth and comfort. No princes’ castle ever offered more. Giving up a quick thanks, she put away her clothes and then returned to the living room.

  Sighing, she lowered the lights before stepping over to the large picture window looking out over the city. Raindrops raced down the outside of the glass. Her stomach clenched with worry. Everything seemed so strange. Empty. Abandoned. Street lights and electronic store signs in neon still working. But no people. It was as if she had woken up to find herself as the last person on earth.

  A lone van turned onto the street sending a surprising sense of happiness through her. Moments later it turned to the right and disappeared. Once again leaving her with a sick feeling deep in her insides.

  A sense of loneliness flowed over her as she thought about him working in his office. It would be so much nicer if he were to join her. She hated being alone like this. Especially now.

  She liked talking to him, she realized. He wasn’t conceited like most rich men. Open, curious, obviously very intelligent with a nice sense of humor. Being so handsome didn’t hurt. She could look at him for hours.

  While standing there in the shadows her mind wandered to a thousand different worries. There was no telling she might have stood there when a sound behind her made her look up into the window’s reflections. Jake came to stand behind her, looking out over her head at the city below.

  “Surreal,” he said as he sighed heavily. “You doing okay?”

  All she could do was nod. His large presence made her world feel more secure. It was taking every ounce of will power to stop from leaning back into him.

  “You sure?” he asked as he gently placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

  Jane closed her eyes as she absorbed his touch. It was impossible, she couldn’t stop herself as she leaned back against his broad chest. “I get frightened,” she admitted as she looked at his reflection in the window.

  He didn’t dismiss her. His eyes didn’t disregard her concerns. Instead, their eyes locked. Neither willing to break the connection. A million messages flashing between them.

  Slowly, something changed in his gaze as it became more intense, making her shiver with need.

  Without warning his arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her in tight next to him. Without planning it, she closed her eyes and melted into him. It was as if all of the world’s problems had been solved. As if this was where she belonged.

  Leaning down, his breath tickled her neck sending a screaming demand to her very core.

  “God Jane,” he whispered, “you could make a man forget the rules about damsels in distress. Make him forget about tomorrow and the future and seize what he wants right now.”

  Her heart jumped as a new nervousness filled her. Please, she begged to the universe. Turning in his arms she looked up at him. Yes, she thought, this is what she wanted. Taking a deep breath, she laid her head on his chest and said, “Tomorrow is too far away. I just want tonight.”

  Jane froze, terrified as she listened to his beating heart. She felt his body tense. Please don’t reject me, she begged. The hurt would be too much.

  For what seemed like half of eternity he didn’t move. Then, without warning, he leaned down, slid an arm behind her knees, and scooped her up into his arms as if lifting a kitten. His smile reassured her that he wanted this as much as she did.

  A happiness filled her mixed in with anticipation and a need that she couldn’t wait to be answered.

  Chapter Six

  Jake fought to hold back the raging want building up inside of him. She was right. They needed tonight. They deserved to put the worry away and focus on themselves.

  Her hands reached up to surround his neck as she looked up at him with innocent eyes filled with hope and fear. God, the woman could twist his guts into knots. He couldn’t ever remember a woman pulling at him like this. Both demanding to become his, yet hesitant.

  This wasn’t some party girl he reminded himself as he stared down into her eyes while he carried her to his room. She wasn’t someone looking to get her hooks into his wealth. Someone looking to climb the ladder by sleeping with him. Heaven knew he’d known enough like that. No, Jane was different.

  Leaning forward, he gently laid her on his bed. She licked her lips and stared up at him. God, she looked so tempting. A beautiful woman laying on his bed. It was taking every bit of self-control to stop from taking her then and there. No, go slow, he reminded himself. Make this special.

  Smiling to her, he lay down next to her, pulling her into a kiss that made his body respond instantly.
Jane moaned in the back of her throat as she melted into him, her arms wrapping around him as if she were terrified he would disappear.

  Jake allowed himself to become lost in Jane’s kiss as their hands fought to remove clothes. Her hands fumbled with his belt as if she couldn’t get there soon enough. He laughed deep inside as he slid her skirt and panties down over those delicious hips.

  Within moments they were both naked, his erection hard and demanding release. Instead, he slowly lowered his mouth to her breast and took in a nipple. Jane moaned as she arched up into him.

  As he caressed her skin, his fingers trailed down to find her core wet and ready. Good, he thought. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. There was no doubt, no worry. The woman was hotter than a summer sun.

  Her hand moved to take him and begin to stroke up and down. Pushing him higher and higher.

  “I’m on the pill,” she whispered with a pretty blush.

  He smiled down at her then reached to a side table and removed a condom.

  Jane smiled back at him then took it from him. “Not yet,” she said as she set it aside then leaned down to take him in her mouth.

  “YES,” he sighed as he felt her surround him, sucking, stroking, filling him with more and more need.

  She looked up into his eyes as she continued to use her mouth to worship him. An endearing look of hope and admiration. A demur yet wanton glance. A look that moved his heart. Who was this woman?

  “Enough,” he reluctantly said as he gently pulled away. He refused to climax now. No, he wanted to be buried inside of her. Some primeval need engulfed him and demanded that he fill her.

  Smiling coyly, she retrieved the condom then rolled it on over him. “I’m surprised it fits,” she said with a quick smile. The kind of comment that could make a man want to beat his chest and yell to the world.

  For a quick moment, their eyes locked as he stared deep into her soul. Things were about to go beyond any point of return. Slowly, she licked her lips and reached up to take his head in her hands and bring him down for an earth-moving kiss.


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