The Troll Bride

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The Troll Bride Page 3

by S. J. Sanders

  “What is this?”

  “I’ve never had the occasion to use them before. They’re hickory-mesquite wood chips.”

  “Hmm,” I mutter speculatively. I have never used wood chips, outside of tossing in random bits of wood into the fire, but in theory it could work well. Besides, I hate to turn away a thoughtful gesture from the human. Especially not when Kate is watching on with such interest. I need to show that I am willing to explore a middle ground between our species. Very well, then.

  “Thank you,” I say and proceed to line the pit with half the bag before setting the logs carefully on top of the chips. To my delight, I find a bit of dry moss that I place at one side for kindling. As I remove the steel and flint from my pouch, I crouch down low beside the pit and strike them, sending sparks down onto the moss.

  I chuckle when Kate makes an excited noise as a spark catches onto the kindling. She grins and blushes with embarrassment, but her small noise is overshadowed by Boukie’s squeals as she jumps up and down, clapping her hands in excitement.

  “Cavek made a fire, Mommy!” Boukie crows as she dances around at a safe distance from the fire pit. “He did it like magic!”

  I lean forward with a grin and ask her, “Do you want to see some real magic?”

  Boukie’s eyes widen further as she nods.

  Chuckling, I double-check to make certain that there are no low hanging tree branches that would accidentally catch on fire. Then, I lean forward and whisper into the flames as I weave the subtle energies around me into a simple illusion enchantment. I lean back just in time to avoid the tiny burst of flames sending up sparks of butterflies several inches into the air before fading out harmlessly.

  I laugh as Boukie shouts in delight at the fiery butterflies, but my laughter dies in my throat when I meet Kate’s eyes. There’s a certain appreciation in her gaze as she watches me that makes my blood instantly run hot. I yearn to move toward her, pull her braid free, and run my fingers through her dark hair.

  Someone has initiated the music from the radio box that Jake showed me yesterday. It’s marvelous, and the music adds depth to the wanderings of my imagination. I can see myself stripping her clothes from her body in time to the heavy beat of the music—

  A tiny hand wraps around three of my fingers and my attention is pulled down to the smiling face of the tiny female. She lifts her arms over her head and smiles ever so sweetly at me.

  “Dance with me,” she says winsomely as she rocks from side to side, her ponytails swaying with the motion.

  Although I’d been jolted out of my fantasy, I cannot find it within me to be annoyed. Rather, I feel a warmth inside my chest and an irresistible smile tugging at my lips. I lift one of her hands and bow over it.

  “I cannot resist such a request made by a lovely trollbie as yourself,” I declare in my most exaggerated courtly manner.

  Boukie giggles as I pull her up off the ground in my arms and swing her around in a popular stomping dance.

  “What’s a trollbie?” she says between peals of sweet laughter.

  I swing her around in an arc before I reply. “It is the word that means a troll child.”

  “I’m not a troll, silly!”

  I pause in my step and feign surprise.

  “No? Are you certain? You seem quite like a troll to me.”

  “I wanna be a troll!” she shrieks as I set her down at the end of the song. I tell her again that she will be a fine troll as she turns to let everyone know just that fact.

  Lucy pauses as she sets plates on the wooden table and looks down at her.

  “Boukie, really? A troll? Wouldn’t you rather be... I don’t know... a princess?”

  The little one pauses to think for a second and then nods her head emphatically.

  “Yes, Nana. A troll princess,” she says, and it pleases me to no end.

  I turn to find Kate once more, but to my disappointment she’s gone. As the fire builds, I turn my attention back to it, waiting for the flames to die down enough to safely cook over. Kate still hasn’t emerged from the house a short time later when I start to add slabs of steaks onto the metal lacing. I struggle to restrain myself from grumbling.

  On the porch, David sets narrow, unappealing meat tubes on his grill. I can’t help but notice that the orcs are gravitating to my fire pit, although the younger orc, who appears to be enjoying the company of Sammi’s younger brother, gamely eats the hot dog offered to him. The humans thankfully miss the collective looks of disgust as the rest of us watch on in horror, which only increase when the orc declares it “not bad” and reaches for another.

