For Keeps

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For Keeps Page 3

by Cara Scott

  I catch Cora’s look. It’s a mix of pleading and challenge. Groaning, I listen to the Saturday night crowd’s hoots and hollers.

  Damn! I’m screwed.


  I listen to the crowd egging Brett on and give him my best come-on stare. Shaking his head with a laugh, he offers me his hand. I take it as he leads me out to the dance floor. A mixture of shouts and groans go up from the room as a number of women drag their men out to follow Brett’s example.

  Brett is an excellent lead. He picks up the instructions easily. Dancing with him is more enjoyable and exciting than when I’ve taken lessons before. It’s only a few simple moves, but my whole body heats as he holds me close in the Latin dance clinch. Every time we go from open to closed hold, the temperature between us goes up a notch. By the time the lesson ends, I’m hot and my breathing is ragged.

  “Well, folks, hope you enjoyed that enough to sign up for lessons. If we get enough takers, Ricardo and Gena will come up from Casper a couple of times a week. We’ll have Garnet Junction swayin’ to the Latin rhythm in no time. Sign-up’s over there.”

  A number of couples crowd round the sign-up table. Not surprising. The instructors are good. They demonstrated all the sexy but easy parts of the dance. It was a great introduction.

  “What’d you say, Cora? Reckon you can handle me stepping on your feet twice a week? Will we sign up?”

  I nod. “I’d love that, Brett.” My voice is still a little breathless.

  Brett looks over at the crowded table. “Dancing’s hot work, huh? How about we sign up later. Let’s you and me take a breath of air. It’s a beautiful night.”

  He places his hand at the small of my back and ushers me outside through the crush of the crowd. His voice is a husky drawl in my ear. “Let’s head to the river. It’s real pretty at night.”

  Jolene’s place sits on a lot not far from the swift-running water. Framed by the distant mountains, its soft, rushing sound echoes through the thick of the night. We make our way along the path beside it. Brett heads for a spot further into the trees, past the initial trail. He stops and eases us both against a wide-trunk tree. The dark velvet sky is speckled with luminous points of radiance while the crescent moon casts a tender glow.

  “Nothing beats a Wyoming night sky.” He says with a note of pride.

  I sigh in agreement. “Yeah, I love how you can see so many stars.”

  He turns towards me. “So how come Wyoming? Why not somewhere with warmer climes so you can garden all year round?”

  I keep my eyes on the stars above while I consider my answer. “I did think of that at first, but the overall costs were higher. Here, the clear air, fertile soil, and strong sun allows me to grow specialized seeds and the transport is cost effective.”

  “What about winter? Won’t you have too short a growing season? They’re long here. Tougher than out East.”

  I drag my eyes from the night sky to answer him. “I know.” I bump hips with him. “I researched.” I look back at the stars. “I’ll use a greenhouse.”

  “Don’t you have one already?”

  I like that he’s noticed my set up. And that he’s showing interest in the technicalities of my business. “Yeah, but it’s light-framed for summer. I need a heavier one for winter. I’m looking online for it. I like to buy second hand. It’ll take time to find the right one at a price I can afford. I might have to wait until the winter after next. I can’t risk too much capital”

  There’s a pause between us before he goes on. His voice is flatter this time. “I guess you need to be sure the business is working out and you’re happy here before you sink in that much money, huh?”

  I nod absently. I’m distracted by the way the moon make his eyes look a different shade of green.

  “That why you buy your equipment second hand? To keep the price down?”

  “Huh?” It’s hard to pay attention when his warmth’s so close. I shake my head to get my mind back on track. “Yeah, but also because it’s more eco-friendly. I buy all my clothes second hand for that reason too.”

  “Well you’d hardly tell.” His voice takes on a husky note. “You fill them out like they were made for you.”

  The compliment makes me feel soft inside. My body flushes with heat. The mood’s shifted. We aren’t talking business anymore. He turns and presses his hard body into mine.

  “Mmm, you feel so soft and hot, sweetheart.”

