These notes are by the author and are observations he found of interest, to the story. Much of the data is already in the story but here is more information, for the SEQUETUS enthusiast.
None of what is here, is written to convince the reader that the data presented in this story is true. That is, the author isn’t saying a person can read minds, or that they can recall a past-life, or that a person really can move an object by thought. However, others have or are saying this, and this is what is reported here. These claims are the tapestry of data that this fictional story is written upon.
The following are the topics of the Notes:
1. On Mars:
2. Past-lives vs. reincarnation:
3. Life-of-the-world:
4. Expansion of the universe:
5. Hollow planets:
6. Brain operations:
7. Implanting hypnotism and brainwashing:
8. People moving objects:
9. Telepathy:
10. Japan and Siberia:
11. Bermuda Triangle:
12. Broadmatter Theory Addendum
13. Warp Drive Notes
On Mars:
Ref: The Martian Message by Goro Adachi. See his book The Time Rivers 2003 for more data.
Additional data about Mars is summarized briefly as follows:
The Egyptian capital Cairo, situated next to Giza, derives its name from Al Qahira, denoting Mars, but also meaning victorious.
The ancient Egyptians called Mars “Horus of the Horizon” (Horakhti) which was the same name as given to the Great Sphinx. Mars was also called 'Horus the Red' (Hor Dshr), and for a long time the Sphinx was painted red.
Just as the Great Sphinx is the hybrid of man and a lion, in the ancient Hindu myths, Mars is Nr-Simha, the 'Man-Lion'.
The term 'pyramid' derives from the Greek term pry meaning 'fire', as in Mars the 'fire planet'. (Mars is often referred to as pyroeis in Greek.)
The apparent pyramids of Mars were photographed in 1972 by NASA's Mariner 9, the first spacecraft to enter the Mars orbit in history. It flew over the region called the Elysium Quadrangle.
Carl Sagan commented that these 'becoming pyramids' did 'warrant … a careful look.'
In 1976 the Viking space probe photograph 35A72 showed the Face on Mars, situated in the region called Cydonia. The rock formation resembles a human face staring into space.
In 1979, photograph 70A13 showed another peculiarity, a five sided pyramid near the Face. Due to the geometric nature of the pyramid, many claimed this more indicated intelligence than the Face. Then, other anomalous objects were found such as the Fort, Cliff, and City and Tholus. When all these objects are mapped and interconnected intelligent geometric attributes become apparent.
While the data collected appears highly reliable, and involves some very serious research, backed by scientists, the results are always set up for ridicule. When this happens with sufficient force behind the ridicule, some suggest that there is a conspiracy of silence on the subject and that 'they' don’t want extraterrestrial artifacts on Mars taken seriously.
Other recommended research books on the subject are:
Graham Hancock, The Mars Mystery (New York: Crown Publishers, 1998).
Richard C. Hoaglund, The Monuments of Mars (Berkley: North Atlantic Books, 1993).
Past-lives verses reincarnation.
The concept of past-lives is that the life-force, the spiritual entity that is the person himself, you, leaves the body upon death and finds a new human body at birth. The concept is that a person goes from one human life to another, and that he or she doesn’t transmigrate to another species.
The concept of reincarnation is similar but broader than past-lives. Reincarnation theory allows for the person to transmigrate to another species. This is especially so that a person who has done something very bad during his/her life might be expected to transmigrate to another species, especially if it reflects the bad the person had done. For example, a person who is a glutton may transmigrate upon death to taking control of the body of a pig. This concept isn’t part of past-life theory.
In the NEW EARTH SERIES the concept of reincarnation isn’t part of the story, but past-life theory is touched upon.
Religions that use the concept of past-lives might be Buddhist in particular with its billion followers.
The concept of past-lives has also been found in many other religions. For example, the Cathars of Europe were a Christian sect. They believed that if their lay members did well during their life they could come back next life as a Cathar priest. The Cathars were persecuted and wiped out during the Mediaeval Inquisition after an earlier Albigensian Crusade had failed.
Many Cathars were tortured, burned and killed. They were wide spread and lived up as far as Holland, the southern Mediterranean and also North Africa. Mainly they are known for being strong in southern France. By the 13th Century they were targeted by the Pope for Inquisition.
It is said that Justinian II, in the Sixth Century as Emperor of Rome, of the Byzantine Empire, expunged all reference of past-lives in the Bible (545 AD) scriptures after a fortune teller told his wife she had been a witch in a past-life. His wife was very young. She had reportedly been a prostitute; then the Emperor’s mistress, before marrying him. She had great sway over her husband. In fact, it was thought she may have had more sway over the empire, than the Emperor.