  When Kate emerges, she’s with Sammi, carrying bowls of food from the house to the large wooden tables. Unlike the table indoors, these are spacious enough to seat all of our company. They speak as close companions, laughing and teasing as they set the food out. As Kate sets her last bowl down, she turns to look at me from beneath her lashes. That glance is so heated that my skin tingles as if electrified or attacked by some enchantment.

  The orc beside me bellows that the meat is burning, throwing me out of my stupor to rescue the juicy cuts. One side has a darker sear than anticipated, but they survived well enough. I pile the steaks on the platter beside me and bring it to the tables. I’m the last to arrive but nonetheless highly appreciated for the offering I bring with me.


  I wiggle in seat as Cavek sits beside me. He smells like woodsmoke, rugged and spicy. I nearly choked on my lust when I came out with Sammi and saw him at the fire. At some point, he’d taken off his shirt while he’d been cooking over the fire, and all I could see were miles of defined green muscle.

  My interest must have been pretty obvious, because Sammi had felt it her responsibility to remind me once again to be careful playing with a non-human man. Sitting so close to him now, I’m struggling to keep in mind how potentially dangerous and unsuitable a fling with him could be.

  It’s all I can do to function like a normal person and eat the food in front of me while trying to ignore the fluttering interest in my belly. I know Cavek is aware of it. As soon as he sat beside me, his nostrils flared, and he made a toe-curling growl deep in his throat. All that did was make me impossibly, embarrassingly wet. I’m pretty sure the orcs are aware too, if the sly looks the pair of brothers is giving me are anything to go by.

  At least my fellow humans are blissfully unaware. I don’t think I could face the teasing Sammi’s brothers, Jake and Luke, would lay on me. And I have no doubt that they would. Ever since Lucy practically adopted me, they haven’t failed to treat me like another sister. Sometimes, it’s fun, but other times it’s extremely embarrassing.

  I’m so distracted I barely taste the food I eat. It might as well have been cardboard. I’m certain this is just an inconvenient itch that needs to be scratched. Yes, it’s a really bad idea to scratch that particular itch with a troll, but no one else is going to satisfy it. Besides, they’re leaving soon. When will I ever have another opportunity? Cavek seems more than a little interested in a bit of fun between the sheets.

  I don’t know how to approach him about it, though. I may be bold with men, but all my nerve has dried up facing the mass of sex appeal and magic that is Cavek. He isn’t just another sexy man; this guy, even with his fondness for things sharp and deadly, is fascinating, funny, and genuinely enjoys Boukie without using her to come on to me. It makes my ovaries sit up and take notice, much to my dismay. I’m not looking for a daddy for Boukie—or a daddy for more babies—but I can’t deny that Cavek would make a great dad.

  After dinner, I let my little imp run around until she exhausts herself and then I hustle out of there with Boukie in tow before I say or do something very, very stupid. Like ‘trip over my tongue and the trail of drool Cavek inspires’ stupid. Boukie protests but is tired enough from the excitement of the day that her argument doesn’t last long before she’s out cold in the car. She barely stirs when I lift her out of her seat, and even less so when I strip her down and pul
l her into a nightgown before putting her to bed.

  One thing I can say for Boukie: she may be hell on wheels when she’s awake, but she sleeps like a log.

  After a satisfying stretch, I turn to the kitchen and pull out the rum from the freezer to make myself a lazy girl’s daiquiri. This is my go-to when I want something alcoholic but am too tired to bother with the blender. I just pour the daiquiri mix straight into a glass with the chilled alcohol and—bam—it’s ready.

  Setting my cup on the side table, I lie on the couch, allowing myself to relax as my imagination frolics all over Cavek’s wonderfully delicious bod. Before long, my fingers slip into my panties. I lean back, imagining just what Cavek hides beneath his pants and the noises he might make as he drives into me, as I stroke myself to completion. The orgasm comes fast and strong, but it’s not as satisfying as I would have hoped.