  He takes my chin in his large hand and turns my face up to his. Beginning at my hairline, he trails his lips and tongue down one side of my face to my ear. Inserting his tongue, he circles it in a wet, full claiming. I groan into him. His attention to my ears makes my knees buckle. Holding me steady, he eases his knee between my thighs.

  Taking one lip at time, he nibbles on each before gliding his tongue like warm honey in between them. Meeting his tongue with mine, I lean into the kiss. His lips travel down to nibble my neck, pushing aside my collar to suck at my shoulder.

  “Hmmm… Oh, that’s lovely, Brett,” I mutter, squirming at the feel of his mouth on my skin. His touch sends me aflame even through the cotton material of my blouse. I arch into his hands, desperate for his touch in other places. Brett responds to my need, trailing his hand down my belly, lingering to massage my mound with his large palm.

  Shit, it feels so good even through the thick material of my jeans. Waves of pleasure weaken me. His broad chest feels strong against my heart.

  “Sweet Jesus, Cora, your gorgeous body sings at my touch.”

  I moan. He molds me to him, easing me against the tree. I smell the thick aroma of the pine, hear the rushing water, the muted movements and calls of the wild creatures.

  I grab him, one hand tight in his hair, the other seizing the material of his shirt. I rotate against him, my breath coming in gasps. “Oh, God, Brett. I’m going to come just like this. Oh, oh, oh…”

  “I hope so, babe, that’s the plan. Let yourself go and come real nice for me.”

  At his command, my body convulses. Waves of climatic pleasure sweep over me. Gripping his hair, I dig my nails into his shoulder and give in to release.


  Two weeks later

  I remove the pizza from the old range in my redecorated kitchen and carry it out to my cozy deck. I’m delighted Cassie’s suggested a girls’ night in. I welcome the uncomplicated, girly friendship that’s growing between us. The women in the corporate environment I worked at in Boston were difficult to fathom or trust. Things move slower in Garnet Junction. Cassie and everyone else seem to have a lot more time to devote to each other.

  Brett and Wes, aka Cassie’s fiancé, drop her off before they head out with the rest of the Johnson men for their monthly ritual get-together at the family lake cabin.

  Brett draws me aside before they leave. “Make sure you get lots of sleep tomorrow. I know Cassie too well. You’ll need time to recover for our trip on Sunday.”

  “Oh, yeah, and you men are drinking fruit juice.” I raise my eyebrows at him.

  He laughs. “Hey, I’m taking my own advice. Sleeping it off tomorrow.” He tucks my hair behind my ear. Damn I love it when he does that. “We’ve a real early start, babe. We wanna make the most of our day. Fishing trips are best started before dawn.”

  “Seriously? I thought that was just male talk.”

  His gorgeous greens crinkle down at me. He runs his finger down the bridge of my nose in the tender gesture that makes me melt every time he does it. “You wish, babe. Be prepared to haul your gorgeous ass out of bed at the crack of dawn.”

  After they leave, I hand Cassie a beer from the cooler sitting at my feet and take a sip from my own wineglass. “Hmm. This is a great idea, Cassie. Thanks for suggesting it.”

  Cassie shrugs, tossing her blond ponytail. Her apple-cheeked looks and brightly colored sundress make her seem much younger than she does in her EMT uniform. If I didn’t know better, I’d take her for a fresh-faced teenager. Cassie soon puts paid to that when she op
ens her mouth.

  “Damn right. Why the fuck should the men have all the fun? Hope that lemonade you’re drinking’s strong enough. I’m relying on us both gettin’ shit-faced.”

  Cassie’s sweet looks are highly deceptive. It’s hilarious that she’s engaged to one of the community’s main law enforcers. Wine is far too prissy a drink for her.

  I laugh at her comment, answering her with mock indignation. “Hey, this lemonade, as you call it, has more alcohol than your beer. I’m sure I can get just as shit-faced as you.” My next words are less certain. “Not sure I can offer up the same excitement as a night at Jolene’s though.”

  “Hell. You kidding? Who needs Jolene’s? This is when I get the scoop on you and Brett.” Cassie makes a show of settling in, raising her eyebrows. “Let’s hear it! I want details.”