Past-life theory had been around for five hundred years as part of Christian theology. Before 545 AD, Pope Vigilius (the Christian pope at the time), was not against reincarnation or the concept of past-lives, and even ruled so, by refusing to outlaw a famous text regarding it. The Pope claimed that the texts were within the teachings of Jesus. The Roman Emperor Justinian had the Pope jailed. The Pope managed to escape, but the ruling was then made, in his absence.
Past-lives and reincarnation were consequentially outlawed and expunged from much of the Bible texts, though not from every line.
There are many who believe in past-lives, and there are many internet sites, explaining more about the subject, as well as past-life regression and past-life therapies, past-life references in the Bible, and so forth.
The point here is that there is an overload of data and experience and writings on the subject, so it became an enjoyable part of the writing of this book, and the sequel volume set of books.
This concept is: that within a species, there is also a joint mind, run by a life-force that runs the entire species, not just an individual body of that species. This concept isn’t new and finds itself in Shinto and other Asian religions. This concept even goes so far, as to suggest, there is also a singular life-force over a planet, which has, as its purpose, the uniting of lower life-forces and medium life-forces, for a self regulating surviving planet.
There is a concept called Gaia, but this isn’t addressed in the NEW-EARTH SERIES. However, the term Life-force-of-the–world, comes from the same observed phenomenon.
(The Gaia Hypothesis of scientist James Lovelock, is quite different to what is being used here.)
There is evidence that such a concept of one life-force, running many smaller bodies could be accurate. For example, many lower life forms individually exhibit very low problem solving abilities. However, when the life forms are in a group, they solve problems of far greater magnitude.
Bee hives, insect swarms etc., act as though under a group mind. In Australia, the author has seen two meter high termite mounds, with perhaps a million termites living together. He has observed flocks of birds turn in midflight, in a second, one hundred birds turning instantly all at once. Under the water he has watched a hundred fish all turn instantly, as though all are under one mind and one instruction.
The author asked Australian aboriginals if a group of trees was a group of single tree life forces, or were they a group of trees run under a single command, one life-force
. He was always told that the group of trees was run as though they are one, and there is one spirit, in charge regardless of how many trees there were.
The author has scrutinized a swarm of wasps go after a single target, as though they are one. He has beheld a pair of birds attack a larger animal, as though they had one mind working complex strategy and tactics, commanding both the male and female together.
In Japan, the religion Shinto means the way of the gods. The author lived in Japan for ten years and met many Shinto priests. The Japanese Kami, or god, can be one that looks after a whole mountain, or a river, or a valley or a forest. There is one life-force – being big enough to call a god that oversees all life. A figure that means either very many, that cannot be counted, or six million Kami represents the number of Kami in Japan.
This concept isn’t to be confused with the concept of the hive-mind or group mind, which implies that the group of individuals has a collective consciousness when they are together and through that consciousness are able to act. The concept used here, is different. It is that there is one mind, or one life-force that makes decisions for all its parts.
For example, in the human body we say there are a spirit and a body, but what there is really is a spirit, and a body made up of all these individual parts of smaller cells of life, and these smaller cells are capable of stimulus response actions, but the larger life force, you, the reader, is able to make complicated thought processes to make long term decisions, not just stimulus responses. The concept used in this book is that there may be a hive of bees, and they are like the cells in the body. However, they have one spiritual entity, like in a human, that instructs the cells what to do. So, a swarm of bees will attack a predator, acting as one bee’s decision. A school of fish will turn as one, and so on.
Expansion of the universe:
The universe was thought to be expanding with a big bang. The theory was that it was going to expand a certain distance outwards, then, due to gravitational forces, it would slow down; start to collapse in on itself, contract to a pin head and explode out in another big bang.
However, this isn’t correct. The universe doesn’t exhibit this. What is happening in the universe, is that the universe is getting bigger, and expanding. It is accelerating, in every direction, with no evidence that it is going to slow down. The galaxies are drifting further away, and the stars within the galaxies are moving apart from each other, and the same applies to the molecules.
Hollow planets:
There used to be theories that this Earth was hollow. The author never subscribed to that, but was interested in the data presented by Jim Marrs in his book Alien Agenda, Harper and Collins 1998. It gave support as to why the moon was hollow.
The moon isn’t a natural satellite of Earth and the arrival of the moon could be what ended the last ice age only 11,700 years ago. From the compelling evidence in Marrs’ book, it appears the moon may have arrived here about then. The moon is made from a very different composition than Earth. It seems to be older than Earth. Marr’s book is worth buying and reading, cover to cover.