  With a disgruntled groan, I flick on the TV and bolt upright when a televised Humans First meeting pops on. These lunatics have been holding meetings and low-key protests since the fae made contact, but they’ve never even so much as whispered a suggestion of violence. Suddenly, the orcs are hot news and I watch with morbid fascination and mounting horror as more than one person in the audience shouts for violent insurrection against the “ungodly monsters” coming into the human realm.

  There’s no way they would be stupid enough to attack orcs and a troll. But as the program ends, I can’t help but feel unease in the pit of my stomach. Something in my gut tells me I should call Sammi, and I reach for my cell phone. Maybe talking to her will set my mind to ease about it. She’ll probably just laugh at my concerns and tell me that they’re just blowing hot air. She never takes protest groups seriously.

  Fuck. Looking at my phone’s clock, it’s already after midnight. Tomorrow, then. I’ll talk to her about it tomorrow. I’m probably just being paranoid. That must be it.

  Chapter 4


  To my frustration, Sammi wasn’t home when I finally pulled myself out of bed. I’d woken up with Boukie’s hair in my mouth. At some point during the early morning, she’d crawled into bed with me without waking me. It’s something we’ve been working on, but every now and then she winds up in bed with me again.

  As soon as I untangled myself, I called the house and was informed quite pleasantly by Luke that Sammi went out baby shopping with Lucy and the only female orc of the group, Erra. It still blows my mind to think of Sammi pushing out a half-orc baby here in a few months. And I thought all six pounds of Boukie had been rough!

  “Well, is Cavek there?” I ask. Maybe he could help allay my fears.

  “Uh, no,” Luke says apologetically. “Sorry, Kate. I’m the only one home right now. Cavek went with the girls to be their pack mule,” he chortled a bit with evil glee at that and even I winced with sympathy, “and Jake took the guys out to IHOP. He said it was an American experience they couldn’t miss. Something about all-you-can-eat pancakes.”

  “Have you seen anything from the human rights activists?” I hedged, hoping maybe if nothing else Luke would have some opinion on the matter to set me at ease.

  “Nah. Sorry, Kate. You know I don’t watch that crap. I hate to waste brain space on their paranoia. I know Jake likes to follow that stuff, though, and he keeps the rest of us informed whether we like it or not.”

  Huh. Maybe Jake will be of better help. I grab a scrap of paper and a pen.

  “Do you have Jake’s cell number? I’ll shoot him a text.”

  Luke rattles off a string of numbers that I scribble down, and we disconnect after I assure him that I will be over for dinner to help out again tonight with feeding everyone. I tap my pen on the counter beside me as I punch in Jake’s number and a quick message.

  Jake, any news on Humans First? Did you see last night’s meeting on TV?

  It takes Jake only a moment to get back to me. Gods bless that blogger for always having his phone at hand.

  Nah, went to bed early and missed it. Will check it out when I get home. U OK?

  Yeah, all good here. Just worried.

  Will look ASAP, promise.

  Thanks, Jake.

  I set my phone down and stare off into space, unsure of what to do. I could call Lucy, see where they are, and join them. But Sammi has Cavek and Erra with her. I doubt anyone will actually try anything with those two around.

  Knowing that there’s really nothing I can do right now, I toss a coffee pod into my Keurig and resolve to enjoy my day off. There are plenty of things I can do around the house until I have the opportunity to talk with everyone later. Unfortunately, even the warm smell of toffee-infused coffee doesn’t do anything to lift my spirits.

  I scroll through my Facebook feed, trying to kill time and do a little research. No one seems to be talking about the Humans First meeting there either, much to my disappointment.

  I’m about to close the app but pause when an ad pops up announcing that the local PetSmart is having an adoption drive today at noon. I rub my shoulder as I stare at the picture of a litter of fuzzy kittens. Sammi said she wanted to take a kitten back to the orc village. Maybe that would be the perfect present for her. Who knows if she would even have time to go herself? Especially if people start acting crazy.

  That settles it.

