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King of the Gun Trail: A Frontier G-Man Novel

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by Franklin D. Lincoln

Randolph Farms was a vast sprawling estate just north of and out of the city limits of St. Joseph, Missouri. The finest in thoroughbred racing horses were raised here. The stately mansion was well kept and retained the French charms of its original beauty. Jack Clayton was always impressed with its imposing stature every time he came here, but always wondered as to the need for such extravagance. It wasn’t his place to question it, but it did annoy him that the government would spend so much of taxpayers' dollars on this facade. For Randolph Farms was not just a Horse farm. It was the secret headquarters for the region’s Justice Department operations. The public would not be aware that John Randolph, Horse Breeder, was in fact the deputy director for the western district.

  The sun was shining brightly, this early May morning as Jack Clayton rode his big black stallion into the driveway of Randolph House. An ageing balding groomsman hurried up to him quickly, reaching for the reins as Jack lifted his lean body from the saddle and stepped down. "Good to see you again, Mr. Clayton. Here let me take care of Regret for you."

  "Thanks, Clyde." Jack smiled, handling the reins to him. Most men would regret handling this horse, thus the name, but Clyde had raised him from a colt and always looked forward to their return.

  "Thank you, Sir." He led the stallion away toward the stables.

  Jack adjusted the lapels of his black frock coat, tightened his black string tie and stepped to the ornate door. He lifted and dropped the heavy brass knocker and stood waiting, looking down at his neatly pressed gray striped trousers. He was just removing his black flat crowned Stetson, revealing his neatly combed, close cropped, wavy black hair, when the door swung open. A withered elderly black man with gray hair and dressed in an immaculate white suit stood in the doorway. His eyes brightened. "Welcome back, Mr. Jack. Mr. Randolph is expecting you."

  "How are you, Silas?" Jack smiled warmly. "Good to see you again. You don’t look any worse for wear than last time I saw you."

  "No Sir, Mr. Jack. I’m just fine. You know me. I’ll never get old. And you just take my advice and don’t get old either. You’ll live to regret it."

  "Don’t worry about me, Silas. I have only one Regret and he’s in the stable being pampered right now. "Silas laughed. "Come on in, sir. He’s in his study as usual."

  Jack stepped into the spacious vestibule and glanced around at the opulence of the furnishings, the high ceilings, a winding circular staircase and shiny marble flooring. His high heeled boots clicked with an echo down the hallway.

  Just outside the door to John Randolph’s office was his secretary’s desk where Jack would usually stop to chat with Effie Carmody, but today she was not there. To his surprise, Sally Ballard was seated behind the large oak desk and working on some papers.

  "Sally, "Jack said with surprise. "What are you doing here?"

  "Jack. I’m so glad to see you again. I knew you were coming. I so much looked forward to it. "She smiled warmly, her big blue eyes flashing beneath her blond hair.

  "I’m glad to see you again. You certainly look a lot better than the last time I saw you. That was a mighty harrowing experience for you."

  "Thanks, I feel better too. Dad does too, but people say he’s just not the same anymore. I guess I wouldn’t know how he was before." Sally had not seen her father since she had been a little girl. He mother had taken off with her and her father had no idea where they went. When the Senator received word that Sally was alive and living in Colorado he had gone there and been reunited. It was on their trip back to Denver when the kidnapping had occurred. Sally had been getting to know her father since Jack Clayton rescued them. "We owe you so much Jack."

  "Nonsense. It is I who owes you."

  Sally looked puzzled. "I…"

  "If I hadn’t come after you, I wouldn’t have had the pleasure of getting rid of Trigger Murphy. That was mighty satisfying. "He grinned with a gloat. Then, "Well, Sally what are you doing at the desk?" Where’s Effie?"

  "Oh, I don’t know. I guess she must have retired or something. Mr. Randolph just said he needed a new secretary and I asked if he would consider me. Dad is going back to Washington soon and I really don’t want to go. I’ll be living in the Mansion here and I will have plenty of time to spend with him when he’s home."

  Just then the large door to Randolph’s office swung open. A tall man approaching middle age with slightly graying temples and thin brown hair stood in the opening. "Jack, come in. Good to see you again." He thrust out his hand and shook Jack’s firmly. "Come in. Come in."

  Jack followed him into the large room. Randolph moved to his chair behind a large mahogany table with his back to the floor to ceiling glass doors that led out to a patio. He gestured toward a well upholstered chair in front of the desk. Jack nodded recognition to Senator Ballard who sat in a chair next to it. The Senator started to rise.

  "Good to see you Senator. Please no need to stand." He reached out and shook the Senator’s hand, then sat, smoothing his jacket absently.

  "Senator Ballard is on his way back to Washington, Jack." Randolph said.

  "Yes. Sally told me."

  "I’ll be glad to get back in harness. This business with outlaws was most trying. I’m afraid I still haven’t fully recovered."

  "I understand, Sir. Time will take care of that. Work will be good for you, but what about Sally?"

  "Oh she doesn’t want to be part of Washington. Can’t say as I blame her. But I will miss her. I’m just getting to know her, you know."

  "Yes, I know."

  "Well, Jack." Randolph cleared his throat. "We need to get down to business. We don’t have much time and you’ll need to leave right away."

  "Oh, "Jack’s interest peaked. He leaned forward.

  "There’s trouble brewing in the Black Hills. Gold has been found and miners are swarming in by the hundreds, invading Indian Lands and stirring up trouble. We need to beef up military forces up there and we need to supply Fort Lincoln with guns and ammunition. We’re sending a large shipment from the St Louis Arsenal by river boat to Kansas City. There they will be loaded onto a train to the North Country. There will be armed guards aboard the river boat but they will be returning to St. Louis once the shipment is unloaded. I want you to go to Kansas City and supervise the transfer. A detail of Cavalry from Fort Lincoln will meet you there and guard the train until the arms reach their final destination."

  "A baby sitting job, Sir. Surely,……"

  "I know Jack. This is a little out of your line, but we need you to make sure this shipment gets where its going. We can’t have a shipment this size fall into the wrong hands."

  "This size?" What are we doing ?" Preparing for War?"

  "Yes, Jack. We may well be doing just that."

  "But Sir, we have treaties with the Indians. They have been abiding by them."

  "I know what you’re saying Jack but we’ve got our orders." Then handing a sheaf of paper across the table. "You’ll need these to accept and transfer the shipment. Now you need to be in Kansas City by morning. You’ll meet a Captain McLeod From Fort Lincoln. He should have his orders and proper identification."

  Jack’s dark brow pulled together. He sighed. "All right Sir. But, I wish I knew a little more about this."

  "I understand. I wish I could tell you more. All I can say is. Be very careful. Trust no one."


  Chapter Five



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