  “Not sure that there’s much to tell. We’re getting on well. We spend plenty of time together. My riding’s improving and our Salsa’s coming along. We spend most days and evenings together.”

  “Screw days and evenings. How about nights?”


  “Don’t Cassie me. How far have you got? Second base? Or are you still getting treated to that Johnson boys’ hot, fire you up something fierce kissing and cuddling that drives you crazy when they don’t put out?”

  I color and then laugh. “Catch up, Cassie. We got to second base on our first date.” I should feel silly, but I’m enjoying this girly bragging. It‘s fun to talk this way with Cassie.

  “So how far have you got now? I thought for sure Brett would be driving you crazy making you wait.” Cassie takes a slug of her beer and fixes me with a demanding stare.

  My shoulders droop. “Yeah. Well, you’d be right. He is driving me crazy. We might’ve got to second base then, but we haven’t moved along since!” I finish off my wine and pour another glass while warming to my theme. “There’s plenty of hand-holding, kissing, cuddling, and even a shattering climax here and there. But that’s it. He’s never seen past my panties. It’s just all too chaste for me!”

  I’m on my third glass of wine and my inhibitions are definitely dropping. I blurt out my frustration. “I wish he’d just fuck me already!”

  Cassie hoots in appreciation. “Welcome to the joys of being courted by a Johnson boy!” She winks and raises her beer in salute. “You do get that’s what’s going down here? Brett is courting you.”

  I snort inelegantly. “Get real, Cassie. Who says that these days? What does it mean, anyhow?”

  She takes a swig of her beer and screws up her face in thought, “It means he’s playing for keeps. I’m surprised he hasn’t proposed already. It only took Wes a couple of weeks once he saw me as more than just the mouthy brat he’d known all his life. That’s the way it works with the Johnson men. Brett is no different. He knew you were the one the moment he set eyes on you. It was a real hoot. For a whole month, everyone in town knew how he felt. Except you!”

  I sit up straight in my chair. Suddenly I feel sober. “That’s crazy, Cassie.” I sip my wine and look at her over the glass. “I like Brett. A lot, but I’m just looking for some light romance right now. I’m too focused on my new business to get serious this soon.”

  Cassie mirrors me, sitting up and taking a slug of beer. Her face is straight and her voice has lost its teasing tone. “You mean you’re just looking for a fling?”

  I color at Cassie’s straight talking. Put like that it sounds cheap. I want more than a fling, but how much more...?

  “No, I just mean I’m not thinking about marriage this soon.”

  “That right. Well that’s what most of the town are betting, but I don’t believe it. You’re not like the usual city girls. I’ve laid bets you’ll stay the winter and beyond. And marry Brett.”

  I put down my wine glass. “Bets? Bets! Is there a pool on me and Brett?”

  “Course there is. There’s a pool on everything in this town. Two on you, actually.” She holds up one finger. “One on you and Brett.” She adds a second finger. “One on whether you’ll last the winter.”

  “What? Nice going! That’s how Garnet Junction supports its new citizens?”

  “Relax. Get your panties out of a twist. It’s not just newbies. There was a pot on me and Wes for years. Hell, yours isn’t even close to the biggest one. That ones on Mason and Maura over in Jade Creek.”

  That distracts me. “Maura Michaels and Mason Johnson? Really? I thought they didn’t even like each other.”

  Naw. They’ve just fallen out this year ‘cause she took the job at the county prosecutor’s office. He’s worried she’s too stressed over the Gemcor case. But they’ve been mooning over each other since college. I reckon he’s getting antsy enough to step up. He’s ready. I’ve put my money on Founders Weekend for them.”

  I laugh. It’s hard to stay pissed at Cassie. Especially when it’s just small town fun. “So what about your money on me?”

  Cassie cracks open a new beer and sits back. “Same. By Founders Weekend. So don’t let me down.”

  “What! That’s next month. Only a few weeks away. I hope you haven’t put money on marriage for us next year never mind next month.”

  She shrugs. “Hell no. Not married. Engaged. And moved in to his ranch.”

  I shake my head. “Too soon. You’ll lose your shirt, girlfriend. They’ll be no ring on this finger that soon. And I like my own place.”