  “Boukie, come eat breakfast. We’re going out today,” I say as her little tangled mop of hair comes into view.


  Four hours of shopping with three females. I have no idea how I was talked into this. I should have known better. I have been shopping before with my mother and my two sisters. Shopping with females is never good news for any male accompanying them.

  As we shop, I also make some note of it myself just in case I am blessed with trollbies of my own. I never knew babies needed so much. But then again, I am not only the third son but also the youngest of my mother’s brood. I have never so much as seen a babe up close, since none of my siblings have yet to reproduce despite all being mated.

  Still, it’s not a total loss. Especially not when Lucy announces it is time for the midday meal, and we stop at a place called Thai Palace in their multi-level bazaar. As soon as we step inside, I’m assaulted by the most wondrous smells.

  The elderly lady who greets us gives me a long look, but it seems more like she’s sizing up how much food she can feed me rather than particularly fearful. I recognize this familiar look. It is the gimlet eye of every serious food industry proprietor across both dimensions, it seems. I have plenty of gold coin with me; I have no problem parting with any of it for a full belly of good tasting food. Like all trolls, I love to eat.

  I am a bit dismayed when I am handed a menu. I look at it hopelessly until Sammi grins and plucks it out of my hands.

  “Allow me to order something for you,” Sammi offers, and I am both grateful and suspicious. Fortunately, not only do trolls love to eat but we also possess stomachs likened to cast-iron pits. It’s hard to even so much as poison us, and we willingly eat most anything. Although, the hot dogs were a personal exception for me. I can’t imagine that stuff even qualifies as food. Still, I doubt there is anything Sammi can order for me that I won’t enjoy, so I just nod and smile with gratitude.

  To my surprise and delight given my more massive size, she orders three plates of food for me and almost as much for Erra. Any suspicion I felt at having her order is vaporized when my plates are set in front of me. I inhale and am hit with the intoxicating aroma of heat and spice. I smack my lips, and I can almost taste the burst of spice and flavors over my tongue.

  The first mouthful hits just right. The heat strikes first, yet the complexity of the flavor is so different from anything I have experienced it ensnares me. I recognize the meat well enough—bits of chicken and beef—but the peppers and spices are completely different than what grows in the cooler forest climates of Ov’Gorg that I call home.

  The colors are unique too. Bright vegetables in red or green sauces. The red curry is less spicy but by far my favorite. The
whole experience is so enjoyable that I clean every bit of food off my own plate and happily eat the scraps of remaining pad thai on Sammi and Lucy’s plates.

  I am still pleasantly licking the flavor off my fangs and relishing the lingering heat in my mouth when we return to shopping. Admittedly, a good meal puts me in a far more pleasant mood, so I don’t immediately feel an impulse to kill the first human who starts shouting absurdities down at us from the level above. It’s almost entertaining that they think all they have to do is make a bit of noise at us and that we would go fleeing in terror.

  It isn’t until the humans start directing profanities at Sammi and calling her a whore that I bristle and glare up at the cowardly males jeering out of reach. I start to look for a way up there when suddenly we are pelted with food. Although some of it smells quite nice, the insult is clear.

  I snarl and prepare to retaliate when Lucy takes the situation in hand and herds us all out of there. It’s with great reluctance that I follow the matronly female out of the multi-level bazaar. I would rather stay and fight, and Erra also looks like she would rather go back inside and start splitting heads open.

  I recognize that this is probably for the best. I don’t want Orgath’s little human mate getting caught in any potential crossfire. Knowing her temperament, Sammi would want to be in the thick of any fighting. Retreating is the more responsible decision.


  When I finally pull up later in the day, I’m armed with a little orange ball of fluff. For a minute there, I hadn’t been sure if we were ever going to get out of the pet store. We’d chosen a kitten and were preparing to leave with our charge when we encountered the puppy pen. Within five minutes, Boukie had every puppy in the pen crawling onto her lap. She’d taken one look at the puppies around her and lost her heart. It took twenty minutes of begging to get her out of there without taking home any other furry friends.


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