The moon is an anomaly. We don’t get to see the reverse side of the moon.
There are also reports of UFO sightings being on the moon, even by the astronauts themselves. Also, there are UFO reports from people observing the moon through telescopes; too many to take up here.
Brain operations:
The brain itself doesn’t have pain sensors. Thus, it is possible to operate on a brain while the patient is awake. There are films on this in medical libraries. The scalp needs to be anesthetized, as it does feel pain.
Implanting, hypnotism and brainwashing.
Brainwashing a person by way of convincing him to do something by using persuasion is just plain marketing and sales techniques. It is nothing more. Brainwashing doesn’t exist in this sense.
What does exist is mental implanting. This can take the form of hypnosis, but it generally is ineffective, trying to make someone do something that they wouldn’t wish to do of their own volition. To get a person to do something against his or her own moral code drugs and or pain are used, along with suggestion. Bringing reason and fear into the phenomena could make an assassin. From the 1950s to the 1970’s some world government agencies investigated how to work this.
There has been some good material out there exposing the work of these agencies, such as: In Search of The Manchurian Candidate by John D Marks 1979. It is worth reading cover to cover, it is a full expose on the CIA and other US agencies, involved in mind-control techniques.
Another recommended book is The CIA’s Control of Candy Jones, by Donald Bain, 1976. It is about how the CIA, through hypnosis and torture, turned a pin-up girl into an unwitting agent who would travel to Taiwan, do her work, and return back to the USA to a hypnotic debriefing, and forget all that had transpired. This is a fascinating read and this technology goes back to the 1960’s.
More recently in the 1980’s there were reports that magnetic waves were used in pulse form in the Gulf War 1990-91 with Iraq. Enemy soldiers were reported to have fled the battle scene after hearing voices of the almighty in their head, telling them to run.
Since then, we have had microchips no bigger than a pinhead to place in the body. In the less mainstream media, there are reports that physical implants can be woven into the optic nerves, so that they can transmit the signal of the nerve, to a receiver who could view the image of what the person was seeing. The operator could then transmit back into the optic nerve, by radio, what he wanted the person to see, even if the image was quite crude.
The point here is that humanity is going down this road already, and it isn’t much of a jump from there, to what is in the NEW-EARTH SERIES.
People moving objects:
It is commonly known that people have experienced having moved an object, or created an otherwise impossible situation into being. There have been people in the past, who could claim to bend metal spoons at will and thousands of people would come to watch it. Others reportedly could repeat this. (There are also plenty of people willing to debunk this too.)
There are those who have claimed to move objects, using their minds. There are those who would say this isn’t a mental feat but spiritual. For this book, we’ll qualify this and say it is the same thing, though technically maybe it is not. The mind and spirit can be dissimilar.
(Tele Greek for far, apathe meaning feeling.)
Who has not thought someone was thinking of him or her, only to find a moment later that they are then answering their phone, to that person’s voice? Many lay claim to this ability. It is claimed that people who have high empathy, who are sensitive to others, have a high range of this ability.
Then, there is a phenomenon of not allowing your emotions (or thoughts) to be transferred to another. That is called shielding.
There is too much written on this subject for it to be gone over here, other than it is a valid phenomenon of life, and a suggestion for further research, should you be interested.
Japan and Siberia:
With the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 the Entente powers (Britain and France) sent troops to Siberia in support of the White Russian army.
1918 – 1922.
There were troops sent into Russia via the northern polar religions and eastern Siberia. The USA mobilized troops to both, and Japan sent 12,000 troops to Siberia. China directed 2,000 troops upon the invitation of Chinese in Russia. The Canadians and Italians also sent troops. The Czech’s had an entire legion there trapped.
While Japan sent 12,000 troops, they had refused an earlier request, from the French. The Japanese saw the opportunity of making a buffer state of Siberia.
Siberia is very much a Buddhist community and Asian, so there were ethnic grounds to make this happen.
The Japanese troops went along the Manchurian border, where they met up with another 70,000 Japanese troops from Manchuria. When the all
ied withdrawal began in 1919 – 1920, the Japanese did not withdraw.
The USA placed intense diplomatic pressure on Japan to withdraw and under high demand the Prime Minister announced the withdrawal in October 1922.
While the allied purpose was to rescue a lost Czech Legion, and prevent western weapons falling into the hands of the Bolshevik Red Army, the Japanese were extremely anti-communist, and either had territorial aims in the region or simply wanted to set up a buffer state and to end the northern problem.
Expanded Glossary and Notes - Compendium to the Sequetus Series Page 2