  Cassie gives me a shrewd look. “That right. Well I guess that’s why I’m getting such high odds. You got everyone fooled. Brett included. But my bet’s on the sure thing that you’re fooling them and yourself.”

  I look at her in surprise. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean maybe you should start thinking about just how you do feel. You telling me Chances kisses don’t make you want to play for keeps? Think about it the next time he takes you in his arms. When you’re feeling all safe and cared for. You telling me you don’t want to feel that for the rest of your life? You think that future isn’t just as exciting and as important as your business?”


  I’m dead serious about the crack of dawn. I phone Cora to make sure she’s awake. She is. Wide awake.

  “Morning, Cora. Guess you took my advice of sleeping it off on Saturday to heart. You don’t sound sleepy, at all.”

  “I’m not! I woke up even before my alarm. I’m too excited to sleep any later. I can’t wait to spend the day riding and canoeing, as well as learning to fish!”

  “Me too.” I laugh. “I’ll be over soon.”

  Her enthusiasm is infectious. I was looking forward to it before, but now I can’t wait to show her my back country. Pretty soon, she’s sat cuddled up beside me in my pickup, yawning as the first light of the morning sun creeps over the mountains.

  “So breakfast by the creek on my ranch and then we’ll saddle you up. Sound good?”

  She snuggles up to me on the bench seat. “You bet. Especially the breakfast part.”

  I laugh. “I like your healthy appetite, Cora. It’s a right pain when a woman is always moaning about how she can’t eat this and that on account of her figure.”

  She squirms. “Yeah. Well, I guess my figure pays the price. I’m not exactly weight to height proportionate,” she answers, her face warm.

  “Says who?” I growl. I put my arm around her waist and hug her to me. “A man likes something to hold onto and you sure provide that in a hot, sizzling package.”

  She beams and snuggles into me taking me at my word. Another thing about her I like. She knows how to accept a compliment.

  We pull up to the creek that flows a few hundred yards past my ranch house. She opens her door and jumps down.

  “Wow! This is even more gorgeous than you described. I thought my view of the mountains was spectacular.” She turns to me, her eyes aglow. “It’s looks like I can almost reach out and touch them.”

  “Sure does. We’re further away than they look, but we can reach them on horseback in about an hour.” I
tilt my head and squint at the horizon. “Maybe more seeing as how you’ve not ridden that much a distance before.” I move past her in long, rangy stride. “Let’s eat. Eggs, steak, and blueberry pancakes. We’ll need our strength for the day.”

  “Yummy.” she smiles at me in anticipation.

  After breakfast, I take her to my stables and find her a gentle but frisky mount. “The tack’s really different,” she notices when I sit her in the saddle and adjusts the stirrups. Her legs hang down over either side of the horse’s wide back.

  “It’s Western. You’ve ridden English style before, I reckon. Smaller saddle, higher stirrups, lighter, tighter rein?”

  “Yeah. Exactly,” she nods.

  “That’s not suitable for the long distances here in the West. You need to be comfortable in the saddle for hours and the horse needs to be able to take your weight. You won’t be exercising your rising trot here. You need to get into a nice, easy rhythm. Once I know you’re capable, we can try some canter and gallops, but mainly we’ll be ambling today.”

  “Okay. Nice way to see the scenery, I guess.”

  “Sure is.”

  I lead us through the aforementioned scenery. We cross the foothill ranchlands. Then up a wide trail into the mountains past various creeks and a couple of small waterfalls. I stop often to point out landmarks and to let her rest.

  “Are those the ranch houses down there?”

  From this height we can see down to the foothills and the Johnson ranchland.

  “Yeah. That’s right. The buildings in the middle are my parents’ central ranch house. It’s the original homestead from my great, great grandparents. It’s been updated with additions over the years. The original ranchlands have been split between our generation. Our houses are modern. You can see my ranch over there. The other four belong to my three brothers and Wes. Starting from my place, east to west, there’s my youngest brother Cole and his wife Steph’s. Then my middle brother, Kyle’s…,” I nod in the direction of each homestead as I list them, “…Ty’s next—he’s closest to me in age, and finally Wes’s place.”


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