King of the Gun Trail: A Frontier G-Man Novel

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King of the Gun Trail: A Frontier G-Man Novel Page 18

by Franklin D. Lincoln

They dragged Clayton in front of the head wagon ‘s team and onto the other side of the trail, where he slid to a stop, scraped and bruised from head to toe as the riders dropped the ropes and left him lying face downward in the shade of a large white oak tree. Gar Corbin and Shep Palmer rode in and reined to a halt.

  Clayton lay there breathing hard, feeling the agonizing movement cease. When he caught his breath, he tried to raise his head. At first it seemed like he couldn’t, but on a second try he managed to raise up a few inches. Through blurred painful eyes, he could make out the shadows of the figures before him. Vision was double, triple, wavy and dim, but as he strained, he finally managed to bring the scene into focus. There in the shade of the large tree stood Alexander "Lucky" King and the big ox of a man he had thought drowned in the river a week ago. In front of the big man, held by his swarthy arm about her chest and a pistol pressed against her head was Tamara Wild.

  "My, my, you are difficult to kill Mr. Clayton." King Jeered. "And look at the damage " He spread his arms and cast them about. "Hell on wheel, as the saying goes. "He laughed. Then his tone dropped to threatening. "I don’t like that. Do I Mr. Clayton.?"

  Jack remained silent. Stared past him at the girl and the big man. He wondered how they got her and came here, but it didn’t matter. "Jack, I’m sorry. "Tamara said with remorse. "I should have listened to you." Jack nodded agreement. But, the damage was done. Now what?" He waited.

  "What? The proverbial cat got your tongue?" No greetings for your girlfriend? Oh, that’s right. She’s not yours, is she? I believe she’s mine?" He laughed again. Do anything I want with her." Another chuckle. "Shoot her if I want."He pulled his pistol from its holster and pointed it at her.

  "All right, "Jack gave in. "What do you want?" He rolled over on his side, looking up at him.

  "Want?" I want to be King of Texas. Maybe the whole west. Maybe the whole……" He shrugged. "I’m sure you get the general idea."

  "You’re crazy, "Jack sneered.

  "Yep, crazy like a fox. Crazy enough to reach out and take everything I want." He lowered his pistol to his side and stood over Jack squarely. "You, my dear friend G-Man have done a lot of damage, but I still have enough guns and munitions to finish what I started. I still have the cannons. "He sighed, "But alas, it would have been a surer bet if you hadn’t destroyed so much and thinned out my men. Ordinarily, I would have shot you by now, but with a smaller arsenal I may be forced to require your help."

  King added "I know what you’re thinking," he smiled. "No way will you help me. Isn’t that right?" But you will, "He turned sharply on his heel and lifted the pistol high, straight at Tamara’s face inches away

  "Let him shoot me, Jack. It’s all right. I deserve it. Don’t help him with anything," she babbled.

  "That’s right, Lady, You do and I won’t," Jack snarled through clenched teeth.

  Tamara sighed, "Thanks a lot, Galahad."

  King pulled the hammer back. It clicked into position. His finger tightened on the trigger, his knuckle whitening. Tamara’s eyes grew wide. Jack’s glare remained steely. He heart pounded. He waited.

  King grinned, released the hammer slowly, and lowered the weapon. "You’re not fooling me none. You’ll still help if I need it." He lowered the pistol and turned back to Clayton.

  "And just how I am going to help?" Jack finally said.

  "I thought you’d never ask, "King gloated. "You see, a King needs a great army. And that is what I’m here for."

  "He plans to blow up Red Rock Prison and release the prisoners, "Tamara interrupted.

  "What?" Jack laughed, pushing himself to a sitting position. "You really are crazy. Those men are animals. The most vicious outlaws in the west."

  "Precisely, "King grinned. "What better army could I ask for. We’ll plunder the entire west. No one can stop us."

  "They’ll plunder you," Jack said.

  "We’ll see," King answered.

  Jack thought a moment, then said, "So where do I come in?"

  "I intend to use the cannon to bring down the prison walls. Unfortunately, you have downsized us and I’m not sure we have enough fire power to do it expeditiously, so, if need be, we’ll soften them up first and then I’ll send you in to persuade them to let the prisoners loose."

  Jack laughed, "You think, I’ll do that?" You’re crazier than I thought."

  "Maybe, Mr. Clayton. Maybe. But I don’t think you’ll let Miss Wild die." He turned to Corbin and Palmer, "Tie them up and throw them in the second wagon. Put two guards on them.. And hurry it up, we’ve got to get moving. We’ve lost enough time."

  The wagon was cramped. There was little room for the two prisoners, bound tightly with hands and feet pulled together behind their backs. Shep Palmer and Moose Malloy were sitting on ammunition cases and leaning against the wagon wall and canvas top. The cases had been shoved around to make room for occupancy with little room to move.

  The floor vibrated beneath the bound prisoners and they rocked back and forth in their confines as the wagon pitched and swayed. Occasionally they would roll against the cases and then back again. Jack and Tamara tried to tolerate it and refrained from talking. They just waited as the wagon lumbered on into the late afternoon.

  Through the rear opening in the canvas bonnet, they could see the brightness of the day diminishing. They had been traveling several hours now and shadows were beginning to spread on the trail behind.

  The shadows grew longer and they knew dusk was beginning to settle in. Outside the wagons, the men were shouting and orders were being given. The sudden flurry of activity must mean something was happening or about to happen. Jack and Tamara felt the surge of the wagon turning sharply to the right and beginning to climb a steep incline. They slid backward on the floor and bumped up against more cases. The wagon rocked, bounced and lurched until it seemed to level off on level ground. The driver, pulled the team to a halt. Other drivers could be heard halting their wagons. Were they close to San Angelo and Red Rock Prison now?" Jack thought. Probably. There was still light of day out there with just enough dusk for cover. This was probably it.

  Corbin peered in through the rear. "Cut their feet loose and bring them out." He ordered gruffly. "Careful, don’t cut their hands loose."

  Palmer quickly cut the ankle bonds and hauled Clayton and the girl to their feet and shoved them through the rear canvas opening, sending them sprawling onto the sandy ground.

  "On your feet, "Palmer ordered, dragging Jack to his feet. Malloy followed suit, pulling Tamara to her feet. She spat in his face as she came up. He stepped back angry, wiping the spittle from his cheek and looking to Palmer as if asking permission to strike her.

  "Bring her this way," Palmer ordered starting off with Clayton in tow.

  Clayton following Palmer to the top of a ridge could see the preparations. The cannons were spaced at intervals and crews were loading and priming them. The rest of the men kneeled in position between the cannons, rifles ready, cases of ammo open and at the ready beside them.


  Chapter Nineteen

  Hell fire


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